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Cyclamate and its metabolite cyclohexylamine affect male fertility in high dose animal studies, but this affect has not been investigated in epidemiological studies. This paper reports the first epidemiological study designed to investigate the possibility of a relationship between cyclamate and cyclohexylamine and male fertility in humans, in which 405 cases of clinically defined infertility in men and 379 controls were surveyed. Semen evaluation, urine analysis for cyclamate and cyclohexylamine and dietary questionnaires were compared between cases and controls. No evidence was found of a significant association between cyclamate intake and male infertility; neither high cyclamate nor high cyclohexylamine excretion were associated with elevated risk. The lack of association remained after adjusting by age, area of residence, education, total energy intake and other variables. No significant correlations were observed between cyclamate intake, metabolism or excretion, and sperm count and motility. The results demonstrate no effect of cyclamate or cyclohexylamine on male fertility at the present levels of cyclamate consumption.  相似文献   
Teleoperation is essential for applications in which, despite the availability of a precise geometrical definition of the working area, a task cannot be explicitly programmed. This paper describes a method of assisted teleoperation that improves the execution of such tasks in terms of ergonomics, precision, and reduction of execution time. The relationships between the operating spaces corresponding to the human-robot interface triangle are analyzed. The proposed teleoperation aid is based on applying adaptive transformations between these spaces.  相似文献   
The task of breast density quantification is becoming increasingly relevant due to its association with breast cancer risk. In this work, a semi-automated and a fully automated tools to assess breast density from full-field digitized mammograms are presented. The first tool is based on a supervised interactive thresholding procedure for segmenting dense from fatty tissue and is used with a twofold goal: for assessing mammographic density (MD) in a more objective and accurate way than via visual-based methods and for labeling the mammograms that are later employed to train the fully automated tool. Although most automated methods rely on supervised approaches based on a global labeling of the mammogram, the proposed method relies on pixel-level labeling, allowing better tissue classification and density measurement on a continuous scale. The fully automated method presented combines a classification scheme based on local features and thresholding operations that improve the performance of the classifier. A dataset of 655 mammograms was used to test the concordance of both approaches in measuring MD. Three expert radiologists measured MD in each of the mammograms using the semi-automated tool (DM-Scan). It was then measured by the fully automated system and the correlation between both methods was computed. The relation between MD and breast cancer was then analyzed using a case–control dataset consisting of 230 mammograms. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used to compute reliability among raters and between techniques. The results obtained showed an average ICC = 0.922 among raters when using the semi-automated tool, whilst the average correlation between the semi-automated and automated measures was ICC = 0.838. In the case–control study, the results obtained showed Odds Ratios (OR) of 1.38 and 1.50 per 10% increase in MD when using the semi-automated and fully automated approaches respectively. It can therefore be concluded that the automated and semi-automated MD assessments present a good correlation. Both the methods also found an association between MD and breast cancer risk, which warrants the proposed tools for breast cancer risk prediction and clinical decision making. A full version of the DM-Scan is freely available.  相似文献   
The resilience of the current Spanish residential building stock to increased temperatures is modelled. Homogenized daily temperature data recorded at 50 Spanish meteorological stations for the periods 1950–1979 and 1981–2010 were used to investigate anticipated climate warming on the Spanish residential building stock by means of the degree-day method. Impacts on residential buildings were investigated for three different future time periods (2011–2040, 2041–2070 and 2071–2100) for three representative Spanish provincial capitals. Future climate change scenarios comprising two statistical downscaling methods, three general circulation models and two carbon emission scenarios were used to project local climate. Results show that 72% of current residential building stock in Spain is thermally unprotected. In addition, the energy demand for heating the building sector in Spain is expected to decrease by between 30% (Barcelona, B2 scenario) and 36% (Valencia, A2 scenario) by 2100, while the respective energy demand for cooling could increase by between 107% (Valencia, B2 scenario) and 296% (Madrid, A2 scenario) by 2100. To increase resilience to higher winter and summer temperatures, strategies for modifying the built environment are needed, particularly for the role of building codes and standards.

La résilience du parc bâti résidentiel espagnol actuel face à l'augmentation des températures est modélisée. Les données homogénéisées des température journalières enregistrées dans 50 stations météorologiques espagnoles pour les périodes 1950–1979 et 1981–2010 ont été utilisées pour étudier le réchauffement climatique prévu sur le parc bâti résidentiel espagnol en utilisant la méthode des degrés-jours. Les répercussions sur les immeubles résidentiels ont été étudiées pour trois périodes futures différentes (2011–2040, 2041–2070 et 2071–2100) et pour trois capitales provinciales espagnoles représentatives. Il a été utilisé des scénarios de changement climatique futur comprenant deux méthodes de réduction d'échelle statistique, trois modèles de circulation générale et deux scénarios d'émission de carbone pour prévoir le climat local. Les résultats montrent que 72 % du parc bâti résidentiel actuel de l'Espagne est dépourvu de protection thermique. Il est en outre prévu que la demande énergétique liée au chauffage dans le secteur du logement en Espagne diminue de 30 % (Barcelone, scénario B2) à 36 % (Valence, scénario A2) d'ici à 2100, tandis que la demande énergétique respective liée à la climatisation pourrait augmenter de 107 % (Valence, scénario B2) à 296 % (Madrid, scénario A2) d'ici à 2100. Afin d'augmenter la résilience face à des températures hivernales et estivales plus élevées, il est nécessaire de disposer de stratégies de modification du cadre bâti, concernant en particulier le rôle des codes et des normes du bâtiment.

Mots clés: stratégies d'adaptation, performances des bâtiments, réglementation du bâtiment, parc bâti, changement climatique, degrés-jours, surchauffe, confort thermique, vulnérabilité, Espagne  相似文献   
Twenty-two Murciano-Granadina dairy goats were used to investigate the effects of organic Zn supplementation of a diet containing a high level of inorganic Zn. Goats were kept in pens, machine milked once a day throughout lactation and fed a diet based on a dehydrated mixture of whole-plant maize and alfalfa ad libitum, alfalfa pellets, barley grain and a concentrate mixture. Treatments were: (1) control, and (2) supplemented with 1 g/d Zn-Methionine (Zn-Met) included in the concentrate mixture. After parturition, goats were blocked in week 3 and dietary treatments were applied until week 23. From weeks 3-20, feed intake, milk yield, milk composition, milk somatic cell count (SCC), and udder health were measured. In week 21, all goats were injected intraperitoneally with 1 g/d DL-methionine for 5 d to establish the effects of methionine under the conditions of udder stress induced by hand milking on the second day. During weeks 22 and 23, diet digestibility, and N and Zn balance were determined. Dry matter intake, milk yield, and milk contents of total solids, fat, total and true protein, and casein did not differ between treatments, but whey protein and non-protein nitrogen contents were significantly lower for the Zn-Met group. Milk SCC tended to decrease as a result of Zn-Met supplementation but differences between treatments were not significant when halves with persistent infection were excluded. Hand milking increased SCC in both groups, but udders of supplemented goats showed a lower reaction. Apparent absorption of N significantly increased and Zn retention tended to increase in Zn-Met supplemented goats. We conclude that Zn-Met supplementation can enhance resistance to udder stress in dairy goats. Effects were attributed to the organic Zn and not to the methionine component. Zn retention and protein utilization were also improved by the Zn-Met supplement.  相似文献   
The electrical conductivity of ceria thin films (epitaxial as well as dense and porous nanocrystalline) is investigated in dry and wet atmosphere at temperatures below 500 °C. For the epitaxial and the fully dense nanocrystalline samples, no significant differences can be observed between dry and wet conditions. In marked contrast, the nanocrystalline porous films obtained via spin coating exhibit a considerable enhancement of the protonic conductivity below 300 °C in wet atmosphere. This outcome reveals that the residual open mesoporosity plays the key role for the enhancement of the proton transport at low temperatures and not the high density of grain boundaries. The quantitative analysis of the various pathways, along which the proton transport can take place, indicates that the observed proton conduction can arise not only from bulk water adsorbed in the open pores but also from the space charge zones on the water side of the water/oxide interface.  相似文献   
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