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INTRODUCTIONIn recent thirty years, due to the decreasing fertility andincreasing life expectancy, China's population is aging ata very rapid pace and the elderly population size is keepingon growing. During the dramatic aging progress, the oldestold group in China is catching our eyes. More and moreold people of China are becoming the oldest old. Theextremely old population (aged 80 and above) is increasingat 5.1% annually, while the old population above 65 isincreasing at 2.9%, and the…  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distributions of the anthropogenic radionuclides (137)Cs and (90)Sr, originating from nuclear bomb testing and the Sellafield reprocessing plants in the Irish Sea, are simulated using a global version of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). The physical model is forced with daily atmospheric re-analysed fields for the period 1950 to present. Comparison of temporal evolution of observed and simulated concentrations of (137)Cs have been conducted for the regions east of Scotland, west of central Norway and at the entrance of the Barents Sea. It follows that the radionuclides from the Sellafield discharge reach the Barents Sea region after 4-5 years, in accordance with observations. The simulation provides a detailed distribution and evolution of the radionuclides over the integration time. For the Atlantic waters off the coast of Norway and in the southern Barents Sea, the atmospheric fallout dominates over the Sellafield release up to the mid 1960s and from the early 1990s, whereas Sellafield is the main source for the two radionuclides in the 1970s and 1980s. It is furthermore argued that model systems like the one presented here can be used for future prediction of radioactive contaminations in the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean, for instance under various global warming scenarios.  相似文献   
耕地保护目标责任与区域补偿标准的合理确定是保证耕地保护区域补偿实施效果的关键。针对以往耕地保护目标责任忽视耕地资源禀赋与社会经济发展差异的不足,本文构建分区异步元胞自动机模型开展了耕地区际布局优化,并据此优化区域耕地保护目标责任。在此基础上,针对当前研究中耕地保护区域补偿标准与耕地非农化收益及耕地赤字/盈余水平脱节、难以真正起到耕地保护杠杆作用的不足,本文提出了以耕地资源价值为基础,引入耕地非农化收益确定耕地保护区域补偿标准,并根据耕地保护目标责任优化结果测算区域耕地赤字/盈余水平对耕地保护区域补偿价值标准进行修正,以实现"以布局引导补偿,以补偿实现保护"。以全国首批"两型社会"建设试验区武汉城市圈为案例区开展了实证研究,结果表明:1根据资源禀赋与经济发展区域差异确定区域耕地保护目标责任可以在实现全区域粮食安全的基础上使区域耕地非农化压力得到最大限度的释放,有利于耕地保护目标的实现;2以耕地非农化收益和耕地资源价值为基础,采用区域耕地赤字/盈余进行修正得到耕地保护区域补偿标准,可以起到激励耕地保护的杠杆作用;3基于目标责任区际优化的耕地保护区域补偿是协调我国快速城镇化进程中城镇用地扩张与耕地保护矛盾的重要途径,能起到激励耕地保护、抑制耕地非农化的作用。  相似文献   
利用湖北省1710份农户的微观数据,运用Double-hurdle模型,实证分析土地细碎化对农户环境友好型技术采纳决策的影响.研究表明:(1)总体来说,土地细碎化对农户是否采纳环境友好型技术,以及采纳密度(采纳环境友好型技术的面积/总农地经营面积)均产生负向影响;(2)对男性和低自我效能感知主体而言,土地细碎化对其是否采纳环境友好型技术决策和采纳密度决策均产生负向影响;而对女性和高自我效能感知主体,则未产生显著影响;(3)土地细碎化对强社会网络主体的是否采纳决策产生影响,对其采纳密度决策不产生影响,土地细碎化对弱社会网络主体的是否采纳和采纳密度决策均产生负向影响;(4)土地细碎化对低农业收入依赖主体的采纳密度决策以及高农业收入依赖主体的是否采纳决策产生负向影响,对低农业收入依赖主体的是否采纳决策以及高农业收入依赖主体的采纳密度决策不产生影响;(5)土地细碎化对平原地区农户的是否采纳决策不产生影响,对其采纳密度决策产生影响,土地细碎化对非平原地区农户的是否采纳和采纳密度决策均产生负向影响.据此,建议着力推进高水平良田建设,激励农户环境友好型技术采纳决策的政策制定需要充分考虑农户异质性影响,实施精准施肥政策,并充分考虑不同自然环境特征(如地形等)的影响,针对平原和非平原地区的农户,采取差异化的激励策略.  相似文献   
林可霉素生产废水的厌氧生物处理工艺   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
采用单相中温升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)反应器厌氧生物工艺处理含有有毒难降解有机物的林可霉素生产废水.当进水COD 8000~14000 mg/L,HRT约10h时,COD容积负荷可达20~35kg/(m3·d),COD去除率为50%~55%.适时调整并维持较高的表面水力负荷[0.2~0.4 m3/(m2·h)]、较高的进水有机基质浓度(COD为2000~3000mg/L)和污泥COD负荷[0.2~0.5 kg/(kg·d)],并适当延长启动驯化时间可培养出沉降性好、污泥活性较高的颗粒污泥.废水厌氧生物降解动力学符合Monod方程,动力学常数Vmax=1.3 d-1,Ks=8133mg/L.废水中不可生物降解物质占总COD的比例约为30%,这是废水COD去除率偏低的重要因素.  相似文献   
中国煤炭学会环境保护专业委员会1999年年会暨“煤矿矿区水资源保护与水资源化”学术研讨会今天在宜昌召开,这是我们专业委员会成立后的第四次年会,也是第四次学术研讨会。在此,谨向参加这次会议的同志们表示热烈的欢迎和感谢!  相似文献   
唐山市农业区地下水垂向剖面中硝态氮污染的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
当今农业地区灌溉施肥引起氮素对地下水的污染已成为人们普遍关注的环境问题.本文结合唐山市农业区的生产实际,应用LEACHN数学模型,对唐山市农业地区灌溉施肥条件下氮素在土壤中的迁移转化进行了模拟计算.所建立的地下水垂向剖面的二维水量水质模型,对典型剖面中地下水的硝态氮污染进行了模拟和分析.计算结果表明,唐山农业区灌溉施肥引起根区以下硝态氮渗漏损失可造成浅层地下水的污染.  相似文献   
Tropospheric ozone(O_3) is a major air pollutant and causes serious injury to vegetation. To protect sensitive plants from O_3 damage, several agrochemicals have been assessed,including cytokinin(e.g., kinetin, KIN) and ethylenediurea(EDU) with cytokinin-like activity.In higher plant, leaves are primarily injured by O_3 and protective agrochemicals are often applied by leaf spraying. To our knowledge, the mitigating abilities of EDU and KIN have not been compared directly in a realistic setup. In the present research, impacts of elevated O3(2 × ambient O_3, 24 hr per day, for 8 days) on an O_3 sensitive line(S156) of snap bean(Phaseolus vulgaris), which is often used for biomonitoring O_3 pollution, were studied in a free air controlled exposure system. The day before starting the O_3 exposure, plants were sprayed with a solution of EDU(300 ppm), KIN(1 mmol/L) or distilled water, to compare their protective abilities. The results demonstrated that 2 × ambient O_3 inhibited net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, increased the minimal fluorescence yield of the dark-adapted state, decreased the maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, and led to visible injury. KIN and EDU alleviated the reduction of the photosynthetic performance, and visible injury under O_3 fumigation. The plants sprayed with EDU showed greater ability to mitigate the O_3 damage than those sprayed with KIN. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging may have detected more precisely the differences in O_3 response across the leaf than the conventional fluorometer.  相似文献   
Size-resolved biogenic secondary organic aerosols(BSOA) derived from isoprene and monoterpene photooxidation in Qinghai Lake, Tibetan Plateau(a continental background site) and five cities of China were measured using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS). Concentrations of the determined BSOA are higher in the cities than in the background and are also higher in summer than in winter. Moreover, strong positive correlations(R2= 0.44–0.90) between BSOA and sulfate were found at the six sites,suggesting that anthropogenic pollution(i.e., sulfate) could enhance SOA formation,because sulfate provides a surface favorable for acid-catalyzed formation of BSOA. Size distribution measurements showed that most of the determined SOA tracers are enriched in the fine mode( 3.3 μm) except for cis-pinic and cis-pinonic acids, both presented a comparable mass in the fine and coarse( 3.3 μm) modes, respectively. Mass ratio of oxidation products derived from isoprene to those from monoterpene in the five urban regions during summer are much less than those in Qinghai Lake region. In addition, in the five urban regions relative abundances of monoterpene oxidation products to SOA are much higher than those of isoprene. Such phenomena suggest that BSOA derived from monoterpenes are more abundant than those from isoprene in Chinese urban areas.  相似文献   
为探究分层型水源水库沉积物中磷的来源与分布特征,以西安金盆水库为对象,针对2017年3~11月金盆水库水体、沉降颗粒及沉积物柱状样品总磷(TP)含量及形态分布特征进行研究.结果表明,金盆水库主库区表层沉积物总磷含量及形态分布受水体颗粒磷(PP)沉降作用明显,相关系数r~2=0. 877 5;同时表层沉积物总磷含量还受到沉积物内部生物地球化学的共同作用. 6~8月金盆水库水体藻类剧烈繁殖演替,繁殖过程中大量失去活性、死亡的藻类不断向底部水体沉积,形成以藻类等颗粒磷为主导的内源污染,沉降颗粒总磷含量达(753. 51±17. 11) mg·kg~(-1),表层沉积物总磷含量随之增加,以铁铝结合态非活性磷(NaOH-nrP)为主; 9~11月进入汛期,径流水体携带大量泥沙等负荷较大的污染物汇入水库,使得水体颗粒磷浓度相应增大,然而由于单位质量泥沙中总磷含量占比较小,导致径流过程中表层沉积物总磷含量逐渐降低,泥沙径流过程中颗粒磷以无机态的钙磷(Ca-P)和残渣态磷(rest-P)为主,二者约占沉积物总磷(TP) 55. 8%~66. 2%,受颗粒沉降影响相对较大.活性磷(SRP)、铁锰螯合态磷(BD-P)和铁铝结合态活性磷(NaOH-srP)这3种形态磷较活跃,在环境条件的变化(主要是氧化还原条件)下发生一系列迁移转化,受沉积物内部生物地球生物化学过程作用明显.  相似文献   
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