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Zusammenfassung Klufttektonische Untersuchungen in den Alpen sind spärlich. Nur die Arbeiten aus den bayerischen Kalkalpen lohnen eine vergleichende Betrachtung. Die in nichtalpinen Gebirgen zu Beginn der Faltung auftretenden kubischen Zerrungs-Kluftsysteme lassen sich in den nördlichen Kalkalpen nicht erkennen. Dort treten statt dessen Scherkluftsysteme auf, teils als gekreuzte Systeme, teils als Begleitklüfte streichender Störungen. Unbeeinflußt ziehen sie über Falten- und Deckenstrukturen hinweg, sind also jünger als diese. Das Diagonalkluftsystem geht auf seitliche Spannungen infolge Horizontalbeanspruchung zurück, die gegen Norden gerichtet war. Die Schernatur kommt in der vorwiegend horizontalen Striemung zum Ausdruck. Ein Vergleich mit den offenbar aus Scherklüften hervorgegangenen Diagonalstörungen, die mit den Klüften annähernd gleich alt sind, macht es wahrscheinlich, daß in Südbayern die Einbeziehung der Molasse in den Faltenbau jünger ist als die Diagonalstörungen. Scherkluftsystem und Diagonal-Blattverschiebungen sind für die nördlichen Kalkalpen mit ihrem flachen, nordvergenten Deckenbau besonders bezeichnend und scheinen in zentralen oder westlicheren Alpengebieten zurückzutreten oder ganz zu fehlen.  相似文献   
Different diagenetic transformations and their relative chronological sequence are studied in the meteoric diagenetic zone from the Upper Oligocene limestone at the North of the Aquitaine Basin (France), by combining high-resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and electron-microprobe analyses. More than 128 spot analyses by electron microprobe and 60 analyses by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy are done on different meteoric cements firstly identified by classic optical microscopy. Three cement types are identified according to the relative intensity of the bands of their respective cathodoluminescence spectra (350, 380, 430, 500, and 620 nm). From these investigations, we could identify for each meteoric cement different phases of crystalline growth and crystalline dissolution. As a result, a better and more realistic meteoric diagenetic model is proposed. It illustrates the cyclic transformations from vadose zone (unsaturated) to meteoric zone (saturated). To cite this article: R. Chapoulie et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Seismic and sequence stratigraphy analyses, petroleum-well control and surface data studies of the Majoura–El Hfay region in the Central Atlas of Tunisia had led to identify and calibrate Jurassic seismic horizons. Seismic stratigraphic sections, seismic tectonics analyses, isochron and isopach mapping of Jurassic sequences show a differentiated structuring of platform and depocentre blocks limited by deep-seated NE–SW, north–south east–west and NW–SE faults intruded by Upper Triassic salt. The early salt migration seems to have started by the platform fracturing during the Lower Liassic rifting event. These movements are fossilized by thickness variations of Jurassic horizons, aggrading and retrograding onlap and toplap structures between subsiding rim-syncline gutters and high platform flanks intruded by salt pillows and domes. The salt migration is also attested by Middle and Upper Jurassic space depocentre migrations. Around the Majoura–El Hfay study blocks bounded by master faults, Triassic salt have pierced the Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary cover in a salt diapir extrusion and salt wall structures. To cite this article: D. Tanfous Amri et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
The structural analysis and the 3D modelling of Stephanian granites of the Pelvoux Massif characterize an emplacement along sinistral NW–SE- and dextral NE–SW-trending shear zones in the Pelvoux and in the Aiguilles Rouges–Mont Blanc Massifs, respectively. This Carboniferous shear system is consistent with a north–south extension direction known in the whole Variscan belt at this time. To cite this article: P. Strzerzynski et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
The 2011 submarine volcanic eruption in El Hierro (Canary Islands)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forty years after the Teneguía Volcano (La Palma, 1971), a submarine eruption took place off the town of La Restinga, south of El Hierro, the smallest and youngest island of the Canarian Archipelago. Precursors allowed an early detection of the event and its approximate location, suggesting it was submarine. Uncertainties derived from insufficient scientific information available to the authorities during the eruption, leading to disproportionate civil protection measures, which had an impact on the island's economy—based primarily on tourism—while residents experienced extra fear and distress.  相似文献   
Gold and copper concentrations were determined in natural pyrite by near‐infrared femtosecond LA‐ICP‐QMS, using both sulfide reference materials (pyrrhotite Po‐726 and in‐house natural chalcopyrite Cpy‐RM) and NIST SRM 610 as external calibrators. Firstly, using NIST SRM 610 as the external calibrator, we calculated the Au concentration in Po‐726 and the Cu concentration in Cpy‐RM. The calculated concentration averages for Au and Cu were similar to the values published for Po‐726 and Cpy‐RM, respectively. Secondly, we calculated Au and Cu concentrations taking NIST SRM 610 as an unknown sample and using Po‐726 and Cpy‐RM as external calibrators. Again, the average values obtained closely reflected the preferred concentrations for NIST SRM 610. Finally, we calculated Au and Cu concentrations in natural pyrite using sulfide and silicate reference materials as external calibrators. In both cases, calculated concentrations were very similar, independent of the external calibrator used. The aforementioned data, plus the fact that we obtained very small differences in relative sensitivity values (percentage differences are between 5% and 17% for 57Fe, 63Cu and 197Au) on analyses of silicate and sulfide RMs, indicate that there were no matrix effects related to the differences in material composition. Thus, it is possible to determine Au and Cu in natural sulfides using NIST silicate glasses as an external calibrator.  相似文献   
Chloride salinity has been strongly related to enhanced cadmium (Cd) uptake by plants due to increased solubility in the soil solution, even in agricultural soil with very low levels of cadmium. This finding is relevant because the cadmium content of food crops is an important concern for human health. Therefore, the aim of this study was to predict and discuss the chlorine-enhanced uptake of cadmium by two common crops: maize and tobacco under ??non-saline?? (1?mM) and ??very strongly saline?? (200?mM) scenarios using a modified ??biotic ligand model?? and datasets from a set of soil and hydroponic experiments. Results indicated that predicted cadmium uptake rates (expressed as cadmium in plant ??mol?m?2 root) by maize and tobacco plants were consistently higher (54 and 15%, respectively) assuming conditions of ??very strong salinity?? soil compared to the simulated ??non-saline?? soil. In the light of the results of the present research, valuable information is given on modeled cadmium phytoavailability as an indication of the potential risk due to increased cadmium uptake by crops under saline conditions, especially as the enhancement of cadmium uptake in the presence of Cl? salinity may be a general trend that occurs in many edible crops. The biotic ligand model parameterization applied in the present study attempted to simulate conditions commonly found in natural cadmium and salt-affected soils. However, caution is needed to extrapolate results obtained from these models to real soil conditions.  相似文献   
Grazing by small epifauna on live seagrass leaves was formerly viewed as unimportant in controlling plant biomass and growth, instead researchers focused on the indirect benefits of small invertebrates that crop algal competitors. Recent evidence shows that the emerald nerite Smaragdia viridis preferentially ingests seagrass leaf tissue. In contrast, the button snail Modulus modulus feeds on epiphytes and periphyton coating the leaves. We conducted laboratory microcosm and field experiments to investigate how the different feeding preferences of these seagrass-associated snails affect turtlegrass Thalassia testudinum primary production. Data revealed that after 24 h S. viridis reduced foliar biomass (25%) and chlorophyll (30%) and injured the equivalent of 50% of daily seagrass growth per shoot. Conversely, M. modulus did not affect these variables. Our results emphasize that in subtropical seagrass communities not all small epifauna browse off leaf surfaces and some can have important direct negative impacts on their seagrass host.  相似文献   
On November 4th 2007, along the Grijalva River in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, has occurred one of the largest landslides ever known. This landslide, known as Juan del Grijalva, destroyed the town of the same name, killing 20 people, and moved 55 million cubic meters of rock and debris down slope to completely block the Grijalva River. In order to understand the characteristics and factors that triggered the Juan del Grijalva landslide, geologic studies were conducted at the site. The results indicate that the landslide was composed of a lithologic sequence of thin-bedded shales and thin to medium-thick-bedded sandstones. This was faulted into several blocks dipping in the same sense as the mass movement. The main triggering factor was the increment of the pore pressure into the lithologic unit due to water saturation after 5 days of heavy rain before the incident. According to records from the last century, the Juan del Grijalva mass movement represents one of the largest mass movements recorded all over the world. The risk conditions of the area after the landslide lead to the rapid construction of an artificial channel to drain the accumulating mass of water upstream and therefore prevent a future catastrophic inundation down stream.  相似文献   
The Castellón Plain alluvial aquifer, Spain, is intensively exploited to meet the demand for agricultural irrigation and industrial water supply. The geochemistry of its groundwater shows complex salinization in the northern and southern parts of the aquifer, with significant pollution from human origin in the central portion. Boron content and B isotope geochemistry are useful for distinguishing between various sources of pollution and their relative importance in different parts of this aquifer. Boron concentrations in the groundwater vary between 0.01 and 0.85 mg/L. In the more saline groundwaters, found at the northern and southern ends of the study area, the presence of B is linked to inputs from seawater and water with a calcium-magnesium sulphate facies, which feed the aquifer and clearly influence the chemistry of its waters. Evidence of B adsorption processes in some samples is shown by the low B/Cl ratios and the high values of δ11B. In the central portion of the aquifer, the high B/Cl ratios and the strongly negative δ11B are related to pollution of human origin.  相似文献   
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