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准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油勘探取得巨大突破,但是按照普遍认可的页岩油烃源岩评价标准,本区的烃源岩品质并不理想。为了科学评价玛湖凹陷烃源岩品质特征,本文在系统的岩心观察和有机地球化学分析的基础上,揭示烃源岩的形成环境,并按照矿物组成对烃源岩分类评价。玛湖凹陷风城组细粒岩主要沉积于正常半深湖、咸化半深湖、半咸化半深湖、含热液半深湖和滨浅湖环境中,各环境中细粒岩的有机质特征存在一定区别,其中半咸化半深湖有机质较为富集,w(TOC)均值在1%左右。进一步结合有机质类型判别图解,表明咸化半深湖和含热液半深湖有机质来源以湖泊生物为主,而其他环境中存在湖泊和陆源混合有机质来源。基于有机质生烃潜力评价和成熟度(Vre=0.74%)估算,表明目前风城组烃源岩中有机质正处于大量排烃的成熟阶段,且确定了细粒岩中的烃类为原生烃。由于不同矿物组成的烃源岩吸附能力的差异,按照陆相泥质烃源岩和碳酸盐质烃源岩开展分类评价,结果表明风城组沉积了累计厚度近250 m的的有效烃源岩,且富含以藻类体为主的有机质。  相似文献   
琼中地震台典型震例记录特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对琼中地震台CDSN数字地震仪记录的具有典型震例的分析,提高了日常分析水平及大震速报质量.  相似文献   
红帘石石英岩位于新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州阿克陶县奥依塔格乡皮拉里。构造单元隶属于西昆仑的北蛇绿岩带或奥依塔格—库地缝合带。红帘石石英岩产出层位为上石炭统—下二叠统,岩性主要为薄层大理岩、钙质粉砂岩和粉砂质泥岩等韵律层。矿物成分主要为石英、红帘石和少量方解石、绿泥石等。红帘石的主要化学成分:Al2O3(1958~2133)、Fe2O3/FeO(766~912)和Mn2O3/MnO(1102~1132)。红帘石—石英岩形成于低温(4055 ℃)高压环境,其原岩—母岩可能是高铁锰的不纯硅质岩。它是始新世—渐新世期间,印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞、青藏高原强烈挤压隆升,逆冲推覆构造不断向前陆塔里木盆地扩张,塔里木板块相应地作陆内(A型)俯冲过程中的产物,属低绿片岩相变质岩。  相似文献   

频率在3~30 kHz的甚低频(VLF,Very Low Frequency)波具有较小的传播损耗和较高的趋肤深度,可以在地球-低电离层波导中实现长距离传输,广泛应用于航海导航、对潜通信等领域,且在电离层遥测方面具有十分重要的意义.基于武汉大学自主研发的VLF接收机在武汉接收的NWC(North West Cape)台站信号,本文通过分析2018年4月23日—2020年7月22日的观测数据研究了日出期间NWC信号的幅度响应及其特点和规律.结果表明NWC信号日出期间的幅度响应主要包括两种极小值结构:2个幅度极小值(SR1、SR2)的Type Ⅰ结构和3个幅度极小值(SR1、SR2、SR3)的Type Ⅱ结构.在以SR1出现时间为时间零点进行时序叠加分析后发现,Type Ⅰ结构比Type Ⅱ具有更强的规律性和稳定性.在Type Ⅰ结构下,SR2出现时间的波动范围、平均值、标准差分别为43~65 min、54.2 min、4.4 min,而在Type Ⅱ结构下,SR2和SR3出现时间的波动范围分别为48~93 min、80~120 min,平均值分别为64.7 min、96.4 min,标准差分别为10.2 min、11.7 min.在27个月的观测期内,3—7月份Type Ⅰ结构的出现概率100%,未出现Type Ⅱ结构,而在1—2月和8—12月Type Ⅰ结构出现的概率明显下降,最低降至1月份的20.7%,而Type Ⅱ在1月、2月、11月的出现概率均高于70%.按春秋分交替变化(周期1和周期2)的统计结果,在周期1内Type Ⅰ和Type Ⅱ结构出现的概率分别为91.5%、8.5%,而在周期2内Type Ⅰ结构出现的概率降至41.9%,Type Ⅱ结构出现概率则升至58.1%,这表示观测期间内Type Ⅱ结构主要出现在秋冬季,春夏季发生概率较低.

以分布式虚拟森林灭火环境为例,基于HLA/RTI协议,设计和初步实现了地形、树木、林火、灭火工具联邦成员组成的分布式森林灭火仿真系统虚拟场景的三维动态生成与显示。系统将仿真的底层通讯和上层的模型控制框架、三维图形绘制分离开来,形成各个独立的模块,具有扩展性和重用性。  相似文献   
Of the four species ofPisione Grube (1856) collected from the coastal waters of Hainan Island, the South China Sea, and described in this paper,Pisione hainanensis n. sp. is new to science;Pisione oerstedii Grube, 1857;Pisione complexa Alikunhi, 1947, and Pisione levisetosa Zhao, Westheide & Wu, 1991 are reported for the first time from this area. Project 38970187 supported by NSFC.  相似文献   
The precipitation recharge coefficient(PRC), representing the amount of groundwater recharge from precipitation, is an important parameter for groundwater resources evaluation and numerical simulation. It was usually obtained from empirical knowledge and site experiments in the 1980 s. However, the environmental settings have been greatly modified from that time due to land use change and groundwater over-pumping, especially in the Beijing plain area(BPA). This paper aims to estimate and analyze PRC of BPA with the distributed hydrological model and GIS for the year 2011 with similar annual precipitation as long-term mean. It is found that the recharge from vertical(precipitation + irrigation) and precipitation is 291.0 mm/yr and 233.7 mm/yr, respectively, which accounts for 38.6% and 36.6% of corresponding input water. The regional mean PRC is 0.366, which is a little different from the traditional map. However, it has a spatial variation ranging from –7.0% to 17.5% for various sub-regions. Since the vadose zone is now much thicker than the evaporation extinction depth, the land cover is regarded as the major dynamic factor that causes the variation of PRC in this area due to the difference of evapotranspiration rates. It is suggested that the negative impact of reforestation on groundwater quantity within BPA should be well investigated, because the PRC beneath forestland is the smallest among all land cover types.  相似文献   
2005年5月~8月在雷州市覃斗镇海威水产种苗基地的室内水池进行方斑东风螺亲螺培育,对亲螺不同批次产出的卵囊、卵、及其幼虫进行比较。结果表明:随着亲螺产卵批次的增加,亲螺产卵囊数、卵囊含卵数、产卵量逐次减少;卵囊长、宽逐次变小,厚逐次增加,形状由葵花子片状的比例大变为棒状的比例大;幼虫浮游期逐次延长;变态期幼虫壳长逐次变小;各批次之间的变态率逐次降低;卵径、孵化率、出囊幼虫大小差异不显著。  相似文献   
Glacier area changes in the Qangtang Plateau are analyzed during 1970-2000 using air photos,relevant photogrammetric maps and satellite images based on the multi-temporal grid method.The results indicate that the melting of glaciers accelerated,only a few of glaciers in an advancing state during 1970-2000 in the whole Qangtang Plateau.However,the glaciers seemed still more stable in the study area than in most areas of western China.We estimate that glacier retreat was likely due to air temperature warming during 1970-2000 in the Qangtang Plateau.Furthermore,the functional model of glacier system is applied to study climate sensitivity of glacier area changes,which indicates that glacier lifespan mainly depends on the heating rate,secondly the precipitation,and precipitation increasing can slow down glacier retreat and make glacier lifespan prolonged.  相似文献   
<正>In the original article, the name of the fourth author is incorrect. The correct one is Kyoung Ho Kang, in which "Kang" is the family name. The publishing companies apologize to the author.  相似文献   
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