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Multi‐method thermochronology along the Vakhsh‐Surkhob fault zone reveals the thermotectonic history of the South Tian Shan–Pamirs boundary. Apatite U/Pb analyses yield a consistent age of 251 ± 2 Ma, corresponding to cooling below ~550–350°C, related to the final closure of the Palaeo‐Asian Ocean and contemporaneous magmatism in the South Tian Shan. Zircon (U–Th–Sm)/He ages constrain cooling below ~180°C to the end of the Triassic (~200 Ma), likely related either to deformation induced by the Qiangtang collision or to the closure of the Rushan Ocean. Apatite fission track thermochronology reveals two low‐temperature (<120°C) thermal events at ~25 Ma and ~10 Ma, which may be correlated with tectonic activity at the distant southern Eurasian margin. The late Miocene cooling is confirmed by apatite (U–Th–Sm)/He data and marks the onset of mountain building within the South Tian Shan that is ongoing today.  相似文献   
The Flinton Group is a metasedimentary succession of the Grenville Province in SE Ontario, potentially allowing insight into the tectono-thermal evolution of continental crust during the Mesoproterozoic. At its Green Bay locality, Flinton Group metapelites of the staurolite zone contain abundant, post-kinematic garnet porphyroblasts. Whereas the larger garnet crystals are typically impinged, smaller crystals are isolated from each other, occasionally exhibiting elongated shapes with apparently trigonal morphology. Central sections of the garnet population of a representative sample reveal that garnet is composed of different compositional and microstructural domains. In the largest crystals of the population, garnet contains rectangular to rhombic domains, marked by sharp increases in the concentrations of Nb, V, Ti, and Cr. These domains are associated with irregularly shaped patches, characterized by spatially heterogenous enrichments of Ca and LREE, and depletions in the contents of P, Y, MREE, and HREE, accompanied by increased densities of comparatively coarse-grained quartz inclusions hosting apatite. Microstructural relationships indicate that these domains correspond to portions of garnet that pseudomorphed biotite, with the enrichments of Nb, V, Ti, and Cr outlining the original biotite shapes. The compositional patterns formed by Ca, P, Y, and REE indicate that apatite participated in the grain-fluid interactions that operated during the metasomatic replacement of biotite by garnet. The statistical analyses of the garnet number and size distributions confirm that garnet initially nucleated on biotite, controlled by the kinetics of attachment and detachment processes at the garnet/biotite interface, resulting in the typical impingement habit. In situ Lu–Hf garnet geochronology applied to garnet that did not pseudomorph biotite, and hence is enriched in HREE, points to a first metamorphic event at c. 1080 ± 31 Ma. Subsequent pseudomorphism of staurolite by white mica in a Al2O3- and FeO-mobile system resulted in the concomitant crystallization of a new garnet generation, forming overgrowths on the first garnet generation and nuclei in the fine-grained matrix. Garnet that nucleated during this event grew to isolated and elongated crystals with apparently trigonal morphology, aligned in a direction c. perpendicular to the rock matrix foliation. The open-system behaviour during this event limits the use of whole-rock-based geochronological and thermobarometrical applications. However, previously published in situ U–Pb ages of monazite included in the rims of the garnet crystals and in the rock matrix indicate that this event took place at c. 976 ± 4 Ma, likely associated with a period of increased hydrothermal activity late in the metamorphic history of the Grenvillian Orogeny. Diffusion geospeedometry calculations indicate that garnet growth during this hydrothermal event lasted for less than 6 Myr.  相似文献   
Granites from the Tunka pluton of the Sarkhoi complex, located in the eastern Tunka bald mountains (East Sayan), have been dated at the Middle Ordovician (462.6 ± 7.8 Ma) by LA ICP MS. The granites of the Sarkhoi complex within the studied area cut a foldthrust structure consisting of deformed fragments of the Vendian (Ediacaran)–Early Cambrian cover of the Tuva–Mongolian microcontinent (Upper Shumak metaterrigenous formation, Gorlyk carbonate formation). The red-colored conglomerates and sandstones of the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous(?) Sagan-Sair Formation overlie the eroded surface of the Tunka pluton granites in the eastern Tunka bald mountains. The Sagan-Sair Formation, in turn, is overlain along a low-angle thrust by a group of tectonic sheets, which comprises the volcanic and carbonate sediments of the Tolta Formation, biotitic schists, and plagiogneisses with garnet amphibolite bodies. Two nappe generations have been revealed on the basis of the described geologic relationships, the Middle Ordovician age of the Tunka pluton granites, and numerous Late Paleozoic Ar–Ar dates of syntectonic minerals from the metamorphic rocks in the area. The first thrusting stage was pre-Middle Ordovician, and the second, Late Carboniferous–Permian. The Lower Paleozoic thrust structure resulted from the accretion of the Tuva–Mongolian microcontinent to the Siberian Platform. The Late Paleozoic nappes resulted from intracontinental orogeny and the reactivation of an Early Paleozoic accretionary belt under the effect of the Late Paleozoic collisional events.  相似文献   
The sediment-hosted stratiform Cu–Co mineralization of the Luiswishi and Kamoto deposits in the Katangan Copperbelt is hosted by the Neoproterozoic Mines Subgroup. Two main hypogene Cu–Co sulfide mineralization stages and associated gangue minerals (dolomite and quartz) are distinguished. The first is an early diagenetic, typical stratiform mineralization with fine-grained minerals, whereas the second is a multistage syn-orogenic stratiform to stratabound mineralization with coarse-grained minerals. For both stages, the main hypogene Cu–Co sulfide minerals are chalcopyrite, bornite, carrollite, and chalcocite. These minerals are in many places replaced by supergene sulfides (e.g., digenite and covellite), especially near the surface, and are completely oxidized in the weathered superficial zone and in surface outcrops, with malachite, heterogenite, chrysocolla, and azurite as the main oxidation products. The hypogene sulfides of the first Cu–Co stage display δ34S values (−10.3‰ to +3.1‰ Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite (V-CDT)), which partly overlap with the δ34S signature of framboidal pyrites (−28.7‰ to 4.2‰ V-CDT) and have ∆34SSO4-Sulfides in the range of 14.4‰ to 27.8‰. This fractionation is consistent with bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR). The hypogene sulfides of the second Cu–Co stage display δ34S signatures that are either similar (−13.1‰ to +5.2‰ V-CDT) to the δ34S values of the sulfides of the first Cu–Co stage or comparable (+18.6‰ to +21.0‰ V-CDT) to the δ34S of Neoproterozoic seawater. This indicates that the sulfides of the second stage obtained their sulfur by both remobilization from early diagenetic sulfides and from thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). The carbon (−9.9‰ to −1.4‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (V-PDB)) and oxygen (−14.3‰ to −7.7‰ V-PDB) isotope signatures of dolomites associated with the first Cu–Co stage are in agreement with the interpretation that these dolomites are by-products of BSR. The carbon (−8.6‰ to +0.3‰ V-PDB) and oxygen (−24.0‰ to −10.3‰ V-PDB) isotope signatures of dolomites associated with the second Cu–Co stage are mostly similar to the δ13C (−7.1‰ to +1.3‰ V-PDB) and δ18O (−14.5‰ to −7.2‰ V-PDB) of the host rock and of the dolomites of the first Cu–Co stage. This indicates that the dolomites of the second Cu–Co stage precipitated from a high-temperature, host rock-buffered fluid, possibly under the influence of TSR. The dolomites associated with the first Cu–Co stage are characterized by significantly radiogenic Sr isotope signatures (0.70987 to 0.73576) that show a good correspondence with the Sr isotope signatures of the granitic basement rocks at an age of ca. 816 Ma. This indicates that the mineralizing fluid of the first Cu–Co stage has most likely leached radiogenic Sr and Cu–Co metals by interaction with the underlying basement rocks and/or with arenitic sedimentary rocks derived from such a basement. In contrast, the Sr isotope signatures (0.70883 to 0.71215) of the dolomites associated with the second stage show a good correspondence with the 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70723 to 0.70927) of poorly mineralized/barren host rocks at ca. 590 Ma. This indicates that the fluid of the second Cu–Co stage was likely a remobilizing fluid that significantly interacted with the country rocks and possibly did not mobilize additional metals from the basement rocks.  相似文献   
Aquatic plants (macrophytes) can have a large effect on river hydraulics and geomorphology. Though, the extent to how plant morphological plasticity actively influences these feedbacks has received little scientific attention. The nymphaeid macrophyte species Nuphar lutea (L.) Smith is characterized by a distinct leaf duality. Floating leaves shade most of the submerged leaves thereby limiting light penetration in the water. Despite their apparent negligible photosynthetic role, submerged leaves of N. lutea remain intact during summer and contribute a significant part to the total biomass. Our results indicate that the submerged leaves are crucial in plant–flow interactions and hence in the engineering potential of the plant, i.e. the capacity to locally reduce flow velocities and to promote sedimentation, including organic matter deposition. Plant individuals growing in running river water were compared to individuals from adjacent oxbow lake water. The number and size of submerged leaves were significantly higher for river standing individuals and the accumulated sediment contained significantly more organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, and was characterized by a lower carbon/nitrogen ratio and a finer grain size. We therefore argue that the submerged N. lutea canopy in rivers has the ability to create a high‐nutrient, low hydrodynamic environment, resembling the conditions found in oxbow lakes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Kundelungu foreland, north of the Lufilian arc in the Democratic Republic of Congo, contains a number of various vein-type and stratiform copper mineralisations. The geodynamic context and metallogenesis of these mineral occurrences remain enigmatic. Currently, the vein-type Cu–Ag ore deposit at Dikulushi is the most significant deposit in the region. Mineralisation at Dikulushi comprises two major styles: 1) a polysulphide assemblage (Zn–Pb–Fe–Cu–As) within brecciated rocks along an anticlinal closure; and 2) a vein-hosted Cu–Ag assemblage. Petrographic and fluid inclusion studies indicate that the early Zn–Pb–Fe–Cu–As assemblage formed from a high-salinity Ca–Na–Cl fluid of modest temperature (135–172 °C). The later, economically more significant vein-related Cu–Ag mineralisation formed from intermediate salinity, lower temperature (46–82 °C) Na–Cl fluids. Weathering of the sulphide minerals resulted in a supergene enrichment with the formation of secondary Cu-minerals.  相似文献   
The reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) initiative has emerged in recent years as a mechanism to simultaneously address climate change, biodiversity, and poverty reduction challenges at the margins of tropical forests. Congo Basin countries, including Cameroon, have embraced the opportunities that REDD+ provides, with great expectations. Yet, it needs to be investigated whether the enabling institutional environment, which is required for implementing REDD+, is present. Understanding is still limited on how to build adequate and strong institutional relations that could shape the reforms towards the establishment of efficient emissions reductions schemes. Furthermore, uncertainty remains on the operational mechanisms of REDD+, suggesting that, to catalyse effectiveness, there is a need to come up with a governance model nested in relevant policy frameworks. This study builds on a modified ‘4Is’ framework – Institutions, Interests, Ideas and Information – to analyse REDD+ and explore stakeholders' perceptions on the local forest governance potential. A structural implementation model to optimize the effectiveness of REDD+ is developed. Findings suggest that governments need to review existing policies to take into account participation, local people rights, and information access as a way to stimulate actors' willingness to contribute to emissions reductions and carbon stock increases under REDD+ regimes.  相似文献   
雅鲁藏布江洋俯冲及印度-欧亚陆陆碰撞导致了强烈的大陆岩石圈挤压变形与青藏高原的隆升。研究青藏高原内部破碎带构造-沉积演化,对理解相关变形如何向欧亚大陆腹地扩展传递至关重要。班公湖—怒江缝合带内发育一系列白垩纪—新生代陆相沉积盆地,保存了关于该时期高原内部构造-沉积演化的丰富信息。针对该类盆地的构造性质和形成机制有走滑拉分盆地、断陷盆地、前陆盆地3类不同观点。若要检定上述观点,需要开展如下工作:(1)查明盆地基底与充填建造变形特征;(2)结合构造背景探究其演化机制。鉴于此,本文对该带内尼玛盆地开展大比例尺地质填图与构造分析,结合前人成果,对盆地构造背景、构造性质和构造演化进行了探讨。主要取得了如下认识:(1)尼玛盆地基底为班公湖—怒江洋闭合形成的软碰撞缝合带内的变质岩与海相沉积岩。基底断裂为近东西走向,倾向或南或北的逆冲断裂。(2)盆地充填建造为上白垩统—新近系多旋回河湖相沉积。其变形样式主要为轴向近东西延伸的非对称褶皱,局部卷入基底断裂变形。多幕次变形自边缘向盆地中心前展式递进发展。(3)盆地可以划分为盆北掀斜隆起、南部推覆扇状隆起两处主要剥蚀物源区、中部基底断片掀斜隆起一处次要剥蚀物源区,以及北部叠瓦状压陷区与南部对冲压陷区两处主要构造沉积单元,其构造格架可以概括为“三隆夹两坳”。(4)尼玛盆地肇始于班公湖—怒江洋闭合导致的南北向地壳缩短。其后,雅鲁藏布江洋北向俯冲与印度-欧亚碰撞所致南北向挤压,导致盆地基底断裂发生周期性活动,伴有多旋回磨拉石建造与递进变形。简言之,尼玛盆地为软碰撞缝合带之上发育的山间压陷盆地。  相似文献   
This paper presents a non‐linear coupled finite element–boundary element approach for the prediction of free field vibrations due to vibratory and impact pile driving. Both the non‐linear constitutive behavior of the soil in the vicinity of the pile and the dynamic interaction between the pile and the soil are accounted for. A subdomain approach is used, defining a generalized structure consisting of the pile and a bounded region of soil around the pile, and an unbounded exterior linear soil domain. The soil around the pile may exhibit non‐linear constitutive behavior and is modelled with a time‐domain finite element method. The dynamic stiffness matrix of the exterior unbounded soil domain is calculated using a boundary element formulation in the frequency domain based on a limited number of modes defined on the interface between the generalized structure and the unbounded soil. The soil–structure interaction forces are evaluated as a convolution of the displacement history and the soil flexibility matrices, which are obtained by an inverse Fourier transformation from the frequency to the time domain. This results in a hybrid frequency–time domain formulation of the non‐linear dynamic soil–structure interaction problem, which is solved in the time domain using Newmark's time integration method; the interaction force time history is evaluated using the θ‐scheme in order to obtain stable solutions. The proposed hybrid formulation is validated for linear problems of vibratory and impact pile driving, showing very good agreement with the results obtained with a frequency‐domain solution. Linear predictions, however, overestimate the free field peak particle velocities as observed in reported field experiments during vibratory and impact pile driving at comparable levels of the transferred energy. This is mainly due to energy dissipation related to plastic deformations in the soil around the pile. Ground vibrations due to vibratory and impact pile driving are, therefore, also computed with a non‐linear model where the soil is modelled as an isotropic elastic, perfectly plastic solid, which yields according to the Drucker–Prager failure criterion. This results in lower predicted free field vibrations with respect to linear predictions, which are also in much better agreement with experimental results recorded during vibratory and impact pile driving. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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