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广东0506大暴雨的成因探讨   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
2005年6月18~25日,广东省出现罕见的持续强降水过程(0506大暴雨),造成广东省巨大的经济损失。利用NCEP再分析资料计算的非地转Q矢量、假相当位温和经向环流对这次强降水过程进行分析,结果表明:南海地区的对流系统北移并多日滞留在广东地区是0506大暴雨的一个直接原因,它是南海夏季风活动的一个表现;广东0506大暴雨有明显的南北两个主要的降水区域,其中南边是季风对流降水,而北部则属于锋面降水雨带。  相似文献   
Five prediction experiments are carried out with two typhoons in 1992 using a limitedarca primitiveequations and two-way interactive model in a movable,nested mesh. The result indicates good agreementin terms of motion between the prediction and observation. Studying the asymmetric structure in the cases selected, a close link is uncovered between the temporal evolutions of the structure and the track of motion in a tropical cyclone. Understanding of real asymmetric structure will help to improve the skill offorecasting tropical cyclones.  相似文献   
采用NOAA极轨卫星先进微波探测器AMSU-A L1B的观测资料,经过卫星天线模式校正和临边调整,然后采用线性回归及水平方向上逐步订正法得到水平分辨率0.5 °×0.5 °垂直方向1 000 ~ 0.1 hPa共40层的反演温度资料。通过个例分析发现,反演的温度资料可以揭示热带气旋暖心的细致结构。之后,选取了由中高层向下(“自上而下”)发展而来的发展和不发展的南海热带低压,对这些热带低压暖心结构的演变进行了对比分析。结果表明:由中高层向下发展而来的南海热带低压,都有暖心结构从中高层向下发展到近海面的过程;发展的南海热带低压在暖心向下发展到近海面时,高层暖心突然增强,使得热带低压的暖心在高层和低层同时出现显著增强;而不发展的南海热带低压的暖心结构并没有出现这种现象。因此,通过监测热带低压暖心结构的变化,可能对判别热带低压是否发展有一定的帮助。   相似文献   
To investigate the values of 10-m drag coefficient (CD) in different coastal areas under the influence of tropical cyclones, the present study used the observational data from four towers in different coastal areas of the South China Sea (SCS) during six tropical cyclone (TC) passages, and employed the eddy covariance method and the flux profile method. The analysis of footprint showed that the fluxes at Zhizai Island (ZZI), Sanjiao Island (SJI) and Donghai Island (DHI) were influenced basically by the ocean, and the flux at Shangyang Town (SYT) was influenced mainly by the land. The results showed that the dependence relationships of CD on 10-m wind speed (U10) in four different coastal areas under the influence of TCs were different. CD at ZZI and SJI initially increased and then decreased as U10 increased, similar to the pattern over the ocean. CD at ZZI and SJI represented the values over shallow water with seawater depths of ~7 m and ~2 m, respectively. Moreover, the critical wind speed at which CD peaked gradually decreased as the seawater depth became shallower in the coastal areas. CD at DHI and SYT decreased monotonously as U10 increased, similar to the pattern over the land. CD at DHI represented the value over the transition zone from shallow water to coastal land, and CD at SYT represented the value over the coastal land. Meanwhile, the eddy covariance method and the flux profile method were compared at ZZI and SYT during TC passages. It was found that their CD values obtained by the two methods were close. Finally, the parameterizations of observed u* and CD as a function of U10 over four different coastal areas were given under the influence of high winds. These parameterizations of observed C may be used in high-resolution numerical models for landfalling TC forecast.  相似文献   
关于台风非对称结构与台风路径的数值分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用一个有限区域原始方程双向相互作用的移动套网格台风路径数值预报模式,对1992年的两个台风进行了5个个例预报试验,结果表明预报路径和实况有很好的一致性,通过对预报个例的台风非对称结构进行分析,发现非对称结构随时间变化与台风移动路径有着比较密切的联系,如能了解实际台风的非对称结构,将有助于提高台风路径预报的水平。  相似文献   
MICAPS的开发应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引 言 MICAPS(Meteorological InformationCombine Analysis and Process System)全称为:“气象信息综合分析处理系统”,是与9210通信、数据库系统相配套,支持天气预报制作的人机交互系统。其目标是利用9210工程得到的各种数据构成预报员工作的平台。MI-CAPS系统由中国气象局组织开发,现已在全国气象台站安装使用。作为面向全国的平台,MICAPS具有强大的功能模块和数据处理能力。但仍以中纬度为主要对象,其分析图以25°N为界,对热带天气的…  相似文献   
地形和边界层摩擦对登陆热带气旋路径和强度影响的研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
采用准地转的正压模式, 研究了无非绝热加热时地形和边界层摩擦对登陆热带气旋路径和强度的影响.结果表明: 地形作用对登陆热带气旋西北移动路径的影响比较明显, 而对登陆热带气旋强度的影响不明显; 边界层摩擦可以通过改变热带气旋X方向上和Y方向上的移动速度以及改变热带气旋水平环流结构对登陆热带气旋西北移动路径产生一定的影响, 边界层摩擦对登陆热带气旋强度的影响非常明显, 其中摩擦是造成登陆热带气旋强度迅速减弱的一个重要因素.  相似文献   
城市冠层过程的研究与进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了城市冠层过程研究的概况和历史,概括了城市冠层的特征及其作用于局地气候和中尺度系统的主要方式,总结了城市冠层参数化方案或模式的研究进展.比较了几种参数化方法和模式的特点,提出目前存在的一些问题.认为:现有的参数化方案和模式尚未能完整体现城市下垫面特征、准确反映人类活动影响,二者的发展有赖于对城市下垫面建筑特征更合理、细致地描述,对人为热量、水汽影响更准确的估计与刻划.与局地因素密切相关的城市冠层模式还需要更多地在模式中引入局地差异影响.同时指出,要提高耦合城市过程的中尺度模式预报水平,需要相应改进包括云、降水、次网格地形及边界层动力学等的参数化.  相似文献   
Observation from automatic weather stations, radars and TRMM satellites are employed to investigate the precipitation distribution of tropical cyclone (TC) Koppu (0915) that made landfall on Guangdong province in 2009. The results show that the precipitation of landfall TC Koppu is featured by significant asymmetry and mesoscale structure, and occurs mainly to the left of its moving path. By examining the sea surface temperature (SST), water vapor flux, Q vector, vertical wind shear of environment etc., it is found out that the distribution of SST, water vapor convergence, low-level convective ascending and vertical wind shear facilitates the TC precipitation to take place to the left of the TC moving path. The mesoscale structure separated by Barnes band-pass filter presents that the precipitation of landfall KOPPU has some organized mesoscale spiral structures, which is around the TC center and composed of the form of belts or blocks. The heavy local rainfall of landfall TC Koppu is primarily associated with the rainfall due to mesoscale spiral structure.  相似文献   
黑潮输送的异常及其与大尺度海气相互作用的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以128.5°E为界,沿27°N,北太平洋西边界流输送可以分成呈明显负相关的东、西2段。西段(即黑潮)主要参与副热带环流(STG)和经向环流(STC);东段主要参与日本东南的反气旋式涡旋再回流。从气候态来看,西段输送在7、8月份最大,3月份次大;东段输送在6—8月份最小,其它月份比较接近;整体结果表现为全年有2个接近的极大值,分别是3、4月份和7、8月份。从年序列来看,西段输送在20世纪70年代后期有一次明显的突变;而东段在1955年突然减小,在1963年突然增大。小波分析表明,东、西两段的振荡周期都随时间变化。西段输送时间序列的20a左右周期振荡在1976年以前非常明显,9a左右周期振荡在1985年以后比较显著;东段输送的13a左右周期在1976年以前显著,1985年以后的主要振荡周期从7a逐渐减小到3a左右。奇异谱分析表明,西段输送的年代际变化占总方差的45%,年际变化占总方差的13.6%;东段输送的年代际变化占总方差的24.3%,年际变化占总方差的32.3%。黑潮输送异常和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)及ENSO有着非常密切的关系。在年代际尺度上,一个可能的过程是,PDO超前于黑潮输送异常;异常的黑潮输送通过改变北太平洋中部的SST梯度引起的海气相互作用过程而调制ENSO的变化。在年际尺度上,黑潮输送异常滞后于PDO和ENSO变化,且呈负相关。  相似文献   
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