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用MATLAB工具精确快速测定宽频带地震计的周期与阻尼系数   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
对地震计的传统标定方法作了简单回顾,提出了借助Matlab工具软件用单位阶跃信号精确快速测定地震计的周期和阻尼系数的方法,给出了具体的设计思路与程序和测量实例,并进行了误差分析。  相似文献   
臼齿构造(Molar tooth),简称MT,是一种仅发育于前寒武纪碳酸盐岩地层中的特殊沉积现象。在全世界的许多地区
广泛发育。中国辽宁大连地区新元古代碳酸盐岩中发育了大量的臼齿构造。野外和室内的观察研究将MT 形态划分为2 大类
(原地MT 和异地MT),5 亚类(条带状、杆状、蠕虫状、斑状和碎屑状),主要发育浅潮下带-潮间带环境。通过对MT 形
态及发育的微环境特征分析得出,大连地区MT 形态与沉积微环境存在一定的对应关系。泻湖中以MT1-1 和MT1-2 类型为主,
潮间带中部主要发育MT1-3 和MT4 类型,潮间带中部-潮间带上部常见MT2 和MT3类型,浅潮下带风暴浪基面附近或潮间
带下部高能环境多见MT5 类型。由此推断,在水体安静并且陆源碎屑物质干扰小的环境中,容易产生平直或弯曲的宽、长
条带状MT,而在动荡的水体中或是陆源碎屑物质含量高的环境中,往往形成短小的MT。因此,MT 的形态类型一定程度受
到沉积水动力条件和陆源碎屑物质混入的影响。此外,大量的陆源碎屑物质的混入或抑制MT形成或减小MT 的发育规模。  相似文献   
武汉作为中部地区高湿度代表城市,大气污染严重,霾天气多发,但有关该地区大气能见度与PM2.5浓度及相对湿度(RH)的定量关系尚不明确。利用2014年9月—2015年3月武汉地区逐时能见度、相对湿度及颗粒物质量浓度观测数据,研究分析了武汉大气能见度与PM2.5浓度及相对湿度的关系,并进行能见度非线性预报初探,得到以下结论:武汉霾时数发生比例高,霾的发生和加重是能见度降低的主要原因;能见度降低伴随大量细粒子产生和累积,这是武汉大气能见度恶化的重要诱因。细颗粒物浓度与相对湿度共同影响和制约大气能见度变化,高湿高浓度时能见度显著下降,湿情景下(RH≥40%),能见度恶化主要是由湿度增高诱使细颗粒物粒径吸湿增长导致其散射效率增大造成的。当RH >90%时,能见度随湿度升高成线性递减,相对湿度每升高1%,武汉平均能见度降低0.568 km。而干情景下(RH<40%),能见度迅速降低的关键因素是PM2.5质量浓度升高。在城市大气细粒子污染背景下,能见度与相对湿度成非线性关系,这主要与PM2.5对能见度的影响及吸湿性颗粒物的散射效率变化有关。PM2.5浓度与能见度成幂函数非线性关系,80%≤RH<90%湿度区段下相关性最强。PM2.5浓度对能见度的影响敏感阈值是随着湿度升高而减小的,干情景下能见度10 km对应的PM2.5浓度阈值为70 μg/m3,湿情景下该阈值为18—55 μg/m3。当PM2.5质量浓度低于约40 μg/m3时,继续降低PM2.5可显著提高武汉大气能见度。预报试验表明,基于神经网络方法建立大气能见度非线性预报模型是可行的,预报能见度相关系数为0.86,均方根误差为1.9 km,能见度≤10 km的TS评分为0.92。网络模型具有较高预报性能,对霾的判别有较高准确性,为衔接区域环境气象数值预报模式,建立大气能见度精细化动力统计模型提供参考依据。  相似文献   
In order to understand the fault zone architecture and mechanisms that caused the Chi-Chi earthquake, the Chelungpu drilling project was conducted during April 2000 through a collaborative project between Japan and Taiwan. In this study, chemical and mineralogical variations within the overall Chelungpu fault zone, including variations between less damaged host rocks, damaged zones, and fault cores caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake were examined. Slopes of TiO2 immobile isocons were consistently > 1 for analyses comparing host rocks with rocks from damaged zones or with gouges from fault cores, indicating that volume loss occurred in damaged zones and the fault cores. These results strongly imply that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zone. Volume loss within the damaged zone and fault core is interpreted to result from a two-stage process involving: (i) coseismic mechanical wearing and/or dissolution in the fault core, and (ii) fluid infiltration within the fault zone during postseismic and interseismic periods along cracks caused by seismic failure. Semi-quantitative XRD analysis indicates that the kaolinite content consistently increases from the less damaged host rocks to the damaged zone and gouges in each fault core. Mineralogic changes indicate that pervasive acidic fluid infiltration occurred within the fault zones and reacted with the feldspars or muscovite to form kaolinite. Enrichment of kaolinite and illite found in the fault zones of southern drilling site could play some role on the slipping behavior of the southern part of the Chelungpu fault. Greater volume loss in the fault core may have resulted from moderate permeability, combined with the very fine grain nature of pulverized material in the fault core, which enhanced chemical reactions including transformation of feldspars and muscovite to clay minerals. The study results indicate that pervasive fluid infiltration occurred and changed the mineralogical and chemical architecture of fault zones caused by the cyclic earthquakes.  相似文献   
A genetic algorithm inversion of receiver functions derived from a dense seismic network around Iwate volcano, northeastern Japan, provides the fine S wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle. Since receiver functions are insensitive to an absolute velocity, travel times of P and S waves propagating vertically from earthquakes in the subducting slab beneath the volcano are involved in the inversion. The distribution of velocity perturbations in relation to the hypocenters of the low-frequency (LF) earthquakes helps our understanding of deep magmatism beneath Iwate volcano. A high-velocity region (dVS/VS=10%) exists around the volcano at depths of 2–15 km, with the bottom depth decreasing to 11 km beneath the volcano’s summit. Just beneath the thinning high-velocity region, a low-velocity region (dVS/VS=−10%) exists at depths of 11–20 km. Intermediate-depth LF (ILF) events are distributed vertically in the high-velocity region down to the top of the low-velocity region. This distribution suggests that a magma reservoir situated in the low-velocity region supplies magma to a narrow conduit that is detectable by the hypocenters of LF earthquakes. Another broad low-velocity region (dVS/VS=−5 to −10%) occurs at depths of 17–35 km. Additional clusters of deep LF (DLF) events exist at depths of 32–37 km in the broad low-velocity zone. The DLF and ILF events are the manifestations of magma movement near the Moho discontinuity and in the conduit just beneath the volcano, respectively.  相似文献   
大气模式中云量诊断的系统性误差研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对云量的诊断方案作了深入的分析,证明了无论云量与其他变量的关系是离散型还是连续型,只要云量与其他变量的关系是由凸函数描述的,则云量会系统性地偏少;反之,如果云量与其他变量的关系是由凹函数来描述的,则云量会系统性地偏大。故Slingo型云量方案中,大尺度云量会系统性偏少,而积云对流所对应的云量会系统性地偏大。同时还证明了如果其他气象变量是高频振荡型的,则云量与该气象变量的关系在局地相关较好,而长期时间平均后则相关程度急剧下降;如果其他气象变量是稳定型变量,则云量与该气象变量的关系在局地相关长期平均好,但就短时间而言相关较差。故云量方案(含Slingo型)存在系统性误差,应被新的物理上更合理的方案所代替。  相似文献   
The Utanobori gold deposit is a low‐sulfidation, epithermal vein‐type deposit located in northern Hokkaido, Japan. The deposit is hosted by conglomerate, sandstone, and tuff of the Middle to Late Miocene Esashi Formation. These rocks were hydrothermally altered. Silica sinters and quartz‐adularia veins are common in the deposit. The quartz‐adularia veins either contain a ginguro band, which corresponds to the main gold‐bearing vein (Type 1 Veins), or do not contain a ginguro band but contain minor adularia (Type 2 Veins). Type 1 Veins are divided into three stages with 12–14 substages. Ore minerals identified include electrum, naumannite, chlorargyrite, bromargyrite, an unidentified Fe‐Sb mineral, and an Fe‐(Sb)‐As mineral. These ore minerals formed in the main mineralization stages I (bands I‐b and I‐d) and II (band II‐a). Scanning electron microscopy with cathodoluminescence images show that cathodoluminescence‐dark microcrystalline quartz exhibiting colloform (ghost‐sphere) texture is closely associated with ore minerals in the Type 1 Vein and Type 2 Vein, and the Al and K contents of such quartz are commonly >1000 ppm. This indicates that the ore minerals were crystallized from alkaline, silica‐saturated fluids at temperatures <200°C, which initially deposited amorphous silica that was recrystallized to microcrystalline quartz. The average Au content of electrum is 52.5 at% Au (n = 10), 65.7 at% Au (n = 20), and 55.5 at% Au (n = 5) in bands I‐b, I‐d, and II‐a, respectively, of Type 1 Veins. The δ34SCDT values of two fine‐grained disseminated pyrites in the altered conglomerate and bedded tuff in the argillic altered zone are ?4.3 and ?4.2‰. Ar‐Ar dating on adularia yielded 13.6 ± 0.06 Ma, 13.6 ± 0.07 Ma, and 13.6 ± 0.06 Ma for the stages I, II, and III of the Type 1 Vein, respectively. K‐Ar ages determined on adularia in the silica sinter and on whole‐rock of glassy rhyolite of the Esashi Formation are 15.0 ± 0.4 Ma and 14.6 ± 0.4 Ma, respectively. These radiometric ages indicate that silica sinter associated with the rhyolitic volcanic rocks formed prior to the main gold mineralization.  相似文献   
Thirty-seven major, minor and trace elements were determined by INAA and RNAA in samples of hibonite, black rim and portions of friable rim from an unusual Allende inclusion, HAL. The peculiar isotopic, mineralogical and textural properties of HAL are accompanied by very unusual trace element abundances. The most striking feature of the chemistry is the virtual absence of Ce from an inclusion otherwise highly enriched in REE compared to Cl chondrites. HAL is also depleted in Sr, Ba, U, V, Ru, Os and Ir, relative to other refractory elements. Of the lithophile elements determined which are normally considered to be refractory in a gas of solar composition, Sr, Ba, Ce, U and V are the most volatile in oxidizing gases. The distribution of REE between hibonite and rims seems to have been established when hibonite and other refractory minerals were removed at slightly different temperatures from a hot, oxidizing gas in which they previously coexisted as separate grains. On the basis of HAL's chemical and isotopic composition, possible locations for the chemical and mass dependent isotopic fractionation are in ejecta from the low temperature helium-burning zone of a supernova and in the locally oxidizing environment generated by evaporation of interstellar grains of near-chondritic chemical composition.  相似文献   
山东东部诸城晚白垩世王氏群大面积、高密度集群埋藏的恐龙化石是近年研究的热点,但其沉积物源与精确沉积时限目前尚不明确。本文通过对山东诸城王氏群恐龙化石层中6个砂岩样品的碎屑锆石U-Pb定年表明,样品090414-24-D中最年轻的单颗粒锆石年龄(YSG)为77.3 Ma,应代表王氏群恐龙化石层的最大沉积时限(下限),结合前人对王氏群红土崖组的年代学研究表明,其沉积时限应老于73.5 Ma(上限),也说明赋存恐龙化石层的王氏群上部红土崖组为Campanian期沉积;碎屑锆石定年揭示物源的锆石年龄组成分布在100~130 Ma之间,6个样品的年龄主峰值多在110 Ma或120 Ma左右,与下伏的早白垩世青山群火山岩年龄主峰较为吻合。王氏群恐龙化石层砾岩的砾石成分和古水流研究显示,其中3组砾石统计表明砾岩层砾石成分主要由火山岩或火山碎屑岩组成,3组古水流数据表明,诸城地区王氏群红土崖组砾岩层的古流向以南和南东方向为主,尚有1组显示古流向为向北,表明王氏群物源主要来自盆地北侧莱阳和北西侧沂沭断裂带的青山群火山岩,其次为盆地南缘。本研究为诸城王氏群化石层沉积时限的限定和沉积物源的判断,以及胶莱盆地王氏群时期古地理格局的恢复等提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   
位于高烈度区的深水斜拉桥在地震下不仅会受到强震的作用,还会受到附近水体的作用,结构抗震要求高,选择合理的抗震体系非常重要.以云南格巧高速双河特大桥为工程实例,分析动水作用对斜拉桥地震响应的影响及其与地震强度的关系,在此基础上对斜拉桥的纵、横向抗震体系展开研究并给出合理建议.结果表明,动水作用会增大索塔塔底内力和结构整体位移响应,且对剪力的影响最大;动水对结构各响应的放大作用随地震强度增加呈现出增减不一的变化趋势,抗震设计时应分别考虑各级地震下的动水效应;索塔、辅助墩和桥台处均设置黏滞阻尼器等阻尼约束的纵向协同抗震体系能够最有效减小墩、塔底纵向内力及结构纵向位移,建议作为斜拉桥纵向抗震体系; 斜拉桥横向推荐采用索塔处设置固定约束、墩台处设置钢阻尼器等弹塑性约束的组合约束体系,该体系能同时降低墩、塔底横向内力,并有效控制结构整体横向位移响应.  相似文献   
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