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Capped waste sites often are vegetated with commercial turf grasses to increase evapotranspiration and prevent erosion and possible exposure of the barrier. Fertilizer, frequent watering, and mowing may be required to establish the turf grass and prevent invasion by trees and shrubs. Oldfield vegetation of grasses and forbs is a possible sustainable alternative to turf grass communities. To determine if oldfield vegetation can establish on caps, we (1) compared establishment of a dominant oldfield grass and a commercial turf grass under different combinations of new closure cap management: spring or summer planting and presence or absence of amendments to alleviate drought (watering, mulch) or increase soil fertility (fertilizer, lime, a nitrogen-fixing legume); (2) surveyed existing caps to determine if oldfield species establish naturally; and (3) performed a greenhouse experiment to compare growth of two native grasses under low and amended (added water, soil nutrients) conditions. Both the commercial grass and oldfield species established under new cap conditions; fertilizer, water, and mulch improved vegetation establishment in spring or summer, but legumes decreased grass cover. In the greenhouse, both native grasses grew best with amendments; however, substantial stem and root length were obtained with no fertilizer and only once-weekly watering. Existing vegetated caps supported planted grasses and naturally established oldfield species. Overall, the results indicate native grasses can establish on new caps and oldfields can serve as a management model; further work is needed to determine the management strategy to maintain herbaceous vegetation and slow woody species invasion.  相似文献   
The removal of nitrogen and organics from municipal landfill leachate in sequencing batch reactors (SBR) was investigated in the present study. The influence of hydraulic retention time (HRT), sludge age, manner of leachate dosage (short filling period of SBR and filling during the reaction period), and operational conditions with and without a mixing phase in the SBR cycle was explored. Four series were performed. In each series, the HRT used in the four SBRs was 12, 6, 3 and 2 days, respectively. Series 1 and 2 were characterized by a short leachate filling period, whereas series 3 and 4 were characterized by filling during the 4 h duration of the reaction in the SBR cycle. In series 1-3 SBR reactors worked with mixing and aeration phases, whereas in series 4 they worked only with an aeration phase. The effectiveness of the removal of organics increased with the extension of the HRT of leachate, particularly under operational conditions with the mixing and aeration phases in the SBR cycle. At 12 days HRT, the SBRs with the mixing and aeration phases in the cycle (series 1-3) showed better results than those with only an aeration phase (series 4). However, at 2 days HRT the operational conditions in SBR reactors with leachate filling over the reaction period (series 3 and 4) were more suitable. The highest efficiency of ammonium removal was obtained in series 1 with a short leachate filling period. In this series, at an HRT of 3-12 days, the ammonium concentration in the effluent did not exceed 1 mg NNH4 L(-1). Nitrogen removal proceeded mainly in the aeration phase as a result of ammonium losses and, to a lesser extent, dissimilative nitrate reduction over the mixing phase. The highest percentage of nitrogen removal as a result of ammonium losses was observed in series with a short filling period and long sludge age (series 1) and also in series without a mixing phase and filling over the aeration phase (series 4), whereas the highest nitrogen consumption for biomass production occurred in series 3 with filling during the reaction period and mixing phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

Woody plants growing along streets and construction sites play an important role in removing harmful particulate matter (PM). Researchers rarely consider the impact of different types and size fractions of PM deposited on the leaves on insect folivores. We determined differences in the accumulation of cement and roadside PM on the leaves of two Prunus species (P. padus and P. serotina) with different leaf surface structures. We also determined the effect of PM on the beetle Gonioctena quinquepunctata, the main pest of these plants. Saplings were artificially dusted in greenhouses and leaves were utilised for larval and adult insect stages feeding in laboratory conditions. Road PM accumulated in greater amounts than did cement PM, regardless of plant species. For both PM sources, P. padus accumulated twofold more than did P. serotina. Insect survival was negatively affected by PM pollution; however, neither Prunus species nor PM source variant significantly affected masses of larvae and pupae, duration of larval and pupal development or relative growth rates. The experiment showed strong negative influences of PM were noted only for adult insects, due to the grazing period being longer than that in larvae. The mass of adult insects and the efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) were lower for insects exposed to PM than those for control insects. Insects compensated for lower ECI by eating a greater total amount of food (TFE). Adult insects gained significantly higher mass when fed with P. serotina than with P. padus. The effect of PM on analysed plant metabolites was insignificant. Only Prunus sp. and date of collection affected the level of condensed tannins and total phenols. Our results indicate that, when investigating the effect of the host plant on folivore performance, the accumulation of PM, as well as its type and quantity, should be taken into account.


This study focuses on the Dombrovska pit lake, near the city of Kalush in Ukraine, which is a former potassium salt mine filled with brine and freshwater. The water level is still increasing and as a result the salinity is decreasing. We analyzed the benthic fauna communities and the genome instability by assessing the rearrangements in the polytene chromosomes of Chironomus salinarius and the physicochemical parameters of the near-bottom water (pH, conductivity, mineralization, major ions, NO3, NH4+, metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Fe) and sediment (pH, organic matter and metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Fe) at four sites. The water mineralization ranged from 17.3 to 26.2 g dm−3 which are classified as mesohaline and polyhaline waters, respectively. The biodiversity of the benthic fauna was low, and the dominant species was C. salinarius. The density of C. salinarius varied spatially and changed from 637 ind./m2 at a depth of 5 m to 8167 ind./m2 at a depth of 2.5 m. The genome instability was analyzed by examining the structural and functional changes in the salivary gland chromosomes of C. salinarius. The exposure of C. salinarius damaged the chromosomes and the activities of key structures, such as the Balbiani ring and nucleolar organizer, were partially or completely suppressed.

Air pollutants emitted while processing phenol-formaldehyde resins have been investigated. Gas chromatography-mass-selective detection was used to separate and identify chemical compounds. It was determined that workers were exposed to formaldehyde in all workplaces. Besides, phenol, acetaldehyde, acrylaldehyde, 2-furaldehyde, xylene, ethylbenzene, toluene, tetrachlorethene, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate were found during the production of frictional materials; and 2-furaldehyde, phenol, naphthalene, 2-furan-methanol, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the production of abrasive materials. Quantitative analyses were performed with gas chromatogra-phy and high performance liquid chromatography. Assessment of occupational exposure indicated that chemical compounds emitted during the investigated processes might be dangerous for human health, mainly because of suspected carcinogenic compounds: formaldehyde and PAHs.  相似文献   
The musculoskeletal health among 57 operators at 1 call centre in Sweden was studied with 10 monthly follow-ups, parallel to a reference group of 1,226 professional computer users in other occupations. Operators at this call centre were more symptom-loaded than the other professional computer users in spite of their younger age and shorter exposure to computer work. Symptoms were long-lasting or recurrent. Muscle tenderness and nerve affections in the neck- shoulder region were the most common specific findings and diagnoses at medical examination of incident symptom cases. More extensive studies should be done on the working conditions and health status among call centre workers.  相似文献   
Cadmium effects on the ovary structure and oocytes were tested in earthworms Dendrobaena veneta exposed to 10 and 50 mg Cd kg(-1) in soil after 10 and 20 days of the experiment. In both experimental doses cadmium caused damage to the structure of the ovary but the effects were different in each group. At 10 mg Cd kg(-1) concentration in soil, young stages of oocytes and trophocytes were most sensitive to cadmium deleterious effects whereas somatic cells in the ovarian stroma were only slightly affected. Cadmium. at a concentration of 50 mg Cd kg(-1) in soil caused most damage in the somatic cells leading to the occurrence of unnaturally swollen elements and desmosomes destruction. At both experimental concentrations cadmium induced degenerative changes in cell nuclei and an increase in number of cell organelles (RER and Golgi complex elements) in the cytoplasm of oocytes and trophocytes. These also proved to be more active. No ultrastructural changes were manifested in oogonia. In both experimental groups degenerative changes occurred as early as after 10 days of Cd exposure.  相似文献   
Salvia officinalis L. is a popular herb widely used in culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal preparations, and also as an ornamental plant. Sage crops are threatened by many diseases, such as gray mold, powdery mildew, and leaf spot, by weeds, and by pests, such as aphids. Use of crop protection products may lead to presence of pesticide residues in this herb. The aim of this work was to study presence of pesticide residues in the herb, S. officinalis L., available on the retail market in Poland, to verify their compliance with the maximum residue levels (MRLs) and to assess the chronic and acute risks associated with consumption of this herb and infusions prepared from contaminated sage plants. Ninety active substances of pesticides were analyzed, including all active substances registered in Poland for protection of the sage. Five active substances were found, one fungicide – boscalid and four insecticides: chlorpyrifos, pp′-DDT, dimethoate (residue levels above MRL) and indoxacarb. The chronic and acute exposure to pesticide residues consumed with sage did not exceed 0.02% of the acceptable daily intake (ADI) and 0.1% of the acute reference dose (ARfD), respectively.  相似文献   
The application of nanotechnology in the agriculture and food sector is relatively recent compared to its usage in drug delivery or pharmaceuticals. Therefore, this paper presents a study of the effect of silver nanoparticles on probiotic bacteria based on the example of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and Streptococcus thermophilus ST-Y31 isolated from fermented milk products. Probiotic bacteria are one of the most crucial groups of bacteria for the food industry, because of their claimed health-promoting properties. Studies have shown that the type and concentration of silver nanoparticle solutions have a significant impact on the tested probiotic bacteria which are profitable for the digestive system. In the presence of all tested silver nanoparticles, St. thermophilus ST-Y31 growth was inhibited significantly by the dilution method as opposed to the disk-diffusion method. Both the disk-diffusion and the dilution methods showed no significant differences between L. acidophilus LA-5 and B. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12. The concentrations 2 μg mL?1 and 0.25 μg mL?1 had the highest antibacterial activity and statistically significant impacts on the tested probiotic strains. To our knowledge, this is the first report on potential antimicrobial effect of nanosilver against the health-promoting probiotic bacteria L. acidophilus LA-5, B. animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and St. thermophilus ST-Y31 isolated from fermented milk products.  相似文献   
The redox state of glutathione and ascorbate as well as the activity of superoxide dismutase classes were determined in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana grown for seven days in the nutrient solution containing 0, 5 and 50 microM Cd or Cu excess. A decrease in GSH/GSSG ratio was found in plants under Cd and Cu stress. In the plants exposed to Cu stress the activity of all SOD classes increased. However, in the plants treated with Cd the activity of FeSOD and MnSOD was elevated, but CuZnSOD activity was diminished in comparison with control. In these plants the activity of SOD classes was dependent on both the GSH/GSSG and AA/DHA ratios, while in those exposed to Cu excess - on the GSH/GSSG ratio. Differences were shown in the changes both in redox state and activity of SOD classes caused by the metals differing in physiochemical properties. Moreover, relationships between changes in SOD class activities and ROS levels were discussed.  相似文献   
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