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This study has investigated the use of the artificial sweetener acesulfame and the magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent gadolinium as quantitative tracers for river water infiltration into shallow groundwater. The influence of a river on alluvial groundwater in a subalpine catchment in western Europe has been assessed using the ‘classical’ hydrochemical tracer chloride and the trace contaminants acesulfame and anthropogenic gadolinium. Mixing ratios for riverine bank filtrate with ambient groundwater and the uncertainties associated with the temporal and spatial tracer variability were calculated using acesulfame and gadolinium and compared with those obtained using chloride. The temporal variability of tracer concentrations in river water of gadolinium (standard deviation SD: 63%) and acesulfame (SD: 71%) both exceeded that of chloride (SD: 27%), and this was identified as the main source of uncertainty in the mixing analysis. Similar spatial distributions were detected in the groundwater for chloride and gadolinium, but not for acesulfame. Mixing analyses using acesulfame resulted in calculated mixing ratios that differed from those obtained using gadolinium and chloride by up to 83% and 92%, respectively. At the investigated site, which had oxic conditions and moderate temperatures, acesulfame was found to be a less reliable tracer than either gadolinium or chloride, probably because of natural attenuation and input from other sources. There was no statistically significant difference between the mixing ratios obtained using chloride or gadolinium, the mixing ratios obtained using gadolinium were 40–50% lower than those obtained using chloride. This is mainly due to a bias of the mean gadolinium concentration in river water towards higher values. In view of the uncertainties of the two tracers, neither could be preferred over the other for the quantification of bank filtrate in groundwater. At this specific site gadolinium was able to reliably identify river water infiltration and was a more precise tracer than chloride at low mixing ratios (<20%), because of the exclusive occurrence of gadolinium in river water and its high dynamic range. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The groundwater of the deep Ye?ilköy aquifer is the only water resource for agricultural and domestic consumption at the Karpaz Peninsula of Cyprus, which stretches approximately 100 km from the northeast of capital Nicosia to the northern tip of Cyprus. During the last decade, over-pumping and following dry periods have depleted the groundwater resources and the water surface elevation of the aquifer has dropped. The aim of this study is to understand the behavior of the Ye?ilköy aquifer in the last decade for the proper management of groundwater resources. This has been achieved based on well survey and field survey studies, monitoring programs followed by pumping tests, and safe yield analysis. Most of the research effort has been focused on field and well survey studies to quantify agricultural water consumption and abstraction rates from the aquifer. A long-term groundwater level monitoring program, short-term continuous groundwater monitoring and pumping tests provided information for the regression analyses while deriving a sixth order polynomial relationship between the period parameter and the head parameter. The equation was helpful to predict the short-term behavior of the water level when the present hydrogeological conditions prevail. The pumping test results satisfied the hydraulic properties of calcarenite formation yielding T = 1,782 m2/day and S = 0.0012. The results of safe yield analysis show that the annual deficit of the aquifer is 0.496 million cubic meters (MCM), which is equivalent to a 0.6 m drop in groundwater levels per year. Finally, the resultant annual safe yield of the aquifer is estimated as 0.84 MCM.  相似文献   
Suevites are impact breccias with a montmorillonitic matrix that contains shocked and unshocked mineral and rock fragments from the crystalline basement, glass inclusions and a small amount of sedimentary clasts. Data are given of the modal composition of fall-out suevites (deposited at isolated points around the crater) and crater suevite (forming a layer below post-impact lake sediments in the crater cavity). Fall-out suevites contain aerodynamically shaped bombs which are absent in crater suevite. Taking into account not only large glass fragments and bombs, but also the finer fractions, the glass content of fall-out and crater suevites amounts to 47 and 29 vol%, respectively. Crystalline clasts in suevites consist of all igneous and metamorphic rock types that constitute the local basement which consists of an upper layer of igneous rocks (mainly granites) and a lower series of gneisses and amphibolite. Based on a collection of 1 200 clasts from 13 suevite occurrences the average crystalline clast population of suevites was determined. Suevites contain on the average 46 % igneous and 54 % metamorphic clasts. In constrast, weakly shocked and unshocked crystalline ejecta of the Ries structure consist of 82 % igneous and 18 % metamorphic rocks. From 138 analyses of crystalline rock samples average compositions of the major rock types were calculated. Comparison of these averages with the average glass composition leads to the conclusion that suevite glasses were formed by shock melting of gneisses in deeper levels of the basement. Suevite matrices consist in most cases of 80 to 90 % montmorillonite, in special cases of celadonite. Chemical analyses are given of some matrices and montmorillonite formulas calculated. It is supposed that montmorillonite was formed by early hydrothermal alteration of rock flour or fine glass particles. In the latter case the original glass content of suevites was higher than at present. Of all ejecta from the Ries crater only crystalline rocks contained in suevites occur in all stages of shock metamorphism up to complete fusion. The overwhelming majority of the ejecta from the sedimentary sequence (about 580 m) show no indications of shock pressures above 10 GPa. The same holds true for crystalline megablocks and breccias around the crater which consist mainly of granites from upper levels of the basement. We assume that the Ries impact can be approximated by a deep-burst model: The projectile penetrated through the sedimentary cover into the basement in such a way that the highest pressures and temperatures developed within the gneiss complex below the upper, predominately granitic layer and that rocks of the sedimentary sequence experienced weak shock compression. Numerical data are given for such a model of the Ries impact on transient crater geometry and volumes of vaporized, melted, shocked and excavated rocks. Fall-out suevites are supposed to have been lifted from the central zone by an expanding plume of vaporized rocks and deposited as fluidized turbulent masses outside the crater whereas the main mass of crater suevite was not removed from the crater cavity.  相似文献   
From photographic recordings of some hundred bright Ca+-network cells on the solar disk we find evidence for a smaller size of polar cells as compared to equatorial cells by a factor of about 0.9. We do not find an indication of a dependence of the structure of the cells on the heliographic position.  相似文献   
A commercial version of the prototype New Zealand narrowband interference filter instrument has been run at Garmisch-Partenkirchen since autumn 1977. The vicinity of the Dobson stations Hohenpeissenberg and Arosa permitted a check of the filter instrument's utility, reliability and long-term stability in total ozone measurement by (i) station to station-or short-range intercomparisons of daily means and (ii) a several days' direct intercomparison at Arosa in spring 1978.The regression analysis with the Hohenpeissenberg data-covering the five month autumn-winter 1977/78 period with highly variable ozone-shows that the filter instrument's direct-sun modeX AD total ozone values were systematically too low by a conversion factor of 0.93. The excellent proportionality between the instruments is indicated by the standard deviation of only 1,3%. The (–7.0±1.3%) bias perfectly agrees with the result reported byBasher [1] for a similar, yet direct, intercomparison.During the direct Arosa intercomparison the filter instrument also tracked down short-time variations in a remarkable, though biased, parallelism with the Dobson instruments, and theX AD daily means fit well into the prognostic relationship derived from the preceding autumn-winter short-range intercomparison.A creeping deterioration of the characteristics of the 305.5 nm double filter then prevented any furtherX AD total ozone intercomparison. No final decision is possible whether this behaviour after a half year's run is typical or just an unusual exception. The otherwise excellent long-term stability is demonstrated by the comparison of theX CD daily means with the HohenpeissenbergX AD data for a 1 1/2 year's period (autumn 1977–spring 1979), resulting in the same bias relationship as for theX AD total ozone measurements.  相似文献   
Surface rupture and source fault of the 20 February 1956 Eskişehir earthquake have been a matter of debate that potentially contributes towards the understanding of the active deformation and seismic risk in the highly populated NW Anatolia. Field observations on the two fault segments (namely Kavacık and Uludere faults) in the north of the Eskişehir graben revealed evidences of co-seismic surface rupture and mass movements during the Eskişehir earthquake. Surface rupture was observed as a 2.5m wide, a 100m long and ca. 20 cm deep asymmetric depression in the Gümüşlü valley, 2 km east of the Uludere village. A trench dug on this depression confirms a prominent high-angle south dipping fault (dominantly left lateral strike slip) and two faint north-dipping antithetics as clear noticeable shear zones in organic-rich thick soil. Mass failures are particularly observed in spring depressions filled with loose torrent and carbonaceous material in front of the fault scarp. Some rock slides of several tens of meters in size that obviously require significantly high ground shaking were also developed on steep fault scarps. The orientation of the principal stress tensor as deduced from the surface rupture of the Eskişehir earthquake displays clear inconsistency with the geometry of prominent faults in the area. We concluded that this disagreement may be explained by a curved surface rupture. The western and eastern tips of this rupture are EW trending and the probable NW-running part in the middle would correspond to the bounding zone between two right-stepping faults.  相似文献   
This study is the first test of correlation between the results obtained on the large Plio-Pleistocene European faunas and the main climatic stages (cold as well as temperate) demonstrated in marine isotopic records. In particular, there are cold stages which often explain the disappearance of some species, as well as climatic events that promote the substitution of some species by other groups. A rather evident parallelism appears between the European succession of large faunal associations and paleoclimatic stages revealed in oceanic areas, but some discordance occurs in the later periods. Faced with the great diversification of the Quaternary faunas, probably due to the multiplicity of climatic environments, and with global information from oceanic records, only local biostratigraphic studies will allow precise reconstruction of the different biotopes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das hydrothermale Auflösungsverhalten der vorwiegend als Gangarten auf-tretenden Mineralphasen Fluorit (CaF2), Baryt (BaSO4), Cölestin (SrSO4) und Anglesit (PbSO4) läßt sich übersichtlich in einem Temperatur-Löslichkeitsdiagramm darstellen und mit dem bekannten, qualitativ ähnlichen System SiO2-H2O vergleichen.Gegenüber dem molekulardispers gelösten SiO2 ergeben sich aber für die in Ionen dissoziierten Lösungen der schwerlöslichen Sulfate und des Fluorits beträchtliche Verschiebungen der Sättigungsgleichgewichte, insbesondere bei Anwesenheit von Elektrolyten als Lösungsgenossen.Diese Beeinflussung, die für die genetischen Verhältnisse der Minerallagerstätten von entscheidender Bedeutung ist, wird für 0,1–2,0 normale NaCl-Lösungen im NaCl-Konzentrations-Löslichkeits-Diagramm der Minerale Fluorit, Baryt, Cölestin und Anglesit isotherm bis zum Siedepunkt der wäßrigen Mischphasen untersucht.Ferner wird das Löslichkeitsverhalten in den ternären Systemen BaSO4-NaCl-H2O und SrSO4-NaCl-H2O für Baryt und Cölestin gegen 2,0n NaCl-Lösungen entlang der Grenzkurve des Dreiphasengebietes und für die Isochoren 0,326 bis 0,6 bis 600° C und 2000 Bar dargestellt und mit den entsprechenden Verhältnissen der reinen wäßrigen Systeme verglichen.Ein abweichendes inkongruentes Auflösungsverhalten von Alumosilikaten mit Schichtgitterstruktur läßt sich am Beispiel des Muskovits durch die experimentelle Bestimmung der nichtstöchiometrischen Molekularverhältnisse SiO2/K2O und SiO2/Al2O3 in den gesättigten Lösungen für den hydrothermalen Existenzbereich des Muskovits nachweisen.
The behaviour of solubility for some minerals, which were for the most part found as vein minerals, was determined experimentally and is represented by summarizing diagrams.In the temperature-solubility diagram the hydrothermal solubility of fluorite, barite, celestine and anglesite is compared to the solubility of quartz and muskovite for the boundary curve of the three-phase region and for some isochores. As opposed to SiO2, which is molecularly dispersed in solution, the ionic solutions of the systems CaF2-H2O, BaSO4-H2O, SrSO4-H2O and PbSO4-H2O show considerable displacement of the saturation equilibrium when other components are present in the solution.This influence on the solubility, significant for the genetic relations of mineral deposits, was quantitatively analyzed for 0.1–0.2 n-NaCl solutions. The results are isothermally shown in the NaCl-concentration solubility diagram within the boundaries of room temperature and the boiling point of the aqueous mixed phases.In the tenary systems BaSO4-NaCl-H2O and SrSO4-NaCl-H2O, the hydro-thermal solubility of barite and celestine in 2.0 n-NaCl solutions is also shown for the range of the boundary curve of the three-phase region and for the isochores 0.326–0.6 up to a temperature of 600° C and a pressure of 2000 bar. These solubilities are then compared with the diagrams of solubility for pure aqueous solutions.The irregular and incongruent behaviour of the solubility of aluminium-silicates of a layered-lattic structure is demonstrated for the system KAl2(OH)2-AlSi2O10-H2O in the presence of muscovite by experimental determination of the non-stoechiometric molecular proportions of SiO2K2O and SiO2 Al2O3. Such determination was conducted in saturated solutions for the hydrothermal range of the existence of muscovite.The geological importance of the knowledge of hydrothermal data of solubility and their application to the process of the hydrothermalmagmatic series and hydrothermalmetamorphosis is discussed.

Résumé Le comportement de dissolution expérimentalement déterminé de certains minéraux trouvés surtout en filons est exposé en le résumant par diagrammes.La solubilité hydrothermique de fluorine, barytine, célestine et anglésite est comparée pour la courbe limitante (de la région triphasée) et pour les isochores 0,326–0,6 g.cm3 du diagramme température-solubilité avec le comportement de dissolution du quartz et de la muscovite. Les solutions ioniques des systèmes CaF2H2O, BaSO4-H2O, SrSO4-H2O et PbSO4-H2O montrent, comparées au SiO2 dissous en dispersion moléculaire, de différences importantes d'équilibres de saturation en présence d'associés de solution.Cette influence sur la solubilité qui est d'une importance décisive pour les conditions génétiques des gisements de minéraux, a été examinée quantitativement pour les solutions 0,1–0,2—normales de NaCl. La présentation s'est faite isothermiquement dans le diagramme de concentration-solubilité de NaCl entre la température de chambre et le point d'ébullition des phases mixtes aqueuses.Dans les systèmes ternaires BaSO-NaCl-H2O et SrSO4-NaCl-H2O la solubilité hydrothermique de barytine et de célestine en des solutions 2,0-normales de NaCl est présentée également pour l'espace des courbes limitantes de la région triphase et pour les isochores 0,326–0,6 jusqu'à 600° C et 2000 Bar. Elle est comparée avec les courbes de solubilité de systèmes purement aqueux. Le comportement de dissolution divergeant incongruent des silicates d'alumine à structure stratifiée en treillis est démontré pour le systême KAl2(OH)2-AlSi3O10-H2O par exemple de la muscovite en déterminant expérimentalement les proportions moléculaires non-stochiométriques SiO2 K2O et SiO2Al2O3 dans les solutions saturées pour la domaine d'existence hydrothermique de la muscovite.Importance géologique de la connaissance des dates de solubilité hydrothermique et leur application sur les événements des conséquences hydrothermiques-magmatiques et sur les événements de la métamorphose hydrothermique sont discutées.

y 600° 2000 . (CaF2), ( SO4), . (SrSO4) (PbSO4) - Sio2-2.
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