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For an additive subgroup G of a field F of characteristic zero, a Lie algebra B(G) of Block type is defined with basis {Lα,i| α∈G, i∈Z+} and relations [Lα,i, Lβ,j] = (β-α)Lα+β,i+j+(αj-βi)Lα+β,Lα+β,i+j-1.It is proved that an irreducible highest weight B(Z)-module is quasifinite if and only if it is a proper quotient of a Verma module. Furthermore, for a total order λ on G and any ∧∈B(G)0^*(the dual space of B(G)0 = span{L0,i|i∈Z+}), a Verma B(G)-module M(∧,λ) is defined, and the irreducibility of M(A,λ) is completely determined.  相似文献   

Let E be a real Banach space and K be a nonempty closed convex and bounded subset of E. Let Ti : K→ K, i=1, 2,... ,N, be N uniformly L-Lipschitzian, uniformly asymptotically regular with sequences {ε^(i)n} and asymptotically pseudocontractive mappings with sequences {κ^(i)n}, where {κ^(i)n} and {ε^(i)n}, i = 1, 2,... ,N, satisfy certain mild conditions. Let a sequence {xn} be generated from x1 ∈ K by zn:= (1-μn)xn+μnT^nnxn, xn+1 := λnθnx1+ [1 - λn(1 + θn)]xn + λnT^nnzn for all integer n ≥ 1, where Tn = Tn(mod N), and {λn}, {θn} and {μn} are three real sequences in [0, 1] satisfying appropriate conditions. Then ||xn- Tixn||→ 0 as n→∞ for each l ∈ {1, 2,..., N}. The results presented in this paper generalize and improve the corresponding results of Chidume and Zegeye, Reinermann, Rhoades and Schu.  相似文献   

Let {εt; t ∈ Z^+} be a strictly stationary sequence of associated random variables with mean zeros, let 0〈Eε1^2〈∞ and σ^2=Eε1^2+1∑j=2^∞ Eε1εj with 0〈σ^2〈∞.{aj;j∈Z^+} is a sequence of real numbers satisfying ∑j=0^∞|aj|〈∞.Define a linear process Xt=∑j=0^∞ ajεt-j,t≥1,and Sn=∑t=1^n Xt,n≥1.Assume that E|ε1|^2+δ′〈 for some δ′〉0 and μ(n)=O(n^-ρ) for some ρ〉0.This paper achieves a general law of precise asymptotics for {Sn}.  相似文献   

An L(d0,d2,...,dt)-labeling of a graph G is a function f from its vertex set V(G) to the set {0,1,..., k} for some positive integer k such that If(x) - f(y)l ≥di, if the distance between vertices x and y in G is equal to i for i = 1,2,...,t. The L(d1,d2,...,dt)-number λ(G;d1,d2,... ,dt) of G is the smallest integer number k such that G has an L(d1,d2,...,dr)- labeling with max{f (x)|x ∈ V(G)} = k. In this paper, we obtain the exact values for λ(Cn; 2, 2, 1) and λ(Cn; 3, 2, 1), and present lower and upper bounds for λ(Cn; 2,..., 2, 1,..., 1)  相似文献   

设G是一个齐次群,X0,X1,X2,...,Xp0为G上满足Hormander秩条件的实左不变向量场且X1,X2,...,Xp0是1次齐次的,X0是2次齐次的.在本文中,我们研究如下带有漂移项的算子:L=∑p0i,j=1aijXiXj+a0X0,其中(aij)是一个常数矩阵且满足椭圆条件,a0∈R/{0}.对算子L,通过建立齐型空间上的奇异积分Morrey有界性和关于此向量场的插值不等式,我们在群G上获得了整体Sobolev-Morrey估计.  相似文献   

考虑多滞量非自治中立型泛函微分方程(d)/(dt)x(t)-∑mi=1fi(t, x(t-τi))+∑nj=1gj(t,x(t-δj))=0, tt0,其中τi, δj∈(0,∞),fi, gj∈C([t0,∞)×R, R), i=1,2,...,m, j=1,2,...,n, 且当tt0,x∈R时,x*gj(t,x)0,j=1,2,...,n,获得了该方程零解一致稳定和渐近稳定的充分条件,推广并改进了现有文献中的相关结论.  相似文献   

The asymptotic expansion for small |t| of the trace of the wave kernel ∧↑μ(t) =∑v=1^∞exp(-it μv^1/2), where i= √-1 and {μv}v=1^∞ are the eigenvalues of the negative Laplacian -△=-∑β=1^2(δ/δx^β)^2 in the (x^1, x^2)-plane, is studied for a multi-connected vibrating membrane Ω in R^2 surrounded by simply connected bounded domains Ωj with smooth boundaries δΩj(j=1,...,n), where a finite number of piecewise smooth Robin boundary conditions on the piecewise smooth components Гi(i=1 κj-1,...,κj) of the boundaries δΩj are considered, such that δΩj=∪i=1 κj-1^κj Гi and κ0=0. The basic problem is to extract information on the geometry of Ω using the wave equation approach. Some geometric quantities of Ω (e.g. the area of Ω, the total lengths of its boundary, the curvature of its boundary, the number of the holes of Ω, etc.) are determined from the asymptotic expansion of the trace of the wave kernel ∧↑μ(t) for small |t|.  相似文献   

考虑多滞量非自治中立型泛函微分方程(d)/(dt)x(t)-∑mi=1fi(t, x(t-τi))+∑nj=1gj(t,x(t-δj))=0, tt0,其中τi, δj∈(0,∞),fi, gj∈C([t0,∞)×R, R), i=1,2,...,m, j=1,2,...,n, 且当tt0,x∈R时,x*gj(t,x)0,j=1,2,...,n,获得了该方程零解一致稳定和渐近稳定的充分条件,推广并改进了现有文献中的相关结论.  相似文献   

《数学教学》2012年第12期的数学问题874为:题目 已知 m,n∈N+,m,n≥2,xi∈R+(i=1,2,…,m),(^m∑i=1)xi=S,n∈N+,求证:(^m∑i=1)^n√xi/S-xi≥.看完此题,笔者不禁想起了文[1]中的不等式:题源1已知a,b,c为正数,求证:√a/(b+c)+√b/(c+a)+√c/(a+b)〉2。  相似文献   

We establish the existence of fundamental solutions for the anisotropic porous medium equation, ut = ∑n i=1(u^mi)xixi in R^n × (O,∞), where m1,m2,..., and mn, are positive constants satisfying min1≤i≤n{mi}≤ 1, ∑i^n=1 mi 〉 n - 2, and max1≤i≤n{mi} ≤1/n(2 + ∑i^n=1 mi).  相似文献   

In this paper, we have proposed an upper bound for the largest Z-eigenvalue of an irreducible weakly symmetric and nonnegative tensor, which is called the Brauer upper bound:■where■ As applications, a bound on the Z-spectral radius of uniform hypergraphs is presented.  相似文献   

假定Γ是一个有限的、单的、无向的且无孤立点的图,G是Aut(Γ)的一个子群.如果G在Γ的边集合上传递,则称Γ是G-边传递图.我们完全分类了当G为一个有循环的极大子群的素数幂阶群时的G-边传递图.结果为:设图Γ含有一个阶为pn(p是素数,n≥2)的自同构群,且G有一个极大子群循环,则Γ是G-边传递的,当且仅当Γ同构于下列图之一1)pmK1,pn-1-m,0≤m≤n-1;2)pmK1,pn-m,0≤m≤n;3)pmKp,pn-m-1,0≤m≤n-2;4)pn-mCpm,pm≥3,m<n;5)2n-2K1,1;6)pn-1-mCpm,pm≥3,m≤n-1;7)2pn-mCpm,pm≥3,m≤n-1;8)2pn-mK1,pm,0≤m≤n;9)pn-mK1,2pm,0≤m≤n;10)pn-mK2,pm,0<m≤n;11)C(2pn-m,1,pm);12)pkC(2pm-k,1,pn-m),0<k<m,0<m≤n;13)(t-s,2m)C(2m 1/(t-s,2m),1,2n-1-m),其中0≤m≤n-1,2n-2(s-1)≡0(mod 2m),t≡1(mod 2),s(≠)t(mod 2m),1≤s≤2m,1≤t≤2n-1;14)∪p i=1 Ci p n-1,其中Ci p n-1=Ca1a1 [1 (i-1)pn-2]a 1 2[1 (i--1)p n-2]…a 1 (pn-1-1)[1 (i-1)p n-2]≌Cp n-1,i=1,2,…,p;15)∪2 i=1 Ci 2n-1,其中Ci 2n-1=Ca1a 1 [1 (i-1)(2n-2-1)]a1 2[1 (i-1)(2n-2-1)]…a1 (2n-1-1)[1 (i-1)(2n-2-1)]≌C2n-1,i=1,2.  相似文献   

关注如下的对流扩散方程 $$ u_{t}=\text{div}(|\nabla u^{m}|^{p-2}\nabla u^{m})+\sum_{i=1}^{N}\frac{\partial b_{i}(u^{m})}{\partial x_{i}} $$ 的初边值问题. 若 $p>1+\frac{1}{m}$, 通过考虑正则化问题的解 $u_{k}$, 利用 Moser 迭代技巧, 得到了$u_{k}$ 的 $L^{\infty}$ 模与 梯度 $\nabla u_{k}$ 的 $L^{p}$ 模的局部有界性. 利用紧致性定理, 得到了对流扩散方程本身解的存在性. 若 $p<1+\frac{1}{m},\ p>2$ 或者 $p=1+\frac{1}{m}$, 利用类似的方法可以得到解的存在性. 证明了解的唯一性, 同时讨论了正性和熄灭性等解的性质.  相似文献   

We present various inequalities for the error function. One of our theorems states: Let α?≥?1. For all x,y?>?0 we have $$ \delta_{\alpha} < \frac{ \mbox{erf} \left( x+ \mbox{erf}(y)^{\alpha}\right) +\mbox{erf}\left( y+ \mbox{erf}(x)^{\alpha}\right) } {\mbox{erf}\left( \mbox{erf}(x)+\mbox{erf}(y)\right) } < \Delta_{\alpha} $$ with the best possible bounds $$ \delta_{\alpha}= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1+\sqrt{\pi}/2, & \ \ \textrm{{if} $\alpha=1$,}\\ \sqrt{\pi}/2, & \ \ \textrm{{if} $\alpha>1$,}\\ \end{array}\right. \quad{\mbox{and} \,\,\,\,\, \Delta_{\alpha}=1+\frac{1}{\mbox{erf}(1)}.} $$   相似文献   

The author gives some disagreement to the following result, which is published in [1]. Let ${L_{n}(f)}$ be mass-concerntative,$\phi\rightarrow 0(n\rightarrow \infty), 0<\alpha\leq2$ and $$C^{-1}\leq \phi_{n+1}/\phi_{n}\leq C (n=1,2,\ldots)$$ for some constrant $C>0$. Then for any $f\in C[-2a,2a]$, $$\parallel L_{n}(f)-f\parallel_{C[ a,a]}= O(\phi^{\alpha}_{n})$$ inplies $f \in Lip^{*}\alpha$, where $$Lip*\alpha={f\in C[-2a,2a]|\omega_{2}(f,\delta)_{[-2a,2a]}=O(\delta^{\alpha})}.$$ Then some similar results on $C_{2\pi$ are given, and further some results on $C[-2a,2a]$ are established by adding some proper conditions.  相似文献   

设m(t)∈C[Jk,R ](k=1,2,…,m),且满足不等式m(t)<(L1 L2t)∫tn(s)ds L3t∫a m(s)ds ∑o0满足KaLs(eδ(L1 aL2)-1)相似文献   

This paper deals with the following mixed problem for Quasilinear hyperbolic equationsThe M order uniformly valid asymptotic solutions are obtained and there errors areestimated.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the existence of nodal solutions for the following problem:-(φ_p(x′))′= α(t)φ_p(x~+) + β(t)φ_p(x~-) + ra(t)f(x), 0 t 1,x(0) = x(1) = 0,where φ_p(s) = |s|~(p-2)s, a ∈ C([0, 1],(0, ∞)), x~+= max{x, 0}, x~-=- min{x, 0}, α(t), β(t) ∈C[0, 1]; f ∈ C(R, R), sf(s) 0 for s ≠ 0, and f_0, f_∞∈(0, ∞), where f_0 = lim_|s|→0f(s)/φ_p(s), f_∞ = lim|s|→+∞f(s)/φ_p(s).We use bifurcation techniques and the approximation of connected components to prove our main results.  相似文献   

应用锥压缩锥拉伸不动点定理和Leray-Schauder 抉择定理研究了一类具有P-Laplace算子的奇异离散边值问题$$\left\{\begin{array}{l}\Delta[\phi (\Delta x(i-1))]+ q_{1}(i)f_{1}(i,x(i),y(i))=0, ~~~i\in \{1,2,...,T\}\\\Delta[\phi (\Delta y(i-1))]+ q_{2}(i)f_{2}(i,x(i),y(i))=0,\\x(0)=x(T+1)=y(0)=y(T+1)=0,\end{array}\right.$$的单一和多重正解的存在性,其中$\phi(s) = |s|^{p-2}s, ~p>1$,非线性项$f_{k}(i,x,y)(k=1,2)$在$(x,y)=(0,0)$具有奇性.  相似文献   

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