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近年来,国家相继发布多项重要文件要求整治农村人居环境、建设美丽乡村,但当前针对农村水环境问题研究相对较少,制约了农村环境治理工作开展。选取华北某镇农村河道坑塘,评价农村水环境污染水平、生态风险并进行污染溯源。结果表明,57处调查点位中有1处水体黑臭,但有多处调查点位水体溶解氧在2~3 mg∙L−1、透明度在25~35 cm、氨氮在8~15 mg∙L−1,接近黑臭阈值。仅有约9%的水体全部水质指标均能满足地表水V类要求 (检测指标为18项) ,超标指标主要为pH、CODMn、BOD、氨氮、总磷、总氮、粪大肠菌群等8项。底泥总磷、总氮标准指数分别处于中度、重度污染状态,营养盐综合指数属于重度污染状态。底泥存在不同程度的重金属富集,铜、锌、汞、镉、铬、铅、砷、镍等8项重金属的平均浓度是天津土壤背景值的0.45~2.73倍。汞的地累积指数平均值为0.64,为轻度污染;铜、锌、镉、铬、铅、砷、镍等其他7项重金属为清洁状态。汞的潜在生态风险指数约110,为较高生态危害;其他7项重金属生态风险指数均小于80,为轻微生态危害。综合Pearson相关性、主成分及PMF分析,研究区重金属最主要的污染来源是交通源和大气沉降,其次是工业源,最后是农业源。总体来看,研究区水体水质较差,沉积物有重金属轻度富集,其中汞是沉积物生态风险的主要贡献元素。  相似文献   
Oxalic acid in individual aerosol particles was measured using single particle aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS) in the summer of 2007 in Shanghai, China. Oxalate was found in 3.4% of total particles with diameters in the range of 0.2 – 2.0 μm. Size, chemical composition and hourly temporal counts of single particles that contained oxalic acid were measured. The predominant types of oxalate-containing particles were characterized to distinguish the primary and secondary sources of oxalic acid. Biomass burning was revealed as a major primary source of oxalic acid which contributed more than 20% of the oxalate-containing particles. Evidences for two different formation pathways of oxalic acid were observed in our experiment. The number fraction of oxalate-containing particles correlated with that of sulfate particles and the changes of air parcel backward trajectories, suggesting that in-cloud processing played important roles in oxalic acid formation. The diurnal patterns of dust and sea salt particle counts fitted well with the ambient relative humidity variation, suggesting that heterogeneous reactions occurring in hydrated/deliquesced aerosols also contributed to the production of oxalic acid.  相似文献   
水葱修复土壤镉污染潜力的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
野外观察与研究发现水葱(Scirpus tabernaemontani G.)可以耐受土壤中高浓度的重金属污染,并对镉(Cd)有很高的生物富集量.实验室水培试验研究了两个主要因素,营养液pH与Cd含量,对水葱生物量以及Cd富集效果的影响.结果表明,它可耐受高浓度Cd (30 mg/L)和大范围pH变化 (3.7~7.7).当营养液pH为4.7, Cd为25 mg/L时,水葱富集的Cd达到最大值:地上部分264.71 mg/kg,地下部分234.39 mg/kg,平均转运系数1.13.这显示了它用于植物修复Cd污染土壤的潜力.  相似文献   
四种净水工艺对水源水微量有机物去除的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以UV254和CODMn代表饮用水源水中有机物替代指标.对常规处理、生物陶粒预处理、生物滤池、生物活性炭(BAC)、颗粒活性炭(GAC)、纳滤和光催化氧化进行组合,形成不同的处理流程,研究各流程对UV254和CODMn的去除效果.结果表明,各工艺流程都有一定的处理效率,其中以生物滤池和纳滤为主的组合流程处理效果最佳.此流程对UV254的去除率接近100%,CODMn的去除率达到78.6%,大大提高了饮用水的安全性.  相似文献   
采用高斯点源模型对建陶生产造成的SO2地面浓度增量进行计算.利用比例下降模型计算建陶业的SO2允许排放总量,并根据企业的设备生产能力进行了总量分配,在方法上具有较强的可操作性,计算结果表明,可有效降低所在地区的SO2地面浓度.  相似文献   
通过对浙江省环境保护及相关产业现状的调查,基本摸清了当前全省环境保护产品、资源综合利用、环境保护服务和洁净产业等4个方面的发展情况,并从规模、地域、产业结构和效益等方面对其当前发展中存在的问题进行了全面分析,找出其发展过程中存在的问题.结合当前浙江"生态省"建设的现状,提出了浙江省环保相关产业发展的对策和思路,为决策和管理部门提供环境保护及相关产业健康快速发展的科学参考.  相似文献   
分别用3种不同材料电极(不锈钢、Ti/Pt和Ti/RuO2-IrO2)作阳极、石墨电极作阴极在同一条件下分别对循环式准好氧填埋垃圾场渗滤液进行电解处理对比研究。研究结果表明,随着电解时间的变化,渗滤液中的COD、BOD5、BOD5/COD、重金属离子浓度、色度和pH值均会发生改变。当电解时间为10—20min时,用上述3种电极作阳极电解均会出现渗滤液COD、BOD5、BOD5/COD增大的现象;当电解时间为30—40min时,用Ti/RuO2-IrO2或Ti/Pt电极作阳极电解均可使渗滤液的色度降为0;当电解时间为120min时,分别用3种电极作阳极电解都可使渗滤液中的COD、BOD5和重金属得到有效的去除,其中用Ti/RuO2-IrO2电极作阳极电解对COD、BOD5的去除效果最好:用Ti/Pt电极作阳极电解对Pb^2+的去除效果最好。  相似文献   
This study evaluated the hydrolysis and photolysis kinetics of pyraclostrobin in an aqueous solution using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–photodiode array detection and identified the resulting metabolites of pyraclostrobin by hydrolysis and photolysis in paddy water using high-resolution mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography. The effect of solution pH, metal ions and surfactants on the hydrolysis of pyraclostrobin was explored. The hydrolysis half-lives of pyraclostrobin were 23.1–115.5?days and were stable in buffer solution at pH 5.0. The degradation rate of pyraclostrobin in an aqueous solution under sunlight was slower than that under UV photolysis reaction. The half-lives of pyraclostrobin in a buffer solution at pH 5.0, 7.0, 9.0 and in paddy water were less than 12?h under the two light irradiation types. The metabolites of the two processes were identified and compared to further understand the mechanisms underlying hydrolysis and photolysis of pyraclostrobin in natural water. The extracted ions obtained from paddy water were automatically annotated by Compound Discoverer software with manual confirmation of their fragments. Two metabolites were detected and identified in the pyraclostrobin hydrolysis, whereas three metabolites were detected and identified in the photolysis in paddy water.  相似文献   
A modified quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) method was developed for the determination of thiamethoxam and its metabolite clothianidin in citrus (including the whole citrus, peel and pulp) and soil samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The sample was extracted with acetonitrile and purified with octadecylsilane. The detection limits of both compounds were 0.0001–0.0002?mg kg–1, while the limit of quantification of thiamethoxam was 0.002?mg kg–1 and the limit of quantitation of metabolites was 0.001?mg kg–1. The recovery was 70.37%–109.76%, with inter-day relative standard deviations (RSD) (n?=?15) values ≤9.46% for the two compounds in the four matrices. The degradation curve of thiamethoxam in whole citrus and soil was plotted using the first-order kinetic model. The half-life of the whole citrus was 1.9–6.2?days, and the half-life of the soil was 3.9–4.2?days. The terminal residue of thiamethoxam (the sum of thiamethoxam and clothianidin, expressed as thiamethoxam) was found to be concentrated on the peel. The final residual amount of thiamethoxam in the edible portion (pulp) was less than 0.061?mg kg–1. The risk quotient values were all below 1, indicating that thiamethoxam as a citrus insecticide does not pose a health risk to humans at the recommended dosage.  相似文献   
Fu  Li  Chen  Yi  Yang  Xinyi  Yang  Zuyao  Liu  Sha  Pei  Lei  Feng  Baixiang  Cao  Ganxiang  Liu  Xin  Lin  Hualiang  Li  Xing  Ye  Yufeng  Zhang  Bo  Sun  Jiufeng  Xu  Xiaojun  Liu  Tao  Ma  Wenjun 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2019,26(20):20137-20147
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Fetal growth has been demonstrated to be an important predictor of perinatal and postnatal health. Although the effects of maternal exposure to air...  相似文献   
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