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单斜辉石、角闪石等八个矿物标准样品的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄仕永  杨凤华 《岩矿测试》1988,7(4):305-315
制备了8个新的矿物标准样品:单斜辉石、角闪石、海南石、橄榄石、斜方辉石、方解石、电气石和含硼玻璃。矿物先经镜下挑选至纯度>99%,然后研磨至200目改善均匀度。样品供微量化学分析研究用。7个实验室进行合作分析。列出了全部原始数据以及数据处理后所得推荐值。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地东北缘地质灾害及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海省柴达木盆地东北缘地貌类型复杂,新构造运动强烈,由各种内外应力造成的地质灾害具有类多、发生频繁等现象,集中反映在土地荒漠化、水土流失、草场退化、湖泊萎缩、地震、泥石流及滑坡等面,人类生存环境日趋恶劣。通过对该区各类地质灾害及生态环境现状进行评述,提出了治理建议。  相似文献   
正2014年5月12日至6月13日,河南省委第七巡视组对省国土资源厅进行了巡视。7月4日,巡视组向省厅通报了巡视工作情况反馈意见。厅党组认为,省委巡视组指出的问题客观准确、中肯真诚,符合实际。积极加以整改,对于堵塞管理漏洞、改进工作作风、加强廉政建设、推动国土资源事业健康发展,具有重要意义。那么整改什么?简言之,就是要按照省国土资源厅党组整改工作方案,紧紧围绕履行党风廉政建设主体责任与监督责任、领导干部廉洁从政、贯彻执行中央八项规定精神与作风建设和民主集中制及干部人事管理制度等方面的15类问题,认真一一加以整改。  相似文献   
基于山西及邻近地区的GPS测量资料,给出山西裂谷带水平形变场演化图像,研究山西裂谷带拉张、挤压等受力状况与地震活动之间的关系,探讨预报地震的方法。  相似文献   
当前,围绕"新解放,新跨越,新崛起"的一场解放思想大讨论,正在中原大地深入展开.这是贯彻落实党的十七大精神和科学发展观的一件大事,每一个单位,每一位同志,都应积极行动起来,投身其中.  相似文献   
近日,修武县国土资源局城关国土资源所为了更好地接受群众监督,积极开展了“千人评议国土所”活动。他们在所门口和辖区29个行政村主要路口悬挂了“我们正在创建群众满意的基层站所,欢迎您的评议监督”等横幅标语,并将市局、县局的举报电话在横幅上予以公示,大张旗鼓地宣传创建评选活动。为使群众更加了解此次评选活动的意义和目的,  相似文献   
“石牛绳”其实不是绳。 “石牛绳”乃是一堵年代久远,隐于山腹地下,宽约米许,长、深均不知几何的天然石墙:一个春光明媚的上午,我来到天台城西20公里的平桥镇上大吴村后山岗上,看到了向往已久的石牛绳。只见在一列红色的山丘上,一道乌黑发亮的岩石将山体一分为二,并随山势蜿蜒起伏,绵延东去.  相似文献   
Survival, growth and immune response of the scallop, Chlamys farreri, cultured in lantern nets at five different depths (2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m below the sea surface) were studied in Haizhou Bay during the hot season (summer and autumn) of 2007. Survival and growth rates were quantified bimonthly. Immune activities in hemolymph (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and acid phosphatase (ACP)) were measured to evaluate the health of scallops at the end of the study. Environmental parameters at the five depths were also monitored during the experiment. Mortalities mainly occurred during summer. Survival of scallops suspended at 15 m (78.0%) and 20 m (86.7%) was significantly higher than at 2 m (62.9%), 5 m (60.8%) or 10 m (66.8%) at the end of the study. Mean shell height grew significantly faster at 10 m (205.0 μm/d) and 20 m (236.9 μm/d) than at 2, 5 or 15 m in summer (July 9 to September 1); however, shell growth rate at 20 m was significantly lower than at the other four depths in autumn (September 2 to November 6). In contrast to summer, scallops at 5 m grew faster (262.9 μm/d) during autumn. The growth of soft tissue at different depths showed a similar trend to the shell. Growth rates of shell height and soft tissue were faster in autumn than in summer, with the exception of shell height at 20 m. SOD activity of scallops increased with depth, and ACP activity was significantly higher at 15 and 20 m than at other depths, which suggests that scallops were healthier near the bottom. Factors explaining the depth-related mortality and growth of scallops are also discussed. We conclude that the mass mortality of scallop, C. farreri, during summer can be prevented by moving the culture area to deeper water and yield can be maximized by suspending the scallops in deep water during summer and then transferring them to shallow water in autumn.  相似文献   
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刘国昌教授1936年毕业于北京大学地质系,是我国自己培养的地质学家,1956年加入中国共产党,现任中国地质学会理事、地质力学专业委员会副主任、西安地质学院工程地质水文地质研究室主任,曾任中国地质学会工程地质专业委员会副主任(现为名誉主任)、长春地质学院水文地质工程地质系前主任、西安地质学院前副院长。  相似文献   
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