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This paper analyzes the impact of international oil price uncertainty on the different economic sectors (primary, secondary, and tertiary) in Mexico in the period 1993:1–2020:4 through a bivariate structural vector autoregressive (VAR) model with a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) in mean to capture the impact of oil volatility on economic growth at the sectoral level of economic activity. The results show that the uncertainty of the international price of oil has a differentiated effect on the different sectors of economic activity in Mexico since it does not influence the primary sector; it negatively impacts the secondary sector, and there is mixed evidence in the tertiary sector. Additionally, evidence is provided that both positive and negative shocks to the international oil price have asymmetric effects at the sectoral level in Mexico. The results highlight the need to implement public policies, at the country level, that help mitigate the effect of uncertainty in the oil market and promote economic stability at the sector level.

Copper compounds have been intentionally introduced into water bodies as aquatic plant herbicides, algicides and molluscicides. Copper-based fertilizers and fungicides have been widely used in agriculture as well. Despite the fact that copper is an essential element for all biota, elevated concentrations of this metal have been shown to affect a variety of aquatic organisms. Nonetheless, comparative studies on the susceptibility of different freshwater species to copper compounds have seldom been performed. This study was conducted to compare toxicity of copper-based pesticides (copper oxychloride, cuprous oxide and copper sulfate) to different freshwater target (Raphidocelis subcapitata, a planktonic alga and Biomphalaria glabrata, a snail) and non-target (Daphnia similis, a planktonic crustacean and Danio rerio, a fish) organisms. Test water parameters were as follows: pH = 7.4 +/- 0.1; hardness 44 +/- 1 mg/l as CaCO3; DO 8-9 mg/l at the beginning and > 4 mg/l at the end; temperature, fish and snails 25 +/- 1 degrees C, Daphnia 20 +/- 2 degrees C, algae 24 +/- 1 degrees C. D. similis (immobilization), 48-h EC50s (95% CLs) ranging from 0.013 (0.011-0.016) to 0.043 (0.033-0.057) mg Cu/l, and R. subcapitata (growth inhibition), 96-h IC50s from 0.071 (0.045-0.099) to 0.137 (0.090-0.174) mg Cu/l, were the most susceptible species. B. glabrata (lethality), 48-h LC50s from 0.179 (0.102-0.270) to 0.854 (0.553-1.457) mg Cu/l, and D. rerio (lethality), 48-h LC50s 0.063 (0.045-0.089), 0.192 (0.133-0.272) and 0.714 (0.494-1.016) mg Cu/l, were less susceptible than Daphnia to copper-based pesticides. Findings from the present study therefore suggest that increased levels of copper in water bodies is likely to adversely affect a variety of aquatic species.  相似文献   
Cadmium is a heavy metal, which, even at low concentrations, can be highly toxic to the growth and development of both plants and animals. Plant species vary extensively in their tolerance to excess cadmium in a growth medium and very few cadmium-tolerant species have been identified. In this study, tumbleweed plants (Salsola kali) grown in an agar-based medium with 20 mgl(-1) of Cd(II) did not show phytotoxicity, and their roots had the most biomass (4.5 mg) (P < 0.05) compared to the control plants (2.7 mg) as well as other treated plants. These plants accumulated 2696, 2075, and 2016 mg Cd kg(-1) of dry roots, stems, and leaves, respectively. The results suggest that there is no restricted cadmium movement in tumbleweed plants. In addition, the amount of Cd found in the dry leaf tissue suggests that tumbleweed could be considered as potential cadmium hyperaccumulating species. X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies demonstrated that in roots, cadmium was bound to oxygen while in stems and leaves, the metal was attached to oxygen and sulfur groups. This might imply that some small organic acids are responsible for Cd transport from roots to stems and leaves. In addition, it might be possible that the plant synthesizes phytochelatins in the stems, later coordinating the absorbed cadmium for transport and storage in cell structures. Thus, it is possible that in the leaves, Cd either exists as a Cd-phytochelatin complex or bound to cell wall structures. Current studies are being performed in order to elucidate the proposed hypothesis.  相似文献   
Cuttings of Populus nigra L. cv. Loenen were cultivated in sand treated with one of the following PAHs: phenanthrene (Phen), fluoranthene (Flt), pyrene (Pyr), chrysene (Chr) and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). The PAHs were applied at varying levels of concentration to each test series. After 6 weeks the concentration and the distribution of the PAHs in the substrate of the various sets of tests were compared with the concentration in the substrate of the control. Additionally the substrate and the plant roots were tested for evidence of degradation products of PAHs. The results revealed that the levels of concentration of Phen and Pyr detected in the substrate surrounding the roots was in some cases significantly lower than in the corresponding section of substrate in the unplanted set (= control). This phenomenon did not occur for Flt and BaP and in the case of Chr only in those substrates, which had been treated with the highest levels of concentration. As the presence of lesser amounts of Phen and Pyr in the plant pots cannot only be attributed to their accumulation and metabolism in the roots, it is fair to assume that the chemical transformation of these three PAHs took place outside the roots. The set of tests treated with Phen revealed the presence of 2- or 3-hydroxy-Phen (main components), a hydroxy-methoxy-Phen, 9,10-Phenanthrenequinone and one unidentified compound in metabolite form. Altogether eleven metabolites of Pyr were identified in the root extracts, which can be divided into three groups: 1-Hydroxy-Pyr and derivatives, dihydroxy-Pyr and derivatives and ring fission products (4-Hydroxy-Pyr and a derivative of the 4-Phen-carbonic acid). However, the metabolite mass detected for Phen and Pyr represents only an insignificant percentage in comparison with the lesser amounts of PAHs observed in the planted set of tests. This indicates that the three PAHs were reduced to lower molecular compounds, which are methodically impossible to record, and subsequently translocated to other parts of the plant and integrated into the biomass. Although no lesser amount for Flt and BaP was found in the plant pots, 1-Hydroxy-Flt, an unidentified compound of Flt and 1-Methoxy-BaP were detected. These are presumably end products which were enhanced in the roots. It was not possible to identify any transformation products of Chr. It can be assumed that the majority of metabolites were not synthesised in the roots but are a result of microbial degradation in the rhizosphere. The test plants improved the conditions for the biotransformation of Phen and Pyr significantly and accumulated Flt, Pyr, Chr and BaP in their roots. It can therefore be concluded that the use of plants in the bioremediation of contaminated soils is a promising option.  相似文献   
GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Complaints by residents of frame-houses about musty odour in the houses has become an increasing problem within the last years. An additional problem is that the odour is transferred to clothes and skin. The persons themselves do not recognize the smell after a while because of adaptation. Serious social problems are the result. For a long time, the smell was explained to be from mould due to construction-based humidity problems. However, in an increasing number of houses, no indications were found for elevated levels of mould growth. METHODS: Air and material samples were taken from 5 houses, which show typical musty odours, and analysed with respect to chlorophenols and chloroanisoles. Additionally, some samples were analysed for lindane and its metabolites, because lindane was commonly used together with pentachlorophenol (PCP) for wood protection. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Meticulous analysis resulted in the identification of chloroanisoles, mainly 2,3,4,6-tetrachloroanisole. These substances are known from corky wines and from contamination of food from pentachlorophenol (PCP) treated pallets and result from microbiological metabolic processes. Pentachlorophenol was commonly used to protect wood from fungi in Germany mainly in the later 60s and 70s. Details of these processes, as well as effective methods to identify chloroanisoles in the problem houses, are described. CONCLUSIONS: Chloroanisoles formed by metabolism of PCP have been well known to contaminate food or wine. Here, they were identified and are probably responsible for the musty odours in the frame houses. Since it is quite clear that these substances were not components of building materials used in the houses, an explanation for chloroanisole formation is proposed. Localized dampness probably favours microbial growth associated with metabolic conversion of chlorophenols to the corresponding chloroanisoles, primarily 2,3,4,6-tetrachloroanisol, which spread throughout the buildings, resulting in the observed odours. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: The group of chloroanisoles has been recognized as important indoor pollutants as they possess musty odours at extremely low concentrations, e.g. for 2,4,6-trichloroanisole in a range of 5-10 ppt in air (Staples 2000). On the basis of currently available toxicological data, exposure of the occupants to the concentrations of chloroanisoles measured is not associated with a health risk. No correlation could be observed between concentrations of chloroanisoles and PCP in house dust and indoor air. However, chloroanisoles are good indicators for possible PCP-treatment of wood in frame houses and their detection should initiate investigations on PCP contamination. Research is continuing to identify the microorganisms involved and to devise a remediation procedure for affected houses.  相似文献   
Mainstream literature on climate change concentrates overwhelmingly on technological solutions for this global long-term problem, while a change towards climate-friendly behaviour could play a role in emission reduction and has received little attention. This paper focuses on the potential climate mitigation by behavioural change in the European Union (EU) covering many behavioural options in food, mobility and housing demand which do not require any personal up-front investment. We use the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM), capturing both their direct and indirect implications in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Our results indicate that modest to rigorous behavioural change could reduce per capita footprint emissions by 6 to 16%, out of which one fourth will take place outside the EU, predominantly by reducing land use change. The domestic emission savings would contribute to reduce the costs of achieving the internationally agreed climate goal of the EU by 13.5 to 30%. Moreover, many of these options would also yield co-benefits such as monetary savings, positive health impacts or animal wellbeing. These results imply the need for policymakers to focus on climate education and awareness programs more seriously and strategically, making use of the multiple co-benefits related with adopting pro-environmental behaviour. Apart from that, the relevance of behavioural change in climate change mitigation implies that policy-informing models on climate change should include behavioural change as a complement or partial alternative to technological change.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis E (HEV), and rotavirus (RV) in fresh and processed meat traded on the border of Brazil with Argentina and Uruguay. In total, 159 samples of raw and processed foods of animal origin were collected in Paso de los Libres, Argentina (n?=?53 raw meat, n?=?24 processed meat) and Rivera, Uruguay (n?=?55 raw meat, n?=?18 processed meat), or were seized by the Brazilian International Agricultural Surveillance System—VIGIAGRO (Brazil–Argentina border) (n?=?8 raw meat, n?=?1 bush meat). All samples were tested for the presence of HAV, HEV, and RV genomes. HAV genes were detected in 18.23% of samples and RV genes in 23.89%. No HEV-positive samples were detected. HAV was also detected in two of the VIGIAGRO samples. Processed meats from Argentina and Uruguay had a higher rate of HAV and RV than raw meat (P?>?0.05). The median HAV in the Argentinian and Uruguayan samples was 6.9?×?104 and 3.5?×?103 copies/g, respectively. The presence of RV viral genes in raw meats from Argentina was significant, and this was not observed in processed meats. The presence of HAV and RV genes in a significant portion of products from Argentina and Uruguay is a potential source of human infection. This also indicates precarious conditions of acquisition, processing, and manipulation, which could be improved by improved regulation of food across borders.  相似文献   
于1998年6月在塘沽港附近水域采集贻贝(Mytilus edulis),经试验室培养驯化后作为试验材料,研究了三丁基氯化锡(TBTC0和三苯基氯化锡(TPTC)的累积效应及其对贻贝的毒性影响。结果表明,在累积效应试验中,TBTC及TPTC对贻贝的半致死浓度LC50分别为3.5μg/dm^3和5.0μg/dm^3,当TBTC浓度达2.0μg/dm^3时,贻贝的成活率开始降低,实验还表明,TPT对贻贝的毒性效应与TBT相近。  相似文献   
The south region of Sao Paulo city hosts the Guarapiranga dam, responsible for water supply to 25% of the city population. Their surroundings have been subject to intense and irregular occupation by people from very low socioeconomics classes. Measurements undertaken on sediment and particulate materials in the dam revealed concentrations of lead, copper, zinc and cadmium above internationally accepted limits. Epidemiological and toxicological studies undertaken by the World Health Organization in individuals exhibiting lead concentrations in blood, near or below the maximum recommended (10 µg dl? 1), surprisingly revealed that toxic effects are more intense in individuals belonging to low socioeconomics classes. Motivated by these facts, we aimed at the investigation of chronic incorporation of lead, as well as the use of our BIOKINETICS code, which is based on an accepted ICRP biokinetics model for lead, in order to extrapolate the results from teeth to other organs. The focus of our data taking was children from poor families, living in a small, restrict and allegedly contaminated area in São Paulo city. Thus, a total of 74 human teeth were collected. The average concentration of lead in teeth of children 5 to 10 years old was determined by means of a high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). For standardization of the measurements, an animal bone certified material (H-Animal Bone), from the International Atomic Energy Agency, was analyzed. The amount of lead in children living in the surroundings of the dam, was approximately 40% higher than those from the control region, and the average lead concentration was equal to 1.3 μg g? 1 approximately. Grouping the results in terms of gender, tooth type and condition, it was concluded that a carious molar of boys is a much more efficient contamination pathway for lead, resulting in concentrations 70% higher than in the control region. We also inferred the average concentrations of lead in other organs of these children, by making use of our BIOKINETIC code.  相似文献   
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