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对煤和干酪根结构的认识得益于技术和方法的不断创新。基于各种方法,先后建立了多个煤和干酪根的结构模型,但至今没有得到普遍认可。原子力显微镜(AFM)可以实时、实空间、原位成像,可以观察单个原子层的局部表面结构,直接观察表面缺陷、表面重构、表面吸附体的形态和位置以及表面扩散等动态过程。在对图像的分析中,AFM超越了传统仪器单纯平面成像的功能,可提供样品表面动态三维图像和用于分析的定量化信息。通过纳米技术,实现了原子级的分辨率的观察,揭示了煤和干酪根聚集态分子和纳米级孔隙的形态、大小、结构及相互间的空间排列特征,显示出在煤和干酪根结构研究中的巨大潜力。纳米技术为煤和干酪根结构的基础研究工作拓展了新的途径,也为非常规油气的勘探开发和煤炭的二次转化研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
扇三角洲沉积体系及其与油气聚集关系   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
扇三角洲沉积体系是断陷盆地中极为发育的一种沉积体系,主要由扇三角洲平原组合、扇三角洲前缘组合和前三角洲沉积构成,可识别出9种成因相。受沉积物供给速率、可容空间增长速率及盆缘断裂产状等因素控制可划分出退积型、加积型、前积型、陡坡型和缓坡型5种扇三角洲类型。位于扇三角洲平原的辫状分流河道砂体及其位于扇三角洲前缘的与之有成因联系的水下分流河口坝、洪水型重力流砂体等物性好,可以构成优质储层。含油性勘探成果亦证实各主力油层段平面上主要分布于扇三角洲前缘及分流间湾区,小部分位于扇三角洲平原区。受埋藏深度和成岩场的影响,不同地区、不同层位主力油层段的物性与岩性相关性各异。因此,应用沉积体系分布与油气聚集规律挖掘剩余油层及进行远景区预测是有效的与可行的。  相似文献   
选取2009—2014年华北—东北地区发生的12次中等地震,对该区8个地磁台站记录的地磁Z分量日变幅进行小波分析及合成计算,与日本海沟同期发生的12次M≥6.5强震进行关联性分析,发现日本强震对中国华北—东北地区中等地震活动具有连带作用,表现在:①日本强震发生前后,华北或东北地区均有M4—5地震出现,频次一般为1—3,间隔几天至5个月左右;②2011年3月10日日本M9.1地震后,华北、东北地区中等地震震级有所升高,其中东北地区由M4升至M5,距日本最近的中俄交界甚至出现M6.1地震,华北地区唐山老震区出现1次M4.8地震,震级接近5;③每次日本强震出现后几天至2个月内,8个地磁台地磁Z分量小波细节6阶合成曲线值均出现2—6个月高值异常,但幅度大小与强震震级无明显规律可循,而华北或东北地区中等地震一般在异常高值出现前后低值附近发生。  相似文献   
北黄海海底麻坑群形态的定量研究及控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于高分辨率多波束水深数据和反向散射强度数据,对北黄海海底麻坑群的形态参数进行定量研究,结合水深、地形坡度和后向散射强度的变化准确界定了麻坑的轮廓,识别出圆形、椭圆形、拉长型麻坑共282个,并在ArcGIS软件中对其形态参数进行了分析计算,麻坑的平均长轴1.36 km,短轴0.78 km,直径0.94 km,面积0.88 km2,平均周长3.82 km,长宽比1.83,深度0.3~2.5 m,平均面积密集度13%,麻坑的剖面形态有麻坑边缘凹陷、中部有明显凸起(W1型),麻坑边缘凹陷、中部略凸起(W2型),麻坑中部单纯凹陷(V型),分别集中分布在麻坑群的北部、南部、西部。麻坑的平面规模大、深度小的原因与地层中形成麻坑的游离气体浓度较小有关,也可能受到了地震、海啸等外力的诱发。麻坑的长轴优势走向为ENE-WSW、NNE-SSW,底流对其形状的塑造起了较大作用,部分麻坑成串排列,形成串珠状的麻坑链,其排列方式受到海底古河道、古潟湖等沉积地层结构的控制。海底麻坑群发育区反向散射强度为-60~-71 dB,麻坑内部较麻坑外部平均高5 dB,可能为麻坑内部气体泄漏引起海底沉积物被剥蚀后残留下的粗颗粒物质或海底生物活动留下的遗迹导致的。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地北部主力气源岩太原组、山西组煤系地层热成熟史的研究对本区天然气充注过程和有利目标区预测具有重要的参考价值。在对研究区烃源岩评价和一维、二维地质建模研究的基础上。利用BasinMod盆地模拟软件对单井以及研究区内二维剖面、平面进行了煤系烃源岩热演化史模拟研究。研究结果表明:(1)该区在中三叠世进入生烃门限,中侏罗世以后,烃源岩持续埋深,早白垩世末期至最大埋深(4000m左右),绝大多数的天然气都在这一阶段生成,早白垩世末构造抬升以后只有少量天然气生成;(2)研究区上古生界太原组和山西组煤系源岩最大累积生烃强度可达到2200×10^8m^3/km^2,对现今天然气的分布具有较强的控制作用。  相似文献   
Clibanarius , a genus of hermit crabs, is one of the most diverse genera within Diogenidae. However, studies on the phylogeny within Clibanarius is very limited. We reconstruct the molecular phylogeny of the genus Clibanarius based on two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and COI) and two nuclear protein-coding (NaK and PEPCK) genes using a multigene phylogenetic approach. Eleven selected Clibanarius species from the Indo-West Pacifi c are analyzed and the Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses produced identical results in topology. Results suggest that C . rutilus and C . infraspinatus are more closely related to each other than to C . snelliusi , and C . striolatus shows a close relationship to C . longitarsus . The close association of C . merguiensis with C . englaucus and C . humilis is strongly supported by the divergence of C . virescens from them. Our phylogenetic results contradict the morphological classifi cation scheme proposed for Clibanarius and indicate that the relative length of dactyls and propodi is not phylogenetically signifi cant in Clibanarius . In addition, we speculate that the morphological characteristic of the median cleft of the telson might be phylogenetically important for Clibanarius .  相似文献   
The China Seas include the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, and Bohai Sea. Located off the Northwestern Pacific margin, covering 4700000 km~2 from tropical to northern temperate zones, and including a variety of continental margins/basins and depths, the China Seas provide typical cases for carbon budget studies. The South China Sea being a deep basin and part of the Western Pacific Warm Pool is characterized by oceanic features; the East China Sea with a wide continental shelf, enormous terrestrial discharges and open margins to the West Pacific, is featured by strong cross-shelf materials transport; the Yellow Sea is featured by the confluence of cold and warm waters; and the Bohai Sea is a shallow semiclosed gulf with strong impacts of human activities. Three large rivers, the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Pearl River, flow into the East China Sea, the Bohai Sea, and the South China Sea, respectively. The Kuroshio Current at the outer margin of the Chinese continental shelf is one of the two major western boundary currents of the world oceans and its strength and position directly affect the regional climate of China. These characteristics make the China Seas a typical case of marginal seas to study carbon storage and fluxes. This paper systematically analyzes the literature data on the carbon pools and fluxes of the Bohai Sea,Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea, including different interfaces(land-sea, sea-air, sediment-water, and marginal sea-open ocean) and different ecosystems(mangroves, wetland, seagrass beds, macroalgae mariculture, coral reefs, euphotic zones, and water column). Among the four seas, the Bohai Sea and South China Sea are acting as CO_2 sources, releasing about0.22 and 13.86–33.60 Tg C yr~(-1) into the atmosphere, respectively, whereas the Yellow Sea and East China Sea are acting as carbon sinks, absorbing about 1.15 and 6.92–23.30 Tg C yr~(-1) of atmospheric CO_2, respectively. Overall, if only the CO_2 exchange at the sea-air interface is considered, the Chinese marginal seas appear to be a source of atmospheric CO_2, with a net release of 6.01–9.33 Tg C yr~(-1), mainly from the inputs of rivers and adjacent oceans. The riverine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) input into the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea are 5.04, 14.60, and 40.14 Tg C yr~(-1),respectively. The DIC input from adjacent oceans is as high as 144.81 Tg C yr~(-1), significantly exceeding the carbon released from the seas to the atmosphere. In terms of output, the depositional fluxes of organic carbon in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea are 2.00, 3.60, 7.40, and 5.92 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. The fluxes of organic carbon from the East China Sea and South China Sea to the adjacent oceans are 15.25–36.70 and 43.93 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. The annual carbon storage of mangroves, wetlands, and seagrass in Chinese coastal waters is 0.36–1.75 Tg C yr~(-1), with a dissolved organic carbon(DOC) output from seagrass beds of up to 0.59 Tg C yr~(-1). Removable organic carbon flux by Chinese macroalgae mariculture account for 0.68 Tg C yr~(-1) and the associated POC depositional and DOC releasing fluxes are 0.14 and 0.82 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. Thus, in total, the annual output of organic carbon, which is mainly DOC, in the China Seas is 81.72–104.56 Tg C yr~(-1). The DOC efflux from the East China Sea to the adjacent oceans is 15.00–35.00 Tg C yr~(-1). The DOC efflux from the South China Sea is 31.39 Tg C yr~(-1). Although the marginal China Seas seem to be a source of atmospheric CO_2 based on the CO_2 flux at the sea-air interface, the combined effects of the riverine input in the area, oceanic input, depositional export,and microbial carbon pump(DOC conversion and output) indicate that the China Seas represent an important carbon storage area.  相似文献   
结合夏县中心地震台CIC-200型离子色谱仪实际观测,从仪器输液系统、分离系统、基线、管路等方面详细阐述色谱仪常见故障,逐一分析原因,并给出相应故障排除方法,为同类仪器维护提供参考,并为获得准确观测数据,延长仪器使用寿命,提出日常维护方法及建议。  相似文献   
Vertical records are critically important when determining the rupture model of an earthquake, especially a thrust earthquake. Due to the relatively low fitness level of near-field vertical displacements, the precision of previous rupture models is relatively low, and the seismic hazard evaluated thereafter should be further updated. In this study, we applied three-component displacement records from GPS stations in and around the source region of the 2013 MW6.6 Lushan earthquake to re-investigate the rupture model.To improve the resolution of the rupture model, records from both continuous and campaign GPS stations were gathered, and secular deformations of the GPS movements were removed from the records of the campaign stations to ensure their reliability. The rupture model was derived by the steepest descent method(SDM), which is based on a layered velocity structure. The peak slip value was about 0.75 m, with a seismic moment release of 9.89 × 10~(18) N·m, which was equivalent to an M_W6.6 event. The inferred fault geometry coincided well with the aftershock distribution of the Lushan earthquake. Unlike previous rupture models, a secondary slip asperity existed at a shallow depth and even touched the ground surface. Based on the distribution of the co-seismic ruptures of the Lushan and Wenchuan earthquakes, post-seismic relaxation of the Wenchuan earthquake, and tectonic loading process, we proposed that the seismic hazard is quite high and still needs special attention in the seismic gap between the two earthquakes.  相似文献   
南京地区中暑天气条件指数研究预报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文采用南京地区1988-1997年每年夏季逐日各项气象要素及全市各医院同期重症中暑人数进行统计筛选出热夏年:1988年、1994年、1995年,对这三年中暑期重症中暑病例资料与气象资料进行相关统计分析,找出相关性较好的气象因子,经过方程化筛选,得出气温、湿度、气压、对中暑影响较大。三日滑动平均值为主要预报因子。设计中暑指数数学模式。根据中暑病病理、程度将中暑天气条件分三个等级,给出三个不同的中暑天气条件指数临界值,经过1998年、1999年试报验证,准确率较高,社会效益较好。该指数预测模式基本可行。  相似文献   
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