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北京地区风沙活动及其整治的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
根据两年来北京地区的野外风沙考察,半定位风沙(尘)观测,室内风洞实验以及有关区域资料的分析研究得出:风沙问题是北京区域环境存在的严重问题之一,区域风沙活动由来已久,在频繁程度上不亚于半干旱区的河北坝上和乌盟后山地区。区内各地风沙活动均以春季为主,冬春两季风沙活动约占全年的80%以上。风沙天气的年际变化较大,五十年代最为频繁,六十年代最少,七十年代初期又有回升,中期以后至八十年代中期又逐渐趋于减少。风沙活动的形成及其盛衰变化,除与自然因素有关外,还与地表植被和土壤结构等因人类活动所造成的变化息息相关。风沙活动不仅使大气遭受污染,而且使土地资源遭受破坏。全区风沙危害严重的区域(风沙区)面积达342万亩,约占平原区总面积的35.6%,其中沙质地表因长期遭受风力作用所形成的风沙化土地面积约为136万余亩,占平原区面积的14.2%,以永定河冲积平原分布面积最大。研究证明,北京地区风沙主要来源于本地,系就地起沙。因此,风沙防治要立足于本地,特别是风沙土地的治理,对根治本区风沙危害、改善首都环境具有根本性意义。  相似文献   
A land-process scheme has been incorporated in a vertical one-dimensional time-dependent atmospheric modeland numerical experiments have been performed with the coupled model to examine influences of soil wetness and vege-tation on climate changes associated to thermal forcing.It is showed that response of land-surface temperature to thethermal forcing becomes small with increase of soil water content and vegetation cover.Furthermore,the response ismore obvious in arid climate region than in humid one.The result also shows that there exist two patterns of corre-sponding relation between variations in air temperature and humidity on the land surface in response to hydrologic andthermal focing.  相似文献   
Sediments of the western part of the Valjevo-Mionica basin (Serbia) were examined both geochemically and mineralogically to explain, on the basis of their sedimentologicai characteristics, the causes of changes in their qualitative and quantitative composition. A total of 62 samples obtained from the drillhole at depths up to 400 m was investigated. Using correlation of the obtained data, six geochemical zones were defined, two of which being specially distinguished by their mineralogical, geochemical and sedimentological characteristics. The first one, upper zone A, consists of banded marlstones interbedded with clay and oil shales and is characterized by presence of analcite and searlesite. These minerals and very high contents of Na20 indicate sedimentation in alkaline conditions with increased salinity in arid climate. That provided pronounced water stratification, as well as higher bioproductivity in the basin and sedimentary organic matter preservation. Therefore, the zone A sediments are characterized by high organic matter contents of the type which provides good potential for production of liquid hydrocarbons. Another specific zone, zone F, contains sediments with very high MgO, K2O and Li concentrations. Their geochemical correlation, as well as almost complete absence of illite in this zone, indicates the presence of interstratified clay mineral type illite-saponite (lithium-bearing Mg-smectite).  相似文献   
Serpentinites from the inside corner high (6°38.5′S/68°19.34′E) from the Northern Central Indian Ridge (NCIR) are comprised mainly of high Mg-rich lizardite and chrysotile pseudomorphs with varying morphologies. 'Mesh rim', 'window', 'hourglass' and 'bastite' are the most common textures displayed by both chrysotile and lizardite. Numerous chrysotile veins in association with cross cutting magnetite veins indicate an advanced stage of serpentinisation. The relatively high abundance of chrysotile and lizardite suggest their close association and formation at a temperature below 250℃. Abundant 'mesh rim' and 'bastite' texture and variegated matrix reveal that the present serpentinites might have formed due to the interaction of harzburgite and seawater. Positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu^* up to +3.38), higher La/Sm (up to 4.40) and Nb/La (up to 6.34) ratios suggest substantial hydrothermal influence during the formation of the serpentinites.  相似文献   
我国北方上更新统城川组的建立   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
李保生  董光荣 《地质论评》1993,39(2):91-100
在传统认为属河湖相沉积的萨拉乌苏组,经研究在其上部划分出一套以风成砂沉积为主的城川组。城川组风成砂与马兰黄土是同期风力分异出来的产物;城川组的沉积相、沉积环境和古生物与其下的萨拉乌苏组是不同的。萨拉乌苏河流域的城川组,马兰黄土形成于晚更新世晚期,萨拉乌苏组为晚更新世早期;前者相当于玉木冰期,推测年代距今70000a。  相似文献   
胡敦欣,男,山东省即墨市人,1936年10月生。中国科学院海洋研究所研究员,学术委员会主任,博士生导师。青岛海洋大学兼职教授,美国OldDominion大学兼职教授。1961年毕业于山东海洋学院海洋系。1966年中科院海洋研究所研究生毕业。1979-1982年作为访问学者赴美国麻省理工学院、伍兹霍尔海洋研究所和华盛顿大学学习和研究。历、现任国际学术组织如:“国际地圈-生物圈计划”(IGBP)、“全球海洋通量联合研究”(JGOFS)和“陆海相互作用”(LOIC)等科学委员会委员共6职。现任全球变化东亚区域研究中心副主任,JGOFS中国委员会…  相似文献   
正当秋高气爽,喜庆丰收的金色季节到来之际,我们高兴地迎来了著名地质学家叶连俊教授从事地学研究五十周年。叶教授的科学业绩正象这金秋的果树硕果累累,这是他在崎岖的科学道路上五十年如一日地艰苦奋斗、不畏艰难险阻、努力攀登的结果。这五十年,是他充满理想、奋斗、成功、挫折、再成功、再前进、不断向科学高峰迈进的五十年,是他富有科学创造力的五十年,也是他热爱祖国、与人民同呼吸共命运、全心全意为人民服务的五十年。  相似文献   
宋微波,男,江苏难宁人,1958年12月生,汉族。1982年毕业于山东海洋学院水产系,1985年获硕士学位。于1986年赴联邦德国波恩大学生物系学习,1988年12月获理学博士学位。1992年12月晋升为青岛海洋大学教授。1993年10月批准为博士生导师。现为中国原生动物学会理事,国家教委开放实验室主任,国家自然科学基金委员会动物学科评委。自1982年起从事海洋、极地、淡水及土壤中各类自由生及共栖/寄生性纤毛虫原生动物研究,主要方向:生态学,区系分类学及细胞发生学。1986年以来共发表论文54篇,其中第一或唯一作者44篇,包括国际学术刊物17篇…  相似文献   
This study focuses on the zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the Bairiqiete granodiorite intrusion(rock mass) from the Buqingshan tectonic mélange belt in the southern margin of East Kunlun. The results show that the zircons are characterized by internal oscillatory zoning and high Th/U(0.14–0.80), indicative of an igneous origin. LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating of zircons from the Bairiqiete granodiorite yielded an age of 439.0 ± 1.9 Ma(MSWD = 0.34), implying that the Bairiqiete granodiorite formed in the early Silurian. Geochemical analyses show that the rocks are medium-K calc-alkaline, relatively high in Al2O3(14.57–18.34 wt%) and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous. Rare-earth elements have low concentrations(45.49–168.31 ppm) and incline rightward with weak negative to weak positive Eu anomalies(δEu = 0.64–1.34). Trace-element geochemistry is characterized by negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti and positive anomalies of Rb, Th and Ba. Moreover, the rocks have similar geochemical features with adakites. The Bairiqiete granodiorite appears to have a continental crust source and formed in a subduction-related island-arc setting. The Bairiqiete granodiorite was formed due to partial melting of the lower crust and suggests subduction in the Buqingshan area of the Proto-Tethys Ocean.  相似文献   
主办单位:中国水产科学研究院协办单位:中国科学院遗传与发育生物研究所、上海水产大学支持单位:国家自然科学基金委员会、中国生物技术发展中心、世界渔业中心、国际生物科学联合会中国委员会、韩国国立水产科学院时间地点:2005年9月17日—21日,上海市2005’水产科技论坛暨第13届基因、基因族、同工酶国际研讨会将于2005年9月17日至21日在中国上海召开。基因、基因族、同工酶国际研讨会是具有较高影响力的国际系列性会议,每两年举办一次。第13届研讨会的主题是基因组研究进展及其对21世纪生物学的意义,主要讨论近年来基因分子生物学领域和…  相似文献   
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