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In this paper, we report results obtained with a Madaline neural network trained to classify inductive signatures of two vehicles classes: trucks with one rear axle and trucks with double rear axle. In order to train the Madaline, the inductive signatures were pre-processed and both classes, named C2 and C3, were subdivided into four subclasses. Thus, the initial classification task was split into four smaller tasks (theoretically) easier to be performed. The heuristic adopted in the training attempts to minimize the effects of the input space non-linearity on the classifier performance by uncoupling the learning of the classes and, for this, we induce output Adalines to specialize in learning one of the classes. The percentages of correct classifications presented concern patterns which were not submitted to the neural network in the training process, and, therefore, they indicate the neural network generalization ability. The results are good and stimulate the maintenance of this research on the use of Madaline networks in vehicle classification tasks using not linearly separable inductive signatures.  相似文献   
Auditory communication signals such as monkey calls are complex FM vocal sounds and in general induce action potentials in different timing in the primary auditory cortex. Delay line scheme is one of the effective ways for detecting such neuronal timing. However, the scheme is not straightforwardly applicable if the time intervals of signals are beyond the latency time of delay lines. In fact, monkey calls are often expressed in longer time intervals (hundreds of milliseconds to seconds) and are beyond the latency times observed in the brain (less than several hundreds of milliseconds). Here, we propose a cochleotopic map similar to that in vision known as a retinotopic map. We show that information about monkey calls could be mapped on a cochleotopic cortical network as spatiotemporal firing patterns of neurons, which can then be decomposed into simple (linearly sweeping) FM components and integrated into unified percepts by higher cortical networks. We suggest that the spatiotemporal conversion of auditory information may be essential for developing the cochleotopic map, which could serve as the foundation for later processing, or monkey call identification by higher cortical areas.  相似文献   
The dilute Cu-Nb-Sn alloys containing small amounts of Nb and Sn less than 1 at % exhibited superconductivity after quenching from the liquid state and ageing. The best superconducting properties ( andJ c=130 A cm–2) in a Cu-0.30 at % Nb 0.15 at % Sn alloy were obtained when the sample was aged at 550° C for 384 h. This sample exhibited a structure of fine Nb3Sn precipitates of 200 to 500Å diameter distributed homogeneously in the Cu matrix, and therefore it was concluded that superconductivity in these alloys resulted from the proximity effect of Nb3Sn particles. In spite of the similar structure obtained by ageing at 800° C, the Cu-Nb-Sn alloys showed inferior superconducting properties compared to the Cu-0.4 at % Nb alloy and this would be explained qualitatively by the difference in the mean free path in the two alloys.  相似文献   
Interdiffusion coefficient in cobalt-manganese alloys has been determined by Matano's method in the temperature range between 1133 and 1423 K on (pure Co)-(Co-30.28 at. pct Mn alloy) and (pure Co)-(Co-51.76 at. pct Mn alloy) couples. This, ∼D, has been found to increase with the increase of manganese content. However, the activation energy (∼Q) and frequency factor ( 0) show a maximum at about 10 at. pct Mn. The concentration dependence of and has been discussed taking into account the thermodynamic properties of the alloy. The difference in between the ferro- and paramagnetic phases in Co-5 at. pct Mn alloy has been found to be 24 kJ/mol, which is larger, than that for the diffusion of Mn54 in this alloy. Further it has been found that the Kirkendall marker moves toward manganese-rich side, showing that manganese atoms diffuse faster than cobalt atoms. From the marker shift, the intrinsic diffusion coefficients,D Co andD Mn, at 33 at. pct Mn have been determined as follows:D Co=0.22×10−4 exp(−263 kJ mol−1/RT) m2/s, andD Mn=0.98×10−4 exp(−229 kJ mol−1/RT) m2/s.  相似文献   
The classUP [V] is the class of sets accepted by polynomial-time nondeterministic Turing machines which have at most one accepting path for every input. The complexity of this class closely relates to that of computing inverses ofone-way functions, where a one-way function is a one-to-one, length-increasing, and polynomial-time computable function whose inverse cannot be computed within polynomial time. It is known [GS], [K] that there exists a one-way function if and only ifP UP. In this paper the intractability of sets inUP is investigated in terms of polynomial-time reducibility to a sparse set. It is shown thatUP has a set that is m P -reducible to no sparse set ifP UP. We interpret this structural property in the relation with approximation algorithms: it is shown that ifP UP, thenUP has a set with no 1-APT approximation and, furthermore,UP has a set that is not m P -reducible to any set with a 1-APT approximation. The implication of this result in the study of one-way functions is also discussed. In order to prove the main theorem, we introduce a variation of tree-pruning methods.This paper was written while the author visited the Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-8611980.  相似文献   
While most proposed methods for solving classification problems focus on minimization of the classification error rate, we are interested in the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, which provides more information about classification performance than the error rate does. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) is a natural measure for overall assessment of a classifier based on the ROC curve. We discuss a class of concave functions for AUC maximization in which a boosting-type algorithm including RankBoost is considered, and the Bayesian risk consistency and the lower bound of the optimum function are discussed. A procedure derived by maximizing a specific optimum function has high robustness, based on gross error sensitivity. Additionally, we focus on the partial AUC, which is the partial area under the ROC curve. For example, in medical screening, a high true-positive rate to the fixed lower false-positive rate is preferable and thus the partial AUC corresponding to lower false-positive rates is much more important than the remaining AUC. We extend the class of concave optimum functions for partial AUC optimality with the boosting algorithm. We investigated the validity of the proposed method through several experiments with data sets in the UCI repository.  相似文献   
Humans and animals seek appropriate solutions to novel problems through trial-and-error (TE) actions and observation of their outcomes. Once an individual has obtained the knowledge (rule) to solve a problem, knowledge-based (KB) actions may be applied in a stereotypical manner. Solutions can thus be based on TE or KB actions. To characterize this learning process at the behavioral level, we developed a new cognitive task for a laboratory monkey (Macaca fuscata) to perform. In this task, a search array consisting of six elements of different colors was presented, one of which was the behaviorally relevant target. The target color was changed unpredictably with no instruction or signal, requiring the monkey to use a TE search strategy to find the target color. We found that once the monkey identified the relevant color by chance after a color change, correct performance increased in a step-like manner and at the same time, other response properties (reaction time and color-choice tendency) also changed discontinuously. These step-like alternations in behavioral performance may be attributed to the subject’s switching between TE and KB search strategies in the two phases. The present study has therefore provided behavioral evidence for the timing and manner of switching between search strategies during the process of updating knowledge.  相似文献   
Several- Ni-Al and Ni-Al-Ti two-phase bicrystals were made by the solid-state diffusion couple method. Each couple consisted of a-phase single crystal and a pure-Ni polycrystal, and was annealed at 1473 K in an Ar gas atmosphere. Single crystal layers of-phase with uniform thickness always grow into the parent-phase single crystals. The resultant/ interface has no voids or facets regardless of the orientation of interface and the chemical composition of the-phase. Porosity formation due to the Kirkendall effect is observed in the diffused region. Concentration profiles exhibit nearly constant gradients in-phase. The orientation relationship between both phases is found to be 001//001, that is, the-phase grows epitaxially along the crystal orientation of-phase.  相似文献   
Summary Detection and determination of traces of sulphites in foods was attempted by use of the modified Rankine apparatus and pararosaniline colorimetry. Replacement of alkaline titration reported previously by pararosaniline colorimetry lowered the absolute detection limit from 30 g (titration method) to 2 g. In view of clean analysis, in the color developing system, 0.1 N-sodium hydroxide was used in place of mercuric chloride solution commonly used as an absorbant of sulphites. In order to prevent oxidative decomposition of sulphites during operation, nitrogen gas was used as carrier instead of air. Dimedone and sodium azide were used for the elimination of aldehydes and nitrites, respecitvely, in the sample, which will disturb the color development of sulphites with pararosaniline-formaldehyde reagents. With this improved method, it was possible to determine the residual sulphites in frozen peeled shrimps, sugared beans and other foods with low sulphite contents accurately.
Colorimetrische Mikrobestimmung von Sulfiten in Lebensmitteln bei Anwendung der modifizierten IV. Rankine Apparatur
Zusammenfassung Geringe Sulfitmengen in Lebensmitteln (geschälte Garnelen, gezuckerte Bohnen) können colorimetrisch bestimmt werden. Die neuentwickelte Methode beruht auf einer Kombination von colorimetrischer Bestimmung mittels p-Rosanilin und der Bestimmungsmethode nach Rankine. Auf diese Weise lassen sich Gehalte von 2 g noch genau bestimmen. Bei der Farbentwicklung wurde das giftige Quecksilbertetrachlorid durch 0.1 n-NaOH ersetzt, anstelle von Luft Stickstoff als Trägergas verwendet und somit eine Oxydation des Sulfits während der Bestimmung vermieden. Da Nitrit und Aldehyde die Farbentwicklung stören, wurde ihr Einfluß durch Dimedon und Natriumazid ausgeschaltet.

Studies on the Analyses of Sulphites in Foods (IV)  相似文献   
Crystallite size distributions and lattice distortions have been analysed for highly-irradiated linear polyethylene in the direction normal to 1 1 0 and 0 0 1 lattice planes through X-ray line profile analysis. It has been found that the lateral crystallite size is little affected irradiation greater than 1000 Mrad, whereas that in the chain direction decreases almost linearly with the dose of irradiation. A minor difference in the crystallite size between irradiation atmospheres, i.e. irradiation in air or in vacuum, has been disclosed at a very high dose of irradiation. The above degradation behaviour of crystallites and the change in lattice distortions have proved that radiation cross-links are mainly formed in the amorphous region near the lamellar surface of polyethylene.  相似文献   
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