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Organochlorine pesticides in soil profiles from Tianjin, China   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Wang X  Piao X  Chen J  Hu J  Xu F  Tao S 《Chemosphere》2006,64(9):1514-1520
Soil cores were collected from soils at five sites in Tianjin area for the determination of hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs, including alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH and delta-HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites (DDXs, including p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDD) and total organic carbon (TOC). The levels and vertical distributions of HCHs and DDXs are studied. Results show that the application of pesticides in the past years was the major contributor of HCHs and DDXs accumulation in the sampling areas. Significant positive correlations were seen between the residual and application amounts of HCHs and DDXs. Wastewater irrigation did not bring a significant contribution of HCHs or DDXs into the soils. HCHs and DDXs concentrations peak at the surface and decline in soil profile with depth, while fluctuations were observed in the plow layers of some cultivated soils caused by frequent cultivation activities and batch irrigation. Positive correlations were observed between the contents of TOC and HCHs and DDTs. Although the amounts of HCHs application in all sampling sites are larger than DDXs, at surface and near surface layers of most sampling sites, the concentrations of summation operatorHCHs are lower than summation operatorDDXs. The composition of DDXs in the applied pesticides and sampled soils indicates that there is no recent DDT input at the sample areas.  相似文献   
采用了从农药厂阿特拉津生产车间排污口污泥中分离出的菌种AT菌 ,进行了农药阿特拉津污染地下水微生物治理的模拟实验研究 ,在实验条件 (T =10℃ ,pH =7.5 )与野外含水层的条件基本一致情况下 ,难于生物降解的污染质阿特拉津的一次投菌降解率可达 3 1.0 8% ;设计了两种有效细菌的投放方式以模拟野外条件下的菌种投加条件。另外 ,AT菌的作用会造成被治理含水层的渗透性能降低 ,两种投菌方式下 ,实验后含水层的渗透系数分别下降 60 .5 4%和 3 4 5 6%。清水冲洗 10d的渗透性恢复率分别为 48.96%及 81.3 6% ,说明清水渗透恢复的方法效果明显  相似文献   
中国淘汰滴滴涕的环境影响分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目前中国仍在生产滴滴涕(DDT),并以其为原料生产三氯杀螨醇作为杀虫剂使用.为评价淘汰DDT对于中国生态环境的影响,采用情景分析的方法,估算了在采取不同的淘汰策略下土壤中DDT残留浓度的变化,以此来评价淘汰DDT的环境影响.与基线情景相比,三种控制情景下DDT的累积生产量都有不同程度的减少,相应土壤中的残留浓度也有不同的下降,且淘汰的速度越快土壤中DDT浓度下降的幅度越大.  相似文献   
三峡水库135 m蓄水前后水体重金属环境健康风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张晟  黎莉莉  张勇  高群杰  胡勇  张芹 《环境污染与防治》2006,28(11):865-867,878
三峡水库135 m蓄水后,水体中各重金属的单因子污染指数和Nemerow综合污染指数均有不同程度的增大,特别是Pb污染应该引起重视.健康风险评价结果表明,成库前后非致癌有毒化学物质(Hg、Pb和Cu)所引起的健康危害的个人年风险为Pb>Cu>Hg,致癌物质对人体健康危害的个人年风险均大于非致癌物.各类污染物所致个人平均健康危害成库前后均低于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的标准,为可接受水平.  相似文献   
采用SBR反应器,接种好氧硝化污泥,在142 d内于较高负荷下成功启动了厌氧氨氧化反应器.反应器总氮容积负荷(以N计)为0.43 kg/m3·d,总氮去除率最高达到93.3%,平均为80.5%;氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的去除率最高达到93.9%和99.8%,平均去除率为81.2%和85.7%.在稳定运行阶段,氨氮去除量、亚硝酸盐氮去除量、硝酸盐氮生成量三者之间的比值为1:1.38:0.18.反应器启动过程中,出水、进水pH差值的变化趋势由负到正,然后稳定在一定范围内;且污泥性状有较大变化,污泥中微生物所占比率有所提高,整个反应器中适应厌氧氨氧化运行方式的菌种增殖较快.  相似文献   
河道滞留塘系统是以颗粒物沉降为污染物主要净化机理的污染河流净化技术.通过1年的现场试验研究,考察了悬浮颗粒物SS在滞留塘中的沉降和沉积特性.在本试验条件下,随水力停留时间(HRT)延长(HRT为1.5~7 h),SS平均去除率逐渐增加,介于20%~40%之间,而SS去除速率则快速降低,SS去除速率与进水SS浓度成正比关系;不同季节河水中SS的沉降性能有较大差异,冬季河水中有机物含量较低的易沉降颗粒物比例较春秋季河水的为高,滞留塘HRT的选择应以去除易沉降颗粒物为标准,本研究条件下5 h以内是适宜的HRT选择范围.在滞留塘动态运行中,SS的沿程沉积量呈指数规律下降.  相似文献   
青霉菌HHE-P7利用酱油废水产生微生物絮凝剂的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究了微生物絮凝剂产生菌HHE-P7在酱油废水中产生微生物絮凝剂的絮凝特性。实验表明,酱油废水由于碳源丰富,是一种良好的培养基。HHE-P7菌最佳培养条件为:COD20000mg/L,K2HP041.0g/L,培养3d。最佳絮凝条件为在1L高岭土水中投加10~15mL微生物絮凝剂(MBF7),pH调至9,则絮凝率为90%以上;微生物絮凝荆在水系中主要起吸附架桥的作用。  相似文献   
针对我国采用高临界流动水分的磷矿进行湿法生产普钙普遍存在产品水分达不到部颁标准的难题,直接采用制浆废液(利用其主要对环境有害成分之一--MNA作减水剂)进行降低普钙水分的研究和应用.实验结果表明,添加少量的减水剂MNA可显著降低国内朝阳、昆阳、浏阳和国外摩洛哥等单种磷矿以及昆阳-朝阳混矿的矿浆粘度和水分.采用国产昆阳-朝阳混矿进行工业生产试验结果表明,添加0.35%~0.4%干矿粉重量的减水剂MNA,不仅可使球磨添加水量从145 kg降至103 kg,矿浆含水量从30.5%降至27%,成品肥含水量从16.24%降至13.77%,而且可使有效磷从10.67%升至12.24%,转化率由86.57%提高到90.45%,矿浆细度由90.18%提高到93.12%.实验和工业生产试验表明,直接用造纸制浆废液降低普钙水分,既确保和改善了普钙的产品质量,又治理了环境污染,取得了较好的经济、环境和社会效益.  相似文献   
Although research regarding antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in aquaculture environments has gained increasing scientific interest, further studies are required to understand the abundances and removal mechanisms of ARGs during the entire rearing period of shrimp aquaculture. Thus, in this study, abundances, distributions and removal rates of ARGs in different environmental compartments of intensive shrimp farms in South China were investigated during the entire rearing period. The results indicated that sul1 and cmlA were the predominant ARGs in the water and sediment samples. Additionally, the total abundance of ARGs was higher in shrimp pond water than in the source water and farm effluent. Moreover, sediment samples indicated significantly higher ARG abundances than water samples from the shrimp ponds (P?<?0.05). Environmental factors were found to significantly affect the distribution of ARGs in shrimp rearing environments. Furthermore, stable ponds aided the removal of ARGs from shrimp pond water. This study accounted for temporal variations in ARG abundances as well as removal of ARGs in different environmental compartments during the entire shrimp rearing period. However, additional research is required to optimize the water treatment process for removal of ARGs from the aquaculture.  相似文献   
为了探究发酵床运行过程中参数的变化规律,试验在某生态养殖场开展研究,获取发酵床运行过程中温湿度、碳氮比(C/N)等数据,并分析其变化趋势。结果表明,控制好养殖密度及粪污负荷,发酵床能够保持合适的温度、湿度和pH,并具有一定的自我调节功能;垫料中固相C/N下降趋势缓慢,可以为发酵反应提供长期的碳源,水溶性C/N经过短期波动后趋于稳定,能够给微生物提供足够的养分;在不同粪污负荷条件下,氨态氮转化趋势不同,高负荷条件下更容易造成氮素的损失。研究结果在一定程度上可以为今后发酵床运营维护提供指导和技术支撑。  相似文献   
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