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长江中下游河道与岸线演变特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了长江中下游河道岸线变化的主要因素,它们分别是河岸崩塌,泥沙淤积及人类活动等,其中河岸崩塌是河道岸线演变的最主要原因。总的来说长江中下游干流河势是稳定的,但五个河段有各自演变特点和规律,其中宜昌-枝城段河道与河床比较稳定,岸线顺直,但葛洲坝和三峡水利枢纽建成后对河床的冲刷作用较大;荆江段是长江著名的河曲段,其冲淤变化较大;城陵矶至湖口段为节点和分汊河床组成,一般来说节点较为稳定,而分汊河床不太稳定,湖口至江阴河段岸线一般较为稳定,但弯道河床变化较大;河口段不但受江流作用影响,还受潮流与波浪等共同影响,所以河口河床演变迅速,主要表现为汊道主泓迁移摆动。  相似文献   
根据国际上对于荒漠化概念的新说明以及由联合国环境规划署所资助的《中国荒漠化 (土地退化 )防治研究》课题报告中确定的荒漠化定义 ,荒漠化概念的内涵包括 :1)以土地退化为本质 ;2 )与人类活动相关联 ;3)以荒漠化景观为标志 ;4 )以脆弱生态环境为背景。因此我国的荒漠化类型除了风蚀作用形成的沙质荒漠化外 ,还有水蚀作用形成的土质荒漠化和石质荒漠化 ;荒漠化防治的重点区域除北方干旱、半干旱和半湿润地区以外 ,也包括南方湿润地区的红壤丘陵区和石质山区。其中属于水蚀荒漠化和土质荒漠化的红色荒漠化就是指我国南方红壤丘陵区在人类不合理经济活动和脆弱生态环境相互作用背景下 ,以流水侵蚀为主导作用而形成、以地表出现劣地为标志的严重土地退化。鉴于我国南方红色荒漠化现象在我国现实存在中的客观性、在全球变化中的特殊性以及在理论概念上的模糊性 ,有必要对其进行深入研究  相似文献   
采用Malmquist-Luenberger生产率指数模型对我国中部地区80个地级市2003~2015年的城市环境全要素生产率及其分解部分进行了核算,在此基础上计算累积环境全要素生产率,运用核密度法分析了我国中部城市环境全要素生产率的地区差距和动态变化。研究发现:中部城市环境全要素生产率和技术进步分别以年均1. 39%、1. 85%的速度增长,技术效率以年均0. 02%的速度减少,中部城市环境全要素生产率增长主要由技术进步推动,技术效率出现退步迹象。中部地区环境全要素生产率、技术效率和技术进步率城市间差距在逐渐缩小,中部城市间出现明显技术"追赶效应"。  相似文献   
在产业转移及转型升级的背景下,制造业空间分布及转移逐渐成为地理学研究的热点。以2008、2016年我国制造业工业销售产值、从业人数为研究数据,应用区位熵、热点分析、锡尔系数、动态集聚指数等方法,对金融危机以来我国制造业空间格局演变及转移态势进行探究。研究发现:(1)我国制造业空间分布具有较强的时空异质性,劳动密集型与资本密集型制造业以及技术密集型与知识密集型制造业分别呈现“西密东疏”、“东密西疏”的空间分异格局,并且不同类型的制造业空间集聚态势也存在显著差异;(2)东部地区的烟草制品、化学纤维等制造业发展不平衡问题较为突出,对我国区域间与区域内制造业空间分布差异的影响较大,而中、西部地区则相对较小,但有逐渐扩大的趋势;(3)制造业转移的主体是劳动密集型与资本密集型制造业,转移的方向是从东部向中、西部地区,转移层次具有较高的梯度性。研究有助于丰富我国制造业空间分布及转移相关理论,为我国经济、产业高质量发展提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   
利用广东省南海区农村集体建设用地市场需求侧398份调研数据,采用两阶段DEA模型测算农村集体建设用地市场效率,探析交易费用、资产专用性、交易的不确定性等因素对农村集体建设用地市场效率的影响。研究结果表明:(1)需求侧农村集体建设用地市场总体效率为0.230,纯技术效率为0.390,规模效率为0.658。市场规模报酬绝大多数处于规模报酬递增阶段,可通过吸引更多社会资本参与新农村建设,助推城镇化以及城市升级。(2)交易费用对市场效率没有显著影响,与市场中的企业多次转租行为有关。(3)资产专用性:交易主体方面,企业高技能水平人员有助于提高农村集体建设用地市场效率。交易客体方面,在均衡处,集聚地区更高的要素价格意味着更好的生产要素匹配,农村集体建设用地市场效率较高。(4)交易不确定性:交易行为方面,在企业生命周期与土地利用周期更匹配的情况下,企业将选择加大生产投入以优化市场资源配置水平。交易环境方面,价格决定方式显著影响市场效率,交易环境的不确定性越低,越有利于提高需求方对于农村集体用地市场的预期,提高市场效率。因此,农村集体建设用地市场改革可以通过推进农村集体土地空间归并与整治,降低细碎化程度。同时,应构建农村集体建设用地一级市场和二级市场交易体系,以提高需求侧农村集体建设用地市场效率。  相似文献   
This study was conducted on two batch-type livestock waste incinerators, including the one with an air-pollution control device (APCD)-one wet scrubber (WSB) and the other without APCD for the disposal of livestock wastes. The concentration and composition of 21 individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the stack flue gas (gas and particle phases), bottom ash, and effluent of WSB were determined. Stack flue gas samples were collected by a PAH stack-sampling system. Twenty-one individual PAHs were analyzed by a gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (GC/MS). Due to the low combustion temperature, a remarkable and significant increase in the total-PAH concentration of emission from the stack with APCD was observed when compared with the case without APCD. Measured total-PAH emission factors were 285 and 2.86 mg/kg waste for the incineration with and without APCD, respectively, while BaP (the most carcinogenic PAH) emission factors were 0.79 and 0.12 mg/kg waste for the incineration with and without APCD. The total-PAH output/input mass ratios averaged 0.011 and 0.004 with and without APCD, respectively. The result reveals that the PAH content in the auxiliary fuel during the incinerating process could affect the emission of PAH.  相似文献   
The establishment of the forest eco-compensation mechanism could realize the value of the forest ecosystem services partly or thoroughly, stress the equality of the stakeholders, encourage public participation in forest ecosystem tendering, and strengthen the capacity of sustainable management. Taking the Hainan province as an example, this study focuses on the analysis of major socioeconomic and ecological impacts of forest eco-compensation in the Qiongzhong County and Lingshui County, and recommends approaches and practices for the establishment of the eco-compensation mechanism in the Hainan Province. Data were collected from a household questionnaire survey. Altogether 120 households have been interviewed, and Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) was applied for data analysis. Most of the respondents held a positive attitude toward the forest eco-compensation policy which has contributed to the improvement of environmental quality. However, forest protection has limited the opportunities for the income growth of local communities, who have never got sufficient compensation from either the central or local governments. Insufficient financial support to forest institutions and local communities involved in forest management has led to major conflicts in forest management, such as, the conflict between forest protection and local economic development, and decrease in arable land area and increase in surplus labor force. On the basis of case study results, the core issues of forest eco-compensation mechanism in Hainan province are discussed. Finally, suggestions and recommendations that cover forest eco-compensation standards, management institutions, and community capacity building and diversification of financing channels, have been made for the establishment of forest eco-compensation mechanism in Hainan.  相似文献   
In recent years, scientists have been increasingly interested in the energy embodied in traded goods among countries. In this article, the direct energy intensities in various economic sectors of China were calculated with the data of energy consumption and output value of each sector, and the input-output table was used to estimate the external energy consumption. The total energy intensity of all sectors was then obtained. From the data of international trade, the energy embodied in goods trade of China was estimated for the period of 1994-2001. During this period, the average energy intensity of imported goods was always higher than that of exported ones. As a country with a surplus in international goods trade, China actually imported net embodied energy in the past few years. The net embodied energy imported was at the same magnitude of the imported energy in the form of fossil fuels.  相似文献   
雅砻江流域湿地景观格局变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用ArcGIS软件,对雅砻江流域湿地1986和2000年遥感数据进行解译、矢量化处理,用Apack软件进行湿地景观格局指数计算,研究了近15 a雅砻江流域景观空间格局特征及其变化。结果表明:(1)近15 a雅砻江流域湿地景观面积减少,减少量为49404 hm2,占2000年湿地总面积的0506%;(2)两个时期内湿地斑块密度保持不变,湿地景观的聚集度都很高,均在099以上,湿地景观集中分布,破碎化水平低;(3)雅砻江流域湿地景观的多样性指数水平和均匀度水平较低,而且两指数在两个个时期内没有发生太大的变化,且各类湿地景观比例差异相对较大,沼泽湿地景观控制的程度较高;(4)雅砻江流域的5类湿地景观分布质心基本上未发生变化,但总体格局分布质心向南偏移001°,再向西偏移023°,整体上向西南方向偏移了2532 km  相似文献   
A glasshouse pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization by Glomus mosseae BEG167 on the yield and arsenate uptake of tomato plants in soil experimentally contaminated with five As levels (0, 25, 50, 75 and 150 mg kg(-1)). Mycorrhizal colonization (50-70% of root length) was little affected by As application and declined only in soil amended with 150 mg As kg(-1). Mycorrhizal colonization increased plant biomass at As application rates of 25, 50 and 75 mg kg(-1). Shoot As concentration increased with increasing As addition up to 50 mg kg(-1) but decreased with mycorrhizal colonization at As addition rates of 75 and 150 mg kg(-1). Shoot As uptake increased with mycorrhizal colonization at most As addition levels studied, but tended to decrease with addition of 150 mg As kg(-1). Total P uptake by mycorrhizal plants was elevated at As rates of 25, 50 and 75 mg kg(-1), and more P was allocated to the roots of mycorrhizal plants. Mycorrhizal plants had higher shoot and root P/As ratios at higher As application rates than did non-mycorrhizal controls. The soil of inoculated treatments had higher available As than uninoculated controls, and higher pH values at As addition levels of 25, 50 and 75 mg kg(-1). Mycorrhizal colonization may have increased plant resistance to potential As toxicity at the highest level of As contamination studied. Mycorrhizal tomato plants may have potential for phytoextraction of As from moderately contaminated soils or phytostabilization of more highly polluted sites.  相似文献   
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