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Hydrous K-rich kimberlite-like systems are studied experimentally at 5.5–7.5 GPa and 1200–1450?°C in terms of phase relations and conditions for formation and stability of phlogopite. The starting samples are phlogopite–carbonatite–phlogopite sandwiches and harzburgite–carbonatite mixtures consisting of Ol?+?Grt?+?Cpx?+?L (±Opx), according to the previous experimental results obtained at the same PT parameters but in water-free systems. Carbonatite is represented by a K- and Ca-rich composition that may form at the top of a slab. In the presence of carbonatitic melt, phlogopite can partly melt in a peritectic reaction at 5.5 GPa and 1200–1350?°C, as well as at 6.3–7.0 GPa and 1200?°C: 2Phl?+?CaCO3 (L)?Cpx?+?Ol?+?Grt?+?K2CO3 (L)?+?2H2O (L). Synthesis of phlogopite at 5.5 GPa and 1200–1350?°C, with an initial mixture of H2O-bearing harzburgite and carbonatite, demonstrates experimentally that equilibrium in this reaction can be shifted from right to left. Therefore, phlogopite can equilibrate with ultrapotassic carbonate–silicate melts in a?≥?150?°C region between 1200 and 1350?°C at 5.5 GPa. On the other hand, it can exist but cannot nucleate spontaneously and crystallize in the presence of such melts in quite a large pressure range in experiments at 6.3–7.0 GPa and 1200?°C. Thus, phlogopite can result from metasomatism of peridotite at the base of continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) by ultrapotassic carbonatite agents at depths shallower than 180–195 km, which creates a mechanism of water retaining in CLM. Kimberlite formation can begin at 5.5 GPa and 1350?°C in a phlogopite-bearing peridotite source generating a hydrous carbonate–silicate melt with 10–15 wt% SiO2, Ca# from 45 to 60, and high K enrichment. Upon further heating to 1450?°C due to the effect of a mantle plume at the CLM base, phlogopite disappears and a kimberlite-like melt forms with SiO2 to 20 wt% and Ca#?=?35–40.  相似文献   
The eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau is one of the most active zones of tectonic deformation and seismicity in China. To monitor strain buildup and benefit seismic risk assessment, we constructed 14 survey-mode global position system(GPS) stations throughout the northwest of Longmenshan fault. A new GPS field over 1999–2011 is derived from measurements of the newly built and pre-existing stations in this region. Sequentially,two strain rate fields, one preceding and the other following the 2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, are obtained using the Gausian weighting approach. Strain field over1999–2007 shows distinct strain partitioning prior to the2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, with compression spreading over around Longmenshan area. Strain field derived from the two measurements in 2009 and 2011 shows that the area around Longmenshan continues to be under striking compression, as the pattern preceding the Wenchuan earthquake, implying a causative factor of the sequent of 2013 MW6.7 Lushan earthquake. Our GPSderived dilatation shows that both the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes occurred within the domain of pronounced contraction. The GPS velocities demonstrate that the Longriba fault underwent slight motion with the faultnormal and-parallel rates at 1.0 ± 2.5 mm and 0.3 ± 2.2 mm/a; the Longmenshan fault displayed slow activity, with a fault-normal rate at 0.8 ± 2.5 mm/a, and a fault-parallel rate at 1.8 ± 1.7 mm/a. Longriba fault is on a par with Longmenshan fault in strain partitioning to accommodate the southeastward motion of eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Integrated analysis of principal strain tensors, mean principal stress, and fast directions of mantle anisotropy shows that west of Sichuan is characterized as mechanically strong crust-mantle coupling.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes and analyzes the results of radio optical, infrared, and X-ray observations of a large sector of the sky in the constellation Cygnus (19h20m-22h, =30–50°;l II=65–90°, |b II|10°). This region is associated with an extended X-ray source referred to as the Cygnus superbubble. About a quarter of the superbubble region is occupied by the extensively investigated multicomponent thermal radio source Cyg X. The region contains eight OB-associations which, when projected on the sky, duplicate the outline of the X-ray superbubble. These associations contains 110 stars of high luminosity (about 40 Wolf-Rayet and Of stars). The observations suggest that the X-ray superbubble is not a single object. Between 50 and 75% of its X-ray emission can be ascribed to discrete sources, the rest being probably due to regions of coronal gas about 100 pc in diameter, created by stellar winds and, possibly, supernova explosions in individual associations. The objects that produce the X-ray and optical radiation of the presumed superbubble are located at distances from 0.5 to 2.5 kpc from the Sun in the Carina-Cygnus spiral arm. The eastern portion of the region presumed superbubble contains the associations Cyg OB7 and Cyg OB4 and is generally less than 1 kpc distant, while the western portion contains the associations Cyg OB1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 and is 1 to 2 kpc distant.  相似文献   
交叉梯度联合反演方法通过对多种地球物理模型实现结构耦合,在岩石物性关系不确定的情况下,既能提高反演结果的可靠性,又能减少反演的多解性,还能减少不同方法解释结果之间的矛盾.当不同的模型观测数据覆盖范围不一致时,交叉梯度联合反演通常需要取出重叠区域数据进行联合反演,并且建模时还要扩展一些模型范围.本文首先提出并实现了部分区域约束下的交叉梯度多重地球物理数据联合反演算法;接着进行了算法的模型试算;最后,我们将该反演算法用于本溪-集安深部地质调查重磁电综合地质地球物理解释中.结果表明:该算法不但能在重叠区域内很好地恢复结构相似的模型,而且在非重叠区域与重叠区域的边界处仍然可以得到平滑变化的模型;在本溪-集安10号剖面所获得的结构上相似的电阻率、密度及磁化率模型较好地反映了该区的深部地质结构,对于确定深部地质体的性质提供了有力的证据.  相似文献   
Abstract   The geological, geochemical and mineralogical data of dismembered ophiolites of various ages and genesis occurring in accretionary piles of the Eastern Peninsulas of Kamchatka enables us to discriminate three ophiolite complexes: (i) Aptian–Cenomanian complex: a fragment of ancient oceanic crust, composed of tholeiite basalts, pelagic sediments, and gabbroic rocks, presently occurring in a single tectonic slices (Afrika complex) and in olistoplaques in Pikezh complex of the Kamchatsky Mys Peninsula and probably in the mélange of the Kronotsky Peninsula; (ii) Upper Cretaceous complex, composed of highly depleted peridotite, gabbro and plagiogranite, associated with island arc tholeiite, boninite, and high-alumina tholeiitic basalt of supra-subduction origin; and (iii) Paleocene–Early Eocene complex of intra-island arc or back-arc origin, composed of gabbros, dolerites (sheeted dykes) and basalts produced from oceanic tholeiite melts, and back-arc basin-like dolerites. Formation of the various ophiolite complexes is related to the Kronotskaya intra-oceanic volcanic arc evolution. The first ophiolite complex is a fragment of ancient Aptian–Cenomanian oceanic crust on which the Kronotskaya arc originated. Ophiolites of the supra-subduction zone affinity were formed as a result of repeated partial melting of peridotites in the mantle wedge up to the subduction zone. This is accompanied by production of tholeiite basalts and boninites in the Kamchatsky Mys segment and plagioclase-bearing tholeiites in the Kronotsky segment of the Kronotskaya paleoarc. The ophiolite complex with intra-arc and mid-oceanic ridge basalt geochemical characteristics was formed in an extension regime during the last stage of Kronotskaya volcanic arc evolution.  相似文献   
Inflow of Atlantic water (AW) from Fram Strait and the Barents Sea into the Arctic Ocean conditions the intermediate (100–1000 m) waters of the Arctic Ocean Eurasian margins. While over the Siberian margin the Fram Strait AW branch (FSBW) has exhibited continuous dramatic warming beginning in 2004, the tendency of the Barents Sea AW branch (BSBW) has remained poorly known. Here we document the contrary cooling tendency of the BSBW through the analysis of observational data collected from the icebreaker Kapitan Dranitsyn over the continental slope of the Eurasian Basin in 2005 and 2006. The CTD data from the R.V. Polarstern cruise in 1995 were used as a reference point for evaluating external atmospheric and sea-ice forcing and oxygen isotope analysis. Our data show that in 2006 the BSBW core was saltier (by ~0.037), cooler (by ~0.41 °C), denser (by ~0.04 kg/m3), deeper (by 150–200 m), and relatively better ventilated (by 7–8 μmol/kg of dissolved oxygen, or by 1.1–1.7% of saturation) compared with 2005. We hypothesize that the shift of the meridional wind from off-shore to on-shore direction during the BSBW translation through the Barents and northern Kara seas results in longer surface residence time for the BSBW sampled in 2006 compared with samples from 2005. The cooler, more saline, and better-ventilated BSBW sampled in 2006 may result from longer upstream translation through the Barents and northern Kara seas where the BSBW was modified by sea-ice formation and interaction with atmosphere. The data for stable oxygen isotopes from 1995 and 2006 reveals amplified brine modification of the BSBW core sampled downstream in 2006, which supports the assumption of an increased upstream residence time as indicated by wind patterns and dissolved oxygen values.  相似文献   
We presented a phenomenological mode that attributes the precession of perihelion of planets to the relativistic correction. This modifies Newton’s equation by adding an inversely cube term with distance. The total energy of the new system is found to be the same as the Newtonian one. Moreover, we have deduced the deflection of light formula from Rutherford scattering. The relativistic term can be accounted for quantum correction of the gravitational potential and/or self energy of objects.  相似文献   
天山是全球第二大金矿富集区,世界级和大型-超大型金矿床东西成带横贯中国新疆中部—哈萨克斯坦东南部—吉尔吉斯斯坦—乌兹别克斯坦,构成巨型跨境金成矿带。天山巨型跨境金成矿带和重要金矿床形成的地质环境、成矿的控制要素、找矿勘查的标志都是学术界和工业界高度关注的重大地质和找矿问题。通过广泛、深入地文献调研和境内外天山较全面野外地质矿产调查与研究,本文认为中-哈-吉-乌天山大规模金成矿主体形成于晚石炭世—早二叠世古亚洲洋闭合后的陆块拼贴变形过程,部分形成于中—晚二叠世陆内走滑变形过程。中天山南、北缘古缝合带及其附近的大型脆性/韧-脆性变形带是巨量金成矿的关键控制因素,多期叠加复合成矿是天山变形带容矿金矿床的显著特征。地壳初始富集、构造变形活化、岩浆热液叠加是天山变形带容矿金矿床的主控因素。“碳质细碎屑岩+脆韧性变形带+海西末期岩体”是中-哈-吉-乌天山变形带容矿大型-超大型金矿的找矿标志组合。  相似文献   
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