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Due to the temporal resolution of available numerical weather analyses, the effect of the atmosphere on Earth rotation at daily and sub-daily periods is usually investigated using 6-hourly atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) functions. During the period of CONT08, however, atmospheric analysis data were provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) also on an hourly basis. In this paper, we, therefore, determine two sets of AAM functions from ECMWF data—one for CONT08 with hourly resolution and one for the year 2008 with 6-hourly resolution. The comparisons of the AAM functions to high-resolution Earth rotation parameters (ERP) from VLBI and GPS observations are carried out in the frequency domain. Special attention is paid to the preparation of the high-resolution data sets for the geodetic purposes, as there are jump discontinuities at 12 h intervals. Hence, the hourly AAM functions need to be concatenated. The revised functions yield much smaller amplitudes than their 6-hourly counterparts, as can be seen from the equatorial and the axial frequency spectra of atmospheric excitation in Earth rotation. This decrease of spectral power in the hourly AAM functions is found to be associated with a strong counteraction of pressure and wind terms, which originates from atmospheric circulation on short time scales. The results are compared to previous findings published by Brzeziński and Petrov (IERS Tech Note 28:53–60, 2000) based on the data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).  相似文献   
The Ries crater is a well‐preserved, complex impact crater that has been extensively used in the study of impact crater formation processes across the solar system. However, its geologic structure, especially the megablock zone, still poses questions regarding crater formation mechanics. The megablock zone, located between the inner crystalline ring and outer, morphologic crater rim, consists of allochthonous crystalline and sedimentary blocks, Bunte Breccia deposits, patches of suevite, and parautochthonous sedimentary blocks that slumped into the crater during crater modification. Our remote sensing detection method in combination with a shallow drilling campaign and geoelectric measurements at two selected megablocks proved successful in finding new megablock structures (>25 m mean diameter) within the upper approximately 1.5 m of the subsurface in the megablock zone. We analyzed 1777 megablocks of the megablock zone, 81 of which are new discoveries. In our statistical analysis, we also included 2318 ejecta blocks >25 m beyond the crater rim. Parautochthonous megablocks show an increase in total area and size toward the final crater rim. The sizes of allochthonous megablocks generally decrease with increasing radial range, but inside the megablock zone, the coverage with postimpact sediments obscures this trend. The size‐frequency distribution of all megablocks obeys a power‐law distribution with an exponent between approximately ?1.7 and ?2.3. We estimated a total volume of 95 km3 of Bunte Breccia and 47 km3 of megablocks. Ejecta volume calculations and a palinspastic restoration of the extension within the megablock zone indicate that the transient cavity diameter was probably 14–15 km.  相似文献   
The effect of pressure and composition on the viscosity of both anhydrous and hydrous andesitic melts was studied in the viscosity range of 108 to 1011.5 Pa · s using parallel plate viscometry. The pressure dependence of the viscosity of three synthetic, iron-free liquids (andesite analogs) containing 0.0, 1.06, and 1.96 wt.% H2O, respectively, was measured from 100 to 300 MPa using a high-P-T viscometer. These results, combined with those from Richet et al. (1996), indicate that viscosities of anhydrous andesitic melts are independent of pressure, whereas viscosities of hydrous melts slightly increase with increasing pressure. This trend is consistent with an increased degree of depolymerization in the hydrous melts. Compositional effects on the viscosity were studied by comparing iron-free and iron-bearing compositions with similar degrees of depolymerization. During experiments at atmospheric and at elevated pressures (100 to 300 MPa), the viscosity of iron-bearing anhydrous melts preequilibrated in air continuously increased, and the samples became paramagnetic. Analysis of these samples by transmission electron microscopy showed a homogeneous distribution of crystals (probably magnetite) with sizes in the range of 10 to 50 nm. No significant difference in the volume fractions of crystals was found in samples after annealing for 170 to 830 min at temperatures ranging from 970 to 1122 K. An iron-bearing andesite containing 1.88 wt.% H2O, which was synthesized at intrinsic fO2 conditions in an internally heated pressure vessel, showed a similar viscosity behavior as the anhydrous melts. The continuous increase in viscosity at a constant temperature is attributed to changes of the melt structure due to exsolution of iron-rich phases. By extrapolating the time evolution of viscosity down to the time at which the run temperature was reached, for both the anhydrous (at 1055 K) and the hydrous (at 860 K) iron-bearing andesite, the viscosity is 0.7 log units lower than predicted by the model of Richet et al. (1996). This may be explained by differences in structural properties of Fe2+ and Fe3+ and their substitutes Mg2+, Ca2+, and Al3+, which were used in the analogue composition.The effect of iron redox state on the viscosity of anhydrous, synthetic andesite melts was studied at ambient pressure using a dilatometer. Reduced iron-bearing samples were produced by annealing melts in graphite crucibles in an Ar/CO atmosphere for different run times. In contrast to the oxidized sample, no variation of viscosity with time and no exsolution of iron oxide phases was observed for the most reduced glasses. This indicates that trivalent iron promotes the exsolution of iron oxide in supercooled melts. With decreasing Fe3+/ΣFe ratio from 0.58 to 0.34, the viscosity decreases by ∼1.6 log units in the investigated temperature range between 964 and 1098 K. A more reduced glass with Fe3+/ΣFe = 0.21 showed no additional decrease in viscosity. Our conclusion from these results is that the viscosity of natural melts may be largely overestimated when using data obtained from samples synthesized in air.  相似文献   
Rock moisture during freeze–thaw events is a key factor for frost weathering. Data on moisture levels of natural rockwalls are scarce and difficult to obtain. To close this gap, we can benefit from the extensive knowledge of moisture‐related phenomena in building materials, which is incorporated into simulation software, for example the WUFI® package of the Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics. In this paper we applied and adapted this type of simulation to natural rockwalls to gain new insights on which moisture‐related weathering mechanisms may be important under which conditions. We collected the required input data on physical rock properties and local climate for two study areas in the eastern European Alps with different elevation [Sonnblick, 3106 m above sea level (a.s.l.) and Johnsbach, 700 m a.s.l.] and different lithologies (gneiss and dolomite, respectively). From this data, moisture profiles with depth and fluctuations in the course of a typical year were calculated. The results were cross‐checked with different thermal conditions for frost weathering reported in the literature (volumetric expansion and ice segregation theories). The analyses show that in both study areas the thresholds for frost cracking by volumetric expansion of ice (90% pore saturation, temperature < ?1 °C) are hardly ever reached (in one year only 0.07% of the time in Johnsbach and 0.4% at Sonnblick, mostly in north‐exposed walls). The preconditions for weathering by ice segregation (?3 to ?8 °C, > 60% saturation) prevail over much longer periods; the time spent within this ‘frost cracking window‘ is also higher for north‐facing sites. The influence of current climate warming will reduce effective frost events towards 2100; however the increase of liquid precipitation and rock moisture will promote weathering processes like ice segregation at least at the Sonnblick site. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A 13.94-m-long sediment core, collected from a medium-sized lake in the Qilian Mountains (NE Tibetan Plateau, China), was analysed palynologically at 81 horizons. The interpretation of indicator taxa yielded various vertical shifts of the vegetation belts. These palaeovegetation results have been checked with lake surface pollen spectra from 8 lakes representing different altitudinal vegetation belts. Our main findings are the following: A short period of the late Marine Isotope Stage 3 (around ∼46,000 yr ago) was characterized by interglacial temperature conditions with a tree line above its present-day altitude. During the LGM, the vicinity of the lake was not covered by ice but by sparse alpine vegetation and alpine deserts, indicating that the climate was colder by ∼4-7°C than today. Markedly higher temperatures were inferred from higher arboreal pollen frequencies between ∼13,000 and ∼7,000 yr ago with a Holocene temperature optimum and a maximal Picea-Betula mixed-forest expansion between ∼9,000 and ∼7000 yr ago, when temperatures exceeded the present-day conditions by at least 1-2°C. Alpine steppes and meadows and sub-alpine shrub vegetation dominated around the lake since the middle Holocene, suggesting that vegetation and climate conditions were exceptionally stable in comparison to previous periods.  相似文献   
Sensitivities of species compositions of the broadleaf–conifer mixed forest in eastern Eurasian continent to climate change were evaluated with three forest gap models, namely KOPIDE, NEWCOP, and ForClim. Testing sites are located on Changbai Mountain, the middle of the distribution range for the mixed forest. Six climate change scenarios characterizing increase in temperature and increase/decrease in precipitation were used to test the sensitivities of species composition to climate change. Simulations suggest that the mixed forest in temperate Monsoon Asia will face changes in species composition should climate change be almost certain. At the minimum level, the order of dominant species is going to change due to species competition, resulting in the increase in the proportion of broadleaved tree species in the forest. If air temperature increases and precipitation decreases, Pinus koraiensis is going to disappear from the forest and the mixed forest will become hardwood forest. This experiment supports some earlier predictions under other climate change scenarios.  相似文献   
Near-infrared adaptive optics as well as fringe tracking for coherent beam combination in optical interferometry require the development of high-speed sensors. Because of the high speed, a large analog bandwidth is required. The short exposure times result in small signal levels which require noiseless detection. Both requirements cannot be met by state-of-the-art conventional CMOS technology of near-infrared arrays as has been attempted previously. A total of five near-infrared SAPHIRA 320 × 256 pixel HgCdTe eAPD arrays have been deployed in the wavefront sensors and in the fringe tracker of the VLTI instrument GRAVITY. The current limiting magnitude for coherent exposures with GRAVITY is mk = 19, which is made possible with ADP technology. New avalanche photo-diode array (APD) developments since GRAVITY include the extension of the spectral sensitivity to the wavelength range from 0.8 to 2.5 μm. After GRAVITY a larger format array with 512 × 512 pixels has been developed for both AO applications at the ELT and for long integration times. Since dark currents of <10−3 e/s have been demonstrated with 1Kx1K eAPD arrays and 2Kx2K eAPD arrays have already been developed, the possibilities and adaptations of eAPD technology to provide noiseless large-format science-grade arrays for long integration times are also discussed.  相似文献   
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