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The partitioning of La, Sm, Dy, Ho and Yb between garnet, calcic clinopyroxene, calcic amphibole and andesitic and basaltic liquids has been studied experimentally. Glasses containing one or more REE in concentrations of 500–2000 ppm were crystallized at pressures of 10–35 kbar, and temperatures of 900–1520°C. Water was added to stabilize amphibole and to allow study of partition coefficients over wide temperature ranges. Major element and REE contents of crystal rims and adjacent glass were determined by EPMA, with limits of detection for individual REE of 100–180 ppm. Measured partition coefficients, DREECryst-liq, are independent of REE concentration over the concentration ranges used.D-values show an inverse dependence on temperature, best illustrated for garnet. At a given temperature, they are almost always higher for equilibria involving andesitic liquid. Garnet shows by far the greatest range of D-values, with e.g. DLa < 0.05 and DYb ~ 44 for andesitic liquid at 940°C. DYb falls to ~ 12 at 1420°C. DSmGa-liq also correlates negatively with temperature and positively with the grossular content of garnet. Patterns of DreeCryst-Liq for calcic clinopyroxenes and amphiboles are sub-parallel, with D-values for amphibole generally higher. Both individual D-values and patterns for the crystalline phases studied are comparable with those determined for phenocryst-matrix pairs in natural dacites, andesites and basalts.D-values and patterns are interpreted in terms of the entry of REE3+ cations into mineral structures and liquids of contrasted major element compositions. The significance of the partition coefficients for models of the genesis of andesitic and Hy-normative basaltic magmas is assessed. Most magmas of these types in island arcs are unlikely to be produced by melting of garnet-bearing sources such as eclogite or garnet lherzolite.  相似文献   
A method of preparation of homogeneous glass beads by direct fusion of bulk rock powders on an iridium-strip heater, and the quantitative analysis of these glasses using an electron microprobe fitted with an Si(Li) detector, are described. Major element concentrations obtained for international geochemical reference standards are of high precision, and agree well with recommended values obtained by other methods.  相似文献   
New Sr and Nd isotopic data are presented for several large feldspar crystals occurring in microgranular enclaves in the Swifts Creek and Bridle Track plutons, along with analyses of their host enclave groundmass and adjacent granitoid. In the Swifts Creek Pluton several previous studies have concluded that the microgranular enclaves represent admixed, more mafic and more primitive magmas, and new data presented here confirm that. Feldspar megacrysts in the microgranular enclaves have Sr and Nd isotopic signatures that are distinct from the surrounding enclave groundmass and from other enclaves in the pluton and therefore cannot have crystallised in situ. Isotopic compositions of these feldspars are more consistent with their having crystallised in a reservoir similar in composition to the most primitive granitoid analyses. The crystals were then physically transferred from the granitoid magma into the enclave while the latter was still partially liquid, thus invalidating arguments for a porphyroblastic origin. Field, petrographic and geochemical data are consistent with microgranular enclaves in the Bridle Track pluton also originating as admixed, more mafic magmas. However, Sr isotopic compositions of the enclaves are identical, within error, to the host granite and indicate that significant Sr isotopic equilibration has occurred. Nd isotopic compositions of the enclaves extend to slightly higher 143Nd/144Nd(i) and are consistent with a mingled magma origin followed by major isotopic equilibration. Feldspar phenocrysts in the studied enclave have isotopic compositions indistinguishable from both the enclave groundmass and host granite, preventing an interpretation of their origin using isotopic evidence alone.  相似文献   
The extinct Pleistocene volcano Muriah, situated behind the main Pleistocene—Recent Sunda magmatic arc in north-central Java, has erupted at least two contrasted groups of lavas. One group forms a well-defined compositional series (Anhydrous Series) from leucite basanite to tephritic phonolite, with olivine and tschermakitic clinopyroxene the main phenocrysts. The other group, the “Hydrous Series”, includes compositionally variable tephrites and high-K andesites with common plagioclase, biotite and amphibole. Lavas of the Anhydrous Series are much richer in LIL trace elements than the most potassic lavas of neighbouring active volcanoes, but relative HFS element enrichment is less pronounced. REE patterns have almost constant slopes from La (250–600 times chondrites) to Yb (5–10 times chondrites), while those of lavas of active centres are less light-enriched, and show flattening in the heavy REE. Anhydrous Series initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7043–0.7046) are lower than those of active centres (0.7047–0.7053). Hydrous Series lavas are intermediate in all these geochemical characteristics.The most mafic A-series leucite basanite, with Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) 0.69, 140 ppm Ni and 620 ppm Cr was probably derived from the primary magma for the series by fractionation of only 5 wt.% olivine. Its REE pattern suggests derivation from a garnet-bearing source. Experiments on this basanite, with up to 10% olivine and 20% orthopyroxene added, and in the presence of H2O and H2O/CO2 mixtures, have shown that for all but very high magma water contents, the olivine and garnet liquidus fields are widely separated by fields of phlogopite and clinopyroxene. There is no liquidus field of orthopyroxene. Hence, if magma production involved an equilibrium melting process alone, the most probable sources are of garnet-bearing phlogopite clinopyroxenite type. Alternatively, this magma may represent the end-product of interaction between a low-K basanite magma from a garnet lherzolite source in the asthenosphere and a phlogopite-bearing lherzolite zone in the lower lithosphere. Its production was probably related to crustal doming and extension superimposed on the dominant subduction regime. Hydrous Series magmas may have resulted from mixing between Anhydrous Series magmas and high-K calc-alkaline basaltic to andesitic magmas more directly related to subduction processes.  相似文献   
Quantitative simulations of the global-scale benefits of climate change mitigation are presented, using a harmonised, self-consistent approach based on a single set of climate change scenarios. The approach draws on a synthesis of output from both physically-based and economics-based models, and incorporates uncertainty analyses. Previous studies have projected global and regional climate change and its impacts over the 21st century but have generally focused on analysis of business-as-usual scenarios, with no explicit mitigation policy included. This study finds that both the economics-based and physically-based models indicate that early, stringent mitigation would avoid a large proportion of the impacts of climate change projected for the 2080s. However, it also shows that not all the impacts can now be avoided, so that adaptation would also therefore be needed to avoid some of the potential damage. Delay in mitigation substantially reduces the percentage of impacts that can be avoided, providing strong new quantitative evidence for the need for stringent and prompt global mitigation action on greenhouse gas emissions, combined with effective adaptation, if large, widespread climate change impacts are to be avoided. Energy technology models suggest that such stringent and prompt mitigation action is technologically feasible, although the estimated costs vary depending on the specific modelling approach and assumptions.  相似文献   
The 1971 Teneguía eruption is the most recent volcanic event of the Cumbre Vieja rift zone on La Palma. The eruption produced basanite lavas that host xenoliths, which we investigate to provide insight into the processes of differentiation, assimilation and magma storage beneath La Palma. We compare our results to the older volcano magmatic systems of the island with the aim to reconstruct the temporal development of the magma plumbing system beneath La Palma. The 1971 lavas are clinopyroxene-olivine-phyric basanites that contain augite, sodic-augite and aluminium augite. Kaersutite cumulate xenoliths host olivine, clinopyroxene including sodic-diopside, and calcic-amphibole, whereas an analysed leucogabbro xenolith hosts plagioclase, sodic-augite-diopside, calcic-amphibole and hauyne. Mineral thermobarometry and mineral-melt thermobarometry indicate that clinopyroxene and plagioclase in the 1971 Teneguía lavas crystallised at 20–45 km depth, coinciding with clinopyroxene and calcic-amphibole crystallisation in the kaersutite cumulate xenoliths at 25–45 km and clinopyroxene, calcic-amphibole and plagioclase crystallisation in the leucogabbro xenolith at 30–50 km. Combined mineral chemistry and thermobarometry suggest that the magmas had already crystallised, differentiated and formed multiple crystal populations in the oceanic lithospheric mantle. Notably, the magmas that supplied the 1949 and 1971 events appear to have crystallised deeper than the earlier Cumbre Vieja magmas, which suggests progressive underplating beneath the Cumbre Vieja rift zone. In addition, the lavas and xenoliths of the 1971 event crystallised at a common depth, indicating a reused plumbing system and progressive recycling of Ocean Island plutonic complexes during subsequent magmatic activity.  相似文献   
The role of mafic–felsic magma mixing in the formation of granites is controversial. Field evidence in many granite plutons undoubtedly implies interaction of mafic (basaltic–intermediate) magma with (usually) much more abundant granitic magma, but the extent of such mixing and its effect on overall chemical features of the host intrusion are unclear. Late Devonian I-type granitoids of the Tynong Province in the western Lachlan Fold Belt, southeast Australia, show typical evidence for magma mingling and mixing, such as small dioritic stocks, hybrid zones with local host granite and ubiquitous microgranitoid enclaves. The latter commonly have irregular boundaries and show textural features characteristic of hybridisation, e.g. xenocrysts of granitic quartz and K-feldspars, rapakivi and antirapakivi textures, quartz and feldspar ocelli, and acicular apatite. Linear (well defined to diffuse) compositional trends for granites, hybrid zones and enclaves have been attributed to magma mixing but could also be explained by other mechanisms. Magmatic zircons of the Tynong and Toorongo granodiorites yield U–Pb zircon ages consistent with the known ca 370 Ma age of the province and preserve relatively unevolved ?Hf (averages for three samples are +6.9, +4.3 and +3.9). The range in zircon ?Hf in two of the three analysed samples (8.8 and 10.1 ?Hf units) exceeds that expected from a single homogeneous population (~4 units) and suggests considerable Hf isotopic heterogeneity in the melt from which the zircon formed, consistent with syn-intrusion magma mixing. Correlated whole-rock Sr–Nd isotope data for the Tynong Province granitoids show a considerable range (0.7049–0.7074, ?Nd +1.2 to –4.7), which may map the hybridisation between a mafic magma and possibly multiple crustal magmas. Major-element variations for host granite, hybrid zones and enclaves in the large Tynong granodiorite show correlations with major-element compositions of the type expected from mixing of contrasting mafic and felsic magmas. However, chemical–isotopic correlations are poorly developed for the province as a whole, especially for 87Sr/86Sr. In a magma mixing model, such complexities could be explained in terms of a dynamic mixing/mingling environment, with multiple mixing events and subsequent interactions between hybrids and superimposed fractional crystallisation. The results indicate that features plausibly attributed to mafic–felsic magma mixing exist at all scales within this granite province and suggest a major role for magma mixing/mingling in the formation of I-type granites.  相似文献   
The risks to human populations in coastal areas are changing due to climate and socio-economic changes, and these trends are predicted to accelerate during the twenty-first century. To understand these changing risks, and the resulting choices and pathways to successful management and adaptation, broad-scale integrated assessment is essential. Due to their complexity the two risks of flooding and erosion are usually managed independently, yet frequently they are interconnected by longshore exchange of sediments and the resulting broad scale morphological system behaviour. In order to generate new insights into the effects of climate change and coastal management practises on coastal erosion and flood risk, we present an integrated assessment of 72 km of shoreline over the twenty-first century on the East Anglian coast of England which is a site of significant controversy about how to manage coastal flood and erosion risks over the twenty-first century. A coupled system of hydrodynamic, morphological, reliability and socio-economic models has been developed for the analysis, implemented under scenarios of coastal management, climate and socio-economic change. The study is unique in coastal management terms because of the large spatial scale and extended temporal scale over which the analysis is quantified. This study for the first time quantifies what has for some years been argued qualitatively: the role of sediments released from cliff erosion in protecting neighbouring low-lying land from flooding. The losses and benefits are expressed using the common currency of economic risk. The analysis demonstrates that over the twenty-first century, flood risk in the study area is expected to be an order of magnitude greater than erosion risk. Climate and socio-economic change and coastal management policy have a significant influence on flood risk. This study demonstrates that the choices concerning coastal management are profound, and there are clear tradeoffs between erosion and flood impacts.  相似文献   
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope. It will address fundamental unanswered questions about our Universe including how the first stars and galaxies formed after the Big Bang, how dark energy is accelerating the expansion of theUniverse, the role of magnetism in the cosmos, the nature of gravity, and the search for life beyond Earth. This project envisages the construction of 133 15-m antennas in South Africa and 131072 log-periodic antennas in Australia, together with the associated infrastructure in the two desert sites. In addition, the SKA is an exemplar Big Data project, with data rates of over 10 Tbps being transported from the telescope to HPC/HTC facilities.  相似文献   
Samples dredged from the ocean floor near the junction of the Naturaliste Fracture Zone and the Diamantina Zone, 300 km southwest of Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia, contain 3- to 10-cm blocks of Cr-spinel lherzolites and Al-spinel-olivine clinopyroxenites. Both assemblages show textural evidence for deformation and recrystallization, with extensive development of kaersutite in one clinopyroxenite. The blocks are enclosed by clay and Fe-Mn oxide-rich fragmental material, which also contains a diverse detrital mineral suite and microfossils.Diopsides in the lherzolites are Na- and Cr-rich, with marked similarities to those of lherzolite nodules in alkaline basaltic suites. The Al- and Ti-rich diopsides of the clinopyroxenites are more magnesium than those of common pyroxene-rich nodules. The lherzolites are interpreted as upper mantle residues, while the clinopyroxenites probably represent partly recrystallized cumulates from high-temperature basaltic magmas traversing the lherzolite mantle. Both are thought to have been derived from an ultramafic body emplaced into the shallow crust near the Cretaceous/early Tertiary continent-ocean boundary off Australia.  相似文献   
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