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北京2004年一次强沙尘暴过程的辐射特征研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用2004年3月27~29 日北京沙尘暴期间观测的辐射、气象以及气溶胶质量浓度的资料,分析了该过程的地面辐射、气象要素以及气溶胶与辐射相互作用的变化特征.结果表明,沙尘暴期间紫外辐射的衰减与可见光辐射强度衰减规律不一致.紫外衰减主要受到细粒子浓度影响,同时紫外辐射占总辐射的比重与气溶胶中细粒子含量成负相关;而可见光辐射强度衰减与总辐射衰减同步.辐射变化和气溶胶质量浓度观测结果均表明,此次沙尘暴过程分为3个阶段,即,细粒子累积期、外地沙尘输入期和清除期.在沙尘暴期间地面一直维持一个低压、干冷的状态;当过程结束后,气压急剧增高,并在一段时间内处于高压控制之下.  相似文献   
我国沙尘的来源、移动路径及对东部海域的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用中国气象局提供的micaps天气资料,通过对2000—2002年发生的42次沙尘天气个例的分析,重点研究了沙尘的源地、移动路径、入海地点及对不同海域的影响概率。结果表明:影响我国的沙尘天气有70%起源于蒙古国,在经过境内沙漠地区时得以加强。沙尘粒子的移动和入海途径主要有3条:一是从内蒙古东部入侵的沙尘天气经浑善达克和科尔沁沙地后进入渤海和黄海;二是从内蒙古西部入侵的沙尘天气经内蒙古西部沙地和黄土高原后进入渤海、黄海和东海;三是从青海东部扬起的沙尘长距离输运进入黄海、东海及西北太平洋。2000—2002年,63.9%的沙尘天气会影响到海洋,其中,影响渤海、黄海和东海的概率分别为27.4%、30.9%和12.3%,影响朝鲜海峡和日本海的概率为20.2%和9.2%。  相似文献   
半干旱草原温室气体排放/吸收与环境因子的关系研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
静态箱一气相色谱法对内蒙古半干旱草原连续两年的实验观测研究结果表明,内蒙古草原是大气CO2和N2O的排放源,而是CH4的汇.在植物生长不同季节,草原生态系统排放/吸收温室气体CO2,CH4和N2O的日变化形式各有不同,其中在植物生长旺季日变化形式最具特征.3种温室气体的季节排放/吸收高峰主要出现在土壤湿度较大的春融和降雨较为集中时期.所有草原植物生长季节CO2净排放日变化形式均为白天出现排放低值,夜间出现排放高值.较高的温度有利于CO2排放,地上生物量决定着光合吸收CO2量值的高低.影响半干旱草原吸收CH4和排放N2O日变化形式的关键是土壤含水量和供氧状况,日温变化则主要影响日变化强度.吸收CH4和排放N2O的季节变化与土壤湿度季节变化分别呈线性反、正相关,相关系数均在0.4~0.6之间.自由放牧使CO2、N2O和CH4交换速率日较差降低,同时使N2O和CH4年度排放/吸收量减少和CO2年度排放量增加.  相似文献   
太阳紫外/光合有效辐射表标定方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
平流层臭氧层变薄导致地面紫外辐射增加,紫外辐射的生态、气候学及环境效应使太阳紫外辐射的观测研究逐渐成为辐射研究的前沿问题。地基紫外辐射联网观测是获得紫外辐射时空分布的基础,而定期进行辐射表的标定是获取正确的、具有可比性的观测数据的基本保证。利用USB2000紫外/可见辐射光谱仪,采用标准灯传递能量的标定方法建立了紫外辐射表和光合有效辐射表标定系统,标定后的紫外辐射表不确定度为5%,光合有效辐射表不确定度为5%,能够很好地满足世界气象组织标准。该标定方法简单易行、运行费用低且精度较高,能够很好地进行中国辐射观测网中紫外与光合有效辐射表的标定工作。  相似文献   
北京雾、霾天细粒子质量浓度垂直梯度变化的观测   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
近年来北京城市区域雾霾天气显著增加,不仅严重影响工农业生产和交通运输,还严重影响人体健康.2007年夏秋季节,北京325 m气象塔8、80和240m平台梯度观测结果表明,雾、霾、晴三种典型天气状况大气细粒子质量浓度垂直分布各有特点,雾天(11月5~6日)低层浓度明显偏高,6日从低到高3层PM2.5(空气动力学直径小于等于2.5μ的大气气溶胶)浓度日均值分别为352.6±79.3、224.7±69.0、214.8±32.8 μg·m~(-3);霾天(8月19~20日)细粒子上下混合均匀,19日从低到高3层PM2.5浓度分别为89.8±29.3、88.9±29.8、90.0±31.7 μg·m~(-3);晴天(8月22~23日)细粒子昼夜变化明显,夜间在80 m高度出现明显分层,23日80 m以下平均值为32.6±13.1μg·m~(-3),240 m平均值为27.4±13.5μg·m~(-3).雾天细粒子主要来源于局地,霾天细粒子污染表现为时空分布十分均匀的城市群区域污染特征且污染物积累;连续晴天细粒子明显被清除.  相似文献   
利用LI-6400CO2分析系统测定了长白山红松针阔叶混交林生态系统土壤呼吸、乔木和灌木树干和枝条的呼吸、植物叶片光合与呼吸.同步监测森林小气候气象因子,建立土壤、树干、叶片与气象因子间的模型.根据红松针阔叶混交林植被群落特性,估算红松针阔叶混交林森林生态系统不同组分CO2通量.利用涡度相关技术监测红松针阔叶混交林净生态系统交换量.探讨温度、光合有效辐射对森林生态系统CO2通量的影响.通过分析发现,在当年的气候条件下,该森林净生态系统交换量主要受土壤呼吸和叶片光合的影响.红松针阔叶混交林净生态系统交换量全年变化范围在-4.67~13.80 μmol·m-2·s-1.该森林生态系统CO2通量在冬季和夏季里平均分别为-2.0和3.9 μmol·m-2·s-1 (24 h平均值).乔木、灌木和草本的初级生产力分别占阔叶红松林总初级生产力的89.7%,3.5%,6.8%.土壤呼吸是森林生态系统中最主要的CO2排放源,约占红松针阔叶混交林生态系统CO2排放的69.7%,植物叶片和枝干分别占15.2%和15.1%.在生长季和非生长季中红松针阔叶混交林净生态系统交换量分别占全年CO2通量的56.8%和43.2%.自养呼吸占总初级生产力的比值(RaGPP)为0.52(NPPGPP=0.48).森林生态系统地下当年碳积累量占总初级生产力的52%.土壤呼吸占总初级生产力的60%.红松针阔叶混交林NPP为769.3 gC·m-2·a-1.该森林净生态系统交换量(NEE)为229.51 gC·m-2·a-1.涡度相关技术获得的该森林生态系统NEE低于箱式法获得的19.8%.  相似文献   
北京大气中可形成气溶胶的有机污染物增加迅速,并有明显的季节变化、日变化和空间变化。其中含量最高增长也最快的是BTXE,1995~1998年增长率为20%/a,1998~1999年增长率突增为128%/a,但CFCs增长速率有所减慢。BTXE冬季出现峰值,夏季出现谷值,峰值比谷值高3~5倍;CFCs夏季出现明显峰值,但变化幅度比BTXE相对小。晴风天气与阴雾天气有相反的日变化形式,阴雾天大气的BTXE含量比晴风天的高2~3倍。北京城乡结合部的三、四环路地区污染物含量最高,天安门、中关村和石景山区大气污染程度相近。  相似文献   
To understand methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from permanently flooded rice paddy fields and to develop mitigation options, a field experiment was conducted in situ for two years (from late 2002 to early 2005) in three rice-based cultivation systems, which are a permanently flooded rice field cultivated with a single time and followed by a non-rice season (PF), a rice-wheat rotation system (RW) and a rice-rapeseed rotation system (RR) in a hilly area in Southwest China. The results showed that the total CH4 emissions from PF were 646.3±52.1 and 215.0±45.4 kg CH4 hm-2 during the rice-growing period and non-rice period, respectively. Both values were much lower than many previous reports from similar regions in Southwest China. The CH4 emissions in the rice-growing season were more intensive in PF, as compared to RW and RR. Only 33% of the total annual CH4 emission in PF occurred in the non-rice season, though the duration of this season is two times longer than the rice season. The annual mean N2O flux in PF was 4.5±0.6 kg N2O hm-2 yr-1. The N2O emission in the rice-growing season was also more intensive than in the non-rice season, with only 16% of the total annual emission occurring in the non-rice season. The amounts of N2O emission in PF were ignorable compared to the CH4 emission in terms of the global warming potential (GWP). Changing PF to RW or RR not only eliminated CH4 emissions in the non-rice season, but also substantially reduced the CH4 emission during the following rice-growing period (ca. 58%, P<0.05). However, this change in cultivation system substantially increased N2O emissions, especially in the non-rice season, by a factor of 3.7 to 4.5. On the 100-year horizon, the integrated GWP of total annual CH4 and N2O emissions satisfies PF>>RR≈RW. The GWP of PF is higher than that of RW and RR by a factor of 2.6 and 2.7, respectively. Of the total GWP of CH4 and N2O emissions, CH4 emission contributed to 93%, 65% and 59% in PF, RW and RR, respectively. These results suggest that changing PF to RW and RR can substantially reduce not only CH4 emission but also the total GWP of the CH4 and N2O emissions.  相似文献   
On-line measurement of water-soluble ions in ambient particles   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Combining the system of rapid collection of ambient particles and ion chromatography, the system of rapid collection of fine particles and ion chromatography (RCFP-IC) was established to automatically analyze on-line the concentrations of water-soluble ions in ambient particles. Here, the general scheme of RCFP-IC is described and its basic performance is tested. The detection limit of RCFP-IC for SO2? 4 , NO?3 , NO?2 , Cl? and F? is below 0.3 μg m?3. The collection efficiency of RCFP-IC increases rapidly with increasing sized particles. For particles larger than 300 nm, the collection efficiency approaches 100%. The precision of RCFP-IC is more than 90% over 28 repetitions. The response of RCFP-IC is very sensitive and no obvious cross-pollution is found during measurement. A comparison of RCFP-IC with an integrated filter measurement indicates that the measurement of RCFP-IC is comparable in both laboratory experiments and field observations. The results of the field experiment prove that RCFP-IC is an effective on-line monitoring system and is helpful in source apportionment and pollution episode monitoring.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation has a significant influence on human health, the environment and climate. A series of measurements, including UV radiation (290 400 nm) and global solar radiation (Rs), were continuously recorded from August 2004 at the Lhasa and Haibei sites on the Tibetan Plateau. Both observation sites' altitudes are above 3000 m and have similar meteorological conditions. The data from 2005 2006 was used to identify the varying characteristics of UV radiation. It's relation to the clearness index Ks, the relative optical mass mr, and Rs were established. The annual mean values of total daily UV radiation are 0.92 and 0.67 MJ m^-2 at Lhasa and Haibei, respectively. The UV radiation in Lhasa represented 4.6% of the global solar radiation while in Haibei this percentage was 4.2%. In the case of clear days (Ks 〉 0.8), these percentages ranged between 4.0% and 4.5% in Lhasa and between 5.1% and 5.5% in Haibei. In the case of cloudy days (Ks 〈 0.4), these percentages ranged from 4.4% to 6.8% in Lhasa and from 5.1% to 5.5% in Haibei. The maximum values of UV radiation for each relative optical mass diminished exponentially with mr. Thus, for Lhasa and Haibei, UV=46.25mr-129, and UV=51.76mr-142, respectively. The results of this study can be used to obtain more UV radiation data for the study of UV climate characteristics, the effects of UV on ecological processes and the feedback of the thinning of the stratospheric ozone, from more routine measurements Rs data.  相似文献   
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