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高压输电系统发生接地短路故障时,会产生一个地电位升,对通信局(站)会危险影响,为了计算这个危险影响的大小,首先能够准确的计算出高压输电系统的地电流系数。本文论述了高压输电系统对通信局(站)危险影响中地电流系数的确定,介绍了地电流系数的定义,并分析了不同危险情况下地电流系数的计算。  相似文献   
针对孤岛污水矿化度高,Cl-含量高,油含量和COD含量严重超标的现象,采取微生物接触氧化工艺进行外排采油污水治理的工艺研究。在处理过程中首先对菌种进行了严格的筛选和培养,然后在室内进行了模拟试验,最后在现场进行了中试。目前已根据中试结果,对孤岛污水原有的污水池进行了改造,设置了隔油池、气浮池、接触氧化池和沉淀池四个部分,经过一年的运行,成功地实现了污水的达标排放。  相似文献   
针对燃煤锅炉燃烧产生的低温烟气仍具有一定温度的现象,提出通过增设超导热管空气预热器对这部分低温烟气余热加以回收的设想,对锅炉送风进行预热,探讨烟气余热利用可达到的送风温度、节能效果及可能产生的经济效益。  相似文献   
Molecular level characterization of dissolved organic sulfur(DOS) by electrospray ionizationFourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(ESI-FTICR MS) is necessary for further understanding of the role of DOS in the environment. Here, ESI spray solvent, a key parameter for ion production during ESI process, was investigated for its effect on the molecular characterization of DOS by ESI-FTICR MS. 100% MeOH as spray solvent was found for the first time to remarkably enhance the ioni...  相似文献   
We conducted an experiment to study the interaction effects of Microcystis aeruginosa and Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes on off-flavors in an algae/bacteria co-culture system at three temperatures(24, 28 and 32℃). Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry was applied to measure off-flavor compounds dimethyl sulfide(DMS), dimethyl trisulfide(DMTS),2-methylisoborneol, geosmin(GEO) and β-cyclocitral. During the lag phase of co-cultured M. aeruginosa(first 15 days), P. pseudoalcaligenes significantly increased the production of DMS, DMTS and β-cyclocitral at all three temperatures. In the exponential phase of co-cultured M. aeruginosa(after 15 days), M. aeruginosa became the main factor on off-flavors in the co-culture system, and β-cyclocitral turned to the highest off-flavor compound. These results also indicated that DMS, DMTS and β-cyclocitral were the main off-flavor compounds in our M. aeruginosa/P. pseudoalcaligenes co-culture system. Univariate analysis was applied to investigate the effects of M. aeruginosa and P. pseudoalcaligenes on the production of off-flavors. The results demonstrated that both M. aeruginosa and P. pseudoalcaligenes could increase the production of DMS and DMTS, while β-cyclocitral was mainly determined by M. aeruginosa. Our results also provide some insights into understanding the relationship between cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   
为更好地了解牙哈凝析气田开发建设对大气环境质量的影响,根据牙哈凝析气田6年的大气环境监测资料,采用spearman秩相关系数法对牙哈凝析气田开发10年来的环境空气质量进行回顾评价及变化趋势分析。结果表明:牙哈凝析气田大气中主要污染物SO2、NMHC(非甲烷总烃)均总体呈下降趋势,NO2呈上升趋势,而在2008年急剧下降,整体大气环境质量呈现好转趋势。牙哈凝析气田开发区块环境空气质量有了明显的改善,各项大气环境治理措施取得了显著的环境效益。  相似文献   
A major, often unrecognized variable regulating plant growth in semi-closed environment is air contaminant. The vapor of propylene glycol (PG), which was used as coolant in growth chambers, has been found to be toxic to corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) plants. PG solution leaked from a valve packing system and volatilized to vapor, which was trapped in a semi-closed growth chamber. Symptoms of leaf edge chlorosis, later developing into necrosis, were observed on the third day of emergence or on the third day after moving healthy plants into the chamber. For young soybean plants, symptoms were slightly different from those observed in corn plants; the chlorosis symptoms were not uniformly distributed on all leaves. Some soybean leaves curled up and others had white spots. This problem was identified by using a portable photoionization detector to obtain instantaneous readings of total volatile organic compound concentrations inside the chambers. The presence of PG in selected chambers was verified using sample collection with solid phase microextraction (SPME) followed by analysis with multi-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry (MD-GC-MS). This information is pertinent to researchers who use controlled environment to grow plants.  相似文献   

To understand how extraction of different energy sources impacts water resources requires assessment of how water chemistry has changed in comparison with the background values of pristine streams. With such understanding, we can develop better water quality standards and ecological interpretations. However, determination of pristine background chemistry is difficult in areas with heavy human impact. To learn to do this, we compiled a master dataset of sulfate and barium concentrations ([SO4], [Ba]) in Pennsylvania (PA, USA) streams from publically available sources. These elements were chosen because they can represent contamination related to oil/gas and coal, respectively. We applied changepoint analysis (i.e., likelihood ratio test) to identify pristine streams, which we defined as streams with a low variability in concentrations as measured over years. From these pristine streams, we estimated the baseline concentrations for major bedrock types in PA. Overall, we found that 48,471 data values are available for [SO4] from 1904 to 2014 and 3243 data for [Ba] from 1963 to 2014. Statewide [SO4] baseline was estimated to be 15.8 ± 9.6 mg/L, but values range from 12.4 to 26.7 mg/L for different bedrock types. The statewide [Ba] baseline is 27.7 ± 10.6 µg/L and values range from 25.8 to 38.7 µg/L. Results show that most increases in [SO4] from the baseline occurred in areas with intensive coal mining activities, confirming previous studies. Sulfate inputs from acid rain were also documented. Slight increases in [Ba] since 2007 and higher [Ba] in areas with higher densities of gas wells when compared to other areas could document impacts from shale gas development, the prevalence of basin brines, or decreases in acid rain and its coupled effects on [Ba] related to barite solubility. The largest impacts on PA stream [Ba] and [SO4] are related to releases from coal mining or burning rather than oil and gas development.

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