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基于局域波分解的地震信号时频属性提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
局域波分解可以得到有意义的频率并可以抑制时频分布交叉项,是1种新的自适应信号分解方法.在局域波分解基本原理的基础上,研究基于局域波分解的地震信号分频谱及频率属性的提取方法.将局域波分解与传统时频分析结合,进行有效数值实现与对比分析,通过模型地震数据与实际2D地震数据试算验证方法的正确性和有效性.研究表明:基于局域波分解的Wigner时频分布分频谱,具有较高的时频分辨率,交叉项得到简单有效的抑制;基于局域波分解的时频分析方法计算提取的频率属性,避免无意义的负频率,物理意义明确,为在地震储层研究和油气检测中的正确应用奠定基础.  相似文献   
将分数阶傅氏变换引入地震数据空间预测滤波中,研究滤波效果与信号保真的最佳折衷.利用分数阶傅氏变换把信号旋转变换到任意1个角度时"频"平面,运用奇异值分解(SVD)方法求取空间预测滤波算子,实现预测滤波;通过数据相关系数和相对误差能量曲线评价滤波效果.研究结果表明,可以找到1个合适的分数阶域,使得分数阶域空间预测滤波能够在压制噪声和保留信号特征两方面达到最佳折衷,较一般f-x域预测滤波具有更大灵活性.  相似文献   
现代黄河三角洲钓口叶瓣体沉积相及其沉积动力环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Huanghe River captures the Diaokou River in 1964 and forms a deltaic lobe in the subsequent 12 a. The progradational process of the Diaokou lobe is in associated with complicated evolution of riverine sheet flooding,merging, and swinging. On the basis of 11 borehole cores and 210 km high resolution seismic reflection data set,the sedimentary sequence and dynamic environment of the Diaokou lobe(one subdelta lobe of the modern Huanghe River Delta) are studied. The stratigraphy of the lobe is characterized by an upward-coarsening ternary structure and forms a progradational deltaic clinoform. Totally six seismic surfaces are identifiable in seismic profiles, bounded six seismic units(SUs). These SUs correspond to six depositional units(DUs) in the borehole cores, and among them, SUs 4–6(DUs D to F) consist of the modern Diaokou lobe. Lithological and seismic evidences indicate that the delta plain part of the Diaokou lobe is comprised primarily by fluvial lag sediments together with sediments from sidebanks, overbanks, fluvial flood plains and levees, while the delta front part is a combination of river mouth bar sands(majority) and distal bar and deltaic margin sediments(minority). As a result of the high sedimentation rate and weak hydrodynamic regime in the Huanghe River Delta, the sediments in the delta front are dominated by fine-grained materials. The grain size analysis indicates the Huanghe River hyperpycnal-concentrated flow shows the suspension, transportation and sedimentation characteristics of gravity flow, and the sediment transportation is primarily dominated by graded suspension, while uniform suspension and hydrostatic suspension are also observed in places. The strength of the hydrodynamic regime weakens gradually offshore from riverbed, river mouth bar, sidebank, distal bar subfacies to delta lateral margin and flooding plain subfacies.  相似文献   
浙闽近岸与南黄海中部沉积物物理力学性质的差异性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对浙闽近岸和南黄海中部泥质区沉积物的物理力学性质,分别从基本物理性质、水理性质及力学性质进行对比分析,发现两个区域沉积物均以淤泥为主,含水率与密度、压缩系数与压缩模量均呈良好的幂函数负相关性,液限与塑限呈良好的幂函数正相关性,含水率与孔隙比呈较好的线性正相关,十字板剪切强度与微型贯入阻力呈较好的多项式函数关系。总体来说,南黄海中部泥质区沉积物相对于浙闽近岸泥质区沉积物具有含水率高、孔隙比大、密度小、塑性高,压缩性大,抗剪强度低等特征。从地形特征、物质来源、水动力条件、沉积速率和物质组成等方面进行两个区域沉积物物理力学性质差异性的成因分析。结果显示,与浙闽近岸相比,南黄海中部离陆较远、地势低洼、水动力条件较弱,能够扩散至此的物质较少并以极细的粘粒物质为主,沉积物中的蒙脱石和有机质含量高。这些因素使得南黄海中部沉积物的含水率高,塑性大,密度低,强度低。  相似文献   
原油污染对栉孔扇贝抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以原油水溶性成分(water soluble fraction of crude oil,WSF)为污染物,采用暴露实验法,研究了栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)鳃和消化腺组织中超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD)和过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)活性的变化.结果表明,WSF污染下,鳃和消化腺组织SOD和CAT酶活性随暴露时间增加一般表现为降低-升高-降低的趋势,酶活性达到最高的时间随浓度不同而变化.第1天时消化腺SOD在0.08 mg/L浓度下被诱导,而后随时间增加表现为抑制效应;浓度为0.21和0.88 mg/L时消化腺SOD酶活性被抑制,随暴露时间延长而活性增加.暴露时间为4d时,石油烃浓度在0.08和0.88 mg/L时鳃组织SOD酶活性均被抑制,而浓度为0.21 mg/L时被诱导.消化腺和鳃组织SOD可以作为扇贝被污染胁迫的指标.  相似文献   
The sediments of the modern Huanghe River subaqueous delta are easily to generate settlement and lead to topography change which is due to fast deposition rate, high void ratio, moisture content and compressibility. The sediment consolidation settlements and its contribution to the topography change in the northern modern Huanghe River subaqueous delta are studied based on drilling data, laboratory experiment results, and water depth measurements of different time. The results show that the final consolidation settlement of drill holes in the study area is between 1.17 and 3.21 m, and mean settlement of unit depth is between 2.30 and 5.30 cm/m based on the one-dimensional consolidation theory and Plaxis numerical model. The final consolidation settlement obtained by Plaxis numerical model is smaller than that obtained by the one-dimensional consolidation theory,and the difference is 3.4%–39.9% between the methods. The contribution of the consolidation settlement to the topographical change is at 20.2%–86.6%, and the study area can be divided into five different regions based on different contribution rates. In the erosion area, the actual erosion depth caused by hydrodynamics is lower than the changes of measured water depth, however, the actual deposition amount caused by hydrodynamics is much larger than the changes of water depth obtained by measured data in the equilibrium and deposition areas.  相似文献   
机载LiDAR技术为描绘活动构造相关构造地貌和最新的地表形变提供更精确的基础数据。如何将LiDAR新技术、新数据应用于活动构造填图和活动断层地震危险性评价等方面,是今后活动构造研究领域的一个重要的发展方向。文中以新疆天山北麓的独山子背斜-逆冲断裂带为试验区,开展了基于LiDAR数据的活动构造填图实验研究。首先,采用机载LiDAR技术进行数据采集,获得点云密度为6.6个/m2、平均点间距为0.39m的LiDAR原始数据;其次,利用试验区内12个测量精度可达mm级的GPS静态测量点评估LiDAR的相对垂直精度为0.12m、均方差值为0.078m;最后,对密度为6.4个/m2的地面点云数据进行DEM最佳分辨率评估,利用反距离权重算法获得0.5m分辨率的数据高程模型(DEM)。该分辨率的DEM数据足以完成独山子背斜-逆冲断裂带的精细构造地貌特征的确定以及高精度的空间解译。文中仅使用DEM可视化工具从不同虚拟的视角、不同色度或其他处理方式来识别微构造地貌、划分地貌面和确定断层位置等,宏观上获得与前人通过航片解译和野外调查一致的断裂分布特征,微观上较前者具有更高的精细程度。此外,数据采集、数据质量检验、数据处理及数据应用等技术和方法适用于其他能够获得LiDAR地形数据的活动断裂研究工作。  相似文献   
高伟 《河南地质》2014,(2):41-41
2014年1月份,永城市国土资源局成功挂牌出让3宗国有建设用地使用权,出让总面积为175989平方米,成交总价款为35088万元。(吕标闫亚平)  相似文献   
氦气的天然气地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李广之  高伟  江浩  庄原 《物探与化探》2009,33(2):154-156
氦气具有的不易液化、稳定性好、扩散性强等特点,使它既能在天然气藏中富集,又能垂向运移至地表。氦有大气氦、壳源氦和幔源氦3种来源。3He主要来源于地幔;4He主要来源于地壳,通常以R/Ra来表示氦的来源。氦气具有丰富的天然气地质意义:地表氦气浓度异常有一定油气指示意义;氦气的同位素分布特征值(R/Ra)还具有指示油气构造环境、指示断裂带及旁证CO2气藏的成因等地质意义。  相似文献   
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