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Recent progress in cloud physics research in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A review of China cloud physics research during 2003-2006 is made in this paper. The studies on cloud field experiments and observation, cloud physics and precipitation, including its theoretical applications in hail suppression and artificial rain enhancement, cloud physics and lightning, and clouds and climate change are included. Due primarily to the demand from weather modification activities, the issue of cloud physics and weather modification has been addressed in China with many field experiments and model studies. While cloud physics and weather modification is still an important research field, the interaction between aerosol, cloud and radiation processes, which is the key issue of current climate change research, has become a new research direction in China over the past four years.  相似文献   
对流层大气氧化性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对流层大气氧化性是对流层大气自我清洁能力的一个重要指标,对流层中大多数痕量气体都是通过氧化过程清除的.回顾近半个世纪以来对流层大气氧化性的研究历史,对流层大气氧化性的研究无论是从测量技术还是模式研究方面都已取得了一定的进展.工业革命以来,由于人类活动的影响,CO、NOx和碳氢化合物等大气污染物排放增多,使得全球对流层大气OH浓度呈下降趋势,未来对流层大气氧化性的变化很大程度上也取决于这些气体的排放情况.利用全球三维大气化学传输模式MOZART研究中国地区对流层大气OH自由基的分布和变化趋势表明,与全球OH自由基变化趋势不同,近10年来中国东部地区OH自由基浓度趋于增加.未来对流层大气氧化性研究的关键问题仍是OH自由基测量技术的提高问题,OH自由基观测结果是完善对流层光化学机制和改进大气化学模式的先决条件.  相似文献   
夏季西藏4个站点大气向下长波辐射观测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对2011—2016年部分夏季时段分别在西藏那曲、拉萨、林芝和阿里观测的大气向下长波辐射(L)进行分析,结果显示:L具有明显的日变化,最大值出现在北京时间15:00前后,而最低值出现在凌晨至10:00,日平均值林芝最高(368 W·m-2),其次是拉萨(319 W·m-2)、阿里(305 W·m-2)和那曲(299 W·m-2)。晴天L ?ngstr?m(1915)的经验公式最适合林芝,而Konzelmann(1994)的公式则适合那曲、拉萨和阿里;随着人工观测总云量的增加,L增强趋势明显,满云(云量7~10成)情形4个站点云增强效应均从20 W·m-2上升至50 W·m-2以上,低云量对L的增强效应明显高于总云量。云份额数(CF)上升所对应天顶方向平均云底高度下降,但云增强效应上升。在晴天(CF为-5%~5%、平均云底高度大于4 km)时,云增强效应仅为5 W·m-2左右(林芝接近20 W·m-2),但当CF为90%以上(云底高度小于3.5 km)时,云增强效应则上升到60 W·m-2(林芝接近50 W·m-2)。固定云底高度,CF与L云增强效应呈显著相关(r2为0.91~0.97),远高于云底高度与L云增强效应的相关(r2为0.32~0.58)。  相似文献   
根据霜冻发生的天气条件,采取几种霜冻防御方法,在鲁中山区丘陵地带大樱桃种植区进行霜冻防御试验,并比较分析试验采用的三种不同方法,在不同降温条件下、不同地形、不同风向条件下取得的不同效果,找出适合该地区防霜冻的方法。结果表明:鲁中山区东北部丘陵地区对其霜冻防御首选方法就是根据当时风向在上风位置进行大面积熏烟,结合整个园区喷水作业的方法。  相似文献   
Black carbon (BC) is the strongest visible-light-absorbing aerosol component in the atmosphere, with a sig-nificant impact on Earth’s radiative budget. Accurate measurement of BC light absorption is crucial for estimating its radiative effect. The micro-aethalometer model 200 (MA200) by AethLabs, USA, offers high-time-resolution measurement of the multi-wavelength absorption coefficient (σab) within 1 s, making it widely used in aerial measurement due to its compact size and light weight. However, the reliability of the measured σab has not been extensively studied in previous research. In this study, we evaluate the performance of MA200 by comparing σab measurements obtained from MA200 with those from the aethalometer model 33 (AE33) by Magee, USA. Our results revealed a significant variation in the determinant coefficient (R2 ) between σab measurements from MA200 and AE33, depending on the time resolution. The R2 increases from 0.1 to 0.5 and further to 0.97 as the time resolution of σab increases from 1 s to 30 s and 60 s, respectively. We recommend a minimum time resolution of 30 s for stable σab measurements using MA200. Moreover, we determine σab from attenuation coefficient (σATN) measured by MA200 as σab = (σATN – σ0)/CMA, where σ0 ranges from – 15.3 Mm–1 to – 6.4 Mm–1 and CMA ranges from 2.65 to 3.21. Correcting the measured σab based on the findings of this study can provide reliable results for estimating the radiative effects of BC.  相似文献   
气候因子对内蒙古沙尘暴频率的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用内蒙古中西部地区40年(1961~2000年)的气象资料、沙尘暴资料和气候资料,讨论了内蒙古中西部地区沙尘暴频率变化趋势和气候动力因子对沙尘暴频率的影响.结果显示:近40年期间,内蒙古中西部地区沙尘暴日数有明显的减少趋势,沙尘暴频率总体上减少的主要原因是影响沙尘暴频率趋势的气候动力因子,也就是代表冷空气活动的气候因子周期变化所致.影响内蒙古中西部地区沙尘暴频率时间分布变化的气候主导因子是:大风日数、北半球极涡面积指数、亚洲北半球极涡强度指数等代表冷空气活动的气候动力因子.  相似文献   
自动站仪器进行现场校准时,容易产生异常数据,为了保证台站上传定时数据文件与报表数据文件的正确性,对软、硬件方面应注意的问题及各种要素异常数据的处理方法进行了较详细的阐述.  相似文献   
Ozone chemistry processes are analyzed during a cumulus cloud process with the model(1CCCM)described in Part Ⅰ.The simulation results show that entire cumulus cloud process can bewell described with the development of vertical velocities and liquid water content which are the twomost outstanding features of cumulus clouds.Ozone chemistry is strongly influenced by cumulusclouds.NO_x can be transported upwards above 4 km in the first 20 minutes of the convection eventand form a relative higher concentration area which enhances the production of ozone.Two areas ap-pear during the convection event:area of net ozone production and area of net ozone depletion.Thearea of ozone depletion coincides with the area of liquid water within cloud.Results show that theaqueous phase(cloud water and rainwater)can alter gas ozone level through two ways:one is scav-enging free radicals(HO_2)from the gas phase and thereby inhibiting the reactions of transformationto NO_2 from NO,which results in reduction of the gas source of ozone;the other is aqueous phasechemical reactions which consume ozone in the aqueous phase.Calculations reveal that the reaction O_3+OH→HO_2 is the main pathway of ozone depletion in gas phase during the process of cumulusclouds.  相似文献   
2001年春季临安地区对流层臭氧异常增加的一次过程分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2001年春季在临安(30.30°N,119.75°E)进行的臭氧垂直探测发现,从3月25到31日有一次明显的臭氧异常增加过程,其中尤以29日和30日对流层上层的臭氧异常增加最具代表性.结合分析地面及高空气象要素演变和高空位势涡度的变化表明,这是一次显著的平流层空气由上向下穿过对流层顶深入对流层的下传过程,此平流层对流层交换过程与冷空气南下的天气过程和副热带急流、极锋急流移动造成的辐合下沉运动有着密切的联系.  相似文献   
下垫面因子对内蒙古中西部沙尘暴时空分布的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
选取内蒙古中西部37个站1961~2000年3~5月气温、相对湿度等地面气象因子,分析它们对内蒙古中西部沙尘暴频率的影响以及内蒙古中西部单站沙尘暴频率的变化趋势.结果表明:1961~2000年3~5月平均气温高于4℃和3~5月平均相对湿度低于40%地区对应沙尘暴多发区.从单站的沙尘暴频率变化来看,非沙化区(包括沙区)有明显的减少趋势;沙漠化发展区没有减少趋势,下垫面状况的恶化,使沙漠化地区和沙漠化发展区正在成为新的沙尘暴源地.  相似文献   
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