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The zones around the Bohai Sea are the most developed area in north China [1]. With the development of economy and increasing of population, the marine environment quality has become worse and worse in Bohai Sea, especially in the coastal regions of Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay and Laizhou Bay [1]. As reported, the petroleum hydrocarbon (PH) contamination in the Bohai Sea was mainly due to the discharge of oily wastewater from inland [1]. There were about 8 734 392.3 104 t water input in the …  相似文献   
本文应用海洋围隔生态实验研究了浮游植物对石油烃污染物生物富集动力学过程 ,提出了“水相差法”测定海洋浮游植物体内石油烃浓度 ,以及包括石油烃挥发和生物生长等影响因素的石油烃生物富集动力学模型 ,并利用非线性拟合技术得到了海洋浮游植物对 0 #柴油 WAF中正构烷烃的生物富集动力学参数 kup,kel和 BCFPOC,结果与 Kováts色谱保留指数具有很好的相关性 ,与利用生物分析平衡法测定的文献数据基本一致。本模型及实验方法简便可靠 ,可在现场实验中广泛应用 ,得到的动力学参数应用于多介质环境模型和生态动力学模型 ,用以研究石油烃污染物中正构烷烃在海洋环境中的迁移变化规律  相似文献   
东海赤潮高发区营养盐时空分布特征及其控制要素   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
东海长江口、舟山渔场附近海域是我国近海赤潮爆发严重的区域之一。在影响该海域营养盐分布的水团中 ,长江冲淡水向表层输入了大量的氮、磷、硅营养盐 ,台湾暖流主要对底层和长江口外上升流区有贡献 ,苏北沿岸水、闽浙沿岸水主要影响近岸区域。同时 ,营养盐在海水 -沉积物界面的交换作用 ,大气湿沉降作用等也影响着该海域营养盐的时空分布。结合2002年4月~2003年3月对29°00′~32°00′N、122°00′~124°00′E海域四季航次调查的营养盐分布规律 ,该海域可分为三片区域 ,由岸边向外海分别为高营养盐、低浮游植物区 ,较高营养盐、高浮游植物区和较低营养盐、低浮游植物区。随着近年来营养盐输入通量的增加 ,富营养化程度加大 ,受化学、物理、生物等因素综合作用 ,高浮游植物区赤潮爆发频率和规模逐年增加 ,已为中国近海典型的赤潮高发区  相似文献   
溶解无机态营养盐在渤海沉积物-海水界面交换通量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
了解无机态营养严在渤海沉积物-海水界面交换速率、通量基控制因素,于2002-08-06~08-24,应用船基沉积物培养方法,现场测定了硅酸盐(SiO3-Si)、磷酸盐(PO4-P)和溶解无机氮(DIN)在沉积物-海水界面上的交换速率(νN)和交换通量(FN)。结果显示,νSiO3-Si变化范围为2 220~4 317μmol.m-2.d-1,平均为3 466μmol.m-2.d-1,νPO4-P为0.4~77μmol.m-2.d-1,平均为39μmol.m-2.d-1,νDIN为667~2 167μmol.m-2.d-1,平均为1 308μmol.m-2.d-1,其中NH4-N和NO3-N的贡献分别为48%和47%左右。进一步分析表明,νSiO3-Si主要由溶解和扩散2个过程控制,前者决定于沉积物黏土矿物含量和含水率,后者决定于营养盐浓度和温度。νPO4-P主要由在以黏土为主的细颗粒和氢氧化铁上的吸附-解吸和扩散过程控制,前者分别决定于沉积物粒度和上覆水中DO浓度,而后者决定于间隙水与上覆水之间的浓度差。结果表明,FSiO3为2.59×1013mmol,FPO4为2.95×1011mmol,FDIN/SE为8.62×1012mmol。这样,为维持夏季渤海初级生产力,沉积物交换过程可提供大约65%的SiO3-Si、12%的PO4-P和22%的DIN,远远高于以河流径流为主的陆源排放。  相似文献   
Water samples were collected in 120 stations in the Bohai Sea of China to analyze the distribution of dissolved nutrients and assess the degree of eutrophication in August 2002. The result shows that the average concentration of DIN increased and the PO4-P concentration sharply decreased compared to the previous data of corresponding period. The high concentrations of DIN and PO4-P occurred in coastal waters, especially in the bays and some river estuaries, while the high concentrations of SiO3-Si in the surface and middle depth occurred in the central area of the Bohai Sea. The average ratio of DIN/ PO4-P was much higher than the Redfield Ratio (16:1). Apparently, PO4-P was one of the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growing in the sea. The average concentrations of DON and DOP were higher than their inorganic forms. The results of eutrophication assessment show that 22.1% of all stations were classified as violating the concentration levels of the National Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997) for DIN and only 3.9% for PO4-P. The average eutrophication index in the overall area was 0.21±0.22 and the high values occurred in Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay and near the Yellow River estuary. This means that the state of eutrophication was generally mesotrophic in the Bohai Sea, but relatively worse in the bays, especially some river estuaries.  相似文献   
The method has been established to calculate the environmental capacity (ECo),surplus environment capacity (SECo) of water with respect to marine petroleum hydrocarbons associated with oil (PHAOs) and the self-purification capacity (SPCo) of main self-purification process to PHAOs in the Jiaozhou Bay, China, according to the dynamic model for distribution of marine PHAOs among multiphase environments. The variation of concentration of PHAOs in the Jiaozhou Bay is well simulated by the dynamic model. Based on the model.the ECo, SECo of water with respect to PHAOs in the Jiaozhou Bay were calculated during the last 10 years under the first-class and second-class quality standard requirement, according to SPCoof main self-purification process to PHAOs. The results show that about 200 tons of PHAOs could be discharged into the Jiaozhou Bay for maintaining the first class seawater quality standard, and about 600 tons of PHAOs for the second class seawater quality standard later.  相似文献   
Based on survey data from April to May 2009, distribution and its influential factors of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) over the continental slopes of the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) are discussed. Influenced by the Changjiang (Yangtze) River water, alongshore currents, and the Kuroshio current off the coast, DIN concentrations were higher in the Changjiang River estuary, but lower (<1 μmol/L) in the northern and eastern YS and outer continental shelf area of the ECS. In the YS, the thermocline formed in spring, and a cold-water mass with higher DIN concentration (about 11 μmol/L) formed in benthonic water around 123.2°E. In Changjiang estuary (around 123°E, 32°N), DIN concentration was higher in the 10 m layer; however, the bottom DIN concentration was lower, possibly influenced by mixing of the Taiwan Warm Current and offshore currents.  相似文献   
闽浙近岸海域赤潮暴发前后海水营养盐特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据 2013年 4月 24日-5月 23日闽浙沿岸赤潮暴发前后 4个航次的现场调查数据,分析了该海域各项溶解无机态 营养盐的浓度及分布特征,并对其与赤潮的关系进行了初步探讨。结果显示,调查海域春季 DI N、PO 4 -P 和 Si O 3 -Si的平均 浓度分别为 (16. 62依8. 62 )滋mol / L、 (0. 75依0. 33 )滋mol / L和 (19. 91依10. 30 )滋mol / L,氮和磷的平均浓度均超过国家一类海水水质标 准。营养盐的分布特征整体上表现出由近岸向外海逐渐降低的趋势,高值区出现在飞云江口和闽江口等近海海域,赤潮暴发 后,整个调查海域各项营养盐分布表现出北低南高的特点。赤潮区域 DI N 和 PO 4 -P 浓度随着赤潮的发生、发展呈持续下降 的趋势,低氮磷比不利于东海原甲藻 ( Pr or ocent r um donghai ens e ) 的生长。水文跃层、生物作用、陆源输入及台湾暖流等是 影响春季 FA 断面营养盐分布的主要因素。  相似文献   
于2017年10月~2018年9月,在青岛胶州湾沿岸城区连续采集了10个月的降水样品,测定了其不同形态汞的浓度,并计算其湿沉降量。结果表明,降水中总汞(THg)、溶解态总汞(DTHg)、颗粒态总汞(PTHg)、总甲基汞(TMeHg)、溶解态甲基汞(DMeHg)和颗粒态甲基汞(PMeHg)的年体积加权平均浓度(VWM)分别为5.7、3.6、2.1、0.22、0.16和0.06 ng·L~(-1);年沉降量分别为3 145.4、1 975.9、1169.5、118.91、86.63和32.28 ng·m~(-2)。THg浓度与降水量之间呈显著负相关,不同形态汞的湿沉降量与降雨量之间呈显著正相关,说明降水量是影响THg浓度及不同形态汞湿沉降的重要因素。此外,降水中THg浓度还受大气中的PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、 NO_2浓度和降水pH等反映人为活动的因子的影响,表明人类活动也显著干扰青岛胶州湾沿岸地区降水中汞的浓度。HYSPLIT模型后向轨迹分析结果表明冬季降水中高浓度的汞主要来自于北方和青岛当地的燃煤取暖,而夏季降水中高浓度的甲基汞以及较高的TMeHg/THg比例主要是因为来源于海洋的气团携带了较高浓度的甲基汞,说明海源可能也是青岛胶州湾沿岸城区降水中甲基汞的一个重要来源。  相似文献   
通过对目前生态动力学模型的总结和综合,以生态系统中氮、磷营养盐循环为主线,建立了适用于海洋围隔浮游生态系统的多变量的营养盐迁移-转化动力学模型。该模型包括浮游植物、浮游动物、溶解无机态营养盐、溶解有机态营养盐和生物碎屑5个模块,涉及溶解无机氮、磷酸盐、溶解有机氮、溶解有机磷、浮游植物、浮游动物和生物碎屑7个状态变量。利用2002年8月末莱州湾围隔生态实验数据进行了模型的验证工作,成功地模拟了富加营养盐条件下围隔浮游生态系统中氮、磷营养盐生物化学迁移-转化过程,并通过灵敏度分析探讨了模型主要状态变量对参数改变的灵敏程度。  相似文献   
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