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Sedimentary successions provide direct evidence of climate and tectonics, and these give clues about the causes of the mass extinction around the Permian–Triassic boundary. Terrestrial Permian–Triassic boundary strata in the eastern Ordos Basin, North China, include the Late Permian Sunjiagou, Early Triassic Liujiagou and late Early Triassic Heshanggou formations in ascending order. The Sunjiagou Formation comprises cross-bedded sandstones overlaid by mudstones, indicating meandering rivers with channel, point bar and floodplain deposits. The Liujiagou Formation was formed in braided rivers of arid sand bars interacting with some aeolian dune deposits, distinguished by abundant sandstones where diverse trough and planar cross-bedding and aeolian structures (for example, inverse climbing-ripple, translatent-ripple lamination, grainfall and grainflow laminations) interchange vertically and laterally. The Heshanggou Formation is a rhythmic succession of mudstones interbedded with thin medium-grained sandstones mainly deposited in a shallow lacustrine environment. Overall, the sharp meandering to braided to shallow lake sedimentary transition documents palaeoenvironmental changes from semi-arid to arid and then to semi-humid conditions across the Permian–Triassic boundary. The die-off of tetrapods and plants, decreased bioturbation levels in the uppermost Sunjiagou Formation, and the bloom of microbially-induced sedimentary structures in the Liujiagou Formation marks the mass extinction around the Permian–Triassic boundary. The disappearance of microbially-induced sedimentary structures, increasingly intense bioturbation from bottom to top and the reoccurrence of reptile footprints in the Heshanggou Formation reveal gradual recovery of the ecosystem after the Permian–Triassic boundary extinction. This study is the first to identify the intensification of aeolian activity following the end-Permian mass extinction in North China. Moreover, while northern North China continued to be uplifted tectonically from the Late Palaeozoic to Late Mesozoic, the switch of sedimentary patterns across the Permian–Triassic boundary in Shanxi is largely linked to the development of an arid and subsequently semi-humid climate condition, which probably directly affected the collapse and delayed recovery in palaeoecosystems.  相似文献   
棕漠土和灌淤土在塔里木盆地西缘洪积平原上广泛分布,文章选取这两种类型的土壤作为研究对象,测试分析了在不同的土壤层位有机碳和全氮的含量,探讨了有机碳和全氮含量、以及它们与粒级组之间的相关关系。研究结果表明:洪积平原两种土壤剖面在0~100cm层位上有机碳和全氮含量随着土壤层位深度的增加而降低,而在40~60cm层位上两种土壤的有机碳和全氮含量差值达到最大值,并且整个剖面上有机碳和全氮含量变化呈正相关的关系。  相似文献   
The drying-induced deformation behaviour of Opalinus Clay and tuff, which are being investigated under international and local collaborative projects for nuclear waste disposal in Switzerland and Japan, was investigated under a no-stress condition in the laboratory to evaluate their generic susceptibility to the formation of excavation damaged zone. The cylindrical core samples of Opalinus Clay and tuff were prepared to a one-dimensional drying condition and submitted to an uncontrolled laboratory environment. The strain evolution, evaporative water loss and environmental entities, such as temperature and relative humidity, were recorded simultaneously and quasi-continuously. It was observed that the drying phase induced significant strain magnitude and damage in Opalinus Clay samples, which was evidenced by the formation of hairy cracks on the surface parallel to the bedding. On the contrary, the strain occurrences in tuff samples were relatively insignificant, and no tendency of cracking was observed. In addition, the quasi-continuous availability of volumetric strains was further used in poroelastic relation for the estimation of capillary suction evolution. The calculated results were validated with pore size distributions obtained from mercury intrusion porosimetry.  相似文献   
LGZ系列全液压多功能桩机拥有可轴向滑移主动钻杆、大扭矩中空式回转动力头和双筒同步卷扬机3项专利技术,具有施工安全、一机多能、传动平稳高效等技术优势。本文介绍了该系列桩机的性能参数、技术特点,及其在螺杆桩、螺旋挤土桩、水泥土搅拌桩、长螺旋钻孔灌注桩、大直径长螺旋钻孔桩等5种工法中的应用。实践证明,LGZ系列全液压多功能桩机可以满足多种桩基工法施工需求,并可扩展到更多工法应用。  相似文献   
2013年4月20日中国四川芦山发生7.0级地震,它是在2009-2011年中国西南地区出现长期大面积严重干旱这一强震中期典型异常背景下发生的。笔者执笔的年度中期预测发震地点与实际偏差400 km。地震前一天晚上,中国地球物理学会天灾预测专业委员会对“2013年4月27日前后10天是中国大陆及周边地区可能发生MS≥7.5级强震的危险日期”,专门就国内近期存在发生强震的危险性展开了内部闭门讨论。震前3小时陈维升发现:全国气温自记曲线出现大面积断点。并且,震前4天北京工业大学地震研究所接收到次声波异常信号。2013年4月21日从郑州返京后,才得以查实:2013年4月18日23时-4月19日08时(北京时间)韩国气压图资料显示,在包括北纬30.3°、东经103°在内的100 km范围内,出现了低气压异常区。笔者指出必要的反思是:科学是人类与自然的通信;要从发展演化的观点研究强震信息。  相似文献   
本文基于InSAR技术,利用欧空局Sentinel-1A/B升降轨SAR数据,提取了2020年6月26日新疆于田Mw6.3地震的同震形变场.利用升、降轨同震形变场约束,分别采用MPSO算法和Bayesian方法反演此次地震发震断层均匀滑动的几何参数,并进行对比.然后采用SDM方法获得发震断层非均匀滑动分布,并分析了同震...  相似文献   
地震作用下黄土边坡的动力响应特征与变形失稳机制是具有重要理论与实践意义的课题,但从动力响应频谱特性方面开展的研究还相对较少。以大型振动台模型试验获得的黄土边坡地震动峰值加速度数据为基础,通过分析其变化规律,着重从频谱特性的角度分析,讨论黄土边坡的动力失稳机制。进一步通过对坡面不同高程测点、边坡内部垂直方向以及水平方向上测点的加速度时程进行绝对加速度反应谱分析,从频谱变化角度提出黄土边坡的动力失稳机制。研究表明,黄土边坡在地震动作用下的响应过程可以分为三个阶段:弹性阶段、塑性阶段与破坏阶段;黄土边坡进入破坏阶段时均会伴随反应谱峰值的增幅或者主周期的变化,在弹性阶段反应谱加速度峰值增幅与输入地震动幅值增幅一致,进入塑性阶段后反应谱峰值增幅比输入地震动幅值增幅小;研究提出将反应谱首峰的凸显情况作为坡体破坏程度的判断依据之一。  相似文献   
以天水市秦州区白家堡子滑坡为研究对象,利用已有资料和野外实地勘察对其发育特征和物质组成进行系统的分析。明确了白家堡子滑坡属牵引式中厚层黄土—泥岩滑坡,滑体主要组成物质是黄土及部分全—强风化泥岩堆积层,滑体分上下两层滑面,滑面位于黄土—泥岩交界面或泥岩中,滑体缺少约束条件,较易变形失稳,长期处于活动状态。最后,根据白家堡子滑坡的特征,结合该区域的城市详细建设规划,初步提出白家堡子滑坡治理措施,为后期相邻滑坡的治理提供参考。  相似文献   
Fox Creek is a small tributary of the Saddle River, a tributary of the Peace River in northwestern Alberta. It has several dormant landslides with degraded scarps and grabens. A new, reactivated landslide on the north bank of the Fox Creek occurred on 5 May 2007. The landslide formed two major sliding blocks. A rapid translational block slide, it mobilized 47 Mm3 of displaced materials, blocked the creek, and made a natural dam with a maximum height of 19 m at the tips of the displaced blocks. The rupture surfaces of the 2007 landslide were within the advance phase glaciolacustrine sediments. The residual friction angles are about 10° similar to those of the previous landslides in the Peace River Lowland. Precipitation and snow melt prior to the landslide are likely triggers of the 2007 Fox Creek landslide. The farmlands on the crest of the river valley and timber resources were impacted. The current landslide dam in Fox Creek does not have any evidence of seepage downstream; it may last for many years. Eventually, the creek will overtop and erode the dam. The same cycle of actions, landsliding, damming, and erosion will continue in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   
A cross-system analysis of bulk sediment composition, total organic carbon (TOC), atomic C/N ratio, and carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in 82 surface sediment samples from natural and planted mangrove forests, bank and bottom of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and the subtidal habitat was conducted to examine the roles of mangroves in sedimentation and organic carbon (OC) accumulation processes, and to characterize sources of sedimentary OC of the mangrove ecosystem of Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam. Sediment grain sizes varied widely from 5.4 to 170.2 μm (mean 71.5 μm), with the fine sediment grain size fraction (< 63 μm) ranging from 11 to 99.3% (mean 72.5%). Bulk sediment composition suggested that mangroves play an important role in trapping fine sediments from river outflows and tidal water by the mechanisms of tidal current attenuation by vegetation and the ability of fine roots to bind sediments. The TOC content ranged from 0.08 to 2.18% (mean 0.78%), and was higher within mangrove forests compared to those of banks and bottoms of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and subtidal sediments. The sedimentary δ13C ranged from − 27.7 to − 20.4‰ (mean − 24.1‰), and mirrored the trend observed in TOC variation. The TOC and δ13C relationship showed that the factors of microbial remineralization and OC sources controlled the TOC pool of mangrove sediments. The comparison of δ13C and C/N ratio of sedimentary OC with those of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources indicated that the sedimentary OC within mangrove forests and the subtidal habitat was mainly composed of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources, respectively. The application of a simple mixing model showed that the mangrove contribution to sedimentary OC decreased as follows: natural mangrove forest > planted mangrove forest > tidal flat > creek bank > creek bottom > subtidal habitat.  相似文献   
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