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民乐、山丹6.1级地震异常及台站实现短临预报的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在综合分析了民乐-山丹6.1级地震前张掖中心台范围内震兆异常特征的基础上,总结了本次地震前该台的短临预报过程及存在的问题,对今后台站如何搞好地震短临预报工作进行了探讨.  相似文献   
Although Eddy Covariance (EC) technique is one of the best methods for estimating the energy and mass exchanges between underlying surface and atmosphere in micrometeorology, errors and uncertainties still exist without necessary corrections. In this paper, we will focus on the effect of coordinate system on the eddy fluxes. Based on the data observed over four sites (one farmland site, one grassland site and two forest sites), the effects of three coordinate system transforming methods (Double Rotation-DR, Triple Rotation-TR and Planar Fit-PF)on the turbulent fluxes are analyzed. It shows that (i) the corrected fluxes are more or less than the uncorrected fluxes, which is related mainly to the sloping degree of surface, wind speed and wind direction; and (ii) pitch angle has a sinusoidal dependence on wind direction, especially in the regular sloping terrain; and (iii) PF method is something like the simplification of TR or DR,and there are not obvious distinctions in correction in sloping grassland and flat farmland, but PF method is not suitable for uneven and irregular forest sites.  相似文献   
By utilizing observational data from a 325 m tower of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on March 19-29, 2001 and August 11-25, 2003, a comprehensive study was conducted on the vertical dynamical and thermodynamic characteristics of the urban lower boundary layer (ULBL) and its relationship with aerosol concentration over Beijing. Firstly, a comparative analysis was made on the gradient data (wind, temperature and humidity), ultrasonic data (atmospheric turbulences) and air-quality observations at different tower heights (47, 120 and 280 m). Secondly, a diagnosis was made to reveal the major features of normalized variances of velocity and temperature, turbulence kinetic energy as well as their relationship with aerosol concentrations. Furthermore, the characteristics of the ULBL vertical structure and the TSP concentration/distribution variations during a sand/dust weather process were also analyzed. The outcome of the study showed that under unstable stratification, the normalized variances of velocity (σu/u*, σv/u*, σw/u*) and temperature (σT/T*) at 47 and 120 m heights fit the Monin-Obukhov similarity (MOS) framework and the fitting formulas were given out accordingly. According to the stratification parameter (z′/L), the stable ULBL could be divided into 2 zones. With z′/L<0.1, it was a weakly stable zone and MOS framework was applicable. The other was a highly stable zone with z′/L>0.1 and the normalized velocity variances tended to increase along with higher stability, but it remained constant for normalized temperature variances. At daytime, the near-surface layer includes two heights of 47 and 120 m, while 280 m has been above it. The ULBL analysis in conjunction with a sand/dust weather process in Beijing in March 2001 indicated that the maximum concentration of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) at 320 m reached 913.3 μg/m3 and the particles were transported from the upper to lower ULBL, which was apparently related to the development process of a low-level jet and its concomitant strong sinking motion.  相似文献   
大学城的另类定位--广州旅游的"太阳"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从旅游的角度,运用定性分析和比较分析的方法,分析广州大学城,发现它在广州所有景区中,最有资格和条件担当广州旅游的“太阳”。它位于广州市番禺区新造镇小谷围岛,投资规模、大学数量、占地面积和规划人口容量皆为中国之最,是世界最大的人造景区,具有浓浓的文化氛围、时代气息,能够体现与闪烁广州的灵魂与精神。为此,广州应在大学城的建设中为未来角色创造更好的条件。  相似文献   
在剖析生态足迹分析法的理论基础上,进一步考虑不同消费水平对生态足迹时空变异的影响,划分农村居民和城镇居民两类不同的消费群体,分别计算各自的生态足迹,其次进一步细化模型中人均水资源足迹,从而构建生态足迹与生态容量平衡模型。根据平衡模型计算出生态盈亏,得出区域生态持续性评价结果。并以1999年北京西部山区门头沟区为例,进行模型计算和生态可持续评价,结果表明1999年门头沟区处于生态赤字状态,说明该区生态系统处于不可持续状态。在对门头沟区的初步研究基础上,指出生态足迹作为山区生态可持续评价指标的优点及当前存在的缺点。  相似文献   
海沟是全球大洋体系的重要组成部分。研究这一极端环境的生物地球化学循环过程有助于我们进一步理解海洋的物质循环。前期研究发现,海沟表层水体的初级生产力(NPP)对海沟沉积物埋藏的有机碳性质具有重要影响,但是,颗粒有机碳(POC)在沉降过程中被微生物呼吸和降解的过程尚不清楚。因此,本研究利用2018年春"太阳号"阿塔卡马海沟(Atacama Trench)国际联合航次SO261所采集的表层水样品,测试其中POC浓度、C/N、δ13C、δ15N等参数,并结合0.2—0.8、0.8—3.0、>3.0μm三种粒径微生物群落呼吸(microbial community respiration,MCR)速率测试,探究其日变化模式及不同站位的空间变化模式,进而衡量微生物对POC的呼吸降解作用。结果表明,该海域表层水中对POC降解占主导作用的微生物类群粒径为0.8—3.0μm;24 h时间序列实验表明MCR随时间呈现"M"型曲线的双峰变化模式,且和C/N、δ13C、δ15N等参数变化趋势吻合,表明同一站位的呼吸速...  相似文献   
酸性条件下交联的新型压裂液增稠剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对川西浅层气藏低渗透、水敏性、碱敏性储层在压裂施工过程中压裂液及其破胶液对储层伤害严重等问题,通过借鉴羟丙基胍胶的改性原理,向普通胍胶分子中引入亲水基团钠羧甲基和羟丙基,研制出酸性条件下交联的新型压裂液增稠剂ACG。该增稠剂破胶后残渣量少,粘度低,有利于压裂液的破胶返排。由该增稠剂制成的压裂液有很好的流变性、破胶性,对储层伤害小,能够达到川西浅层对压裂液的技术要求,为低温低渗透油气藏的压裂技术研究提供了重要的基础成果。  相似文献   
为完善舟山南部海域鱼类种类组成及结构特征,文章使用环境DNA技术对该海域鱼类多样性进行检测。通过采集水样、过滤、提取环境DNA、PCR扩增、测序,在该海域6个站位中获得8个环境DNA样品,共检测到9种舟山海域常见鱼类。其中,软骨鱼纲1种,辐鳍鱼纲8种,龙头鱼(Harpadon nehereus)为优势种。研究结果表明,虽然环境DNA技术无法完全替代传统的鱼类资源调查方法,但是可以作为鱼类资源调查和空间分布的补充手段,与底拖网数据结合,为舟山南部海域鱼类组成和群落结构季节性变化提供依据。  相似文献   
川纹笛鲷消化道优势菌群PCR-DGGE指纹图谱比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用免培养的16S rDNA梯度凝胶电泳技术(DGGE)对集约化海水网箱养殖川纹笛鲷(Lutjanus sebae)的消化道胃壁、胃内容物、肠壁、肠内容物优势菌群结构进行了比较分析。研究结果显示,川纹笛鲷消化道存在着丰富多样的细菌群落,对DGGE指纹图谱聚类分析表明菌群组成相似度高于55%,其中胃内容物及胃壁细菌组成相似度最高(90%),这可能与摄食饵料在消化道推移有关;而胃壁与肠壁相似度相对最差,可能反应了由于生理环境不同引起的宿主差异性。通过建立川纹笛鲷消化道16S rDNA-DGGE指纹图谱及比较分析,为澄清川纹笛鲷消化道微生物区系奠定了基础。  相似文献   
介绍了GPS-OEM板的组成和特点,分析了NMEA-0183语句的数据格式及信息组成,并结合硬件特点研究了MCS-51单片机与GPS-OEM板的通讯问题。讨论了两类典型GPS-OEM板应用的软件设计和硬件配置问题。  相似文献   
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