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Tourmaline synthesised in an experiment with low boron excess was analysed in situ by secondary ion mass spectrometry. It revealed significant B isotope zonation with 11B/10B ratios increasing in the growth direction of the crystals. Trend, magnitude and absolute values strongly support results from high-B-excess isotope fractionation experiments. Furthermore, the closed system B-isotopic evolution of the experimental fluid was modelled by Rayleigh fractionation. The model results are in excellent agreement with the measured B-isotope composition of the run-product fluid. Consequently, low-element-excess experiments are proposed as an ideal approach to determine fluid-solid isotope fractionation factors for systems that are characterised by Rayleigh fractionation.  相似文献   
The OSIRIS cameras on the Rosetta spacecraft observed Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from 5 days before to 10 days after it was hit by the Deep Impact projectile. The Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) monitored the cometary dust in 5 different filters. The Wide Angle Camera (WAC) observed through filters sensitive to emissions from OH, CN, Na, and OI together with the associated continuum. Before and after the impact the comet showed regular variations in intensity. The period of the brightness changes is consistent with the rotation period of Tempel 1. The overall brightness of Tempel 1 decreased by about 10% during the OSIRIS observations. The analysis of the impact ejecta shows that no new permanent coma structures were created by the impact. Most of the material moved with . Much of it left the comet in the form of icy grains which sublimated and fragmented within the first hour after the impact. The light curve of the comet after the impact and the amount of material leaving the comet ( of water ice and a presumably larger amount of dust) suggest that the impact ejecta were quickly accelerated by collisions with gas molecules. Therefore, the motion of the bulk of the ejecta cannot be described by ballistic trajectories, and the validity of determinations of the density and tensile strength of the nucleus of Tempel 1 with models using ballistic ejection of particles is uncertain.  相似文献   
K–Ar clay fraction ages of brittle faults often vary with grain size, decreasing in the finer size fractions, producing an inclined age–grain‐size spectrum. K–Ar ages and mineralogical characterization of gouges from two normal faults in the Kongsberg silver mines, southern Norway, suggest that inclined spectra derived from brittle fault rocks reflect the mixing of inherited components with authigenic mineral phases. The ages of the coarsest and finest fractions constrain faulting at c. 260–270 Ma and reactivation around 200–210 Ma, respectively. This study demonstrates how wall‐rock contamination influences the K–Ar age of the coarsest size fractions and that authigenic illite and K‐feldspar can crystallize synkinematically under equivalent conditions and thus yield the same K–Ar ages.  相似文献   
We apply the model of quasistatic equilibrium sequences to describe the time development of magnetic field structures in the plasma of the solar corona, and to determine onset points of a dynamical evolution. The representation of the magnetic field by Euler potentials provides a realistic modeling of the photospheric boundary conditions. We present a numerical method suited for the computation of magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium states and for analysing their stability against perturbations within ideal MHD. Pressure and magnetic footpoint displacement can be prescribed separately as boundary conditions. We consider magnetic arcade structures typical for large two-ribbon flares. Our results indicate that a finite pressure gradient seems to be essential for the existence of onset points. Furthermore, it is shown that magnetic shear destabilizes for intermediate values, but can have a stabilizing effect for a large amount of shear.  相似文献   
We have investigated methane emissions from urban sources in the former East Germany using innovative measurement techniques including a mobile real-time methane instrument and tracer release experiments. Anthropogenic and biogenic sources were studied with the emphasis on methane emissions from gas system sources, including urban distribution facilities and a production plant. Methane fluxes from pressure regulating stations ranged from 0.006 to 24. l/min. Emissions from diffuse sources in urban areas were also measured with concentration maps and whole city flux experiments. The area fluxes of the two towns studied were 0.37 and 1.9 g/m2/s. The emissions from individual gas system stations and total town emissions of this study are comparable to results of similar sites examined in the United States.  相似文献   
Salinisation of running waters is a severe problem in many parts of the world. Monitoring and management of such waters require ecological methods which consider the hydrochemical effects of salinisation on the aquatic communities in order to set targets to protect habitats and biodiversity. Several bioassays have been developed for this purpose and are surveyed here. They are based on the salt sensitivity of the following groups of organisms: diatoms, ciliates and macroinvertebrates. In this paper experiences gained so far are also considered as well as practical applications originating from this research.  相似文献   
Occurrence of Industrial Chemicals (HPS, BPS, and SPS) in Surface Water The paper gives the results of water examinations for different phenylsulfonamides. Random samples taken every month between May 1999 and August 2000 from surface water out of the river Rhine (kilometer 838), the river Ruhr (Mülheim Styrum) and the river Emscher (Oberhausen center) were tested for the corrosion inhibiting agent 6‐[methyl(phenylsulfonyl)amino]‐hexanoic acid (HPS) as well as its metabolites 4‐[methyl‐(phenylsulfonyl)amino]‐butanoic acid (BPS) and sarkosin‐N‐(phenylsulfonyl) (SPS). Furthermore, the sewage plant effluents of two municipal wastewater treatment plants from the rural area were also included in the monitoring program. The analytical method includes solid‐phase extraction (SPE), a derivatization step as well as gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). SPS is regularly found in all investigated surface waters, but only occasionally in the effluents of the two rural sewage plants. The median values for SPS amount to 0.09 μg/L in the river Rhine, 0.60 μg/L in the river Ruhr, and 0.70 μg/L in the river Emscher. BPS can only be found in the river Ruhr (median value: 0.08 μg/L) and in the river Emscher (median value: 0.41 μg/L). HPS was regularly found in a surface water for the first time. This substance can be detected in the Emscher through the whole measurement period. The median value for HPS amounts to 1.78 μg/L. Aditionally, the validation characteristics of an alternative analytical method including solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) is worked out. The fully automated process includes an on‐fiber methylation step and the GC‐MS. The repeatability standard deviation of the process amounts to RSD < 12%. Detection limits between 0.07 and 0.70 μg/L are achieved.  相似文献   
The Catalonian Coast Bange and Inner Bange are the connecting link between the East-Pyrenees in the North and the Celtiberic Chains in the Southeast. During the Paleozoic the Catalonian Ranges differ from both areas by extreme eugeosynclinal conditions with very low rates of sedimentation. Similar conditions in the Hercynian of Spain are to be found in the “pelagic” areas of the southwestern part of the Sierra Morena from upper Ordovician to Lower Carboniferous times. Based on the mapping of the Avencó-Valley (a part of the Montseny-Mountains/Catalonia) the Paleozoic layers are described and a stratigraphic subdivision is worked out. The conformable sequence begins in the upper Ordovician (Caradoc) and continues to the Visean. Buntsandstein is unconformably overlying the Paleozoic. The Ordovician/Silurian boundary is determined by Graptolithes; the Silurian/Devonian boundary is located within a sequence of Orthoceras-limestone as elsewhere in the Catalonian Range. For lack of fossils the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary is not clearly defined; instead a lithologic boundary was used. Special stress has been laid upon sedimentary structures.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Devon der nördlichen Sierra Morena und der Sierra de San Pedro treten Schichtlücken auf, die in den untersuchten Mulden ein unterschiedliches Ausmaß erreichen. Das Mitteldevon konnte nirgends nachgewiesen werden. Das Oberdevon folgt unmittelbar über unterdevonischen oder auch silurischen Schichten. Im südlichen Arbeitsgebiet kann sogar das Oberdevon fehlen, so daß unterkarbonische Sedimente über silurischen und älteren Schichten liegen.Für das Fehlen von Oberdevon kann Schwellenbildung und damit verbundene Abtragung vermutet werden. Die Schichtlücken im Unter- und Mitteldevon der übrigen Gebiete scheinen dagegen durch Unterbrechung der Sedimentzufuhr erklärbar zu sein.
In the Devonian of northern Sierra Morena and Sierra de San Pedro there exist stratigraphical breaks of different amount in the investigated troughs. No Middle Devonian could be found. Upper Devonian rests directly upon Lower Devonian or Silurian rocks. Due to the occasional lack of Upper Devonian in the southern area under discussion even sediments of Lower Carboniferous age may superpose Silurian and older deposits.The absence of Upper Devonian is supposed to be caused by development of ridges and their erosion. However, stratigraphical breaks during Lower and Middle Devonian in the other areas seem to be explicable by non-deposition.

Résumé Dans les synclinals étudiés du Dévonien de la Sierra Morena septentrionale et de la Sierra de San Pedro il y a des lacunes stratigraphiques atteignant de différentes ampleurs. Dévonien moyen ne fut nulle part observé. Dévonien supérieur suit immédiatement les couches du Dévonien inférieur ou bien du Silurien. Dans le secteur méridional il y a même des lacunes stratigraphiques du Dévonien supérieur, et les sédiments du Carbonifère inférieur reposent sur le Silurien ou sur des couches plus anciennes.Il est possible qu'un soulèvement d'un paléorelief accompagné de l'érosion soit responsable de la lacune du Dévonien supérieur. Quant aux lacunes du Dévonien inférieur et moyen des autres régions elles sont plutôt à expliquer par non-déposition.

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