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The present study focuses on the shear strength, deformation, and particle crushing of sand which is mixed by crushed sandstone and mudstone particles. Two triaxial tests—one for unsaturated specimens and the other for saturated specimens—were performed, along with sieve analysis tests. Results obtained from the triaxial tests indicate that, with the increment of the mudstone particle content by weight, the angle of internal friction decreases, the cohesion increases and then decreases, and both the initial angle of shearing resistance at the atmospheric pressure and decremental angle increase and then decrease. Compared to the unsaturated specimens, the deviator stress or normalized deviator stress of the saturated specimens at the same axial stress may decrease due to the wetting action. Thus, the shear strength of the tested materials may be reduced by the wetting action. Results of sieve analysis tests indicate that the mixing of some mudstone particles into the sandstone particle mixture may reduce the amount of particle crushing, but the wetting action may increase the amount. The amount of the crushed particle may arrive at a minimum of 40% of mudstone particle content by weight.  相似文献   
The electronic structures and effective masses of the N mono-doped and Al-N, Ga-N, In-N codoped ZnO system have been calculated by a first-principle method, and comparisons among different doping cases are made. According to the results, the impurity states in the codoping cases are more delocalised compared to the N mono-doping case, which means a better conductive behaviour can be obtained by codoping. Besides, compared to the Al-N and Ga-N codoping cases, the hole effective mass of In-N codoped system is much smaller, indicating the p-type conductivity can be more enhanced by In-N codoping.  相似文献   
研究了深圳海域2008年4月、9月的水体弧菌数量、种类组成及其分布,探讨了弧菌总数及各优势类群的数量分布与环境因子间的相关关系。结果表明:弧菌总数分布具有季节性,东部海域春季(4月)的弧菌数量高于秋季(9月)的,其均值分别为1.50×104,8.89×102CFU/cm3;在西部海域秋季的略高于春季的,其均值分别为5.09×102,2.66×102CFU/cm3;弧菌数量最高值出现在大亚湾(4.40×104CFU/cm3)。弧菌的优势类群具有季节性分布特征:春季特有的优势类群有Vibrio gigantis类似种和V.splendidus类似种,秋季特有的优势类群有V.natriegens类似种;V.alginolyticus类似种是两个季节共有的优势类群,其数量春季高于秋季的。弧菌种类、数量与海水温度、盐度及细菌总数、Chl-a等环境因子有一定的相关性,其中盐度为弧菌种类及数量分布的主要影响因子。  相似文献   
鲽形目鱼类经济价值较高,进化史悠久复杂,形态构造呈特殊的不对称性,分类系统备受关注但至今尚未统一。本文通过创建专项数据库、标准化数据索引和流程化分类学功能模块,将鲽形目分类阶元系统、分类检索表、序列比对搜索、DNA条码检索、分子系统树和分类参考资料等分类学信息研究的各要素有机地融为一体,实现了对传统分类特征与分子序列特征的信息集成、关联、分析和应用,阐明了将数据搜索、挖掘、分析和通用查询等综合应用于分类检索系统的方法,建立了一种特定阶元的分类系统软件开发模式,开发了鲽形目分类信息分析系统。  相似文献   
We conducted studies of phytoplankton and hydrological variables in a semi-enclosed bay in northern China to understand the spatial–temporal variability and relationship between these variables. Samples were collected during seven cruises in Jiaozhou Bay from November 2003 to October 2004, and were analyzed for temperature, nutrients and phytoplankton pigments. Pigments from eight possible phytoplankton classes (Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Chlorophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Haptophyceae, Cryptophyceae and Caynophyceae) were detected in surface water by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Phytoplankton pigment and nutrient concentrations in Jiaozhou Bay were spatially and temporally variable, and most of them were highest in the northern and eastern parts of the sampling regions in spring (May) and summer (August), close to areas of shellfish culturing, river estuaries, dense population and high industrialization, reflecting human activities. Chlorophyll a was recorded in all samples, with an annual mean concentration of 1.892 μg L−1, and fucoxanthin was the most abundant accessory pigment, with a mean concentration of 0.791 μg L−1. The highest concentrations of chlorophyll a (15.299 μg L−1) and fucoxanthin (9.417 μg L−1) were observed in May 2004 at the station close to the Qingdao Xiaogang Ferry, indicating a spring bloom of Diatoms in this area. Although chlorophyll a and other biomarker pigments showed significant correlations, none of them showed strong correlations with temperature and nutrients, suggesting an apparent de-coupling between the pigments and these hydrological variables. The nutrient composition and phytoplankton community composition of Jiaozhou Bay have changed significantly in the past several decades, reflecting the increasing nutrient concentrations and decline of phytoplankton cell abundance. The unchanged total chlorophyll a levels indicated that smaller species have filled the niche vacated by the larger species in Jiaozhou Bay, as revealed by our biomarker pigment analysis.  相似文献   
应用透射电子显微镜技术研究了我国海域耳鲍精子发生的全过程。结果表明,耳鲍精原细胞呈近椭圆形,染色质分布较均匀,线粒体较少;初级精母细胞较大,染色质凝聚成小块状,线粒体增多;次级精母细胞较初级精母细胞小,线粒体较多,部分线粒体发生融合,呈扁囊状。分化早期精细胞染色质凝聚成团块状,多数贴附于核膜内面,胞质中出现前顶体颗粒。分化中期精细胞染色质继续凝聚成较大的团块,线粒体在核的一端融合,形成数量少、体积大的线粒体,前顶体颗粒形成圆形外膜明显的前顶体。分化后期精核由近圆形变成长桶状,核内染色质凝聚并均质化,前顶体泡化发育成顶体,鞭毛形成,精细胞分化成精子。成熟精子为鞭毛型精子,由头部、中段和尾部(鞭毛)3部分组成。  相似文献   
Field observations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Bohai Bay, China have not been widely reported. The aim of this paper is to describe the horizontal and vertical distribution of mass and volume concentrations of SPM, respectively, based on observed data at 312 stations in the northern Bohai Bay during summer of 2006. A numerical model ECOMSED coupled with a sediment transport module was also established to further discuss the mechanism of the thermocline effect on the vertical distribution of SPM. The mass concentrations of SPM exhibited high inshore values and low offshore values in the horizontal distribution; while in the vertical direction, characteristics of the volume concentration of SPM can be divided into two types: one with a sharp peak at depth of 10–15 m and another without. The peak value at the depth of the thermocline was resulted from concentrated phytoplankton. A numerical experiment further displayed that the thermocline can also prevent particles from being resuspended upward.  相似文献   
Based on field observations made in winter 2006 and summer 2007 and on multiscene MODerate resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) imagery, the seasonal variation of suspended-sediment transport in the southern Bohai Strait and its possible mechanisms are examined. The field observations in two different seasons allow an exponential empirical model to be used to retrieve suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) from MODIS imagery. Both the field-survey data and the MODIS-derived SSC show that the sediment transport in the southern Bohai Strait has a significant seasonal variation due to the seasonally varying thermohaline structure of the water column and the hydrodynamics resulting from the seasonally alternating monsoons. The SSC in winter is approximately 3–10 times higher than in summer. Considering the seasonal variation of water flux (WF) and SSC, the annual sediment flux (SSF) through the southern Bohai Strait is estimated to be approximately 40.0 Mt yr−1, about 4–8 times previous estimates, which did not take into account seasonal variation. Although the Huanghe (Yellow River) discharges a large amount of sediment in the summer, the SSF through the southern Bohai Strait in the winter (∼32.0 Mt) is about 4 times greater than it is in the summer. The strong seasonal variability of SSF through the southern Bohai Strait indicates that strong resuspension along the coast of the Huanghe delta in winter and enhanced longshore transport by coastal currents due to winter monsoon activity might be the major mechanisms of cross-strait transport of sediment in winter.  相似文献   
海水温度对衰亡期浒苔释放生源硫影响的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩露  邓雪  李培峰  高先池  刘春颖 《海洋学报》2018,40(10):110-118
为研究浒苔释放生源硫的特征,本文对采集于黄海绿潮中期和末期的浒苔进行了实验室模拟培养,探讨了不同温度对衰亡期浒苔释放生源硫化物的影响。实验结果表明,在10~25℃温度范围内,温度升高能够加速浒苔的衰亡。二甲基硫(DMS)的平均释放速率范围为2.79~150.70 nmol/(L·g·d),二甲基硫基丙酸内盐(DMSP)的平均释放速率范围为2.16~113.26 nmol/(L·g·d)。温度升高能够使DMS和DMSP的释放速率加快,释放量增加,DMS最大平均释放速率在25℃条件下比10℃条件下升高了约60%,培养液中DMS浓度升高了2~3倍。采集于绿潮末期的浒苔培养液中的DMS和DMSP和采集于绿潮中期的浒苔相比,浓度有所增加,采集于浒苔绿潮末期浒苔培养液中DMS的最高平均浓度为418.41 nmol/L,约为中期的4倍;DMSP的最高平均浓度为316.14 nmol/L,是中期的3倍。浒苔绿潮的爆发会对水体中的硫体系循环产生影响,进而影响该海域生态环境。  相似文献   
海表短波辐射收支是海–气界面能量交换的重要物理过程。本研究利用2019年南海北部夏季科考航次的走航观测数据,评估了ERA5再分析数据的海表短波辐射通量收支。结果表明,ERA5的向下短波辐射相比观测偏小,11时和15时(北京时间)的偏差最大,可达−100 W/m2 。与此同时,ERA5的海表反照率整体偏低,其中高太阳高度角时段偏差较小,约为−0.03,低太阳高度角时段偏差较大,约为−0.15。向下短波辐射和反照率的偏差共同造成ERA5白天平均海表净短波辐射通量比观测偏小约25.4 W/m2;其中,反照率低估抵消了约50%向下短波辐射偏差的贡献。研究表明,在不同大气透射率情况下,ERA5的海表辐射收支偏差存在不同表现。ERA5海表反照率的低估可能与其采用的参数化方案在南海北部的适用性不足有关。基于观测本研究也给出了一个简单的参数优化方案。  相似文献   
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