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与季节内振荡-超级云团系统相关的赤道波的识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中重点研究与热带季节内振荡-超级云团系统相关联的赤道波的识别。考虑到赤道波的本质为截获在赤道地区的一般的气候平衡场附近的线性动力过程的固有模态,首先从原理上阐明了POPs分析技术对于分离各类赤道波动的有效性,以后利用这种分析方法对日本静止气象卫星所观测到的黑体红外辐射温度资料进行了POPs分析。结果表明,在热带季节内振荡-超级云团系统中,对应于40d振荡的模态基本表现为Kelvin波的结构;对应于10d左右的模态,亦为Kelvin波,而在2d尺度上,则分别存在经向模态序号n=1和n=2的西进和东进惯性重力波。分析中还发现了西进的混合Rossby重力波的存在。  相似文献   
利用中尺度模式WRF3.3对太行山东麓焚风典型个例进行了数值模拟。结果表明,太行山东麓焚风的发生和移动与山脉背风波密切相关。由此建立了太行山东麓焚风的概念模型:西北或偏西气流途经山西盆地、山西境内的山脉或高原,再越过太行山,在其东麓形成背风波。背风波的下沉气流气温按干绝热方式上升,同时下沉气流也会对低层大气产生压缩增温效应,使得太行山东麓产生焚风。背风波即为重力波,可以伴随着下沉气流向下游移动,正变温区同时也向东移动。变温区移动的速度和重力波的传播速度相同。背风波的产生,需要Scorer数向上足够的减小,而且不连续,即要求大气是稳定的且存在明显的风速切变。  相似文献   
2020年超强梅雨特征及其成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁一汇 《气象》2021,47(7):773-780
2020年是顾震潮先生诞辰百年.顾震潮先生是现代中国天气学的主要奠基人和创建人之一,对中国天气学研究和现代天气预报业务做出了杰出的贡献.他有着深厚的天气学研究理论基础,善于从复杂的天气现象中抓住本质,并洞悉当时气象科学的世界前沿与天气预报业务的发展方向,在洋为中用的同时立足中国实际,创造性地解决中国的天气学理论和实际问...  相似文献   
利用TOGA—TAO赤道次表层海流与海温观测资料,比较清楚地揭示了1997/1998年El Nino期间在赤道西太平洋暖池上空西风异常的驱动下,次表层异常海流的产生机制和向东传播过程中的变化特征。对比分析了海表、次表层异常海流的两种热力平流过程,即水平温度平流和因海流水平辐合辐散造成的垂直上翻(或下沉)运动对混合层及海表温度异常的贡献,结果证实了后一效应对ENSO发生发展的重要意义。最后还对文中的海流异常是否就是理论分析得到的Kelvin波在海流场上的反映进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Properties and stability of a meso-scale line-form disturbance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By using the 3D dynamic equations for small- and meso-scale disturbances, an investigation is performed on the heterotropic instability (including symmetric instability and traversal-type instability) of a zonal line-like disturbance moving at any angle with respect to basic flow, arriving at the following results: (1) with linear shear available, the heterotropic instability of the disturbance will occur only when flow shearing happens in the direction of the line-like disturbance movement or in the direction perpendicular to the disturbance movement, with the heterotropic instability showing the instability of the internal inertial gravity wave; (2) in the presence of second-order non-linear shear, the disturbance of the heterotropic instability includes internal inertial gravity and vortex Rossby waves. For the zonal line-form disturbance under study, the vortex Rossby wave has its source in the second-order shear of meridional basic wind speed in the flow and propagates unidirectionally with respect to the meridional basic flow. As a mesoscale heterotropic instable disturbance, the vortex Rossby wave has its origin from the second shear of the flow in the direction perpendicular to the line-form disturbance and is independent of the condition in the direction parallel to the flow; (3) for general zonal line-like disturbances, if the second-order shear happens in the meridional wind speed, i.e., the second shear of the flow in the direction perpendicular to the line-form disturbance, then the heterotropic instability of the disturbance is likely to be the instability of a mixed Rossby–internal inertial gravity wave; (4) the symmetric instability is actually the instability of the internal inertial gravity wave. The second-order shear in the flow represents an instable factor for a symmetric-type disturbance; (5) the instability of a traversal-type disturbance is the instability of the internal inertial gravity wave when the basic flow is constant or only linearly sheared. With a second or nonlinear vertical shear of the basic flow taken into account, the instability of a traversal-type disturbance may be the instability of a mixed vortex Rossby – gravity wave.  相似文献   
The heavy rainfall in the summer of 1998 over China has been simulated with the NCCRegional Climate Model(RegCM_NCC).It was successful for RegCM_NCC to reproduce thelocation and seasonal shift of the seasonal rain belt in the summer of 1998 over China.The rainyseason in the summer of 1998 over China can be divided into 7 episodes,including the pre-summerrainy season in South China.the Meiyu onset over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin,shortappearance of North China rain season and the retreat of seasonal rain belt,the second Meiyuseason over the Yangtze River Valley,the rainy period over the Yellow and Huaihe River Valleyand the seasonal retreat of rain belt over North China.The shortcoming of the RegCM_NCC isover-estimation of precipitation amounts.The regions with large latent heat flux,upper soilmoisture and total runoff are located in the rainy area and move with the simulated rain belt duringthe different episodes.On the contrary,the regions with small sensible heat flux are located in thesimulated rainy area and move with the simulated rain belt during the different episodes.  相似文献   
论东亚夏季风的特征、驱动力与年代际变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文是以新的资料和研究结果对东亚夏季风的基本特征、驱动力和年代际变化所作的重新分析与评估。内容包括四个部分:(1)东亚夏季风的基本特征;(2)东亚夏季风的驱动力;(3)东亚夏季风的年代际变率与原因;(4)东亚夏季风与全球季风的关系。结果表明:东亚夏季风是亚洲夏季风的一个重要有机部分,主要由来源于热带的季风气流组成,并随季节由南向北呈阶段性推进,它是形成夏季东亚天气与气候的主要环流和降水系统。驱动夏季风的主要强迫有三部分:外部强迫、耦合强迫与内部变率,其中人类活动引起的外强迫(气候变暖、城市化、气溶胶增加等)是新出现的外强迫,它正不断改变着东亚夏季风的特征与演变趋势。海洋与陆面耦合强迫作为自然因子是引起东亚夏季风年际和年代际变化的主要原因,其中太平洋年代尺度振荡(PDO)与北大西洋多年代尺度振荡(AMO)的协同作用是造成东亚夏季风30~40年周期振荡的主要原因。1960年代以后,东亚夏季风经历了强—弱—强的年代际变化,相应的中国东部夏季降水型出现了“北多南少”向“南涝北旱”以及“北方渐增”的转变。最近的研究表明,上述东亚夏季风年代际变化与整个亚非夏季风系统的变化趋势是一致的。在本世纪主要受气候变暖的影响,夏季风雨带将持续北移,中国北方和西部地区出现持续性多雨的格局。最后本文指出,亚非夏季风系统相比于其他区域季风系统更适合全球季风的概念。  相似文献   
The distributions and daily variations of the apparent heat source (Q1 ) and the apparent moisture sink (Q2 ) in East China in the early summer of 1984 have been estimated with the budget calculation method. It has been found that during this time period, there occurred three significant episodes of strong heating that corresponded to the three events of heavy rainfalls prior to, during and post to the onset of mei-yu (plum rains). The peaks of Q1 were generally found at 200 hPa, with the heating rate of 6°-10℃/day observed, while the peaks of Q2 were located at about 700 hPa, with their magnitudes being 12°-20℃/day. The vertical distribution of Q1 and Q2 indicates the importance of eddy vertical flux. In other words, the convective activity plays a very important role in the processes of precipitation in East Asia in the early summer. This result is different from the finding obtained by Luo and Yanai (1984) in their calculation of the case of 1979. They pointed out that in the early summer of 1979  相似文献   
东亚地区区域气候模拟的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
由于大气环流模式对东亚地区区域气候特征的模拟存在很大不足,采用区域气候模式模拟该地区特殊的季风气候成为目前发展的一个重要研究方向,并取得了显著的研究进展。通过回顾当前东亚地区区域气候模拟的现状,表明大部分区域气候模式都不同程度地模拟出了东亚季风区持续性洪涝现象的大尺度环流特征和演变过程,再现了东亚各主要气候区降水的年际、季节和季节内变化及主要雨带的季节进退和降水的时空演变特征。但是,大部分模式没能很好地模拟出大尺度特征的强度和量值,模拟的温度和降水存在系统性偏差。原因分析表明,进一步完善和改进区域气候模式的物理过程参数化方案及动力框架可以改善模拟效果。最后对区域气候模式未来的发展给出展望。  相似文献   
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