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山东地区黄土研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
山东地区黄土开始堆积时期普遍较晚,目前已见的剖面中,以青州傅家庄剖面堆积厚度最大(30 m以上),起始堆积时间最早,出露的最老层位为L9,TL测年时间约为0.8 Ma B.P.。山东地区黄土成因类型多样,物质来源广泛,其岩性特征与其他地区的黄土有明显的差别;在本地区内部,黄土的差异也比较明显,大体可分为两大成因分布区:渤海湾滨海与岛屿区和鲁中山前区。前者黄土粒度较粗,且普遍含有海相微体化石,其物质来源主要为末次冰期时期出露的渤海陆架物质,西北气流携带而来的内陆远源物质占次要地位。而后者黄土类型成因多样,东部的潍坊、青州黄土分布区,受到末次冰期时强劲冬季风的影响,物质来源主要为北部出露的渤海湾,向西至淄博、济南地区则已逐渐过渡为西北内陆风尘物质成分占据主导。  相似文献   
近30年来耕地养老保障功能的时空演变及政策启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厘清耕地养老保障功能的时空演变,为新时代农村土地保障功能提供科学判断。把拥有承包权的耕地看作农户的一项资产,利用1986—2015年农村固定观察点中近61万份农户资料,分别从全国和省级尺度揭示耕地养老保障功能的演变规律,为完善农村养老保障体系提供参考。结果显示:按1986年不变价,全国层面上,人均耕地养老保障价值从550元/年降至150元/年,研究期内降幅达到72%。20世纪80年代,农民依靠承包耕地能够满足家庭老年居民的养老支出;1994年其价值已无法支撑老年居民消费,此后养老需求的缺口不断扩大。省际层面上,研究期内各省份耕地的养老保障价值均呈现下降趋势,且省际间存在明显差异;养老需求的缺口不断扩大,其中东南沿海、长江沿线地区尤为突出。耕地养老假说已失去其基本论据,依靠耕地无法满足农村老年居民的养老支出。农村养老保障必须建立在公共社会保障体系的基础上,而不能再指望农户家庭拥有的少量耕地,政府应加强农村养老服务的建设。  相似文献   
农户的非农就业如何影响中国的土地流转?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To clarify the impact of non-agricultural employment on rural land circulation in China,we built logit models using the Chinese Household Income Project 2013 dataset,which includes 18,948 household samples over 15 provinces,126 cities and 234 counties of China in 2013.We use the proportion of non-agricultural income,the proportion of non-agricultural laborers and non-agricultural fixed operating assets to reflect the degree of the households’dependence on agriculture,the degree of the households’laborers committed to non-agricultural employment and the stability of non-agricultural employment,respectively.The results show that the stability of non-agricultural employment is an important reason for farmers to transfer out their land,and an increase in non-agricultural income is the fundamental reason.The proportion of non-agricultural assets has the greatest impact on the decision to transfer land,followed by the proportion of non-agricultural income.Per unit increase in the non-agricultural income ratio has a stronger effect on the transfer-out decision than it does on the transfer-in decision,which is a 0.09 increase of the probability of transfer-out the land and a 0.07 decrease of the probability of transfer-in the land.In terms of regional differences,when considering the impact of non-agricultural employment on the land transfer-out decision,the impacts of non-agricultural income and labor force are the greatest in the Central region.The impact of non-agricultural assets is the greatest in the Eastern region.For the Eastern region,the decision to transfer out land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets and the non-agricultural labor force,and the decision to transfer in land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets.In the Central and Western regions,the decision to transfer out land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets,non-agricultural income and the non-agricultural labor force,in that order.The decision to transfer in land in the Central region is not significantly affected by non-agricultural employment.The decision to transfer in land in the Western region is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets,non-agricultural labor force and non-agricultural income,in that order.We note that non-agricultural assets have a prominent impact on land transfer,which shows that the stability of non-agricultural employment has an important impact on land transfer decision-making.Vocational training for rural labor forces may be an effective means to promote stable non-agricultural employment and simultaneously facilitate rural land circulation,especially in Central and Western China.  相似文献   
近年来我国普通劳动者工资变化及其对农地利用的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用农村固定观察点数据、《全国农产品成本收益资料汇编》、全国农业统计数据等,对近年来我国普通劳动者工资的变化特征及其对我国农地利用的影响进行了分析。结果表明:近年来我国普通劳动者工资的增长速度和幅度明显要快于农产品和农业生产资料价格的增长速度。我国东部发达地区的部分省份,其复种指数已经出现了明显的下降趋势,物质和服务投...  相似文献   
农户小规模的农业生产方式已经与我国农业现代化的发展产生冲突,在全国大力推进土地流转和发展农业适度规模经营的背景下,对种植规模与规模效率之间关系的研究就成为了热点。本文利用368份江汉平原水稻种植农户的调查数据,应用"DEA-OLS"两阶段分析方法,对水稻种植的规模效率进行了测算,并考察了种植规模与规模效率之间的关系。结果表明:(1)江汉平原内农户水稻种植的规模普遍较小,平均为0.77公顷,规模效率平均为0.88,规模效率是限制水稻种植综合技术效率增加的主要因素,有88.32%的农户都处在规模报酬递增的阶段。(2)水稻种植规模与规模效率之间确实存在稳定的倒"U"型关系,在考虑户主特征、土地质量和家庭特征的情况下,农户水稻种植规模达到5公顷时,规模效率最大。(3)户主特征因素中,户主年龄对规模效率有显著的负向影响;户主从事非农工作的家庭比户主纯务农的家庭规模效率低。耕地质量因素中,地块的灌溉条件对规模效率有显著的正向影响。家庭特征因素中,使用机械播种的家庭比手工播种家庭的规模效率高3.07%。因此,我们建议当地政府积极推进土地流转,实行阶梯式的规模经营补贴,增加在灌溉条件改善和机械设施普及上的投入,以鼓励农户扩大种植规模,提高规模效率和种植收益,发展适度规模经营。  相似文献   
以Landsat5 TM1、TM2、TM3、TM4、TM5和TM7等图像数据,经预处理后进行植被指数提取和主成分分析,生成13个波段数据集;并用最优指数法(OIF)选取目视解译波段,运用最大似然法(MLC)和线性光谱分解法(LSU)对华北平原农区河北省文安县2007年5月的杨树林地面积信息作了应用分析.结果表明:(1)...  相似文献   
河北平原冬小麦播种面积收缩及由此节省的水资源量估算   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王学  李秀彬  辛良杰 《地理学报》2013,68(5):694-707
以河北平原1998-2010 年11 地市的农业统计数据和22 个气象站点的逐日气温、降水量、水汽压、风速、日照时数和相对湿度等资料为基础,对该地区冬小麦播种面积的收缩情况及由此引发的耕作制度变化进行了分析;同时,结合作物系数法和逐旬有效降水量法,计算了不同耕作制度下的水分亏缺量,进而估算了该地区因耕作制度变化节省的水资源量。结果表明:① 该时段河北平原11 地市冬小麦的播种面积均呈收缩趋势,总面积下降了16.07%,约49.62×104 hm2。京津唐城市群表现最为明显,下降了47.23%;② 冬小麦的降水满足率仅为20%~30%,而春玉米和夏玉米均为50%以上;冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟制所需的灌溉水资源量为400~530 mm,而春玉米一年一熟制仅为160~210 mm;③ 该时段河北平原因冬小麦播种面积收缩而节省的灌溉水资源量约为15.96×108 m3/a,相当于南水北调中线一期工程为京津冀三省市供水量的27.85%。  相似文献   
正2018年4月21-26日,全球变化背景下山地发展国际会议(International Conference on Mountain Development in a Context of Global Change with Special Focus on the Himalayas)在尼泊尔加德满都市顺利举行。山区易发生地震、山体滑坡、洪水与泥石流、雪崩等灾害。近年来,全球气候变化不仅对生态系统多样性与服务功能产生了明显影响,还直接或间接地威胁到山区人类社会安全。喜马拉雅山区多处常年冰雪覆盖,被誉为"世界第三极"、"亚洲水塔",地位重要且生  相似文献   
济南张夏黄土堆积及其成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鲁中南山地西北边缘的山麓地带、大沙河沿岸阶地广泛分布厚度不一的黄土堆积。其中出露在河岸阶地的济南市长清区张夏镇的黄土物质来源复杂,既有西北气流,东部渤海湾气流搬运而来的物质,又有当地生成的坡洪积碎屑物质。张夏黄土下部呈现明显的水流侵蚀痕迹,中间夹有围岩碎屑,应属于风成-洪积、坡积成因的黄土状土。  相似文献   
This study firstly analyzed the shrinkage of winter wheat and the changes of cropping systems in the Hebei Plain from 1998 to 2010 based on the agricultural statistic data of 11 cities and meteorological data, including daily temperature, precipitation, water vapor, wind speed and minimum relative humidity data from 22 meteorological stations, and then calculated the water deficit and irrigation water resources required by different cropping systems, as well as the irrigation water resources conserved as a result of cropping system changes, using crop coefficient method and every ten-day effective precipitation estimation method. The results are as follows. 1) The sown areas of winter wheat in the 11 cities in the Hebei Plain all shrunk during the study period. The shrinkage rate was 16.07% and the total shrinkage area amounted to 49.62×104ha. The shrinkage was most serious in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan metropolitan agglomerate, with a shrinkage rate of 47.23%. 2) The precipitation fill rate of winter wheat was only 20%–30%, while those of spring maize and summer maize both exceeded 50%. The irrigation water resources demanded by the winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system ranged from 400 mm to 530 mm, while those demanded by the spring maize single cropping system ranged only from 160 mm to 210 mm. 3) The water resources conserved as a result of the winter wheat sown area shrinkage during the study period were about 15.96×108m3/a, accounting for 27.85% of those provided for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei by the first phase of the Mid-Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.  相似文献   
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