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Zircon U–Pb ages of two acidic tuff and two turbidite sandstone samples from the Nakanogawa Group, Hidaka Belt, were measured to estimate its depositional age and the development of the Hokkaido Central Belt, northeast Japan. In the northern unit, homogeneous zircons from pelagic acidic tuff from a basal horizon dated to 58–57 Ma, zircons from sandstone from the upper part of the unit dated to 56–54 Ma, and zircons from acidic tuff from the uppermost part dated to 60–56 Ma and 69–63 Ma. Both of the tuff U–Pb ages are significantly older than the youngest radiolarian fossil age (66–48 Ma). Therefore, the maximum depositional age of the turbidite facies in the northern unit is 58 Ma and the younger age limit, estimated from the fossil age, is 48 Ma. In the southern unit, homogeneous zircons from turbidite sandstone dated to 58–57 Ma. Thus the depositional age of this turbidite facies was interpreted to be 66–56 Ma from the fossil age, probably close to 57 Ma. Most of the zircon U–Pb ages from the Nakanogawa Group are younger than 80 Ma, with a major peak at 60 Ma. This result implies that around Hokkaido volcanic activity occurred mainly after 80 Ma. Older zircon ages (120–80 Ma, 180–140 Ma, 340–220 Ma, 1.9 Ga, 2.2 Ga, and 2.7 Ga) give information about the provenance of other rocks in the Hidaka Belt. It is inferred that the Nakanogawa Group comprises protoliths of the upper sequence of the Hidaka Metamorphic Zone, which therefore has the same depositional age as the Nakanogawa Group (66–48 Ma). The depositional ages of the lower sequence of the Hidaka Metamorphic Zone and the Nakanogawa Group are probably the same.  相似文献   
A total of 49 elements have been identified in 338 coastal sea sediment samples collected from an area situated off the Ise-Tokai region of Japan for a nationwide marine geochemical mapping project. The spatial distribution patterns of the elemental concentrations in coastal seas along with the existing geochemical maps in terrestrial areas were used to define the natural geochemical background variation, mass transport, and contamination processes. The elemental concentrations of coastal sea sediments are determined primarily by particle size and regional differences. Most elemental concentrations increase with a decrease in particle size. Some elements such as Ca, Mn, and Yb are found to exist in large quantities in coarse particles containing calcareous shells, Fe–Mn oxides, and felsic volcanic sediments. Regional differences reflect the mass transfer process from terrestrial areas to coastal seas and the influence of the local marine geology. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) reveals that for many elements, the particle size effect is predominant over regional difference. The mean chemical compositions of coastal sea sediments are similar to those of stream sediments in adjacent terrestrial areas and in the upper crust of Japan. This observation supports the fact that coastal sea sediments have certainly originated from terrestrial materials. However, the spatial distributions of elemental concentrations are not always continuous between the land and coastal seas. The scale of mass movement observed in marine geochemical maps occurs at a distance of 20 km from the river mouth. A detailed examination of the spatial distribution patterns of K (K2O) and Cr concentrations suggests that terrestrial materials supplied through rivers are deposited near the shore initially, and then gravity-driven processes shift the sediments deeper into the basin. Contamination with heavy metals such as Zn, Cd and Pb was observed in coastal bays surrounded by urban and industrial areas. It is noteworthy that the areas with the highest concentration of these elements usually do not occur near the shore (not near the contamination source) but at the center of the bay. Unexpected low concentrations of Zn, Cd and Pb near shore may either be due to a decreased anthropogenic load in the most recent sediments or to dilution by unpolluted flood sediments.  相似文献   
Abstract— A new grouplet of primitive, metal‐rich chondrites, here called the CB (C, carbonaceous; B, bencubbinite) chondrites, has been recognized. It includes Bencubbin, Weatherford, Hammadah al Hamra (HH) 237 and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94411, paired with QUE 94627. Their mineral compositions, as well as their oxygen and nitrogen isotopic compositions, indicate that they are closely related to the CR and CH chondrites, all of which are members of the more inclusive CR clan. CB chondrites have much greater metal/silicate ratios than any other chondrite group, widely increasing the range of metal/silicate fractionation recorded in solar nebular processes. They also have the greatest moderately volatile lithophile element depletions of any chondritic materials. Metal has compositional trends and zoning patterns that suggest a primitive condensation origin, in contrast with metal from other chondrite groups. CB chondrites, as well as other CR clan chondrites, have much heavier nitrogen (higher 15N/14N) than that in other chondrite groups. The primitive characteristics of the CB chondrites suggest that they contain one of the best records of early nebular processes. Another chondrite, Grosvenor Mountains 95551, is petrographically similar to the CB chondrites, but its mineral and oxygen and nitrogen isotope compositions indicate that it formed from a different nebular reservoir.  相似文献   
A new abundance table has been compiled, based on a critical review of all C1 chondrite analyses up to mid-1982. Where C1 data were inaccurate or lacking, data for other meteorite classes were used, but with allowance for fractionation among classes. In a number of cases, interelement ratios from meteorites or lunar and terrestrial rocks as well as solar wind were used to check and constrain abundances. A few elements were interpolated (Ar, Kr, Xe, Hg) or estimated from astronomical data (H, C, N, O, He, Ne).For most elements, the new abundances differ by less than 20% from those of Cameron (1982a). In 14 cases, the change is between 20 and 50% (He, Ne, Be, Br, Nb, Te, I, Xe, La, Gd, Tb, Yb, Ta and Pb) and in 5 others, it exceeds 50% (B, P, Mo, W, Hg). Some important interelement ratios (NaK, SeTe, RbSr, KrXe, LaW, ThU, PbU, etc.) are significantly affected by these changes.Three tests were carried out, to see how closely C1 chondrites approximate primordial solar system abundances. (1) A plot of solar vs Cl abundances shows only 7 discrepancies by more than twice the nominal error of the solar abundance: Ga, Ge, Nb, Ag, Lu, W and Os. Most or all apparently reflect errors in the solar data or f-values. (2) The major cosmochemical groups (refractories, siderophiles, volatiles, etc.) show no significant fractionation between the Sun and C1's, except possibly for a slight enrichment of volatiles in Cl's. (3) Abundances of odd-A nuclides between A = 65 and 209 show an almost perfectly smooth trend, with elemental abundances conforming to the slope defined by isotopic abundances. There is no evidence for systematic fractionation of the major cosmochemical groups from each other. Small irregularities (10–15%) show up in the Ag-Cd-In and Sm-Eu regions; the former may be due to a ~ 15% error in the Ag abundance and the latter, to a 10–20% fractionation of Eu during condensation, to contamination of C1 chondrites with interplanetary dust during regolith exposure, or to a change from s-process to r-process dominance.It appears that the new set of abundances is accurate to at least 10%, as irregularities of 5–10% are readily detectable. Accordingly, Cl chondrites seem to match primordial solar-system matter to ? 10%, with only four exceptions. Br and I are definitely and B is possibly fractionated by hydrothermal alteration, whereas Eu seems to be enriched by nebular condensation or regolith contamination.  相似文献   
Summary Considering that a front is a substantial line, the behavior of a pre-existing front is investigated kinematically within a typhoon area in middle latitudes. The wind field of a typhoon is represented by the Rankine combined vortex to determine the deformation and displacement of the pre-existing front from trajectories of each point constituting the front by Petterssen's method of successive approximations. Comparison of the results thus obtained for the cases of typhoons Doris and Winnie, 1966, with those by the surface analysis shows good agreement.
Eine kinematische Betrachtung über das Verhalten einer Front in einem Taifunbereich
Zusammenfassung Unter der Annahme, daß eine Front eine substantielle Linie ist, wird das Verhalten einer bereits vorhandenen Front, die in einen Taifun-Bereich in mittleren Breiten einbezogen wird, kinematisch untersucht. Das Windfeld eines Taifuns wird durch einen zusammengesetzten Rankine-Wirbel dargestellt, um die Deformation und Verlagerung der bereits vorhandenen Front aus den Trajektorien jedes Punktes der Front nach der Petterssen-Methode der sukzessiven Approximation zu berechnen. Ein Vergleich der Resultate, die auf diese Weise für die Taifune Doris und Winnie (1966) erhalten wurden, mit Ergebnissen von Bodenkarten-Analysen zeigt gute Übereinstimmung.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
Trace amounts of three halogens (chlorine, bromine and iodine) in seventeen U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) geochemical reference materials were determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA). The materials analysed were AGV‐2 (andesite), BCR‐2, BHVO‐2 and BIR‐1a (basalts), CLB‐1 (coal), COQ‐1 (carbonatite), DGPM‐1 (disseminated gold ore), DNC‐1a (dolerite), DTS‐2b (dunite), GSP‐2 (granodiorite), Nod‐A‐1 and Nod‐P‐1 (manganese nodules), QLO‐1a (quartz latite), SBC‐1 (marine shale), SDC‐1 (mica schist), SGR‐1b (shale rock) and W‐2a (diabase). The chlorine, bromine and iodine contents were determined to be 5.64 mg kg?1 (BIR‐1a) to 4410 mg kg?1 (Nod‐A‐1), 0.039 mg kg?1 (BIR‐1a) to 52.1 mg kg?1 (CLB‐1), and 0.041 mg kg?1 (BIR‐1a) to 599 mg kg?1 (CLB‐1), respectively. The RNAA data of the three halogens were compared with the corresponding data in the literature.  相似文献   
Abstract— Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was successfully applied to bulk samples of Allende, Jilin, Modoc, Saint-Séverin and Atlanta for the determination of rare earth elements (REE) (Y and 14 lanthanoids), Th and U. The results of ICP-MS showed good agreement with recommended values, and their reproducibilities were high enough to discuss the detailed abundances of lanthanoids and actinoids in chondritic meteorites. For the Allende reference sample issued by the Smithsonian Institution, a positive anomaly of Tm, a fractionation between light REE and heavy REE and a high Th/U ratio were observed in the CI-normalized abundances of REE, Th and U. These features are common for group II inclusions in Allende, suggesting that the abundances of refractory lithophiles in Allende are somewhat influenced by those in a specific constituent. For the other chondritic meteorites, a zigzag alteration was commonly observed in the heavy-REE region of their CI-normalized abundance patterns. It is suggested that such a zigzag pattern is attributable to erratically high abundances of monoisotopic REE (Tb, Ho and Tm) in the CI values. Abundances of REE, Th and U in the bulk samples are also discussed separately in detail.  相似文献   
Cell densities of phycoerythrin-fluorescing cyanobacteria and other chlorophyll-fluorescing picophytoplankton in the 0.2–2.0 µm size fraction were investigated, using an epifluorescence microscope, in the western North Pacific Ocean (36.5–44.0 °N, 155.0°E) in the summer of 1989. Cyanobacteria were most abundant in the surface of the subtropical water (36.5–38.0°N) and less in the northern sea area (39.5–44.0°N). The cell density of other picophytoplankton was, however, high in the northern part and low in the subtropical water. Results showed that algae other than cyanobacteria may significantly contribute to the picophytoplankton community under the low water temperature conditions of open waters. Chlorophylla concentration represented well the abundance of picophytoplankton other than cyanobacteria, but had no significant correlation with the cyanobacteria cell density. Chlorophylla-based data must be interpreted with caution, since the abundances of cyanobacteria were often considerably different even though the chlorophylla concentrations were the same level.  相似文献   
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