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We demonstrate that the idea of symmetropy can be used for quantification of earthquake patterns. The symmetropy can be considered as a measure of asymmetry. A pattern is richer in asymmetry when the symmetropy is smaller. The specific results of its applications are obtained as follows. In a discrete model of a seismic source with self-organized criticality, the spatial patterns of earthquakes during critical states and sub-critical states are distinguished by the behaviour of the symmetropy: sub-critical patterns show that the symmetropy is approximately a constant but this has various values during critical states. The critical patterns show asymmetric property without any asymmetric force from the outside and without asymmetric intracellular rule. We show that the emergence of asymmetric patterns is a generic feature of dynamic ruptures in our model. Such a generic asymmetry results from the model which is an inherently discrete system consisting of finite-sized cells. These cells may represent geometrical disordered fault zones. We further discuss rotational motions that generate seismic rotational waves. In micromorphic continuum theory, such rotations are attributed to dynamic ruptures in disordered systems. We note that the concept of disorder in this theory is expressed by a set of finite-sized microstructures and is consistent with the concept of disorder modelled in the present study. Thus, we suggest that the spatially asymmetric patterns of earthquakes might be related to the rotational motions, because both come from dynamic ruptures in a discrete fault zone without a well-defined continuum limit.  相似文献   
Bimodal representation of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The tropical intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) shows distinct variability centers and propagation patterns between boreal winter and summer. To accurately represent the state of the ISO at any particular time of a year, a bimodal ISO index was developed. It consists of Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) mode with predominant eastward propagation along the equator and Boreal Summer ISO (BSISO) mode with prominent northward propagation and large variability in off-equatorial monsoon trough regions. The spatial–temporal patterns of the MJO and BSISO modes are identified with the extended empirical orthogonal function analysis of 31?years (1979–2009) OLR data for the December–February and June–August period, respectively. The dominant mode of the ISO at any given time can be judged by the proportions of the OLR anomalies projected onto the two modes. The bimodal ISO index provides objective and quantitative measures on the annual and interannual variations of the predominant ISO modes. It is shown that from December to April the MJO mode dominates while from June to October the BSISO mode dominates. May and November are transitional months when the predominant mode changes from one to the other. It is also shown that the fractional variance reconstructed based on the bimodal index is significantly higher than the counterpart reconstructed based on the Wheeler and Hendon’s index. The bimodal ISO index provides a reliable real time monitoring skill, too. The method and results provide critical information in assessing models’ performance to reproduce the ISO and developing further research on predictability of the ISO and are also useful for a variety of scientific and practical purposes.  相似文献   
This study quantifies diapycnal mixing and vertical heat transfer in the Pacific side of the Arctic Ocean, where sea-ice cover has disappeared between July and September in the last few decades. We conducted microstructure measurements in the open water region around the Canada Basin from late summer to fall in 2009 and 2010 using R/V Mirai. In the study domain, the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy, ε, is typically as low level as O(10?10) W kg?1, resulting in vertical heat diffusivity of O(10?7) m2 s?1, which is close to the molecular diffusivity of heat, suggesting comparatively little predominance of mechanical turbulent mixing. An exception is the case at the Barrow Canyon, where the strong baroclinic throughflow generates substantial vertical mixing, producing ε > O(10?7) W kg?1, because of the shear flow instability. Meanwhile, in the confluence region, where the warm/salty Pacific water and the cold/fresh Arctic basin water encounter, the micro-temperature profiles revealed a localized enhancement in vertical diffusivity of heat, reaching O(10?5) m2 s?1 or greater. In this region, an intrusion of warm Pacific water creates a horizontally interleaved structure, where the double-diffusive mixing facilitates vertical heat transfer between the intruding Pacific water and the surrounding basin waters.  相似文献   
Convectively coupled equatorial waves (CCEWs) are major sources of tropical day-to-day variability. The majority of CCEWs-related studies for the past decade or so have based their analyses, in one form or another, on the Fourier-based space–time spectral analysis method developed by Wheeler and Kiladis (WK). Like other atmospheric and oceanic phenomena, however, CCEWs exhibit pronounced nonstationarity, which the conventional Fourier-based method has difficulty elucidating. The purpose of this study is to introduce an analysis method that is able to describe the time-varying spectral features of CCEWs. The method is based on a transform, referred to as the combined Fourier–wavelet transform (CFWT), defined as a combination of the Fourier transform in space (longitude) and wavelet transform in time, providing an instantaneous space–time spectrum at any given time. The elaboration made on how to display the CFWT spectrum in a manner analogous to the conventional method (i.e., as a function of zonal wavenumber and frequency) and how to estimate the background noise spectrum renders the method more practically feasible. As a practical example, this study analyzes 3-hourly cloud archive user service (CLAUS) cloudiness data for 23 years. The CFWT and WK methods exhibit a remarkable level of agreement in the distributions of climatological-mean space–time spectra over a wide range of space–time scales ranging in time from several hours to several tens of days, indicating the instantaneous CFWT spectrum provides a reasonable snapshot. The usefulness of the capability to localize space–time spectra in time is demonstrated through examinations of the annual cycle, interannual variability, and a case study.  相似文献   
Heavy metal ions from single and ternary systems of Pb(II), Cu(II), and Ni(II) adsorbed by calix[4]resorcinarenes in water–chloroform extraction were studied. Comparison was made of calix[4]resorcinarenes, 2,8,14,20-tetraundecyl calix[4]resorcinarene-4,6,10,12,16,18,22,24-octol, and diethylaminomethyl-calix[4]resorcinarene, 5,11,17,23-tetra(diethylaminomethyl)-2,8,14,20- tetraundecylcalix[4]resorcinarene-4,6,10,12,16,18,22,24-octol, for predominant extraction of their ions from the ternary mixture of aqueous solution at different pH in a water layer. The hosting of Pb(II) by the diethylaminomethyl-calix[4]resorcinarene occurred efficiently at pH 6–7. The hosting of Pb(II), Cu(II), and Ni(II) ions for the ternary aqueous mixture was applied to the Langmuir isotherm. Adsorption was studied using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in a water–deuterium chloroform extraction system. Results showed that as the heavy metal ions were included into the host cavity, the observation of shifted peaks of water molecules from downfield to higher field was visible in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, meaning that water molecules were included with heavy metal ion into the host cavity. The spectra also showed that the diethylamino group expressed formation of the coordination complex between the diethylaminomethyl-calix[4]resorcinarene and Pb(II) for the purpose of predominant hosting of Pb(II).  相似文献   
Yu  Higuchi  Yutaka  Yanagimoto  Kazuyoshi  Hoshi  Sadao  Unou  Fumio  Akiba  Kunishige  Tonoike  Keita  Koda 《Island Arc》2007,16(3):374-393
Abstract To clarify the regional distribution and characteristics of the sedimentary deposits in the northern part of the Philippine Sea, multichannel seismic reflection surveys of 26 864 km in total length were performed. The seismic reflection data were interpreted and correlated with available Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP) data and a general stratigraphic framework of the area was established. The sedimentary deposits in this area were divided into five layers; Units I, II, III, IV and V in ascending order. Their approximate geological ages are the Early Eocene, Middle to Late Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene‐Pleistocene, respectively. Seismic records were classified into three seismic facies, Facies A, B and C, on the basis of their characteristics. They were judged to represent pelagic and hemipelagic sediments of non‐volcanic origin, fine pyroclastic sediments and coarse pyroclastic or volcanic sediments, respectively, by comparing them with lithological data in the DSDP/ODP holes. From the thickness and facies distributions of these sediments, a sedimentary history in the area was reconstructed as follows. The oldest sediments in the study area, Unit I, interfinger with some parts of the Daito Ridge (acoustic basement) in the Minami Daito Basin. The geological age of the unit is estimated by microfossils in the sediment and supports the idea that this part of the Daito Ridge is composed of the Early Eocene oceanic basalt. Later, a fair amount of sediments were deposited in the Minami Daito Basin in the Middle to Late Eocene age. A large volume of volcanic materials was supplied from the Paleo‐Kyushu‐Palau Ridge in the Kita Daito Basin in the Eocene and Oligocene ages. The eastern part of the Shikoku and Parece Vela basins is characterized by volcanic sediments supplied from the Nishi Shichito and West Mariana Ridges in the Miocene age. However, pelagic and hemipelagic sediments prevail in the northern part of the Shikoku Basin in the Miocene or later. In short, the area of principal sedimentation has generally shifted from west to east through geological time, reflecting the evolution of the island arc systems with the same trend in the northern Philippine Sea.  相似文献   
Annual examination of net-plankton biomass in dry weight, ash-free dry weight, organic carbon, and nitrogen weight at the Manazuru harbor, central Japan revealed that net-plankton samples from shallow coastal water contained considerable amount of ash (53±13% of dry weight) which would be caused by contamination of inorganic materials from re-suspendion of sediments, terrestrial runoff and chain-forming diatoms. Therefore, in coastal water, dry weight is inadequate fro determination of zooplankton biomass in volving the possibility of over-estimation. Practical estimation of net-plankton biomass in shallow coastal waters, ash-free dry weight, organic carbon, and/or nitrogen are more adequate.  相似文献   
A method to analyze self-affinities is introduced and applied to the large scale fold geometries of Quaternary and Tertiary sediments or geographical topographies in the inner belt of the Northeast Honshu Arc, Japan. Based on this analysis, their geometries are self-affine and can be differently scaled in different directions. We recognize a crossover from local to global altitude (vertical) variation of the geometries of folds and topographies. The characteristic length for the crossover of topographies (landforms) is about 25 km and is related to the half wavelength of the crustal buckling folds or possible maximum magnitude of inland earthquakes in the Northeast Honshu Arc. Moreover, self-affinity of the folds and topographies can be connected with the b-value in Gutenberg-Richter℉s law. We obtain two average Hurst exponents obtained from the self-affinities of folds in the Northeast Honshu Arc. This indicates that there are two possible seismic modes for the smaller and larger ranges in the focal regions in the Northeast Honshu Arc.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionTheafternoonregion (approximately 1 4 0 0to 1 60 0MLT)hasaspecialsignificanceforavarietyofmagnetosphericphenomena.Itsproximitytomagneticnoonsuggeststhattheauroralphenomenaobservedmayberelatedtodaysidemagnetosphericprocesses ,andindeedavarietyofstu…  相似文献   
Fracture aperture is an important transport property in subsurface hydrology because it influences well productivity and the volume of the water resource. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) well logging measures the hydrogen‐bearing fluid molecules in porous or fractured strata, and the NMR signal intensity increases with the amount of fluid in the sensed region of the NMR sonde. Fluid confined in a large fracture of >>0.2 mm in aperture has T2 (i.e. spin‐spin relaxation time) values as long as those of the bulk fluid. The bulk‐fluid porosity (i.e. porosity calculated using this long T2 component in a T2 histogram data) increases linearly with aperture. Therefore, NMR logging enables quantitative estimation of fracture apertures of >>0.2 mm using the bulk‐fluid porosity data if the calibration of the NMR sonde is performed adequately. We applied NMR logging to a borehole in a Holocene andesite lava at Sumikawa, Japan, to estimate the aperture of open fractures within the lava. A test well of 100 m depth and 20 cm diameter, filled with bentonite drilling mud, was scanned with an NMR sonde to obtain a profile of the porosity and the T2 histogram of the andesite. The bulk‐fluid porosity was calculated from the T2 histogram data, as the porosity at which the T2 value is larger than or equal to a threshold T2 of bulk bentonite mud. The bulk‐fluid porosity of a specific inclined fracture responsible for the total loss of circulation at 61.2 m depth during drilling was calculated assuming a threshold or T2 cut‐off of 33 ms, and again for a cut‐off of 100 ms. Calibration of the NMR sensor in a laboratory and measurement of the fracture dip angle by electrical microimaging logging enabled us to estimate the fracture aperture as 1.7 cm, assuming a T2 cut‐off of 33 ms, or 1.6 cm for a T2 cut‐off of 100 ms. The method of aperture determination described in this study is independent of fluid species and lithology, and is applicable to various hydrogen‐bearing borehole fluids (clean water, mud and oil) and geological settings.  相似文献   
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