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A nested regional climate model has been experimentally used in the seasonal prediction at the China National Climate Center (NCC) since 2001. The NCC/IAP (Institute of Atmospheric Physics) T63 coupled GCM (CGCM) provides the boundary and initial conditions for driving the regional climate model (RegCM NCC). The latter has a 60-km horizontal resolution and improved physical parameterization schemes including the mass flux cumulus parameterization scheme, the turbulent kinetic energy closure scheme (TKE) and an improved land process model (LPM). The large-scale terrain features such as the Tibetan Plateau are included in the larger domain to produce the topographic forcing on the rain-producing systems. A sensitivity study of the East Asian climate with regard to the above physical processes has been presented in the first part of the present paper. This is the second part, as a continuation of Part I. In order to verify the performance of the nested regional climate model, a ten-year simulation driven by NCEP reanalysis datasets has been made to explore the performance of the East Asian climate simulation and to identify the model’s systematic errors. At the same time, comparative simulation experiments for 5 years between the RegCM2 and RegCM NCC have been done to further understand their differences in simulation performance. Also, a ten-year hindcast (1991–2000) for summer (June–August), the rainy season in China, has been undertaken. The preliminary results have shown that the RegCM NCC is capable of predicting the major seasonal rain belts. The best predicted regions with high anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) are located in the eastern part of West China, in Northeast China and in North China, where the CGCM has maximum prediction skill as well. This fact may reflect the importance of the largescale forcing. One significant improvement of the prediction derived from RegCM NCC is the increase of ACC in the Yangtze River valley where the CGCM has a very low, even a negative, ACC. The reason behind this improvement is likely to be related to the more realistic representation of the large-scale terrain features of the Tibetan Plateau. Presumably, many rain-producing systems may be generated over or near the Tibetan Plateau and may then move eastward along the Yangtze River basin steered by upper-level westerly airflow, thus leading to enhancement of rainfalls in the mid and lower basins of the Yangtze River. The real-time experimental predictions for summer in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 by using this nested RegCM NCC were made. The results are basically reasonable compared with the observations.  相似文献   
赤道地区向西传播的40天周期低频波   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用滤波和EOF位相合成技术对1981年7—12月份赤道地区出现的向西传播的40天周期低频波进行了分析。结果认为东太平洋地区从南半球到北半球的越赤道40天周期温度波是产生这种西传波的主要原因。这种波动主要产生于两个源地:一个是赤道150°E附近的对流层下层;另一个是110°W的赤道对流层上层。这两处产生的低频波性质不一样,前者与对流密切相关。通过计算整层积分的非绝热加热Q_1和水汽汇Q_2,结果表明Q_1加热中心在东太平洋也有越赤道传播。在150°E以西Q_2加热中心是向西北传播的,与低频波方向一致,Q_1的传播特征不明显,这说明西太平洋地区的热带对流可能有这种周期振荡。  相似文献   
亚非夏季风系统包括非洲夏季风、南亚夏季风和东亚夏季风。它是全球季风系统中具有高度整体一致性变化的系统,其主要原因是亚非夏季风系统具有相同的主要驱动力:AMO(Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation,大西洋多年代际振荡)和PDO(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,太平洋年代际振荡)海洋年代际变化模态。在此前提下,本文首先阐述了AMO对亚非夏季风的强迫作用与遥相关作用,特别强调了它在亚非夏季风及其降水年代际转型中的作用;其次讨论了PDO与冬春积雪的年代际变化对东亚夏季风雨带的协同作用;最后综合分析了AMO、PDO与IOBM(Indian Ocean Basin Mode,印度洋海盆一致模态)的协同作用,指出印度洋海洋模态在年代尺度上独立于AMO与PDO的相关组合,主要起着加强东亚夏季风活动的作用。  相似文献   
东亚冬季风中非地转风的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文对非地转风在东亚冬季冷空气活动过程中的作用及影响非地转风的主要因子等问题进行了初步研究,并讨论了非地转风在有限区动能收支中的作用。结果表明,非地转风是冷空气过程中地面偏北大风加强的主要原因之一,非地转风次级环流使东亚高空西风急流和Hadley环流得以加强,而高空西风急流具有次地转的特征。变高、惯性平流和摩擦作用是影响非地转风的主要因子。此外,位温局地变化,位温平流和非绝热作用对非地转风的形成亦有相当大的贡献,但该三项非地转风分量的向量和接近于零。非地转风在有限区动能的收支中也起着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
Based on the existing land-surface schemes and models,an improved Land-surface ProcessModel(LPM-ZD)has been developed.It has the following major characteristics:(1)Thecombination of physical equations and empirical analytical formulae are used to construct thegoverning equations of soil temperature and moisture.Higher resolution of model level andphysical equations are adopted for the upper soil layers,and for the lower soil layers,lowerresolution of model level is adopted and empirical analytical formulae are used.(2)In land surfacehydrological process,the sub-grid distribution of rainfall and its effects are taken into account.(3)A simple snow cover submodel has been used,which includes effects of snow cover on soilthermodynamics and hydrology,as well as albedo.By use of this model and three groups of point observation data,a series of“off-line”testshave been carried out.The simulation results indicate that land-surface process model has goodperformance and can well simulate diurnal and seasonal variation of land surface processes for manykinds of land surface covers(forest,grass,crops and desert)in different climate zone.The resultssimulated by the model are consistent with the observations.Later,by use of one group ofobservation data and the model,a series of sensitivity experiments have been done.It is shownthat the model is much sensitive to some parameters,such as initial soil moisture,vegetationphysical parameters as well as the proportion of the grid covered with rain.Therefore it is muchimportant for land-surface process model to define these parameters as accurately as possible.  相似文献   
During the late summer of 1979, massive changes occurred in the distribution of temperature over Eur asia north of 15°N. At 300 hPa, zonal mean temperature averaged over Eurasia along 20°-25°N decreased sharply around 23 August. An abrupt decrease in 300 hPa zonal mean temperature also occurred over extensive mid-latitude zones (40°-55°N) around 18 August, i, e., about 5 days prior to the. monsoon withdrawal over South Asia.The intensity and location of N-S oriented, vertical overturning underwent significant changes over Eurasia during the transition from summer to fall. Near 20°-25°N, zonal mean updrafts weakened considerably during the transition period (18-27 August), Around 45°N, zonal mean downdrafts and the associated cooling (radiative) rate increased considerably during the transition period,Near 15FFN, 300 hPa zonal mean temperature fluctuated nearly periodically with an approximate 40-day period. These fluctuations appear to be associated with a small imbalance between 40-day filtered adiabatic cooling (heating) and diabatic heating (cooling).  相似文献   
丁一汇 《大气科学》2014,38(4):615-615
正陶诗言先生离开我们已经一年了。一年来,先生的音容笑貌时时浮现。我们怀念他在70余年的学术生涯中孜孜不倦的努力和坚忍不拔的攀登,怀念他为中国气象事业做出的卓越成就和重要贡献,更怀念他给予我们的智慧和力量。陶诗言先生是我国天气学和天气预报的科学大师。他一生为中国的天气学理论、天气分析以及天气预报业务的发展做出了重要贡献,在寒潮、东亚梅雨、东亚季风、卫星气  相似文献   
陶诗言先生在中国暴雨发生条件和机制研究中的贡献   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
丁一汇 《大气科学》2014,38(4):616-626
作者在1998年庆贺陶诗言先生八十华诞的文集中曾专题阐述和评价了陶先生对中国暴雨研究的贡献。 至今十五年过去了,陶诗言先生虽已于2012年仙逝,但其深邃的科学思想依然闪烁着智慧的火花。他在中国暴雨研究中留下的宝贵遗产不但深刻影响过去和现代两代人的暴雨研究和业务发展,而且也将继续影响将来的中国暴雨研究。本文是对陶诗言先生在中国暴雨的研究中所作的贡献并结合现代研究的成果作进一步介绍和评价。主要集中在暴雨发生的动力和热力条件与机理方面。全文内容包括六个方面:(1)季节突变对中国梅雨爆发的影响;(2)暴雨发生的多尺度相互作用;(3)暖湿季风输送带对北方大暴雨的影响;(4)高空急流对暴雨的作用;(5)暴雨和强对流发生的物理条件;(6)地形对暴雨的作用  相似文献   
借鉴梅雨指数的定义,选取贵溪、德兴、玉山、衢州、龙泉为5个代表站,建立了江南南部初夏雨季指数。近50a来,江南南部初夏雨季平均开始日和结束日分别是6月10日和7月1日,比江淮梅雨早约8d左右;雨季平均长度为20.5d,雨季内雨日数平均为15.5d;江南南部初夏雨季开始日经历了一个显著的“V型”变化过程,结束日呈“纺锤型”振荡变化;雨季的长度和雨日数没有明显的线性趋势变化,但20世纪80年代期间的雨季长度和雨日数年际变化大,旱涝频率高、强度强;20世纪60年代和21世纪以后雨季偏弱年较多。影响江南南部初夏雨季开始早晚的大气环流关键区主要在乌拉尔山附近,若乌拉尔山附近为阻高型(低槽型),则雨季开始早(晚);中高纬系统、太平洋副高和南亚高压也都有影响。影响雨季强度的大气环流关键区分别在东半球的北极区、中低纬度西北太平洋和鄂霍次克海附近上空。  相似文献   
印度夏季风与中国华北降水的遥相关分析及数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘芸芸  丁一汇 《气象学报》2008,66(5):789-799
20世纪80年代中国学者揭示了印度夏季风与中国华北降水的正相关关系,以后国内外又有一些研究证实了这种正相关关系的存在.文中利用1951-2005年多种气象资料和数值模拟方法,详细讨论了印度夏季风和中国华北地区夏季降水的关系,并针对由印度西北部经青藏高原到中国华北地区形成的正、负、正的遥相关型,从动力因子和热力因子两方面探讨了其中的内在联系,所得结果不但确证了以往的结论,而且进一步揭示了印度夏季风对华北地区降水的影响机制.结果表明:(1)印度夏季风强(弱)时,华北地区容易出现降水偏多(少)的天气;华北地区降水偏多(少)时,印度夏季风偏强(弱)的机率却低一些,这说明印度夏季风的异常变化对华北地区夏季降水有更大的影响.(2)印度夏季风强度主要受印度季风槽的影响,在印度季风槽加深的同时,中高纬的低压槽也加深发展,而这时西太平洋高压脊西伸,来自低纬的西南风水汽输送和源于西太平洋的副热带高压南侧的东南风水汽输送共同作用,有利于华北地区的降水偏多;反之则不利于华北地区的降水.(3)区域气候模式模拟结果也很好地模拟出印度夏季风和华北夏季降水的遥相关关系,其相应的环流异常系统与诊断分析结果非常一致,这从另一方面证实了这种遥相关关系的存在和可靠性.  相似文献   
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