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Effect of some additives on synthesis of zeolite from coal fly ash   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrothermal conversion of fly ash into zeolites was conducted and the effects of the addition of sodium halide and waste solutions produced after zeolitization of fly ash, as well as the adjustment of the Si/Al ratio prior to synthesis process on the formation and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of zeolite product were evaluated. Both the addition of NaCl and NaF ameliorated the crystallinity and CEC of synthesized zeolite, but NaF had a better improvement effect. Na+ was considered to enhance the crystallization of zeolite, while F favored the dissolution of fly ash. The type of zeolite formed depended on the Si/Al ratio of the starting material prior to the nucleation and crystallization of zeolite. The adjustment of the Si/Al ratio of fly ash by addition of Na2SiO4 and Al(OH)3 changed the type and CEC of zeolite. Waste solutions contained large amount of Si and little Al due to the formation of a zeolite named NaP1 in zeolite terminology with the Joint Committee of Powder Diffraction Standard (JCPDS) code of 39-0219. The alkalinity decreased largely. As a result, the CEC value of zeolite products synthesized with waste solution as alkali source decreased. The supplementation of new alkali to adjust the alkalinity of waste solution could enhance the CEC of synthesized product. It was concluded that: (1) addition of sodium halide and adjustment of the Si/Al ratio prior to synthesis can improve the quality of zeolite; (2) waste solutions produced following the zeolitization of fly ash can be reused as an alkali source in the activation of fly ash; zero-emission of waste solution in the synthesis of zeolite from fly ash is possible.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effect of a country’s own past disaster experiences and nearby countries’ past experiences on subsequent disaster damage. We use global disaster data from 1990 to 2010, which include disaster-related death tolls for both natural and technological disasters that are further divided into sub-categories. Overall, we find evidence of a reduction effect of past disaster damage on future disaster damage. More detailed analyses show that an adaptation effect seems to be present for certain combinations of disaster types and levels of economic development. The results show that a country’s own experiences reduce future damage for natural disasters but that the marginal effect is larger for lower-income countries. On the other hand, for technological disasters, a robust impact of experiences was found only in higher-income countries. In terms of the disaster experiences of nearby countries, the adaptation effect was found only for natural disasters, and the marginal impact was relatively higher for higher-income countries.  相似文献   
研究目的】川滇黔地区铅锌矿成因具有多样性,特别是与峨眉山玄武岩的关系存在较大的争议,本文从前人关注较少的二叠系碳酸盐岩中的铅锌矿入手,研究成矿物质来源。【研究方法】以云南寻甸县太平子铅锌矿为研究对象,运用S、Pb、C、H、O同位素实验数据及流体包裹体测温等方法,对成矿物质来源及成矿流体特征进行探讨。【研究结果】矿石铅同位素组成比较均一,分布集中,206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb、208Pb/204Pb的变化范围分别为18.543~18.584、15.646~15.694、38.799~38.958,属于正常普通铅,具壳源特征,主要来源于基底岩石,水岩反应可能使赋矿围岩贡献少量的成矿物质。矿石硫化物δ34S变化范围为-13.6‰~-7.3‰,方铅矿的δ34S高于闪锌矿,硫同位素分馏并未达到平衡,生物成因硫酸盐还原作用(BSR)是还原硫的主要来源。热液方解石δ13CV-PDB范围为3.8‰~4.7‰,δ18OV-SMOW范围为12.0‰~16.7‰,相较于滇东北其他重要的铅锌矿床,具有明显的低δD、高δ18Ofluid特点,成矿流体中的水主要来源于岩浆水和有机水的混合,具有中—高温、低盐度特征。【结论】太平子铅锌矿在成矿物质、流体、成矿温度等均与区域上其他典型铅锌矿有较明显差别,具有典型的岩浆-热液成因特点。  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - Biochar has recently been gaining increasing attention as a stable and sustainable soil amendment material. However, the effect of biochar amendment on the desiccation behaviour...  相似文献   
High concentrations of ammonium nitrogen released from tannery sludge during storage in open air may cause nitrogen pollution to soil and groundwater. To study the transformation mechanism of NH4+-N by nitrifying functional bacteria in tannery sludge contaminated soils, a series of contaminated soil culture experiments were conducted in this study. The contents of ammonium nitrogen (as NH4+-N), nitrite nitrogen (as NO2?-N) and nitrate nitrogen (as NO3?-N) were analyzed during the culture period under different conditions of pollution load, soil particle and redox environment. Sigmodial equation was used to interpret the change of NO3?-N with time in contaminated soils. The abundance variations of nitrifying functional genes (amoA and nxrA) were also detected using the real-time quantitative fluorescence PCR method. The results show that the nitrification of NH4+-N was aggravated in the contaminated silt soil and fine sand under the condition of lower pollution load, finer particle size and more oxidizing environment. The sigmodial equation well fitted the dynamic accumulation curve of the NO3?-N content in the tannery sludge contaminated soils. The Cr(III) content increased with increasing pollution load, which inhibited the reproduction and activity of nitrifying bacteria in the soils, especially in coarse-grained soil. The accumulation of NO2?-N contents became more obvious with the increase of pollution load in the fine sand, and only 41.5% of the NH4+-N was transformed to NO3?-N. The redox environment was the main factor affecting nitrification process in the soil. Compared to the aerobic soil environment, the transformation of NH4+-N was significantly inhibited under anaerobic incubation condition, and the NO3?-N contents decreased by 37.2%, 61.9% and 91.9% under low, medium and high pollution loads, respectively. Nitrification was stronger in the silt soil since its copy number of amoA and nxrA genes was two times larger than that of fine sand. Moreover, the copy numbers of amoA and nxrA genes in the silt soil under the aerobic environment were 2.7 times and 2.2 times larger than those in the anaerobic environment. The abundance changes of the amoA and nxrA functional genes have a positive correlation with the nitrification intensity in the tannery sludge-contaminated soil.  相似文献   
当动力机器基础体积较大时,采用《动力机器基础设计规范》(GB 50040-96)推荐的简化计算方法进行动力计算,计算结果可能具有较大的误差而不能用于工程设计,此时进行三维数值分析是必要的。在介绍弹性动力学分析的基础上,使用通用有限元软件ANSYS8.0,对某设备基础进行了模态分析和谐相应分析,得出了该动力机器基础的低阶固有频率准确值,以及该动力机器基础随外部荷载频率改变的振幅变化曲线,进而得出一些重要结论,为该工程设计提供了可靠参考。  相似文献   
利用常熟地震台同场地观测的洞体应变仪、体应变仪、水管倾斜仪、垂直摆倾斜仪记录数据,采用小波变换与功率谱密度估计方法,检测2011年3月11日日本9.0级大地震激发的地球自由振荡信号,其中检测到47个球型基频振型(0S30S49)、15个环型基频振型(0T5—0T25)以及部分球型谐频振型,与地球初步参考模型(PREM)理论频率值基本符合,表明检测结果较好。对比结果显示:水管倾斜仪检测球型振荡振型能力最强,垂直摆倾斜仪检测环型振荡振型能力最强;体应变仪可检测到清晰的环型基频振型,且信噪比较高;倾斜仪对自由振荡信号的检测能力优于应变仪。  相似文献   
新编制的地震动参数区划图采用了潜在震源区三级划分方案,以体现背景地震活动空间分布的不均匀性,并在地震构造区内归纳出统一的地震构造模型.本文根据西南地区潜在震源区三级划分的成果,分析了龙门山地震统计区内的龙门山和成都地震构造区的基本特征,历史地震活动强度及频度,主要活动构造的构造变形样式,建立了地震构造区的发震构造模型,确定了构造区的本底地震及划分构造源的地震构造标志.同时,提出了确定背景源空间分布函数的简单方法.  相似文献   
为定量评估汇流顶托对水位变化的影响,本文从水文过程仿真及顶托响应评价入手,提出了一种汇流顶托对水位影响的量化分析方法,并以长江汉口江段为例,开展了鄱阳湖汇流顶托对长江汉口江段水位影响的量化评价,结果表明:改进提出的长江汉口江段水文仿真模型,经参数优选后确定性系数可达0.98以上,总量相对误差绝对值在3%以内,较好地再现了水文变化过程;通过响应指数定义及水文过程模拟,研制了汉口多值型水位流量关系响应特征曲线,揭示了鄱阳湖与长江水位变化的关联性机制;经2016和2020年洪水实例分析,汉口江段长历时高洪水位主要受长江来水及鄱阳湖汇流顶托共同驱动,二者合力贡献可达83.3%以上,其中鄱阳湖汇流顶托贡献率在35%左右.其余因素(如区间洪水、沿江排涝等)亦助推高洪水位形成,部分时段贡献可达近34.4%.本文提出的顶托量化分析方法,可定量评估因顶托效应引起的水位变化,为解析河段高洪水位成因机制提供了有效的技术支撑.  相似文献   
洪水预报中特征值预报的若干数学方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李致家  孔祥光 《湖泊科学》1997,9(2):117-122
讨论研究了水文特征值预报的数学方法,统计回归模型、神经网络模型和模糊回归模型。三个计处实例表明如果系统的线性关系较好,统计回归模型的结果最好;如果系统的线民生关系差,神经网络模型的结果最好;如果用于率定模型的资料太短,任何一个模型都不可靠。  相似文献   
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