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We have determined the position of deuterium atoms in δ-AlOOD by neutron powder diffraction at ambient pressure. As previously reported by theoretical and experimental studies, the deuterium atoms are located in the tunnel formed by the chains of AlO6 octahedra. The data are best fit with the P21 nm structure, producing bond lengths of D–O1 of 1.552(2) Å, O2–D of 1.020(2) Å and O1–O2 of 2.571(2). This study confirms that the hydrogen bond is asymmetric at ambient conditions in agreement with recent single-crystal synchrotron study for δ-AlOOH.  相似文献   
Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are composed of forsteritic olivine, Fe,Ni-metal, and Ca,Al-rich nodules consisting mainly of Al-diopside, spinel, and anorthite. Although the textures, shapes, and mineralogy of AOAs are consistent with their being aggregates of nebular condensates, some textures are in conflict with equilibrium condensation calculations, indicating that AOAs were not produced by a simple one-stage condensation. To examine the origin of the constituent minerals within AOAs and their textural relationships, we performed heating experiments using mineral mixtures analogous to those in AOAs. Isothermal and cooling experiments on forsterite + anorthite mixtures reveal that a high-Ca pyroxene phase forms via the incipient melting of the two minerals. Comparative studies of heating experiments performed using the mineralogy of AOAs suggest that Al-diopside in AOAs can be produced from a small degree of melting of forsterite and anorthite. The formation of Al-diopside in this way is consistent with the annealing textures observed in AOAs, and it may account for the discrepancy between the observed mineralogy of AOAs and the results of equilibrium condensation calculations, the occurrence of two types of diopside (Al,Ti-rich diopside and Al-diopside), and the variable Al2O3 content of Al-diopside.  相似文献   
Hydrographic observations were made in Otsuchi Bay on the Sanriku ria coast, Japan, to provide clear images of the baroclinic circulation extending over the bay together with the associated intrusion of lower-layer water (bottom water) from outside the bay. In summer, a prominent baroclinic circulation with flow speeds \({>} 0.1\ \text{ m }\ \text{ s }^{-1} \) extends over the greater part of the bay. A main pycnocline (thermocline), which separates the upper and lower layers, is located at a depth of 15–40 m in and around the bay. The direction of the lower-layer flow (inflow into and outflow from the bay) is opposite to that of the upper-layer flow, which are baroclinically coupled to each other. Moreover, with regard to the lower-layer flow, the inflow tends to occur mainly through the northwestern part of the bay mouth, whereas the outflow tends to occur mainly through the southeastern part. The inflow and outflow alternate on time scales of several to a few tens of hours, and the flow directions are sometimes related to the tidal ones, although the relationship is not applied persistently. In winter, the baroclinic circulation is considerably weaker than in summer, because the stratification breaks down.  相似文献   
The Tsenkher structure, in the Gobi-Altai region of Mongolia, was studied using a wide array of remote sensing data and field observations. The structure has a shallow, 3.6 km wide, central depression bordered by a near-circular ridge (putative crater rim) with breaches to the northwest. The central depression is obliterated partially by fluvial infill through these breaches. Outside the ridge, the western side is a rugged terrain, but the eastern half is characterized by a concentric outer ridge that occurs at about one radius distance from the inner ridge. Although intrusion, salt tectonics and maar crater hypotheses cannot be completely ruled out, its morphology strongly implies an impact origin for the Tsenkher structure. If of impact origin, it has a well-preserved morphology and its position in the basin fills indicates that the formation may have occurred relatively recently, sometime during the late Tertiary or Quaternary. The outer ridge morphology is similar to rampart craters on Mars, whose formation has been attributed to fluidization of a water-rich target layer and ejecta materials, or to atmospheric entrainment and deposition of ejected materials. However, other hypotheses including erosional remnant of ejecta blanket, erosional scarp of structural rim uplift, multi-ring or deeply eroded crater rim of a peak-ring crater are also possible at this stage. A complex fluvial and probable lacustrine history is envisaged within the Tsenkher structure. The structure is also associated with archaeology, including Paleolithic and Bronze Age remains.  相似文献   
Stand transpiration (E) estimated using the sap‐flux method includes uncertainty induced by variations in sap flux (F) within a tree (i.e. radial and azimuthal variations) and those between trees. Unlike radial variations, azimuthal variations are not particularly systematic (i.e. higher/lower F is not always recorded for a specific direction). Here, we present a theoretical framework to address the question on how to allocate a limited number of sensors to minimize uncertainty in E estimates. Specifically, we compare uncertainty in E estimates for two cases: (1) measuring F for two or more directions to cover azimuthal variations in F and (2) measuring F for one direction to cover between‐tree variations in F. The framework formulates the variation in the probability density function for E (σE) based on F recorded in m different azimuthal directions (e.g. north, east, south and west). This formula allows us to determine the m value that minimizes σE. This study applied the framework to F data recorded for a 55‐year‐old Cryptomeria japonica stand. σE for m = 1 was found to be less than the values for m = 2, 3 and 4. Our results suggest that measuring F for one azimuthal direction provides more reliable E estimates than measuring F for two or more azimuthal directions for this stand, given a limited number of sensors. Application of this framework to other datasets helps us decide how to allocate sensors most effectively. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— The Sirente crater field consists of a 120 m wide, rimmed main depression flanked to the northwest by about 30 smaller depressions. It has been dated to the first centuries A.D. An impact origin is suggested, but not confirmed. The small size combined with the properties of the target material (carbonate mud) would neither allow shock features diagnostic of impact, nor projectile vaporization. Consequently, a meteoritic component in the sediments would be very localized. At impacts of this size the projectile most likely is an iron meteorite. Any iron meteorites on the ground surface would, in Iron Age Europe, have been removed shortly after the event. However, if the depressions are of impact origin they should contain meteorites at great depth in analogy with known craters. The magnetic properties of iron meteorites differ distinctly from the very low magnetic sediments and sedimentary rocks of the Sirente area. We have used a proton precession magnetometer/gradiometer to produce magnetic anomaly maps over four of the smaller depressions (~8 m diameter), as well as two crossing profiles over a fifth depression (~22 m diameter). All show distinct magnetic anomalies of about 20 nT, the larger depression up to 100 nT. Magnetic modeling shows a best fit for structures with upturned strata below their rims, excluding a karstic origin but supporting an explosive formation. The 100 nT anomaly can only be explained by highly‐magnetic objects at a few meters depth. All together, the magnetic data provides a strong indication for an impact origin of the crater field.  相似文献   
The Pho Han Formation is exposed on southern Cat Ba Island, Hai Phong Province in northeastern Vietnam, and intercalates the Devonian and Carbonif-erous (D-C) boundary (Ta and Doan, 2007; Komatsu et al., 2012). The D-C boundary section consists mainly of limestone beds, numbered from 1 to 167, interca-lated with alternating black organic-rich shales. The limestone yields abundant brachiopods, crinoid-stems and conodonts. Preliminary investigations on strati-graphy (conodont biostratigraphy and δ13C) and sedi-mentology of beds 113-133 were undertaken in this study.  相似文献   
Using data for one year, we examined the vertical wind speed profileson a mountain slope covered with forest in northern Thailand undera tropical monsoon climate. We defined two profile patterns: higherwind speeds at greater heights (Pattern 1) and lower wind speeds atgreater heights (Pattern 2). We classified 9.4% of the data as Pattern 2;this pattern tended to occur during the night, at low wind speeds, and with high outgoing longwave radiation. In addition, stable stratification anddecoupling between the canopy surface air and the overlying layers wereobserved when Pattern 2 occurred frequently. These facts suggested thatPattern 2 was caused by a nocturnal drainage flow. The occurrence ofPattern 2 showed a clear seasonal trend, indicating that there is a seasonaltrend in the occurrence of nocturnal drainage flows. Pattern 2 was observedmore frequently between August and February and less frequently betweenMarch and July. This corresponded to the seasonal trend in wind speed, butdid not correspond to the seasonal trend in the outgoing longwave radiation.  相似文献   
The effects of water residence time and anoxic conditions on the mobilization and speciation of As in a calcite- and pyrite-bearing altered rock excavated during a road-tunnel project has been evaluated using batch and column laboratory experiments. Higher infiltration rates (i.e., shorter water residence times) enhanced the leaching of As due to the higher pH values of the effluents and more rapid transport of dissolved As through the columns. The concentration of As in the effluent also increased under anoxic conditions regardless of the water residence time. This enhanced leaching of As under anoxic conditions could be attributed to a significant pH increase and decreased Fe oxyhydroxide/oxide precipitation compared to similar experiments done under ambient conditions. Processes that controlled the evolution of pH and the temporal release mechanisms of As under anoxic conditions were identical to those previously observed under ambient conditions: the dissolution of soluble phases, pyrite oxidation, co-precipitation and/or adsorption/desorption reactions. Speciation of As in the column experiments could partly be attributed to the pH-dependent adsorption of As species onto Fe oxyhydroxide/oxide precipitates. Moreover, apparent equilibrium of the total As and As[III] concentrations was delayed under anoxic conditions in both batch and column experiments.  相似文献   
Abstract— The proposed Sirente crater field consists of a slightly oblong main structure (main crater) 120 m in width and about 30 smaller structures (satellite craters), all in unconsolidated but stiff carbonate mud. Here we focus on the subsurface structure of the satellite craters and compare the Sirente field with known meteorite crater fields. We present a more complete outline of the crater field than previously reported, information on the subsurface morphology of a satellite crater (C8) 8 m in width, radiocarbon and thermoluminescence (TL) ages of material from this crater, and evidence for heated material in both crater C8 and the rim of the main crater. Crater C8 has a funnel shape terminating downwards, and evidence for soil injection from the surface to a depth of 9 m. The infill contained dispersed charcoal and small, irregular, porous fragments of heated clay with a calibrated age of b.p. 1712 (13C‐corrected radiocarbon age: b.p. 1800 ± 100) and a TL age of b.p. 1825 (calculated error ± 274). Together with previous radiocarbon age (b.p. 1538) of the formation of the main crater (i.e., target surface below rim), a formation is suggested at the beginning of the first millennium a.d. Although projectile vaporization is not expected in Sirente‐sized craters in this type of target material, we used geochemistry in an attempt to detect a meteoritic component. The results gave no unequivocal evidence of meteoritic material. Nevertheless, the outline of the crater field, evidence of heated material within the craters, and subsurface structure are comparable with known meteorite crater fields.  相似文献   
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