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The rich Quaternary fossil record from the Cantabrian region (NW Iberia) is virtually restricted to the Late Pleistocene, with Middle Pleistocene findings very rare. This work presents the study of two Middle Pleistocene palaeontological sites in the Cantabrian region: Llantrales quarry and Mestas de Con mine, both discovered and first described in the 1950s but never studied in detail thereafter. The material was here re‐analysed and re‐evaluated. Taxonomic attributions have been changed in most cases and, consequently, chronological assignments of the fossils have also been changed. This first detailed study of the assemblage from Llantrales quarry revealed the occurrence of the large‐sized deer Praemegaceros solilhacus, which has never been reported previously in North Iberia. Cervus cf. elaphus and Stephanorhinus cf. hundsheimensis were also identified. The age of these fossils was originally regarded as Pontian (late Miocene), but new palaeontological results indicate a much younger age, most likely from around 0.8 to 0.5 Ma. A taxonomic re‐evaluation of the fossils from Mestas de Con provided different results with respect to the 1950s works. The faunal association is composed of a large‐sized deer (probably corresponding to Praemegaceros), Cervus elaphus, Capreolus cf. capreolus, Bison sp. (small sized), Equus sp. (large sized), Stephanorhinus hemitoechus, Ursus sp. and Homotherim latidens. This faunal association was evaluated within a western European context and proves to be highly analogous to other contemporary assemblages there. The chronology was initially regarded as late Villafranchian (in a broader sense). New results, documenting the co‐occurrence of Stephanorhinus hemitoechus and Homotherium latidens, indicate a more precise and younger age, most likely between 0.6 and 0.4 Ma. These two fossil assemblages provide new and relevant information on the Middle Pleistocene faunas from a geographical region where this information, compared with other western European areas, is rare and poorly known.  相似文献   
巴士系断裂带的构造应力场特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁劳 《华南地震》1998,18(1):119-124
利用120次地震震源机制解资料,分析了巴士系断裂带构造应力场的基本特征。结果表明,该断裂带应力场的总体特征为NW ̄NWW向,但不同地段略有差异。由北西至南东主压应力P轴方向由NWW ̄NW ̄NWW(近EW)向,P轴相对平缓,地震以走错动为主,兼具倾滑分量,应力场的变化与菲律宾海板块对欧亚板块的不均匀推挤作用有关。  相似文献   
黔中隆起及其周缘地区“下组合”油气地质特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
黔中隆起及其周缘地区包括滇黔北部坳陷、黔中隆起、滇东隆起、黔西南坳陷、黔南坳陷和武陵坳陷等六个一级构造单元。“下组合”包括震旦系、寒武系、奥陶系和志留系,具有丰富的油气资源和较好的油气成藏条件。两套区域性海相烃源岩,包括下寒武统牛蹄塘组碳质页岩和上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组石灰岩和碳质页岩,Ro值普遍在2%以上,主体处于高成熟晚期—过成熟早期。上震旦统陡山沱组发育地区性黑色页岩和碳质灰岩等烃源岩。主力储层包括上震旦统灯影组、中—上寒武统、下奥陶统桐梓组—红花园组及下志留统石牛栏组。区域盖层发育于下寒武统下部和下志留统下部,皆以泥质岩为主。各区块海相“下组合”纵向生储盖组合发育情况有所差异,黔中隆起区和黔南坳陷有两套组合,滇黔北部坳陷则有四套组合。以下寒武统牛蹄塘组为烃源岩、上震旦统灯影组白云岩为储层、下寒武统泥岩为盖层的生储盖组合,是黔中隆起及其周缘地区“下组合”勘探的主要目的层系。  相似文献   
To study the distribution characteristics and variation regularity of the temperature field during the process of seepage freezing,a simulated-freezing test with seepage of Xuzhou sand was completed by using a model test developed in-house equipment.By means of three group freezing tests with different seepage velocities,we discovered the phenomenon of the asymmetry of the temperature field under the influence of seepage.The temperature upstream was obviously higher than that downstream.The temperature gradient upstream was also steeper than that downstream.With a higher seepage velocity,the asymmetry of the temperature field is more pronounced.The asymmetry for the interface temperature profile is more strongly manifest than for the main surface temperature profile.The cryogenic barrier section is somewhat"heartshaped".With the increasing velocity of the seepage flow,the cooling rate of the soil decreases.It takes much time to reach the equilibrium state of the soil mass.In our study,seepage flow velocities of 0 m/d,7.5 m/d,and 15 m/d showed the soilcooling rate of 4.35°C/h,4.96°C/h,and 1.72°C/h,respectively.  相似文献   
岩石受热后的强度,变形破坏特性的微观研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李力  林睦曾 《岩土力学》1990,11(4):51-61
本文对砂岩、灰岩、大理岩在不同温度条件下的单轴抗压强度进行了实验研究,并对岩石在各种温度下结构变化进行了镜下分析,探讨了岩石受热后的破裂机理,定性定量地分析了岩石裂纹随温度变化而发展的规律。研究和分析结果表明:在热应力和外应力的作用下,随着温度增加,砂岩单轴抗压强度有增加的趋势,而灰岩、大理石的强度则有所降低。温度对这几种岩石的变形和破坏特性也有很大影响。  相似文献   
街面犯罪对公众的生活安全构成一定的威胁。以往对于公共盗窃和寻衅滋事等街面犯罪的研究往往停留在社区甚至更宏观的层面,难以向微观尺度深入,它们忽略了通过环境设计预防犯罪(Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design,CPTED)理论中所主张的地址级的建成环境的精确特征。地址级的微观建成环境被广泛认为对各类犯罪的发生有着直接或间接的影响,然而对微观建成环境的度量一直是一个挑战。先前的大多数研究都是通过调查样本来表征建成环境,会受到两方面的限制:(1)建成环境特征描述不完整的限制;(2)数据在空间覆盖方面具有稀疏性的限制。百度街景图像作为一个新的数据来源,可以被用来提取地址级的微型环境的建成特征,从而使犯罪研究可以聚焦在更微观的尺度中。本研究使用深度学习全卷积图像分割算法从百度街景图像中提取地理位置的环境变量,共选取树木、通车道路、人行道等8种变量来表现研究区微观建成环境的差异。在控制了与街面犯罪有关的其他因素后,采用贝叶斯逻辑回归模型来评估微观建成环境影响因素对公共盗窃和寻衅滋事案件的影响。结果表明加入了微观建成环境物理特征之后的模型表现更好。对...  相似文献   
在统计我国T213、日本及德国数值预报产品对焦作6-8月降水预报状况的基础上,采用多元决策加权法将三者进行集成,对比分析集成预报与单种数值产品在2008年汛期的预报评分,结果显示:总体状况而言, 集成预报好于单种产品做出的预报.  相似文献   
利用中尺度有限区域WRF模式输出的细网格资料和多普勒雷达观测资料,根据螺旋度理论,结合稳定度条件以及水汽和能量等物理量,对2009年3月20日夜至21日凌晨发生在豫北的一次强对流及暴雨过程的局地螺旋度演变进行诊断分析。结果表明,这次春季强对流和暴雨与西南急流和高温高湿不稳定能量密切相关,正螺旋度大值中心出现的高度与对流发展的强弱有关;500 hPa螺旋度正值区中心与强对流降水区域对应;暴雨易产生在850 hPa螺旋度中心附近,螺旋度的强度变化对强对流系统的移动、发展及暴雨的发生有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   
以沁河流域气象站雨量资料共享系统为实例,从基础地理信息数据格式转换、区域站点地理信息数据文件建立、地图文档和服务的实现、Web应用开发、雨量资料处理等方面,介绍了在ArcGIS Server框架下WebGIS的快速构建过程,并介绍了沁河流域区域气象站雨量资料处理方法、WebGIS环境下的雨量监控、GIS测量工具应用及该系统在市、县气象局汛期业务、服务工作中的应用效果。  相似文献   
长江中游地区晚二叠世生物碳酸盐岩岩隆生成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江中游地区江南古陆的两侧(尤其是北侧)晚二叠世生物碳酸盐岩岩隆发育。慈利、辰溪和清水岩等地出露海-藻礁和珊瑚礁。本文论述了生物碳酸盐岩岩隆和生物礁在该地区出露的地质条件、地层层序和沉积体系、生物面貌、生物-微相等实际资料,分析了成岩作用和孔隙度的变化。通过原始沉积厚度恢复了海平面谱化和基底沉降的相对值。最后讨论了它们生成的控制条件。  相似文献   
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