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马修斯法是单波束水深测量声速改正的常用方法,为了提高多波束水深测量声速改正精度,利用马修斯方法的参数,在该方法基础上推导出新的改正公式,并将之运用在多波束水深测量中的声速剖面重构;实验表明,该方法略优于水文内插法;与纯数学拟合外延方法相比,具有明显优势;运用该方法可以得到效果更好的海底三维图,提高多波束水深测量精度和作业效率。  相似文献   
广西横县马山杂岩体位于钦杭成矿带西南段,出露于防城—灵山断裂带的西侧,为一套包括辉长岩、玄武(玢)岩、闪长(玢)岩、二长(斑)岩、普通角闪正长岩、石英正长岩、花岗岩在内的从基性到中、酸性的岩浆岩岩系。文中对其中的中性浅成侵入岩进行研究,获得二长闪长玢岩样品的40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为(153.8±0.6)Ma,表明岩石形成于晚侏罗世。所研究的岩石样品富K、富碱、w(K2O+Na2O)=5.73%~8.54%、K2O/Na2O=0.87~1.76,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、Th、U和轻稀土元素,无明显的Nb-Ta-Ti负异常,为典型板内钾玄质岩石。其(87Sr/86Sr)i变化范围在0.705 11~0.705 47,εNd(t)变化范围在0.6~1.4,206Pb/204Pb为19.019~19.228,207Pb/204Pb为15.720~15.737,208Pb/204Pb为39.372~39.518,元素和同位素地球化学特征指示岩浆来源于亏损的软流圈地幔(DMM)和富集岩石圈地幔(EMⅡ)两个端员的混合。结合前人对南岭西部侏罗纪岩浆岩的研究成果,认为马山杂岩体的岩浆成分和源区特征反映桂东南在晚侏罗世发生了区域软流圈地幔上涌和岩石圈伸展-减薄作用,这是钦杭带西南段燕山期花岗岩和相关矿床形成的重要的地质构造背景。  相似文献   
本文利用统计分析法、线性趋势分析法等方法对泰来县国家基本气象站近61a(1958-2108年)大风观测资料进行统计分析,分别分析了大风日数与风速的年际、季节、月度的变化特征。结果表明:近61a来,年际大风日数整体呈波动下降趋势,下降倾向率1.8d/10a;春季大风日数最多,占全年的66%,且月平均风速在4月也为全年最大值4.7m/s;年平均风速呈现与大风日数相似的波动下降趋势,1987年之前偏大,2001年之后逐渐减小,直至2010年后逐步稳定在3.1m/s左右;各季节平均风速表现为春季>秋季>冬季>夏季。  相似文献   
石启斌 《岩土工程技术》2005,19(2):106-108,F003
通过对“CM桩复合地基”(以下简称CM地基 )承载力试验结果的分析 ,获得了一些有益的结论 ,对其在徐州地区的推广和应用提供参考。  相似文献   
The relation between earthquakes and active faults in Shanghai and its adjacent offshore region is quantitatively evaluated using GIS-based buffer and overlay analysis techniques. Statistics on the distance from the epicenter of an earthquake to its nearest active fault suggest that most earthquakes in the study are aoccurred within 10 to 20 km of major active faults. The strikes of active faults have significant influences on the occurrence of earthquakes. The NE-NNE-striked faults are less active than NW-NNW- or EW-striked faults. Along the NW-NNW- or EW-striked faults, the frequency of earthquakes is much higher than that along NE-NNE-striked faults. The time of fault activity has some degree of influence on the earthquakes. The newer the faults, the higher the frequency of earthquakes within the zone of the faults.  相似文献   
冀中坳陷调节带构造特征及演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用Morley等的调节构造理论和构造几何学分析, 借助地质构造图、断层垂直位移分析等, 在冀中坳陷识别出5种调节带类型和7种调节带构造形式, 进而探讨了它们各自出现的特定构造部位、调节作用、主要构造特点和典型实例。同向趋近型调节带呈现鼻状、地垒状和转换断层3种构造形式, 在断层段连接处以鼻状构造形式出现, 而在控凹断层连接处则以转换断层与横向凸起并存的形式出现; 同向叠覆型调节带以走向斜坡形式调节应变; 同向平行型调节带以翘曲的形式改造河西务潜山带。对向平行型调节带以低凸起的形式发育于雁翎地区; 对向趋近型调节带以鄚州枢纽带为典型, 受两期应变的调节形成了底部以断层分叉斜滑与上部呈宽阔翘弯带的双层变形系统。产生调节作用的断层在地质演化过程中活动强度均呈现此起彼伏、此消彼长的构造特征。受调节带的影响与改造, 在潜山断坡上可形成以古构造脊为优势运移通道的油气运移路径。   相似文献   
<正>皱纹蛤Periglypta puerpera(Linnaeus,1771)隶属帘蛤目Veneroida、帘蛤科Veneridae、皱纹蛤属Periglypta。目前国内只有分布和外部形态上的一些描述[1~2],对其生态习性尚无详细的研究。笔者从2004年1月至2005年3月,对雷州半岛西部流沙湾皱纹蛤的生态进行了实验和观察,现报道如下。  相似文献   
The research achievements of geogas prospecting through the mechanisms of geogas prospecting and its applied research in the area of concealed uranium deposits prospecting were analyzed. Geogas prospecting is a new means of deeply concealed deposits exploration that started to develop gradually from the 1980s and is at an initial stage of research in concealed uranium deposits exploration. Furthermore, comments and suggestions were provided for following research work by summarizing the shortcomings and problems of current studies in this paper. A general upward micro-flow of geogas could carry the metal nanoparticles associated with ore body underground to the surface of earth to come into being anomaly halos of elements contents above the ore body, and with these anomaly halos, the relevant information of deeply concealed uranium deposits (or other classes of metal ore bodies) would be reflected. The depth that geogas measurement could achieve for prospecting concealed deposits under the covering layers is up to a thousand meter. Geogas prospecting can be used for investigating in small scales, surveying generally and in detail in big scales and locating the ore bodies. At the present stage, there are three primary under-mentioned problems in the studies of geogas prospecting: ①On the one hand, the researches of how mediums (covering layer) would affect the migration process of geogas are far from enough. On the other hand, appropriate mathematical theory models have not been set up yet. ②In China, there are currently few accurate and practical physical models for geogas prospecting to carry out controllable and repetitive series experiments as well as theoretical studies. It is essential that an appropriate physical model should be established timely in order to provide an experimental platform and a kind of technical assistance for the mechanism study of geogas prospecting. ③To achieve the aim of popularizing the geogas prospecting in the uranium exploration area, the research of trapping solution and sampling and measuring methods should be further developed and the methods of rapid geogas in-site measuring which are suitable for various geologic structures of uranium deposits should be made reasonably to cater to the need of rapid and accurate field measurement.  相似文献   
本文根据1996年国外发表的勘查地球物理文献,概要列举了物探方法发展的新前沿。在矿产勘查方面介绍了金属矿预测和普查工作的新进展以及金伯利岩、滑石矿床的找矿方法和实例。在环境勘察方面,回顾了电法在水质调查中的应用,介绍了物探方法在城市垃圾场调查、煤矿闭坑善后工作、城市人工物理场环境效应调查中的应用以及滑坡和洞穴调查中新采用的方法。在区域和深部地球物理调查方面,概述了西方国家近年来实施的矿产勘查开创计划、大规模的电导率结构研究和南极磁异常图的编制。在新技术新方法方面,介绍了新的航空电磁系统———FLAIRTEM、电(磁)法中非接触数据采集技术、谱激发极化法在环境调查中的应用、探测油气蚀变柱的区域勘查新方法和海洋重力仪。  相似文献   
对长江三角洲北翼南通地区ZKA4钻孔岩心进行了磁性地层学研究,结果表明,302.7 m的岩心记录了布容正向极性时(Brunhes)、松山负向极性时(Matruyama)和部分高斯正极性时(Gauss)。在系统古地磁样品采集、处理和测试的基础上,应用磁性地层、AMS 14C加速器测年等方法,结合岩性特征,对ZKA4钻孔剖面进行了详细地层划分,分别确定了下更新统、中更新统、上更新统和全新统的埋深及沉积厚度,其中Q/N界线位于291.72 m处,Qp1/Qp2、Qp2/Qp3、Qp3/Qh界线分别定位于189.39 m、132.44 m和26.14 m处。本项研究结果为该区域第四纪地层划分对比、古地理环境演化及岸线变迁等相关研究提供了可靠的地层年代框架。  相似文献   
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