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目的 采用双鼻-蝶入路的方法 ,克服常规单鼻-蝶入路鼻内镜手术操作不便的缺陷.方法 选择蝶鞍区肿瘤患者37例,在鼻内镜引导下经双鼻-蝶入路暴露蝶鞍区并进行手术治疗.一侧鼻腔-鼻中隔通路供主刀进行内镜显示、切割、电凝等手术操作,另一侧通路供助手进行冲洗镜头、吸引、牵引等操作,辅助主刀进行手术操作.对于蝶窦内肿瘤采用内镜引导下切除,鞍内肿瘤则结合显微镜进行手术切除.良性肿瘤采用分块切除,恶性肿瘤采用整块切除的方法 .记录双鼻蝶手术通路建立的时间和出血量,并评价暴露鞍区、蝶窦的效果,以及手术切除肿瘤的疗效和并发症.结果 建立双通路的手术时间平均为23 min(15~45 min),出血量平均为16ml(5~40 ml).术后病理:恶性肿瘤2例,为放疗后复发鼻咽癌;良性肿瘤33例,其中垂体瘤30例,乳头状瘤、脊索瘤和骨瘤各1例;炎性假瘤2例.无围手术期死亡.结论经鼻内镜双鼻-蝶入路能充分暴露鞍区和蝶窦,并能有效克服操作空间狭窄所引起的操作不便.采用此双通路进行的手术治疗并发症少而轻,疗效满意.  相似文献   
Objective To elucidate the clinical significance of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) mainly used for protecting neurological functions in patients with gliomas. Methods Thirty - eight patients with gliomas were recruited to undergo DTI test and assess the status of neurological functions before and after surgery. According to the relationships between gliomas and adjacent white matter(WM) tracts, DTI can be classfied as the following types : type Ⅰ - displacement; type Ⅱ - Infiltration; type Ⅲ - Disruption. The neurological functions before surgery were compared in three groups,as well as the change of neurological functions after surgery was also compared in three groups. Results There were 14 cases in type Ⅰ , 16 cases in type Ⅱ, and 8 cases in type Ⅲ. There were significant difference between DTI types and preoperative neurological functions, as well as between DTI types and the change of postoperative neurological functions ( P < 0. 05 ). Conclusions DTI allows to visualizate the relationships of gliomas and adjacent WM tracts, which represent the different growth patterns of gliomas. It is useful for neurosurgeons to select suitable surgical approaches and determine appropriate extent of resection.  相似文献   
鼻内窥镜和术中磁共振在经蝶垂体瘤手术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经外科医生一直在努力追求垂体瘤手术微创且有效的途径。近年来鼻内镜和术中磁共振技术发展迅速,两者均促进了垂体瘤手术的发展,它们的结合在垂体瘤手术中是可行的。本文对鼻内窥镜和术中磁共振在经蝶垂体瘤手术中的应用作一介绍。  相似文献   
目的 探讨在对前颅底肿瘤实施显微手术时,手术入路的选择和颅底重建的原则.方法 回顾性总结前颅底肿瘤患者85例的临床资料.借助术前影像学(CT和MR)资料,准确评估肿瘤的部位、大小、性质和周边组织受累情况等,从而选择合理且熟悉的手术入路.术中尽可能在显微镜辅助下对肿瘤进行微创切除,降低术后致残率和病死率.并根据肿瘤切除后颅底结构的缺损程度决定相关的修复方案.结果 85例患者中经冠状开颅(包括半冠)入路的26例.经改良翼点入路的38例,经额眶入路的13例,经额、鼻窦联合入路的9例.肿瘤镜下全切除的79例,次全切除4例,部分切除2例.术后有83例患者的临床症状获得不同程度的缓解,无手术死亡病例.13例患者的肿瘤发生远期复发,其病理性质以恶性为主.所有颅底脑膜缺损的患者匀在一期重建,采用自体肌腱膜或人工脑膜加生物胶进行严密修复.对小于3 cm的颅底骨质缺损一般不实施重建,有5例患者的骨性缺损大于3 cm,采用了人工材料(硅橡胶为主)进行重建.全部患者中有4例在术后发生短暂的脑脊液漏,均通过保守治疗而愈合.结论根据肿瘤的大小、部位和周边组织的受累情况选择适当的入路,对肿瘤患者实施微创切除并在一期进行必要的颅底修复是治疗前颅底肿瘤的有效方法 .手术入路应尽量有利于病灶切除,并降低术后致残率和病死率,颅底重建时必须恢复硬脑膜的严密性,维持颅底组织的良好支撑,同时不干扰对肿瘤的术后复查和辅助治疗.  相似文献   
颅内原发恶性黑色素瘤综合治疗长期存活1例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
颅内原发性黑色素瘤罕见,其预后极差,罕见有长期存活的报道。本文报告1例经综合治疗获得长期存活的桥小脑角恶性黑色素瘤。患者男性.起病初始年龄47岁,主要表现为小脑性共济失调。磁共振显示有侧桥小脑角肿瘤。采取枕下乙状窦后入路,术中处病灶色黑,次全切除肿瘤。病理报告为恶性黑色素瘤。颅外未见原发病灶。术后行四个疗程化疗。3个月后MRI示肿瘤复发,行第二次手术并全切肿瘤。术后予肿瘤疫苗、干扰素、白介素和榄香烯等辅助性治疗。进行了5年的影像学追踪,KPS 100分,无肿瘤复发和转移。  相似文献   
18例瘤型脑脓肿的临床特点及鉴别诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结瘤型脑脓肿的临床特点并探讨其诊断方法.方法 回顾性分析中山大学肿瘤防治中心神经外科自2000年10月至2007年2月间收治的18例瘤型脑脓肿患者的临床资料,并随访其术后恢复情况.结果 共有18例腩脓肿在外院诊断为肿瘤,其中诊为胶质瘤11例,转移瘤7例.冬春季节发病16例.18例均未发现原发性感染灶,2例入院前1月有发热病史.入院后白细胞总数10.1×109/L~13.7×109/L者7例,其中6例中性粒细胞比率80.8%~90.5%,白细胞总数正常11例.入院后患者均行MRI检查,14例诊为腩脓肿,2例诊为转移瘤,诊为胶质瘤及寄生虫病各一例.细菌培养结果 为无菌生长9例,革兰阳性菌4例,链球菌3例,表皮葡萄球菌、肺炎克雷伯菌各一例.手术切除12例,穿刺引流6例.术后随访1~6年,治愈17例,好转1例.结论瘤型脑脓肿常发生于冬春季节,临床表现不典型,MRI扫描是其最有价值的辅助榆查方法 .在脑脓肿与坏死囊变脑肿瘤的鉴别诊断中,MRS和DWI足常规MRI扫描的重要补充.  相似文献   
摘要:目的 了解鄂东地区泌尿生殖道支原体感染的年龄分布、增长趋势等流行学规律。方法 统计2010-2013年8 297例检测人份的年龄、性别资料,记录其检测结果并通过统计学分析规律。结果 8 297例资料中总阳性率56.40%,男女阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=154.624);2010年阳性率50.23%,2011年阳性率50.61%,2012年阳性率63.02%和2013年阳性率59.18%;20~30岁、30~40岁、40~50岁三年龄段阳性例数持续上升,在四年间阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=16.276~55.609);男性四年阳阴性比率持续升高,20~30岁男性四年阳阴性比率持续升高;30~40岁阳性例数2013年较2012年差异无统计学意义。结论 鄂东地区泌尿生殖道支原体感染总检测例数、总阳性例数及总的检测阳性阴性比率呈持续上升趋势;节假日阳性率比平时高。  相似文献   
摘要:目的 判断两种试剂对支原体培养、鉴定、药敏检测的符合情况。方法 作为比对实验,即每例实验样本一式两份,一份在其他实验室以对比试剂操作并取得试验结果,一份在本实验室按照试剂操作规程要求进行检测,记录数据并对两份结果作统计分析。结果 研究试剂灵敏度:100%、特异性:98.11%、阳性预测值:95.45%、阴性预测值:100%、准确度:98.65%,两种方法对支原体检出率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.065、P>0.05)。药敏实验符合率:97.79%,Kappa值=0.97,两种方法一致性程度最强;实验试剂和对照试剂的敏感、中敏及耐药数据相关性检测的相关系数依次为0.997、0.985、0.999,两种试剂药敏结果高度相关。结论 研究试剂适合本实验室对泌尿支原体培养、鉴定及药敏检测。  相似文献   
Objective To elucidate the clinical significance of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) mainly used for protecting neurological functions in patients with gliomas. Methods Thirty - eight patients with gliomas were recruited to undergo DTI test and assess the status of neurological functions before and after surgery. According to the relationships between gliomas and adjacent white matter(WM) tracts, DTI can be classfied as the following types : type Ⅰ - displacement; type Ⅱ - Infiltration; type Ⅲ - Disruption. The neurological functions before surgery were compared in three groups,as well as the change of neurological functions after surgery was also compared in three groups. Results There were 14 cases in type Ⅰ , 16 cases in type Ⅱ, and 8 cases in type Ⅲ. There were significant difference between DTI types and preoperative neurological functions, as well as between DTI types and the change of postoperative neurological functions ( P < 0. 05 ). Conclusions DTI allows to visualizate the relationships of gliomas and adjacent WM tracts, which represent the different growth patterns of gliomas. It is useful for neurosurgeons to select suitable surgical approaches and determine appropriate extent of resection.  相似文献   
弥散张量成像对胶质瘤手术风险的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To elucidate the clinical significance of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) mainly used for protecting neurological functions in patients with gliomas. Methods Thirty - eight patients with gliomas were recruited to undergo DTI test and assess the status of neurological functions before and after surgery. According to the relationships between gliomas and adjacent white matter(WM) tracts, DTI can be classfied as the following types : type Ⅰ - displacement; type Ⅱ - Infiltration; type Ⅲ - Disruption. The neurological functions before surgery were compared in three groups,as well as the change of neurological functions after surgery was also compared in three groups. Results There were 14 cases in type Ⅰ , 16 cases in type Ⅱ, and 8 cases in type Ⅲ. There were significant difference between DTI types and preoperative neurological functions, as well as between DTI types and the change of postoperative neurological functions ( P < 0. 05 ). Conclusions DTI allows to visualizate the relationships of gliomas and adjacent WM tracts, which represent the different growth patterns of gliomas. It is useful for neurosurgeons to select suitable surgical approaches and determine appropriate extent of resection.  相似文献   
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