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I.horoductionPleNorthwestPacificOceanisti1elnostfrequentlyaffeCtedareaoftropicalcyclone(TC).AboLIt36percentTCoftheworldoccurinffosarea[2],andthenumberofTCWhichlandedonChinawiti1n1akimumwindforcescalesoverlOisabout35percentofti1atintheeastemcoastalcoLUitriesofAsia[l].BothrainstormsandfloodsMide,theidriuenceofTCareheaVyinChina,suchastherainfalldePthof2749mm/3datXinliao,Taiwanandpeakdischargeof44,6oOm'/satHuanggo(55,42okn'),YalujiangRjver.Therefore,TCisanimportantfaCtorforflooddisas…  相似文献   
武汉市盛夏高温气候特征和成因及预报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1950~2005年盛夏(7~8月)逐日武汉市最高温度、2002年和2003年6~8月T213格点风和垂直速度资料,分析了武汉盛夏高温的气候特征,研究了高温过程及西太平洋副热带高压活动特点。分析结果表明:20世纪50年代末至60年代初、60年代中期、70年代后期、90年代和2000~2005年为高温日数偏多的5个阶段。80年代高温日数偏少。对较大的时间尺度而言,强的高温集中在50年代后期至60年代以及90年代后期至2005年。强高温过程集中在7月下旬至8月上旬。西太平洋副热带高压持续稳定控制长江中下游,是造成高温及强高温过程的主要环流系统。选用ECMWF和T213温度和纬向风场预报产品,应用灰色预测方法建立了武汉市盛夏日最高温度预报模型,该模型试用于2003年和2006年盛夏高温预报,检验结果表明该模型提供的高温定量预报有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
本文介绍了测量不确定度的验证方法,并举例说明.  相似文献   
Mega-urban agglomerations are strategic core areas for national economic development and the main regions of new urbanization. They also have important roles in shifting the global economic center of gravity to China. However, the development of mega-urban agglomerations has triggered the interactive coercion between resources and the eco-environment. The interactive coupled effects between urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations represent frontier and high-priority research topics in the field of Earth system science over the next decade. In this paper, we carried out systematic theoretical analysis of the interactive coupling mechanisms and coercing effects between urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations. In detail, we analyzed the nonlinear-coupled relationships and the coupling characteristics between natural and human elements in mega-urban agglomerations. We also investigated the interactive coercion intensities between internal and external elements, and the mechanisms and patterns of local couplings and telecouplings in mega-urban agglomeration systems, which are affected by key internal and external control elements. In addition, we proposed the interactive coupling theory on urbanization and the eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations. Furthermore, we established a spatiotemporal dynamic coupling model with multi-element, multi-scale, multi-scenario, multi-module and multi-agent integrations, which can be used to develop an intelligent decision support system for sustainable development of mega-urban agglomerations. In general, our research may provide theoretical guidance and method support to solve problems related to mega-urban agglomerations and maintain their sustainable development.  相似文献   
对广州市越秀区解放中路考古遗址剖面进行了年代学、岩性、硅藻和软体动物鉴定等研究,发现广州珠江北岸古城区南部在先秦时期为河道及河口湾湿地/洼地;因河流-河涌的淡水注入使河口盐度降低,故而沉积物中未见较高盐度的微体生物,仅发现了河口型咸水-半咸水硅藻;此时堆积的贝壳大多为淡水种,半咸水种少见,表明先秦(东周)时期,广州地区...  相似文献   
6月MJO对广东降水调制与直接影响系统的联系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用1979—2008年广东省86个测站逐日降水资料及NCEP-DOE第2套分析资料等,提出影响广东500 hPa环流系统的判别方法,分析6月赤道MJO (季节内振荡) 活动对广东降水的调制作用随中低纬度环流型的变化。结果表明:强MJO第3位相广东出现强降水的概率最高,是8个位相中唯一强降水等级出现日数超过弱降水日数的位相。在直接影响广东的5种500 hPa环流系统 (包括西风槽、西风浅槽、平直西风或高压边缘、副热带高压、热带低压槽) 中,西风槽类型影响时,赤道MJO对广东降水的调制作用最强,其他环流类型影响时,MJO的调制作用很弱。广东在西风槽影响下,当处于MJO第3位相 (第6位相) 时,降水距平百分率达到最高 (低)。MJO对广东降水的调制作用随中低纬度环流系统的变化,主要是环流系统之间的不同配合导致降水所需的动力上升条件和水汽输送条件的相互配合发生变化造成的。  相似文献   
The analytical results of the previous paper(Wu,1989)are used to study the properties of vertical veloc-ity distribution at the top of the boundary layer.The relative position of a jet like geostrophic flow and el-lipse-shaped orography will affect the characteristic feature of vertical motion at the top of the boundary layerwhen the contributions of friction and orography are taken into consideration simultaneously.  相似文献   
1994年6月广东省特大洪涝期间气象要素的小波分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
通过对1994年6月广东洪涝期间省内南雄与电白两站逐时地面降水、气压和温度的小波分析,清楚地将影响两站的不同尺度的扰动显示出来,利用小波方差图可帮助确定该段时间的主要天气系统,利用小波逆变换可对原序列进行多种形式的重构。  相似文献   
Aerosol optical parameters, polarized phase function and single-scattering albdeo, have been retrieved from ground-based sun photometer measurements in Beijing 2003. The measured aerosol optical thickness varies from 0.12 to 0.77 with an average value of 0.39. The measured Ångström coefficient ranges from 0.75 to 1.47 with an average value of 1.21. The retrieved single-scattering albedo at 870 nm is within the 0.76–0.94 range and the average value is 0.85, suggests there are considerable aerosol absorptions in Beijing. The maximum value of retrieved polarized phase function at 870 nm ranges from 0.068 to 0.225 with an average value of 0.16, and it illustrates good correlations with the Ångström coefficient, i.e. the relative size of aerosol particles. Analyses of measurements and theoretical calculations show the polarized phase function is sensitive to aerosol size distribution and complex refractive index, especially the imaginary part of the refractive index which denotes aerosol light absorbing effects. These results suggest that the polarized phase function is an effective and unique aerosol optical parameter and is able to improve the retrieval of aerosol physical properties.  相似文献   
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