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本文以印尼北苏拉威西东部的潟湖为对象,研究了热带海草床鱼类群落的种类组成和时空变化。研究发现当地鱼类的香农-威纳指数在1.57-3.69之间多样性相对较高。在科水平,天竺鲷科的丰度(8.27 ind./(100 m2))和生物量(28.49 g/(100 m2))最高。在物种水平,侧带天竺鲷(Apogon lateralis)的丰度最高,环纹圆天竺鲷(Sphaeramia orbicularis)的生物量最大。对于物种的空间变化,潟湖湖顶、湖中和湖口首先聚类在一起,这可能是由于基质类型引起的。干季和湿季的鱼类种类、丰度和生物量均比转换季高,这可能是由较强的季风造成的,强季风为鱼类提供了更适宜的环境和食物。93.1%的鱼类的最大体长小于它们的性成熟体长,暗示了海草床是很多鱼类的育幼场。因此,保护海草床对渔业和资源的可持续利用至关重要。  相似文献   
The West Pacific Ocean is considered as the provenance center of global marine life and has the highest species diversity of numerous marine taxa. The phytoplankton, as the primary producer at the base of the food chain,effects on climate change, fish resources as well as the entire ecosystem. However, there are few large-scale surveys covering several currents with different hydrographic characteristics. This study aimed to explore the relationships between the spatio-temporal variation in phytoplankton community structure and different water masses. A total of 630 water samples and 90 net samples of phytoplankton were collected at 45 stations in the Northwest Pacific Ocean(21.0°–42.0°N, 118.0°–156.0°E) during spring and summer 2017. A total of 281 phytoplankton taxa(5 μm) belonging to 61 genera were identified in the study area. The distribution pattern of the phytoplankton community differed significantly both spatially and temporally. The average abundances of phytoplankton in spring and summer were 797.07×10~2 cells/L and 84.94×10~2 cells/L, respectively. Whether in spring or summer, the maximum abundance always appeared in the northern transition region affected by the Oyashio Current, where nutrients were abundant and diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community;whereas the phytoplankton abundance was very low in the oligotrophic Kuroshio region, and the proportion of dinoflagellates in total abundance increased significantly. The horizontal distribution of phytoplankton abundance increased from low to high latitudes, which was consistent with the trend of nutrient distributions, but contrary to that of water temperature and salinity. In the northern area affected by the Oyashio Current, the phytoplankton abundance was mainly concentrated in the upper 30 m of water column, while the maximum abundance often occurred at depths of 50–75 m in the south-central area affected by the Kuroshio Current.Pearson correlation and redundancy analysis(RDA) showed that phytoplankton abundance was significant negatively correlated with temperature and salinity, but positively correlated with nutrient concentration. The phytoplankton community structure was mainly determined by nutrient availability, especially the N:P ratio.  相似文献   
塔里木河流域2001年四源一干河川径流运行分析   总被引:7,自引:14,他引:7  
2001年塔里木河流域四条源流出山口天然径流量计266.5×108m3, 比多年平均值多40.70×108m3, 增加1%.源流区在进入塔里木河干流前总耗水量为220.0×108m3, 与多年平均值比较多43.4×108m3, 增加24.6%, 而入塔里木河水量为46.4×108m3, 比多年平均4.12×108m3减少1.64×108m3.塔里木河干流龙头站--阿拉尔站2001年年径流量为45.72×108m3, 接近多年均值46.00×108m3, 属平水年.干流上游区间耗水量24.77×108m3, 占阿拉尔站年径流量的54.2%; 中游区间耗水量1.94×108m3, 占阿拉尔站年径流量的41.4%; 下游区间耗水2.025×108m3(纯塔里木河水), 仅占阿拉尔站年径流量的4.4%. 2001年从开都河-孔雀河的博斯腾湖和塔里木河向下游绿色走廊的应急输水于11月16日水流到台特玛湖, 从而结束了塔里木河下游近30 a干涸的历史, 使下游绿色走廊恶化环境开始恢复.  相似文献   


基于Gramian约束的正则化联合反演是目前地球物理联合反演领域的研究热点。鉴于正则化项和约束项权重系数选择的困难性,有必要在正则化联合反演中引入不等式约束。本文以基于Gramian约束的大地电磁测深法(MT)和重力正则化联合反演为例,对比了惩罚函数法和转换函数法在联合反演中的应用效果,并开展了江西相山某测线的实测资料处理。模型试验表明,惩罚函数法和转换函数法可以有效地将物性参数约束在一定范围之内,惩罚函数法具有更高的灵活性但需要人为设置惩罚函数的权重系数。实测数据的处理表明,基于不等式和Gramian约束的联合反演具有较高的实用性,提高了地球物理解释的精度。  相似文献   
岩石物性约束是地球物理联合反演重要的实现方式.在以往联合反演研究中,这种约束通常以点对点的映射方式出现,要求经验性的岩石物性关联是相对精确的,无形中提高了岩石物性约束应用于联合反演的条件.基于此,本文结合全局寻优的模拟退火算法,提出了宽范围岩石物性约束技术.该技术将岩石物性约束与模拟退火模型扰动、模型接受准则相结合,实现了空间对空间的映射,将电阻率和速度耦合在一起.文章以MT和地震正则化同步联合反演为例,检验了不同的先验信息条件下的宽范围岩石物性约束技术的适用性.模型试验表明:新技术容易实现,容错性高,可降低"不精确"岩石物性关联信息引入带来的风险,提高岩石物性约束应用的灵活性.  相似文献   
印度尼西亚北苏拉威西蓝碧海峡浮游动物种类组成及分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on oceanographic survey data in June 2012 in the Lembeh Strait, the zooplankton ecological characteristics such as species composition, individual abundance, dominant species and distribution were analyzed. The results showed that 183 species(including 4 sp.) had been recognized, most of them belonged to copepoda.Cnidaria followed with 43 species(including 1 sp.) were identified. The average abundance of zooplankton was(150.47±58.91) ind./m~3. As to the horizontal distribution, the abundance of the zooplankton was higher in the southern waters than in the northern waters. The dominant species in the study area were Lensia subtiloides,Sagitta enflata, Lucifer intermedius, Oikopleura rufescens, Diphyes chamissoni, Creseis acicula, Subeucalanus subcrassus, Temora discaudata, Aglaura hemistoma, Doliolum denticulatum, Canthocalanus pauper, Oikopleura longicauda and Nanomia bijuga. Zooplankton biodiversity indexes were higher in study area than previous study in the other regions. The findings from this study provide important baseline information for future research and monitoring programs.  相似文献   
描述地层吸收作用的品质因子Q作为PP波和PS波联合反演中的一个重要物理参数,对地下岩石物性参数及油气预测起着重要的作用。以改进的Kolsky模型波场延拓物理机制为理论基础,结合Zhang和Ulrych提出的计算层旅行时方法,提出了基于改进的Kolsky模型波场延拓公式的纵波Q值、横波Q值估计方法。该方法是通过不同记录道间振幅谱比对数与频率的线性回归估计出一系列的Q值,然后通过筛选、平均处理得到各层位的Q值。模型试验中,估计出的P波、PS波Q值与理论Q值误差均小于2%,这表明了该方法估计Q值的正确性和估计结果的准确性。将本文方法应用于实际地震资料中,获得了合理的P波Q值估计结果。  相似文献   
塔里木河是我国最大的内陆河,历史上是环塔里木盆地九大水系144条河流的总称,目前呈"四源一干"格局.依据1957—2006年近50a气象及水文监测资料,分析了气候变化和人类活动对塔里木河流域水资源的影响.虽然近50a来塔里木河流域山区与平原整体呈现气温升高、降水量增加特征,出山口径流量也呈增加趋势,然而在2000年前塔里木河流域生态环境急剧退化.其成因主要为:1)从20世纪50年代起到近2006年,四条源流入塔里木河水量50a减少了15.4×108m3;2)塔里木河上、中、下游耗水量比例的失调及区域水资源分配发生变化,造成塔里木河下游生态环境恶化;3)实施塔里木河综合治理后,即使进入塔里木河的下游的水量增加,中游段耗水量下降,但是上游耗水迅速增加且数量巨大,还是对塔里木河水资源综合利用、改善的下游生态环境产生负面影响.  相似文献   
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