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The combined effects of ocean warming and acidification were compared in larvae from two populations of the cold-eurythermal spider crab Hyas araneus, from one of its southernmost populations (around Helgoland, southern North Sea, 54°N, habitat temperature 3–18°C; collection: January 2008, hatch: January–February 2008) and from one of its northernmost populations (Svalbard, North Atlantic, 79°N, habitat temperature 0–6°C; collection: July 2008, hatch: February–April 2009). Larvae were exposed to temperatures of 3, 9 and 15°C combined with present-day normocapnic (380 ppm CO2) and projected future CO2 concentrations (710 and 3,000 ppm CO2). Calcium content of whole larvae was measured in freshly hatched Zoea I and after 3, 7 and 14 days during the Megalopa stage. Significant differences between Helgoland and Svalbard Megalopae were observed at all investigated temperatures and CO2 conditions. Under 380 ppm CO2, the calcium content increased with rising temperature and age of the larvae. At 3 and 9°C, Helgoland Megalopae accumulated more calcium than Svalbard Megalopae. Elevated CO2 levels, especially 3,000 ppm, caused a reduction in larval calcium contents at 3 and 9°C in both populations. This effect set in early, at 710 ppm CO2 only in Svalbard Megalopae at 9°C. Furthermore, at 3 and 9°C Megalopae from Helgoland replenished their calcium content to normocapnic levels and more rapidly than Svalbard Megalopae. However, Svalbard Megalopae displayed higher calcium contents under 3,000 ppm CO2 at 15°C. The findings of a lower capacity for calcium incorporation in crab larvae living at the cold end of their distribution range suggests that they might be more sensitive to ocean acidification than those in temperate regions.  相似文献   
Various doses of vitamin A were administered on day 9 of pregnancy to the pregnant curly-tail mouse, a mutant, 60 per cent of which have neural tube defects (NTD). There was a reduction in the incidence of NTD in the fetuses with all doses used. The effect was maximal with 5 mg/kg; it was also marked, but to a lesser degree, with 10 and 20 mg/kg and minimal with 1 mg/kg. The implications of these findings in the mouse to the prevention of NTD in humans by preconception vitamin supplementation are discussed.  相似文献   
In males of socially monogamous birds, plasma testosterone (T) typically declines to low levels during the parental phase. Studies on multiple-brooded species indicate that high T may be incompatible with high-quality paternal care. The length of the breeding season may affect the costs and benefits of high T and its effect on paternal care. We studied the effect of experimentally elevated T on paternal care in a single-brooded species with a short breeding season, the Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus). We monitored T levels and parental behavior in 16 males with subcutaneous T implants, 14 males with empty implants, and 14 unimplanted males. We videotaped nests when nestlings were 2–3 days old and again at 4–5 days. T males with 2- to 3-day-old young visited nests and fed young less often than control males, and the mates of the T males compensated with elevated visits and feedings. However, when nestlings were 4–5 days old, T males visited their nests at normal rates – though feeding movements remained below normal – and T females visited and fed at normal rates. Nestling mass and nest success were similar in both groups. Overall, high T suppresses paternal care in Lapland longspur males. The partial improvement of paternal care when nestlings are older, despite high T, may be related to the short 6-week breeding season of this arctic species, and the consequently reduced benefits of sexual behavior late in the breeding season. Received: 2 February 1998 / Accepted after revision: 2 November 1998  相似文献   
Coastal marshes are one of the world's most productive ecosystems. Consequently, they have been heavily used by humans for centuries, resulting in ecosystem loss. Direct human modifications such as road crossings and ditches and climatic stressors such as sea‐level rise and extreme storm events have the potential to further degrade the quantity and quality of marsh along coastlines. We used an 18‐year marsh‐bird database to generate population trends for 5 avian species (Rallus crepitans, Tringa semipalmata semipalmata, Ammodramus nelsonii subvirgatus, Ammodramus caudacutus, and Ammodramus maritimus) that breed almost exclusively in tidal marshes, and are potentially vulnerable to marsh degradation and loss as a result of anthropogenic change. We generated community and species trends across 3 spatial scales and explored possible drivers of the changes we observed, including marsh ditching, tidal restriction through road crossings, local rates of sea‐level rise, and potential for extreme flooding events. The specialist community showed negative trends in tidally restricted marshes (?2.4% annually from 1998 to 2012) but was stable in unrestricted marshes across the same period. At the species level, we found negative population trends in 3 of the 5 specialist species, ranging from ?4.2% to 9.0% annually. We suggest that tidal restriction may accelerate degradation of tidal marsh resilience to sea‐level rise by limiting sediment supply necessary for marsh accretion, resulting in specialist habitat loss in tidally restricted marshes. Based on our findings, we predict a collapse of the global population of Saltmarsh Sparrows (A. caudacutus) within the next 50 years and suggest that immediate conservation action is needed to prevent extinction of this species. We also suggest mitigation actions to restore sediment supply to coastal marshes to help sustain this ecosystem into the future.  相似文献   
Previous research found that National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) premiums collected in some U.S. states, including California, have far exceeded damage payments. However, this finding raises the question of whether such an imbalance represents systematically good flood management or, instead, merely short-term hydrologic good luck. This study investigated patterns in flood losses on structures that pre-date and post-date the first available flood maps (“pre-Flood Insurance Rate Map [FIRM]” vs. “post-FIRM”) in California, several peer states, and nationwide. California has a larger inheritance of pre-FIRM structures than the national average, apparently reflecting development during the latter half of the 20th Century but before most Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps. Pre-FIRM properties are a disproportionate cost burden on the system, and the number of pre-FIRM policies has declined over time, but only slowly. Local patterns in pre-FIRM claims suggest targeted areas for enhanced mitigation efforts, including buyouts. Conversely, we find that claims on post-FIRM policies are a reasonable metric of good floodplain management and enforcement, and California's 38% of post-FIRM policies generated just 24% of the state's NFIP claims. Local “post-FIRM claim hotspots” suggest areas to examine more closely. California continues to be a net payer into the National Flood Insurance Program, with $102 million in payouts 2009–2018 versus $2.3 billion in premiums collected, or 4.5 cents of premiums collected for every dollar of premiums. In California, its peer states, and nationwide, future management of flood risk depends on: (1) continued investment in flood control and mitigation of existing floodplain structures, and (2) prudent planning and limitations on new floodplain and coastal development.  相似文献   
Using a spatially extensive database from the Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS), we describe nutrient relationships of small-order, non-tidal streams to Maryland watershed basins, Maryland Tributary Strategy basins, and stream order. In addition, we estimate the number of stream km affected by nutrient loading, using derived nutrient criteria. Based on the MBSS spring water quality sampling, we determined several important factors relating to nutrient levels in non-tidal streams. There are strong linear relationships of nutrients to the percentage of agriculture and forested land present within MBSS sampling strata. Both mean total nitrogen (TN) and mean total phosphorus (TP) levels for watershed basins by stream order show exceedances of derived nutrient reference criteria for Maryland. Four Maryland basins have over 85% of their stream kilometers exceeding the TN criterion, with three basins over 90% of the TP criterion. To protect small stream integrity in Maryland, we recommend an upper stream TN criterion between 1.34 and 1.68 mg/L and an upper stream TP criterion between 0.025 and 0.037 mg/L, based on quantile analyses. Elevated levels of both TN and TP are present in non-tidal streams, with subsequent nutrient inputs into the upper freshwater tidal reaches of the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The traditional strong role of interest groups in water resources policy making has been modified recently by the introduction of many environmental groups. The new groups differ from traditional groups in their relatively modest resources and their relative lack of access to traditional decision points. This paper examines the extent to which the new groups differ in their perceptions of the effectiveness of tactics and in their use of tactics, taking into account group resources and group access to decision makers.  相似文献   
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