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La plupart des études des aspirations professionnelles des jeunes ont analysé les rapports entre divers facteurs et les aspirations sans chercher à déterminer comment ces aspirations pourraient évoluer au fur et à mesure que les adolescents font la transition entre l'école et le marché du travail. Compte tenu de la situation sur le marché du travail au Canada, les grandes aspirations en matière de carrière de beaucoup de jeunes risquent fort d'être déçues. Les données d'une étude àéchantillon constant chez des jeunes qui avaient terminé leurs études secondaires dans une grande ville de l'Ouest indiquent que l'expérience du chômage au cours de la première année après le départ de l'école conduit à une modération des aspirations profcssionnelles. En examinant ces données, les auteurs cherchent àélucider certaines des grandes questions théoriques touchant la reproduction des inégalités socialcs. Studies of young people's occupational aspirations have typically focussed on their correlates, but have not addressed the question of how aspirations may be modified as teenagers make the transition from school to work. Given the distribution of jobs in the Canadian labour market, many of the high career aspirations of teenagers will not be satisfied. Data from a panel study of high school graduates in a large western Canadian city show how the experience of unemployment in the first year following graduation leads to a reduction in occupational aspirations. These findings are discussed with reference to central sociological questions about the reproduction of social inequalities.  相似文献   
This paper explores the influence of U. S. macroeconomic conditions and the international trade position on protectionist pressures as measured by escape clause cases brought before the International Trade Commission. Several possible difficulties with Takacs' pioneering empirical study of this topic are considered. It is argued that while further support is found for her principal conclusion that the state of the domestic economy is a significant determinant of such protectionist pressures, the quantitative strength of such aggregate factors is less than was suggested by Takacs' original study.  相似文献   
This paper argues that Gadamer's hermeneutics offers a methodological perspective for social and political theory that overcomes the impasse created by the dichotomy between the positivist and humanist approaches to social action. Both the positivists'attempt to replace the actors'subjective concepts with the objective concepts of the social scientist and the humanists'attempt to describe meaningful action strictly in the social actors'terms have been called into question in contemporary discussions. Gadamer's approach, which is based on the hermeneutical method of textual interpretation, offers an alternative to both the positivist and humanist perspectives. Gadamer argues that understanding a text involves the fusing of the conceptual schemes of author and interpreter. Relying on Ricoeur's analysis of the parallels between actions and texts, it is argued that this understanding of the process of textual interpretation can be profitably applied to the analysis of social action. This application, furthermore, provides a means of analyzing social action that transcends the dichotomy between the positivist and humanist approaches. Gadamer's approach legitimizes the imposition of the observer's conceptual scheme without denying the constitutive role of the social actors'concepts.  相似文献   
L'image représentée par Tupperware est essentiellement féminine. Cet article analyse la littérature entourant Tupperware pour y retrouver cette image de la fémininité de classe moyenne, euronord‐américaine et domestique. L'analyse de cette littérature se fait en tenant compte des changements et continuités, au cours des 50 dernières années, des rôles domestiques, économiques et sociaux des femmes nord‐américaines. Ces rôles domestiques et économiques se sont entrelacés, ce qui a permis à L'entreprise de mieux les exploiter. La réussite de Tupperware en s'associant à cette image très précise peut servir comme baromètre pour révéler comment les femmes négocient les pressions combinées de la maison et du travail. Tupperware projects a quintessentially gendered image. This article explores writings by and about Tupperware to discover its representation of middle‐class white domestic femininity. This image is read against changes and continuities in North American women's domestic, economic and social roles over the past fifty years. There has been an ongoing intertwining of women's domestic and paid work roles that Tupperware has been able to exploit. The enduring success of Tupperware as a company associated with a specific image is thus a useful barometer indicating how women are contending with the combined pressures of home and work.  相似文献   
It is commonly believed that birth order is an important determinant of success. However, previous studies in this area have failed to provide convincing evidence that birth order is related to test scores, education, or earnings. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth–1979, we investigate the association between birth order and adolescent behaviors such as smoking, drinking, marijuana use, sexual activity, and crime. Our estimates show that middle borns and last borns are much more likely to use substances and be sexually active than their firstborn counterparts. These results provide the strongest evidence to date that birth order is related to measurable behaviors. (JEL I12 , J12 , J13 )  相似文献   
Correspondence to Bill Whyte, Lecturer in Social Work, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Adam Ferguson Building, University of Edinburgh, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LL. Summary There has been a renewed interest in recent years on the purposeof Guardianship but only limited empirical data on how it isbeing used under the current Mental Health legislation. Thispaper attempts to address both issues. The paper presents someof the findings of a Scottish study which examines the implicationsof this legislation and covers a range of issues including usesof Guardianship; a profile on the Mental Health Officers (ApprovedSocial Workers) involved and their role in assessment; who becamethe guardian and how they exercised their role; and broaderlegal issues. Unlike a recent paper (Evans, 1989) the authorsbelieve the legislative framework is inadequate to promote initiativeand good practice in this field and that there is a need fora new debate on the purposes of Guardianship with particularreference to the powers needed to care for and protect a rangeof adults with differing needs who might be considered ‘atrisk’ in the community.  相似文献   
Simultaneous monetary and fiscal policy reaction functions are derived and estimated for the 1969:2–1984.3 period. The results suggest that the Reagan administration has abandoned fiscal policy as a stabilization tool. Furthermore, although the average money growth rate declined in the Reagan administration, variation in the rate of money growth indicates that monetary policy has been used to combat unemployment. Finally, monetary and fiscal policies were not coordinated during this period. Rather, monetary and fiscal policy appear to be set by a Nash equilibrium in a non-cooperative game. In a Nash equilibrium, the policy chosen by each authority maximizes its payoff, given the policy choice of the other authority.  相似文献   
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