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This paper presents a new method of analysing lava flow deposits which allows the velocity, discharge rate and rheological properties of channelled moving lavas to be calculated. The theory is applied to a lava flow which was erupted on Kilauea in July 1974. This flow came from a line of fissures on the edge of the caldera and was confined to a pre-existing gully within 50 m of leaving the vent. The lava drained onto the floor of the caldera when the activity stopped, but left wall and floor deposits which showed that the lava banked up as it flowed around each of the bends. Field surveys established the radius of curvature of each bend and the associated lava levels, and these data, together with related field and laboratory measurements, are used to study the rheology of the lava. The results show the flow to have been fast moving but still laminar, with a mean velocity of just over 8 m s–1; the lava had a low or negligible yield strength and viscosities in the range 85–140 Pa s. An extension of the basic method is considered, and the possibility of supercritical flow discussed.  相似文献   
Robust diving control of an AUV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mobile systems traveling through a complex environment present major difficulties in determining accurate dynamic models. Autonomous underwater vehicle motion in ocean conditions requires investigation of new control solutions that guarantee robustness against external parameter uncertainty. A diving-control design, based on Lyapunov theory and back-stepping techniques, is proposed and verified. Using adaptive and switching schemes, the control system is able to meet the required robustness. The results of the control system are theoretically proven and simulations are developed to demonstrate the performance of the solutions proposed.  相似文献   
A sediment budget for the South Otago continental shelf and coast, between Nugget Point and Otago Peninsula, reveals modern (post 6500 y) sediment input is dominated by the Clutha River (total 3.14 Mt y‐1; Mt = 106 tonnes). Contributions from the Taieri River (0.6 Mt y‐1), the adjacent Southland shelf (0.4 Mt y‐1), and the biogenic production of calcareous shell debris (0.25 Mt y‐1) account for only 28% of the input. About half of the bedload (sand and gravel) reaching the Otago shelf is stored within a large nearshore sand wedge in the protected waters of Molyneux Bay, off the Clutha River. Bedload that escapes storage (1.1 Mt y‐1) is transported north‐eastwards to be deposited on beach and inner shelf environments just north of Otago Peninsula. Suspended load (mud) accounts for over half of the sediment input (2.33 Mt y‐1) and is nearly all transported from the study area to accumulate in north‐easterly shelf and slope depocentres.  相似文献   
The last post-glacial transgression and present highstand of sea level were accompanied by a reduction in the terrigenous flux to the deep ocean bordering the active convergent margin off the eastern North Island of New Zealand. Although in accord with long-established models of highstand shelf deposition, new data from giant piston core MD97 2121 (2314 m depth) reveal that the flux also varied with terrigenous supply and palaeocirculation. Between 15 and 9.5 ka, the flux reduced from 33 to 20 g/cm2/ka as supply declined with an expanding vegetation cover, and mud depocentres became established on the continental shelf. An increase from 20 to 27 g/cm2/ka during 9.5–3.5 ka coincided with a strengthened East Cape Current which probably introduced sediment from fluvial and shelf sources in the north. The flux profile shows no immediate response to the establishment of modern sea level 7 ka. However, accumulation decreased from 3.5 to 1 ka as more sediments were retained on the shelf, possibly under wind-strengthened, along-shelf currents. Over the last 1 ka, the flux decline halted under increased terrigenous supply during anthropogenic development of the land.Despite the proximity of the North Island's Central Volcanic Region, major eruptions caused only brief increases (centuries duration) in the terrigenous flux through direct deposition of airfall and possibly fluvial redistribution of onshore volcanic deposits. Frequent earthquakes also had little short-term effect on accumulation although such events, along with volcanism, probably contribute to the long-term high flux of the region.The other measured flux component, biogenic carbonate, reached maxima of 6 g/cm2/ka between 11 and 8.5 ka when nutrient-bearing waters of the East Cape Current dominated the palaeoceanography. After these peaks, carbonate accumulation declined gradually to modern levels of 3 g/cm2/ka.  相似文献   
The New Zealand continental terrace is mantled mainly by terrigenous and biogenic sediments associated with subordinate but locally important authigenic, volcanogenic and residual components. Modern terrigenous sands and muds prevail off Westland and Hawkes Bay—Wairarapa where tectonically rising landmasses, several major rivers and few coastal sediment traps ensure deliverance of much sediment to the terrace. Relict terrigenous sands and gravels typically occur in zones where modern sedimentation is low like the middle and outer continental shelf off Otago—Canterbury and Waikato—Taranaki. Relict sediments are commonly associated with biogenic sands and gravels which also dominate the terrigenous-starved shelves around northernmost and southernmost New Zealand, and much of the continental slope. Shelf biogenic components are mainly molluscan, bryozoan and foraminiferal clasts, whereas on the slope foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton prevail. Both glauconite, the main authigenic component, and residual sediments occur on those shelves and upper slopes receiving little modern terrigenous sediment. Volcanogenic grains are prominent in sediments on the eastern terrace marginal to the Central Volcanic Region of the North Island.Typically, terrigenous shelf sediments off the North Island and northeast South Island have been reworked from older sediments or derived directly from volcanic rocks or both. Around the remainder of the South Island a metamorphic and plutonic-derived assemblage prevails. Sediment dispersal is along the shelf primarily under the influence of storm-driven and tidal currents with semi-permanent ocean currents having little effect. Beyond the shelf, dispersal appears to be mainly downslope, partly through redepositional mechanisms including gravity slumps and turbidity currents.  相似文献   
The unsaturated zone (UZ) retains aqueous solutions against gravity by capillary forces. This suction state corresponds to a decreasing internal pressure of the water, which modifies its thermodynamic properties. Accordingly, the speciation of solutes and the solubility of solids and gases in such capillary solutions change. The volumetric capillary water content of the soil at high suction can be calculated extrapolating the water retention curves (WRC) with the Rossi–Nimmo model. Interestingly, several tens of liters per cubic meter of soil can be thus suctioned, a sufficiently large volume to support that: (1) capillary water is not restricted to nanosized pores, which means it disobeys the Young–Laplace law and is metastable with respect to vapor (superheating); and (2) the geochemistry of capillary solutions might significantly influence the subsurface mass transfer. Two field situations are here interpreted using the capillary thermodynamic properties: (1) the trapping of sand grains during the growth of desert roses (gypsum), and (2) the development of abnormal paragenetic sequences in some saprolites.The capillary approach is extended to the soil solids, so that the micro-mineralogy can be explicitly (though sketchily) integrated in the calculations. The key conclusion is that capillarity changes the saturation indexes (and so the reaction rates) at given solution composition, in a way consistent with the field observations. This perspective amounts to geochemically distinguishing the capillary and percolating solutions, which is interestingly analogous to the immobile and mobile water distinction already often integrated in UZ flow models.  相似文献   
From 1999 to 2005, studies carried out in the frame of regional and national French programs aimed to determine whether the Phaeocystisglobosa bloom affected the intertidal benthic communities of the French coast of the eastern English Channel in terms of composition and/or functioning. Study sites were chosen to cover most of the typical shore types encountered on this coast (a rocky shore, an exposed sandy beach and a small estuary). Both the presence of active Phaeocystis cells and their degradation product (foam) did have a significant impact on the studied shores. The primary production and growth rates of the kelp Saccharina latissima decreased during the bloom because of a shortage of light and nutrient for the macroalgae. On sandy sediments, the benthic metabolism (community respiration and community primary production), as well as the nitrification rate, were enhanced during foam deposits, in relation with the presence of bacteria and active pelagic cells within the decaying colonies. In estuarine sediments, the most impressive impact was the formation of a crust at the sediment surface due to drying foam. This led to anoxic conditions in the surface sediment and resulted in a high mortality among the benthic community. Some organisms also tended to migrate upward and were then directly accessible to the higher trophic level represented by birds. Phaeocystis then created a shortcut in the estuarine trophic network. Most of these modifications lasted shortly and all the systems considered came back to their regular properties and activities a few weeks after the end of the bloom, except for the most impacted estuarine area.  相似文献   
Lunar irregular mare patches (IMPs) comprise dozens of small, distinctive, and enigmatic lunar mare features. Characterized by their irregular shapes, well-preserved state of relief, apparent optical immaturity, and few superposed impact craters, IMPs are interpreted to have been formed or modified geologically very recently (<~100 Ma; Braden et al. 2014 ). However, their apparent relatively recent formation/modification dates and emplacement mechanisms are debated. We focus in detail on one of the major IMPs, Sosigenes, located in western Mare Tranquillitatis, and dated by Braden et al. ( 2014 ) at ~18 Ma. The Sosigenes IMP occurs on the floor of an elongate pit crater interpreted to represent the surface manifestation of magmatic dike propagation from the lunar mantle during the mare basalt emplacement era billions of years ago. The floor of the pit crater is characterized by three morphologic units typical of several other IMPs, i.e., (1) bulbous mounds 5–10 m higher than the adjacent floor units, with unusually young crater retention ages, meters thick regolith, and slightly smaller subresolution roughness than typical mature lunar regolith; (2) a lower hummocky unit mantled by a very thin regolith and significantly smaller subresolution roughness; and (3) a lower blocky unit composed of fresh boulder fields with individual meter-scale boulders and rough subresolution surface texture. Using new volcanological interpretations for the ascent and eruption of magma in dikes, and dike degassing and extrusion behavior in the final stages of dike closure, we interpret the three units to be related to the late-stage behavior of an ancient dike emplacement event. Following the initial dike emplacement and collapse of the pit crater, the floor of the pit crater was flooded by the latest-stage magma. The low rise rate of the magma in the terminal stages of the dike emplacement event favored flooding of the pit crater floor to form a lava lake, and CO gas bubble coalescence initiated a strombolian phase disrupting the cooling lava lake surface. This phase produced a very rough and highly porous (with both vesicularity and macroporosity) lava lake surface as the lake surface cooled. In the terminal stage of the eruption, dike closure with no addition of magma from depth caused the last magma reaching shallow levels to produce viscous magmatic foam due to H2O gas exsolution. This magmatic foam was extruded through cracks in the lava lake crust to produce the bulbous mounds. We interpret all of these activities to have taken place in the terminal stages of the dike emplacement event billions of years ago. We attribute the unusual physical properties of the mounds and floor units (anomalously young ages, unusual morphology, relative immaturity, and blockiness) to be due to the unusual physical properties of the substrate produced during the waning stages of a dike emplacement event in a pit crater. The unique physical properties of the mounds (magmatic foams) and hummocky units (small vesicles and large void space) altered the nature of subsequent impact cratering, regolith development, and landscape evolution, inhibiting the typical formation and evolution of superposed impact craters, and maintaining the morphologic crispness and optical immaturity. Accounting for the effects of the reduced diameter of craters formed in magmatic foams results in a shift of the crater size–frequency distribution age from <100 Myr to billions of years, contemporaneous with the surrounding ancient mare basalts. We conclude that extremely young mare basalt eruptions, and resulting modification of lunar thermal evolution models to account for the apparent young ages of the IMPs, are not required. We suggest that other IMP occurrences, both those associated with pit craters atop dikes and those linked to fissure eruptions in the lunar maria, may have had similar ancient origins.  相似文献   
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