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Transfer functions describing the coprecipitation of various trace elements (TE; As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn), precipitating with iron(oxihydr)oxides from an aqueous solution, were developed and implemented in the computer model ‘Seeper’. ‘Seeper’ was developed to predict the progression of the concentrations of inorganic pollutants in unsaturated soils underneath contaminated areas and to evaluate the prospective contamination of the groundwater. Transfer functions provide a straight and simple relation between the coprecipitation of TE and easy to obtain standard soil parameters, without excessive repercussions on the usability and computation time of the model. Laboratory experiments were conducted to quantify coprecipitation in solutions with pH values ranging from 5 to 12 and containing various iron and TE concentrations. For the examined TE, the transfer functions describe the coprecipitated fraction as a function of the pH value and the concentration ratio between precipitated iron and a TE. The transfer functions yielded a good prediction of cadmium, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, nickel, and zinc (R 2 from 0.73 to 0.83). As for arsenic, chromium, and lead the correlation was not as good albeit a significant influence of precipitating iron on the mobility of these elements was observed and represented in the corresponding transfer functions.  相似文献   
The interaction of Cs(I), Eu(III), Th(IV) and U(VI) with montmorillonite colloids was investigated in natural Grimsel Test Site groundwater over a 3 years period. The asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation combined with various detectors was applied to study size variations of colloids and to monitor colloid association of trace metals. The colloids suspended directly in the low ionic strength (I), slightly alkaline granitic groundwater (I = 10−3 mol/L, pH 9.6) showed a gradual agglomeration with a size distribution shift from initially 10-200 nm to 50-400 nm within over 3 years. The Ca2+ concentration of 2.1 × 10−4 mol/L in the ground water is believed to be responsible for the slow agglomeration due to Ca2+ ion exchange against Li+ and Na+ at the permanently charged basal clay planes. Furthermore, the Ca2+ concentration lies close to the critical coagulation concentration (CCC) of 10−3 mol L−1 for clay colloids. Slow destabilization may delimit clay colloid migration in this specific groundwater over long time scales. Eu(III) and Th(IV) are found predominantly bound to clay colloids, while U(VI) prevails as the UO2(OH)3 complex and Cs(I) remains mainly as aquo ion under our experimental conditions. Speciation calculations qualitatively represent the experimental data. A focus was set on the reversibility of metal ion-colloid binding. Addition of humic acid as a competing ligand induces rapid metal ion dissociation from clay colloids in the case of Eu(III) even after previous aging for about 3 years. Interestingly only partial dissociation occurs in the case of Th(IV). Experiments and calculations prove that the humate complexes dominate the speciation of all metal ions under given conditions. The partial irreversibility of clay bound Th(IV) is presently not understood but might play an important role for the colloid-mediated transport of polyvalent actinides over wide distances in natural groundwater.  相似文献   
This study provides new structural data that show that the Adaminaby Group is part of the Narooma accretionary complex and has been overprinted by HT/LP metamorphism associated with Middle Devonian Moruya Suite intrusions. The grade of metamorphism based on Kübler Indices is the same in the Wagonga and Adaminaby Groups at Batemans Bay inferring that these rocks were involved in the same accretionary event. White micas in slates of the Adaminaby Group record apparent K–Ar ages of 384.6 ± 7.9 Ma and 395.8 ± 8.1 Ma. These ages are believed to represent the age of Middle to Upper Devonian Buckenbowra Granodiorite. Kübler Index values indicate lower epizonal (greenschist facies) metamorphic conditions and are not influenced by heating in metamorphic aureoles of the plutons. All b cell lattice parameter values are characteristic of intermediate pressure facies conditions although they are lower in the metamorphic aureole of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite than in the country rock, defining two areas with dissimilar baric conditions. East of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite, b cell lattice parameter values outside the contact aureole (x = 9.033 Å; n = 8) indicate P = 4 kb, and assuming a temperature of 300°C, infer a depth of burial of approximately 15 km for these rocks with a geothermal gradient of 20°C/km. In the metamorphic aureole of the Buckenbowra Granodiorite, b cell lattice parameter values (x = 9.021 Å; n = 41) indicate P = 3.1 kb inferring exhumation of the Adaminaby Group rocks to a depth of approximately 11 km prior to intrusion. A geothermal gradient of 36°C/km operated in the aureole during intrusion. An extensional back-arc environment prevailed in the Adaminaby Group during the Middle to Upper Devonian.  相似文献   
Representatives of the Antarctic food web (krill, cephalopod, fish, penguin, seal) of the area around Elephant Island and from the Weddell Sea were analysed for the most recalcitrant organochlorine compounds. Due to sorption of the compounds to sinking particles and accumulation in sediments, two benthic fish species (Gobionotothen gibberifrons, Chaenocephalus aceratus) feeding on benthos invertebrates and fish reflected significantly increasing concentrations within a decade (1987-1996), while a benthopelagic species (Champsocephalus gunnari) feeding on krill did not. In the pelagic food chain, lipid normalised concentrations of all compounds increased from Antarctic krill to fish proving that biomagnification of highly lipophilic pollutants (log octanol-water partition coefficient>5) occurs in water-breathing animals. As top predators Weddell and southern elephant seals (Leptonychotes weddellii, Mirounga leonina) biomagnified the persistent organic pollutants relative to krill 30-160 fold with the exception of hexachlorobenzene, the levels of which were lower than in fish indicating its intense specific elimination.  相似文献   
An analysis of the hydrogen and helium isotopic composition from EPHIN data, during the quiet-time period from January 1 to June 1, 1996, is presented. An isotopic discrimination and background rejection have been applied and relationships between the abundances of 2H/1H, 3He/4He, and 4He/1H have been calculated. The energy spectra in the 4–50 MeV nucl–1 range have been obtained and the contribution of the different spectral components have been analysed in this energy range. We conclude that the main contribution to the 4He spectrum is of anomalous origin, while the proton and 3He spectra have contributions mainly from particles of solar origin at low energies and from the galactic cosmic radiation modulated by the heliosphere at high energies. The deuterium spectrum is mainly of galactic origin.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Bereich der südlichen Ägäis überlagern vier allochthone Stockwerke den autochthonen Plattenkalk (Perm-Oligozän). Die allochthonen Serien entstammen ursprünglich konzentrisch angeordneten mesozoisch-alttertiären Faziesräumen der zentralen Ägäis. Die tektonische Abfolge aus neritischen Karbonaten, pelagischen Karbonaten und einem vulkano-sedimentären Komplex, die durch inkompetente Zwischenmittel (Mélange) getrennt werden, besteht über den gesamten Bogen. Fazielle und stratigraphische Merkmale sowie die Art der Deformation ermöglichen die Korrelation der Teilprofile des südägäischen Deckenstapels und dessen Anknüpfung an die südwestliche Türkei. Die kinematische Analyse des Deckenbaus führt zu dem Bild eines sich ausbreitenden Mantel-Diapirs, an dessen geneigter Grenzfläche ein gravitativer Transport ausgelöst wurde.
In the realm of the Southern Aegean Arc four allochthonous units are piled up above the autochthonous Cherty Limestone (Permian-Oligocene). The allochthonous units are derived from different Mesozoic to Paleogene facies zones which originally were arranged in concentric belts in the Central Aegean Sea. The nappe pile consists — from bottom to top — of neritic carbonates, pelagic carbonates and a volcano-sedimentary complex along the entire arc. These competent units are separated by incompetent members of mainly flyschoid sediments, acting as lubricants. The intercalated sediments were deformed to mélanges due to tectonic transport. Facies analysis, stratigraphy and the style of deformation lead to a correlation of type sections of the southern Aegean nappe pile and its relation to the southwestern part of Turkey. The nappe transport is caused by diapiric uplift and lateral shifting of a thermal dome. A radial gravity transport occurred on its inclined boundary plane.

Résumé Dans la région de l'Egée méridionale le Calcaire en plaquettes, en position autochthone (Permian-Oligocène) repose sous quatre unités allochthones. Les séries allochthones proviennent de différentes zones de faciès mésozoique-paléogène qui à l'origine étaient disposées concentriquement dans l'Égée centrale. Les nappes sont constituées tout le long de l'arc entier pour des carbonates néritiques, des carbonates pélagiques et un complexe volcano-sédimentaire. Ces unités compétentes sont séparées par des formations incompétentes, notamment des sédiments flyschoides qui ont servi de lubrificant. Ces sédiments intercalés ont été déformés en mélanges par le transport tectonique. Des caractéristiques de faciès et d'ordre stratigraphique, et le style de la déformation rendent possible la corrélation entre les fractions des nappes sud-égéennes et leur rattachement au sud-ouest de la Turquie. Le transport des nappes est lié au déploiement latéral de l'enveloppe d'un dôme diapirique, qui a déclanché un transport radial, par gravité, le long de sa base inclinée.

4 (-). - - . - , (Mélange). , - - . , .

Diese Untersuchungen wurden im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogrammes Geodynamik des mediterranen Raumes der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt und gefördert. Ausgehend von einer Geländetätigkeit auf Kreta in den Jahren 1973–1975 erfolgten im Herbst 1975 Vergleichsbegehungen auf dem Peloponnes, auf Rhodos und den Kykladen. Von den Mitarbeitern des Institutes für Geologie und Paläontologie der TU Braunschweig übernahmen dankenswerterweise FrauBeddies und FrauBusch die Niederschrift des Manuskriptes sowie Übersetzungsarbeiten. HerrStosnach führte freundlicherweise die Reinzeichnung der Abbildungen und Fotoarbeiten aus.  相似文献   
Due to its intensive data processing and highly distributed organization, the multidisciplinary Earth Science applications community is uniquely positioned for the uptake and exploitation of Grid technologies. Currently Enabling Grids for E-sciencE, and other large Grid infrastructures are already deployed and capable of operational services. So far however, the adoption and exploitation of Grid technology throughout the Earth Science community has been slower than expected. The Dissemination and Exploitation of GRids in Earth sciencE project, proposed by the European Commission to assist and accelerate this process in a number of different ways, had between its main goals the creation of a roadmap towards Earth Science Grid platform. This paper presents the resulting roadmap.  相似文献   
Zooplankton samples from the eastern Mediterranean were collected in April/May 1999 with a multiple opening and closing net (mesh size 333 μm) to examine the distribution and taxonomic composition of mesozooplankton, mainly Calanoida (Copepoda), some years after the onset of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT), a climatically induced shift in hydrography. The samples from seven stations on a transect from the Ionian Sea to the eastern part of the Levantine Basin were collected at closely spaced vertical intervals from the surface to water depths of 4250 m. Data from January 1987, June 1993, January 1998 and October 2001 from the main site of investigation, south of Crete, were used to describe the temporal evolution before (1987), during (1993) and after (1998–2001) the EMT. The eastern Mediterranean mesozooplankton fauna is dominated by three Calanoida species along the west–east transect, with varying abundances in different depth‐zones: Haloptilus longicornis in the epipelagic zone, Eucalanus monachus in the mesopelagic zone, and Lucicutia longiserrata in the bathypelagic zone. A drastic change in mesozooplankton composition and abundance occurred at the main site during the EMT, whereupon increased abundances of Candacia elongata and L. longiserrata were observed in the bathypelagic zone in the following years; L. longiserrata accounted for 43% of the total mesozooplankton in this zone. The hypothesis is posed that the Mediterranean deep‐sea ecosystem is able to respond quickly to changes in the environment and memorizes these changes over time. We claim that the biological effects of climatically induced changes can be easily monitored in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea using calanoid copepod key species due to the hydrographically extreme, but ‘simply structured’ ecosystem.  相似文献   
The study of the expansion of the solar wind out of a system of coronal holes is continued. To this end, we consider the numerical integration of partial differential equations for problems with icosahedral symmetry, in general. First, employing Weyl theory, orbifold coordinates are introduced. Second, the icosahedral coordinates are discussed in detail. Third, following an analysis of the properties of these coordinates and the derivation of a few expressions useful for grid construction, various alternatives for the distribution of lattice points required for numerical integration are considered. A comparison of these numerical grids motivates the choice of a specific grid optimized for the numerical integration carried out in the accompanying paper by Kalish et al.(2002). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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