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The pharmacokinetics (PK) of moxifloxacin in healthy white New Zealand rabbits was studied following intravenous (IV) and subcutaneous (SC) administration routes as well as a SC long‐acting poloxamer 407 gel formulation (SC‐P407). Moxifloxacin concentrations were determined by high‐performance liquid chromatography assay with fluorescence detection. Mean half‐life for IV, SC and SC‐P407 routes was 2.15, 5.41 and 11.09 h. Clearance value after IV dosing was 0.78 l/kg/h. After SC administration, the mean absolute bioavailability was 117% and the Cmax was 1.61 ± 0.49 mg/l. After SC‐P407 administration, the bioavailability was 44% and the Cmax 1.83 was ±0.62 mg/l. No adverse effects were observed in any of the rabbits following IV, SC and SC‐P407 administration of moxifloxacin. Minimal inhibitory concentrations of moxifloxacin against different strains of Staphylococcus aureus from different european countries were used to compute the main pharmacodynamic (PD) surrogate markers of efficacy. The high tolerability of this SC‐P407 formulation and the favourable PK behaviour such as the long half‐life, acceptable bioavailability and excellent PK–PD ratios achieved indicate that it is likely to be effective in rabbits.  相似文献   
目的:综合分析近年来国内外神经修复用导管材料以及制备方法的研究近况。资料来源:应用计算机检索ElsevierScience1996-01/2005-12有关神经修复及神经导管方面的文献,检索词分别为“nerveconduit,nerveguide,nerveregeneration”,限定文献语言种类为English。同时计算机检索清华数字期刊库、万方数据库1996-01/2005-12有关神经修复及神经导管方面的文献,检索词为“神经修复,导管”,限定语言种类为中文。资料选择:对检索到的神经再生、神经修复及神经导管方面的相关信息进行整理,选取针对性强的文章。同一领域的文献则选择近期发表或权威杂志的文章。资料提炼:共收集120篇关于神经修复、神经导管的文献,纳入23篇符合标准的文献。资料综合:用神经导管桥接断离神经是神经修复的重要方法之一,制备神经导管的材料按其降解性能分为生物不可降解材料和生物可降解材料,任何一种材料都有其优缺点,发展复合材料将是制备导管的主要方向。结论:虽然影响神经再生的因素还有许多,如神经生长因子、雪旺细胞等,但是新型的导管及制备方法将会有利于神经修复进一步发展。  相似文献   
Adamantinoma of long bones is one of the rarest of malignant bone tumors; it is commonly located in the middle or lower third of the diaphysis of the tibia. A case with multiple occurrences affecting both the tibia and fibula is presented. En bloc resection with wide operative margins was performed, and a large tibial defect of 23 cm was effectively bridged by a revascularized free fibular flap. At 13 months follow-up, there was no sign of local recurrence or metastasis, and the patient was mobile.  相似文献   
目的 探讨Lugol液染色对食管早期癌和癌前病变的诊断价值。方法 对45例食管黏膜可疑病变经内镜以2%Lugol液喷洒染色,观察黏膜染色情况,并取活检送病理组织学检查。结果 45例食管病变染色后,39例呈浅染色或不染色,其中食管癌8例(食管早期癌5例,进展期癌3例),Barrett食管5例,轻至中度不典型增生1l例。本组Lugol液染色对食管早期癌和癌前病变的检出率达46.7%。结论 内镜下应用Lugol液染色结合活检有助于食管早期癌和癌前病变的诊断,且操作简便,具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   
Diabetes is a metabolic syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia. When it manifests itself mainly in hyperglycemia, hypertension, hyperlipemia, hyperurecemia, and obesity, it is also called Ⅹ syndrome, or insulin-resistance syndrome. Step 1. Identifying t…  相似文献   
Finding appropriate soft-tissue to cover a wound located over the middle or distal portion of the foot can be challenging. A distally based sural fasciomusculocutaneous flap including the sural nerve and a midline cuff of the gastrocnemius muscle can be used for this purpose. This flap is designed on the proximal third of the posterior calf and is nourished in a retrograde manner by the lower peroneal septocutaneous perforators, through the vascular axis of the sural nerve to the musculocutaneous perforators of the gastrocnemius muscle. Between October of 2002 and January of 2004, this flap was applied in nine individuals, including four diabetic patients. The skin defects all resulted from trauma, osteomyelitis or chronic ulcer, and combined with bone or tendon exposure. One flap developed distal necrosis. The other flaps survived fully and provided good contour. In our series, diabetes mellitus seemed not to compromise the vascularity of the flap. The distally based sural fasciomusculocutaneous flap is very useful for lower limb reconstruction, particularly for the foot, because of its long vascular pedicle and the availability of the skin portion of the proximal calf based on direct branches between the musculocutaneous perforators and the neurovascular axis of the sural nerve. This is an important variant of the sural neurocutaneous flap and it appears to be a good alternative to free flaps for resurfacing the foot.  相似文献   
李振华教授治疗崩漏经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李郑生 《河南中医》2006,26(7):25-26
著名中医学家李振华,现为河南中医学院教授、主任医师,中华中医药学会终身理事及河南分会名誉会长。曾任河南中医学院院长、第七届全国人大代表等职。是全国首批名老中医药专家,也是国务院批准享受政府特殊津贴者。老师治学严谨,博学多闻,精研医理,善于辨证,在长期的医疗实践中  相似文献   
外科手术,特别是出血量较大的急诊手术、术中出血较多的心内直视手术、以及颅脑外科手术等用血量大,一直是医疗中棘手的问题,而随着人们对输血所带来并发症的重视,以及近年来血源不足及合理输血、血液保护等,使得自体输血成为主流。本文就自体输血在临床应用,特别是大出血性手术中的应用价值作一综述。  相似文献   
泪管-耳-牙-指(趾)(LADD)综合征是一种具有多种表现的常染色体显性遗传疾病。最初在1967年由Levy报道。1例双侧泪液系统缺失、杯状耳、干嘴,以及牙、手臂和指(趾)异常的单发病例。之后一些新发现的临床表现,如肾脏异常、唾液腺缺乏、先天性髋脱位、先天性裂孔疝和横膈疝、感觉性耳聋和传导性耳聋、牙发育不全、四肢异常、口腔干燥和眼干都被报道与此综合征有关。  相似文献   
公正的、客观的、完善的法律制度,是调整医患法律关系,规范医疗行为,保障医患双方合法权益的客观需要。随着我国法制建设的迅速发展,目前,患者越来越需要懂得依法维护自己的生命健康权利;医生越来越需要懂得依法进行诊疗,依法履行义务,依法维护自己的切身权利和利益;社会越来越需要有公正健全的法律制度。我国卫生法学领域的“新生代”正是在这种情况下应运而生的。各地涌现出一批兼有医学和法学双学历、勤勉好学、勇于探索、热衷于卫生法学研究的年轻人,将来必有建树。本刊《医与法》栏目就是他们及时发表睿见的一个园地,欢迎来稿。  相似文献   
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