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Abstrac t The distributions of dimethylsulfide(DMS) and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate(DMSP) in surface water of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea were studied during June 2011. The mean concentrations and ranges of DMS, dissolved DMSP(DMSPd), and particulate DMSP(DMSPp) in surface waters were 6.85(1.60–12.36), 7.25(2.28–19.05) and 61.87(6.28–224.01) nmol/L, respectively. There were strong correlations between DMSPp and chlorophyll a in the Bohai Sea and the North Yellow Sea, respectively, and concentrations of DMS and DMSP were high, with a relatively high proportion of dinoflagellates, in the region of the South Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. Results show that phytoplankton biomass and species composition were important factors that controlled the distribution of DMS and DMSP. Complex environmental factors, including nutrients, transparency, and terrestrial runoff, might also influence the variability in DMS and DMSP. Biological production and consumption rates of DMS in the Bohai Sea were higher than those in the Yellow Sea. DMS production rates were closely correlated with DMSPd concentrations. DMS and DMSP exhibited obvious diel variations, with high concentrations occurring in the late afternoon(16:00–19:00) and low concentrations occurring during the night, implying that the intensity of solar radiation had a significant influence on these variations. Size distributions of chlorophyll a and DMSPp were also investigated and large nanoplankton(5–20 μm), mainly diatoms, contributed significantly to chlorophyll a and DMSPp at most stations. The average sea-to-air flux of DMS in the study area was estimated to be 11.07 μmol/(m2 ·d) during the summer.  相似文献   
????COSMIC??????????????????????о???2006??11??15????????Ms8.0?????2007??2??25????????Ms5.3??????????????????????????????仯,?????K???(???)?????????????????仯??????????????? ?о????????GPS???????????????????????????????????????????????仯,?????仯???п????????????????  相似文献   
�봨����ǰ�����NmF2�쳣�Ŷ�   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
????COSMIC????????????????2008??5??12????Ms8.0?????????????4????5?????????F2???????????NmF2????????????з???????????4???????????????F2???????????NmF2??????????仯???????????????γ?????????????????????????????Щ?????п????????????????  相似文献   
【研究目的】成都市天府新区属于典型的西南红层地区,其地层结构呈泥岩、粉砂质泥岩、泥质粉砂岩、砂岩互层结构,不同岩性之间的物性差异相对较小,研究浅部地质结构探测方法,有利于实现城市三维精细地质模型的建立。【研究方法】本文在成都天府新区4个典型试验区,采用多种新的和传统的地球物理方法开展了地质结构精细探测试验。【研究结果】地质雷达、三分量频率共振具有较高的分辨率,其次是浅层地震勘探、高密度电阻率法、等值反磁通瞬变电磁法、微动勘探;地质雷达和等值反磁通瞬变电磁抗干扰能力最强,浅震、三分量共振、微动勘探受城市噪音干扰比较严重;采用地质雷达、三分量频率共振、高密度电阻率法、等值反磁通瞬变电磁法、浅层地震、微动勘探等方法进行组合探测,可以获得由浅至深不同深度范围内的地质结构分层。【结论】通过对比分析每种方法的探测深度、分辨率、抗干扰强度、施工效率和经济成本,形成了适应于成都市天府新区不同工况、不同探测深度的地质结构精细探测地球物理方法最优组合方案。  相似文献   
视觉平衡是影响地图信息传输效果的重要因素之一。由于泛在制图的非专业性,泛在地图图像的视觉平衡效果往往取决于制图者自身美学素养的高低,不具有可控性。因此,迫切需要发展泛在地图图像的视觉平衡度计算方法。现有的地图视觉平衡度计算方法存在因子不全、判别结果主观依赖性强等问题。针对这些问题,本文提出了一种结合地图图像计算特征与专家评价知识的泛在地图图像视觉平衡度计算框架。通过丰富地图视觉密度影响因子,并引入概率模型学习专家对泛在地图图像的评价知识,实现对泛在地图图像视觉平衡度复杂分布的有效判别。本文以专家问卷的方式搜集了30名地图制图专家对1 730幅泛在地图图像的视觉平衡评价数据,构建了一个泛在地图图像视觉平衡度评价数据集。将计算得到的地图视觉平衡指标作为贝叶斯决策器的地图特征属性输入,将地图视觉平衡的专家评价数据作为贝叶斯决策器的分类结果,利用最小错误率贝叶斯决策方法对泛在地图图像的视觉平衡度进行判别,有效解决了人为主观判别地图视觉平衡度存在的不确定性问题。经实验验证,该框架在本文构建的泛在地图图像视觉平衡度评价数据集上能取得82.85%的评价准确率。  相似文献   
杨剑  王桥  王绪本  宁括步  郭镜  周清  高慧 《中国地质》2022,49(1):284-297
[研究目的]石墨具有高的电子导电性,电性呈现形式为低阻(<10-5Ω·m)高极化(>40%)特征,正是由于石墨的超低阻特性,在石墨矿地球物理勘查中经常遇到"低阻屏蔽"作用,因此,优选有效的电法勘探组合在石墨矿勘查中非常重要.[研究方法]本文选择四川攀枝花中坝晶质石墨矿开展正演模拟,同时对典型矿床开展自然电位法和宽频电磁...  相似文献   
黔北黑色岩系干酪根特征与碳同位素指示意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
杨剑  易发成  钱壮志 《矿物岩石》2005,25(1):99-103
对发育于黔北震旦纪寒武统黑色岩系进行干酪根及碳同位素特征分析结果表明:黑色岩系干酪根组份平均含量达87.5%,干酪根类型为 型;镜质体反射率表明其形成温度为60℃~250℃之间;有机元素组成以高碳含量为特征,基本上w(C)>w(O)>w(H);所含有机质属轻碳同位素类型,δ13CPDB值为-23.74‰~-31.63‰之间指示为一种压力较大,海水较深,闭塞近古陆海湾环境。  相似文献   
在湖北秭归庙河震旦系剖面陡山沱组-灯影组界线层内首次发现了微球粒。这些微球粒多为黑色、浅褐色,呈圆球形,椭球形,直径50~100μm。通过波谱分析,微球粒主要为石质球,即磷灰石球和硅质球。扫描电子显微镜照片显示出微球粒复杂的显微构造特征。一般认为微球粒有地外和地内两种成因。庙河地区微球粒的发现,为研究界线时期地质事件提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
Temporal distributions of dimethylsulfide(DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate(DMSP) were studied in the southern Yellow Sea(SYS) during April and September 2010. The mean concentrations(range) of DMS, dissolved and particulate DMSP(DMSPd and DMSPp) in the surface waters in spring are 1.69(0.48–4.92), 3.18(0.68–6.75)and 15.81(2.82–52.33) nmol/L, respectively, and those in autumn are 2.80(1.33–5.10), 5.45(2.19–11.30) and 30.63(6.24–137.87) nmol/L. On the whole, the distributions of DMS and DMSP in spring are completely different from those in autumn. In the central part of the SYS, the concentrations of DMS and DMSP in spring are obviously higher than those in autumn, but the opposite situation is found on the south of 34°N, which can be attributed to the differences in nutrients and phytoplankton biomass and composition between spring and autumn. Besides,the seasonal variations of water column stability and the Changjiang diluted water also have significant impact on the distributions of DMS and DMSP in spring and autumn on the south of 34°N. DMS and DMSPp concentrations coincide well with chlorophyll a(Chl a) levels in the spring cruise, suggesting that phytoplankton biomass may play an important role in controlling the distributions of DMS and DMSPp in the study area. Annual DMS emission rates range from 0.015 to 0.033 Tg/a(calculated by S), respectively, using the equations of Liss and Merlivat(1986) and Wanninkhof(1992). This result implies a significant relative contribution of the SYS to the global oceanic DMS fluxes.  相似文献   
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