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Seasonal variation of the integrated primary production (IPP) and surface chlorophyll (Chl0) in different regions of the Kara Sea was studied from satellite data obtained by the MODIS-Aqua colour scanner and averaged for 2003–2015. The minimum variation of Chl0 concentration during the growing season (from April to October) was 1.5 times in southwestern region and 2 times in the northern region of the sea. It was found that the Chl0 concentration increased slightly in all regions by the end of the growing season. The maximum IPP value recorded in June coincided with the peak level of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and maximum river discharge. The IPP value varied in a wider range compared with the Chl0 concentration. The ratio of the maximum and minimum monthly average IPP values varied from 8.9 times in Southwestern region to 11.7 times in the Northern region of the sea. The average increase in the Chl0 concentration was 1.7 times (from 0.78 mg/m3 in April to 1.29 mg/m3 in October). The IPP value varied by a factor of 10.7 (from 26 mg C/m2 per day in October to 279 mg C/m2 per day in June). The article also discusses the influence of water column stratification, the concentration of nutrients, the PAR level, and river discharge on the seasonal IPP dynamics in the Kara Sea.  相似文献   

A. B. Demidov 《Oceanology》2008,48(5):664-678
Seasonal variations in the surface chlorophyll a concentrations (Chl s) and the integrated primary production (PP inf) were investigated for ten regions of the Black Sea based on long term observations (1973–1997). Two or three maximums of both Chl s and PP inf were registered in most of the shelf regions (SR, <200 m), the continental slope (CS, 200–1500 m), and the deep regions (DSR >1500 m) in February–March, June–August, and October–November. Such a pattern suggests that the seasonal dynamics of PP inf strongly depend on the Chl s variability. The mean annual values of the PP inf comprised 130–420, 130–150, and 140–150 g C m?2 in the SR, CS, and DSR, respectively. These values are mainly typical of the eutrophic layer and the transition between the eutrophic and mesotrophic waters (SR) or for the upper boundary of the mesotrophic waters (CS and DSR). The maximal contribution of the wintertime (December–March) to the total PP inf values (40–42%) was observed in the DSR. In the SR and the adjacent eastern CS areas, the proportion of the PP inf summertime production (June–September) reaches 40–60% and is higher than the wintertime production. The lowest values of PP inf (9–17%) were produced in the spring and autumn periods. The total annual values of PP inf in the Black Sea are close to 50–70 Mt C.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of inorganic nutrients and phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a), and its relation with hydrological features, was studied in the NW Alboran Sea during four cruises conducted in February, April, July and October 2002. In the upper layers, the seasonal pattern of nutrient concentrations and their molar ratios (N:Si:P) was greatly influenced by hydrological conditions. The higher nutrient concentrations were observed during the spring cruise (2.54 μM NO3, 0.21 μM PO43− and 1.55 μM Si(OH)4, on average), coinciding with the increase of salinity due to upwelling induced by westerlies. The lowest nutrient concentrations were observed during summer (<0.54 μM NO3, 0.13 μM PO43− and 0.75 μM Si(OH)4, on average), when the lower salinities were detected. Nutrient molar ratios (N:Si:P) followed the same seasonal pattern as nutrient distribution. During all the cruises, the ratio N:P in the top 20 m was lower than 16:1, indicating a NO3 deficiency relative to PO43−. The N:P ratio increased with depth, reaching values higher than 16:1 in the deeper layers (200–300 m). The N:Si ratio in the top 20 m was lower than 1:1, excepting during spring when N:Si ratios higher than 1:1 were observed in some stations due to the upwelling event. The N:Si ratio increased with depth, showing a maximum at 50–100 m (>1.5:1), which indicates a shift towards Si-deficiency in these layers. The Si:P ratio was much lower than 16:1 throughout the water column during the four cruises. In general, the spatial and seasonal variation of phytoplankton biomass showed a strong coupling with hydrological and chemical fields. The higher chlorophyll a concentrations at the depth of the chlorophyll maximum were found in April (2.57 mg m−3 on average), while the lowest phytoplankton biomass corresponded to the winter cruise (0.74 mg m−3 on average). The low nitrate concentrations together with the low N:P ratios found in the upper layers (top 20 m) during the winter, summer and autumn cruises suggest that N-limitation could occur in these layers during great part of the year. However, N-limitation during the spring cruise was temporally overcome by nutrient enrichment caused by an intense wind-driven upwelling event.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton standing stocks and carbon assimilation were measured during four cruises to the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica during 1996 and 1997 in order to assess the details of the seasonal cycle of biomass and productivity. The seasonal composite showed that phytoplankton biomass increased rapidly during the austral spring, and integrated chlorophyll reached a maximum during the summer (January 15) and decreased thereafter. Particulate matter ratios (carbon:nitrogen, carbon:chlorophyll) also showed distinct seasonal trends with summer minima. Carbon assimilation increased rapidly in the spring, and reached a maximum of 231 mmol C m−2 d−1, ca. four weeks earlier than the maximum observed biomass (during early December). It decreased rapidly thereafter, and in austral autumn when ice formed, it approached zero. The time of maximum growth rate coincided with the maximum in C-assimilation, and at 0.66 d−1 equaled predictions based on laboratory cultures. Growth rates over the entire growing season, however, were generally much less. Deck-board incubations suggested that photoinhibition occurred at the greatest photon flux densities, but in situ incubations revealed no such surface inhibition. We suggest that due to the nature of the irradiance field in the Antarctic, assemblages maintained in on-deck incubators received more light than those in situ, which resulted in photoinhibition. This in turn resulted in a 17% underestimate in on-deck productivity relative to in situ determinations. The phytoplankton bloom appeared to be initiated when vertical stability was imparted in austral spring, coincident with greater daily photon flux densities. Conversely, decreased productivity likely resulted from trace metal limitation, whereas biomass declines likely resulted from enhanced loss rates, such as aggregate formation and enhanced vertical flux of larger particles. The seasonal progression of productivity and biomass in the southern Ross Sea was similar to other areas in the ocean that experience blooms, and the cycling of carbon in this region is extensive, despite the fact that the growing season extends no more than five months.  相似文献   

Ninety-four stations were sampled in the Atlantic subtropical gyres during 10 cruises carried out between 1995 and 2001, mainly in boreal spring and autumn. Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and primary production were measured during all cruises, and phytoplankton biomass was estimated in part of them. Picoplankton (<2 μm) represented >60% of total Chl-a concentration measured at the surface, and their contribution to this variable increased with depth. Phytoplankton carbon concentrations were higher in the upper metres of the water column, whereas Chl-a showed a deep maximum (DCM). At each station, the water column was divided into the upper mixed layer (ML) and the DCM layer (DCML). The boundary between the two layers was calculated as the depth where Chl-a concentration was 50% of the maximum Chl-a concentration. On average DCML extends from 67 to 126 m depth. Carbon to Chl-a (C:Chl-a) ratios were used to estimate phytoplankton carbon content from Chl-a in order to obtain a large phytoplankton carbon dataset. Total C:Chl-a ratios averaged (±s.e.) 103±7 (n=22) in the ML and 24±4 (n=12) in the DCML and were higher in larger cells than in picoplankton. Using these ratios and primary production measurements, we derived mean specific growth rates of 0.17±0.01 d−1 (n=173) in the ML and 0.20±0.01 d−1 (n=165) in the DCML although the differences were not significant (t-test, p>0.05). Our results suggest a moderate contribution of the DCML (43%) to both phytoplankton biomass and primary production in the Atlantic subtropical gyres.  相似文献   

The newly-discovered prochlorophyte Prochlorococcus marinus is often numerically dominant in the euphotic zone of the tropical and subtropical ocean; however, its contribution to phytoplankton biomass and primary production is largely unknown. Using its unique pigment divinyl-chlorophyll a (Chl a2) as a chemosystematic marker, we show that Prochlorococcus is present at a station in the Sargasso Sea throughout most of the year. Whereas it is only found at depth during the early summer, it can be found throughout the euphotic zone during the rest of the year. Averaged over the year Prochlorococcus pigment-biomass constitutes about 30% of the total. Its growth rate, estimated from the incorporation of 14C into Chl a2 ranged from values of 0.3 day−1 in the surface layer to values less than 0.1 day−1 at the bottom of the euphotic zone. Averaged over the seasons, approximately 25% of the total productivity was due to Prochlorococcus. Prochlorococcus clearly is an important component of the ecosystem in the Sargasso Sea, and perhaps the world ocean.  相似文献   

东海、黄海浮游植物生物量的粒级结构及时空分布   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
浮游植物是海洋初级生产力的主要贡献者,初级生产过程是碳的生物地球化学循环的基础,它启动了海洋生态系统的能量流和物质流,支持着大量的渔业生产量.不仅如此,通过复杂的反馈机制,这一过程还对全球气候变化系统产生深远影响.沿岸海域只占全球海洋面积的8%,但却提供了26%的全球生物生产量和2/3到3/4的世界渔业产量.因此,许多重大的国际研究计划,如海岸带陆海相互作用(LOICZ)、全球海洋生态系统动力学研究(GLO-BEC)等,都将近海浮游植物研究作为非常重要的课题.  相似文献   

We examined bacterioplankton biomass and heterotrophic production (BHP) during summer stratification in the northwestern Mediterranean in four successive stratification seasons (June–July of 1993–1996). Values of phytoplankton biomass and primary production were determined simultaneously so that the data sets for autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial plankton could be compared. Three standard stations were set along a transect from Barcelona to the channel between Mallorca and Menorca, representing coastally influenced shelf waters, frontal waters over the slope front, and open sea waters. Conversion factors from 3H-leucine incorporation to BHP were empirically determined and varied between 0.29 and 3.25 kg C mol-1. Bacterial biomass values were among the lowest found in any marine environment. BHP values (between 0.02 and 2.5 μg C L-1 d-1) were larger than those of low nutrient low chlorophyll areas such as the Sargasso Sea and lower than those from high nutrient low chlorophyll areas such as the equatorial Pacific. Growth rates of bacterioplankton were highest at the slope front (0.20 d-1) and lowest at the open sea station (0.04 d-1). Phytoplankton growth rates were similar at the three stations (∼0.50 d-1). Integrated values of bacterioplankton biomass, BHP and bacterial growth rates did not show significant differences among years, but differences between the three stations were clearly significant. Phytoplankton biomass, primary production, and phytoplankton growth rates did not show significant differences either with year or with station. As a consequence the bacterioplankton to phytoplankton biomass (BB/BPHY) and production (BHP/PP) ratios varied from the coastal to the open sea stations. The BB/BPHY ratio was 0.98 at the coast and ∼0.70 at the other two stations. These ratios are similar to those found in other oligotrophic marine environments. The BHP/PP ratio was 0.83 at the coast, 0.36 at the slope and 0.09 at the open sea station. The last value is also similar to values found in other oligotrophic marine environments. Vertical distribution of these ratios was also examined.The comparison of microbial parameters at the three stations indicates a different kind of relationship between bacterioplankton and phytoplankton in oligotrophic open sea waters and in coastal, nutrient-richer waters. According to such parameters and to the values of the BB/BPHY and BHP/PP ratios, open waters in the northwestern Mediterranean (despite their relatively short distance from the shore) were intermediate between the extremely oligotrophic waters of the eastern Mediterranean or the Sargasso Sea and the more productive waters of the equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of phytoplankton/chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) distribution, sea surface wind, sea height anomaly, sea surface temperature and other oceanic environments for long periods are analyzed in the South China Sea (SCS), especially in the two typical regions off the east coast of Vietnam and off the northwest coast of Luzon, using remote sensing data and other oceanographic data. The results show that seasonal and spatial distributions of phytoplankton biomass in the SCS are primarily influenced by the monsoon winds and oceanic environments. Off the east coast of Vietnam, Chl-a concentration is a peak in August, a jet shape extending into the interior SCS, which is associated with strong southwesterly monsoon winds, the coastal upwetling induced by offshore Ekman transport and the strong offshore current in the western SCS. In December, high Chl-a concentration appears in the upwelling region off the northwest coast of Luzon and spreads southwestward. Strong mixing by the strong northeasterly monsoon winds, the cyclonic circulation, southwestward coastal currents and river discharge have impacts on distribution of phytoplankton, so that the high phytoplankton biomass extends from the coastal areas over the northern SCS to the entire SCS in winter. These research activities could be important for revealing spatial and temporal patterns of phytoplankton and their interactions with physical environments in the SCS.  相似文献   

孙军  刘东艳  张晨  钟华 《海洋学报》2003,25(5):103-112
对1998年9月和1999年4月在渤海(37°~41°N,117.5°~122.5°E)进行的两次生态系统综合外业调查,对蓬莱、长岛两地进行15个月的连续资料监测,对渤海调查区浮游植物粒级生物量的平面分布、垂直分布、昼夜变化和周年变化特征进行了研究.结果表明,秋季主要以小型浮游植物为主,然后依次为微型和微微型浮游植物;春季主要以微型浮游植物所占比重最高,其次为小型浮游植物,微微型浮游植物占比例最低.1998年秋季对断面1,2浮游植物粒级组分的垂直分布研究表明,在不同海区(调查区西部、南部、渤海中部和渤海海峡)的不同水层,浮游植物粒级生物量的分布有明显差异.潮汐对浮游植物粒级生物量的周日变化影响较大.蓬莱、长岛两地的连续调查资料表明,浮游植物各粒级组分除微微型浮游植物外1a有两个峰.网采浮游植物在4和7月有高峰,4月是主峰;小型网采浮游植物在6和11月有高峰,6月是主峰;微型浮游植物在4和11月有高峰,两峰值接近;微微型浮游植物在9月有高峰.调查区与其他海区浮游植物叶绿素a浓度粒级组分比较,表明小型浮游植物所占比重较大.  相似文献   

本文讨论了2013年5月南海东沙天然气水合物区浮游植物生物量和生产力粒级结构特征及其环境影响因素。结果表明,研究海域表现出典型的低营养盐、低叶绿素a、低生产力特征,浮游植物叶绿素a和初级生产力具有明显的次表层最大值现象。东沙海域生物量和初级生产力粒级结构差异性显著,从生物量和生产力贡献度来看,表现为微微型浮游植物> 微型浮游植物> 小型浮游植物。生物量的垂直分布结果表明,春季不同粒级类群浮游植物在真光层内的分布存在明显不同,比如小型浮游植物在真光层内分布较均匀;微型浮游植物则主要分布于近表层或真光层中部,而微微型浮游植物则主要分布于真光层中部和底部。微微型浮游植物在纬度较低的热带贫营养海区之所以能够占主导优势,最主要的原因是其极小的细胞体积和较大的表面积使其有利于营养竞争。相关性分析表明,南海东沙浮游植物各粒级生物量与温度、pH显著正相关,与硅酸盐、磷酸盐显著负相关;浮游植物各粒级生产力与温度显著正相关,与盐度、磷酸盐显著负相关。磷酸盐含量是影响东沙海域浮游植物粒级结构差异的重要因素之一,同时,光辐照度和水体的真光层深度对东沙天然气水合物区不同粒径浮游植物的垂直分布起着更为重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community composition, productivity and biomass characteristics of the mesohaline lower Neuse River estuary were assessed monthly from May 1988 to February 1990. An incubation method which considered water-column mixing and variable light exposure was used to determine phytoplankton primary productivity. The summer productivity peaks in this shallow estuary were stimulated by increases in irradiance and temperature. However, dissolved inorganic nitrogen loading was the major factor controlling ultimate yearly production. Dynamic, unpredictable rainfall events determined magnitudes of seasonal production pulses through nitrogen loading, and helped determine phytoplankton species composition. Dinoflagellates occasionally bloomed but were otherwise present in moderate numbers; rainfall events produced large pulses of cryptomonads, and dry seasons and subsequent higher salinity led to dominance by small centric diatoms. Daily production was strongly correlated (r = 0·82) with nitrate concentration and inversely correlated (r = −0·73) with salinity, while nitrate and salinity were inversely correlated (r = −0·71), emphasizing the importance of freshwater input as a nutrient-loading source to the lower estuary. During 1989 mean daily areal phytoplankton production was 938 mgC m−2, mean chlorophyll a was 11·8 mg m−3, and mean phytoplankton density was 1·56 × 103 cells ml−1. Estimated 1989 annual areal phytoplankton production for the lower estuary was 343 gC m−2.  相似文献   

O. A. Yunev 《Oceanology》2011,51(4):616-625
Using the data of daily primary production, as well as intraannual and long-term changes in the concentration of chlorophyll “a” and hydrochemical characteristics, the annual primary production of phytoplankton in the deep-water part of the Black Sea is estimated for the three key periods in the contemporary evolution of the sea: preeutrophication, very intense eutrophication, and the present-day period characterized by deeutrophication. It is shown that eutrophication in the second part of the 20th Century led to an increase in the production level not only in the shelf of the Black Sea, but also its deep-water areas. By the end of the 1980s and the early 1990s, the value of the annual primary production in this part of the sea increased from 63 ± 18 g C m−2 yr−1 (in the 1960s) up to 135 ± 30 g C m−2 yr−1. On the contrary, after 1993, mainly because of reduced runoff of biogenic substances into the Black Sea from land based sources, there was a decrease in the annual production of phytoplankton in the deep-water areas of the sea, which is currently about 105 g C m−2 yr−1.  相似文献   

During June 1997 cruise by R/V Science No.l, observations on temporal and spatialvariations of the size-fractionated phytoplankton standing stock and primary production were carried out in the Bohai Sea. The size-fractionated chlorophyll a (Chl a) and primary production, photosynthet-ically available radiation (PAR), as well as the related physico-oceanographic and zooplanktonic parameters were measured at five time-series observation stations representing sub-areas of the sea. Results obtained show that there were the marked features of spatial zonation of Chl a and primary production in the Bohai Sea. The values in the Laizhou Bay, the Liaodong Gulf and the Bohai Gulf were high and showed close relation with tidal fluctuations, i.e. high Chl a concentration occurred during high tide in the Laizhou Bay, and during low tide in the Liaodong Gulf and the Bohai Gulf. In the strait and the central region of the Bohai Sea, the values were relatively low and no relationship with tidal fluctuation could be foun  相似文献   

Myanmar is tenth among the world’s fish-producing countries and third in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). To understand the mechanisms underlying the high production, oceanographic and phytoplankton surveys, including primary productivity measurements based on pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry, were conducted near an active fishing ground near Myeik City. Three surveys, one in each of the representative seasons and covering the characteristic coastal environments, showed well-defined seasonality in primary production and phytoplankton occurrence. End of the dry season was the most productive, with productivity of 2.59 ± 1.56 g C m?2 day?1 and high concentration of chlorophyll a (3.14 ± 2.64 µg L?1). In this season, the phytoplankton population was dominated by high densities of the diatoms Bellerochea horologicalis and Chaetoceros curvisetus, whereas primary productivity was low at the onset of the dry season, 1.36 ± 0.77 g C m?2 day?1. However, this low primary production might be compensated by activation of microbial food chains originating from high dissolved organic carbon. The rainy season exhibited the lowest production, 6.6% of the end of the dry season, due to the extensive discharge of turbid water from the rivers which lowered euphotic layer depth and resulted in an unusually high diffuse attenuation coefficient of 2.30 ± 1.03 m?1. This incident of turbid water may be related to soil erosion from deforestation and mangrove deterioration. This research reveals the seasonal trend in Myanmar’s coastal productivity and its relationship to the tropical monsoon climate as well as emphasizing the importance of tropical coastal environments to the sustainability of the fisheries.  相似文献   

The East China Sea is a productive marginal sea with a wide continental shelf and plays an important role in absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide and transferring terrigenous organic matter to the open ocean. To investigate the roles of heterotrophic bacteria in the biogeochemical dynamics in the East China Sea, bacterial biomasses(BB) and productions(BP) were measured in four cruises. The spatial distributions of the BB and the BP were highly season-dependent. Affected by the Changjiang River discharge, the BB and the BP were high in shelf waters(bottom depth not deeper than 50 m) and generally decreased offshore in August 2009. In December 2009 to January 2010, and November to December 2010, the BB and the BP were high in waters with medium bottom depth. The onshore-offshore decreasing trends of the BB and the BP also existed in May–June 2011, when the BB was significantly higher than in other cruises in shelf break waters(bottom depth deeper than 50 m but not deeper than 200 m). The results of generalized additive models(GAM) suggest that the BB increased with the temperature at a range of 8-20°C, increased with the chlorophyll concentration at a range of 0.02–3.00 mg/m3 and then declining, and decreased with the salinity from 28 to 35. The relationship between the temperature and the log-transformed bacterial specific growth rate(SGR) was linear. The estimated temperature coefficient(Q10) of the SGR was similar with that of the phytoplankton growth. The SGR also increased with the chlorophyll concentration. The ratio of the bacterial to phytoplankton production ranged from less than 0.01 to 0.40, being significantly higher in November–December 2010 than in May–June 2011. Calculated from the bacterial production and growth efficiency, the bacterial respiration consumed, on average, 59%, 72% and 23% of the primary production in August 2009, November–December 2010, and May–June 2011, respectively.  相似文献   

The latitudinal distributions of phytoplankton biomass, composition and production in the Atlantic Ocean were determined along a 10,000-km transect from 50°N to 50°S in October 1995, May 1996 and October 1996. Highest levels of euphotic layer-integrated chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration (75–125 mg Chl m−2) were found in North Atlantic temperate waters and in the upwelling region off NW Africa, whereas typical Chl a concentrations in oligotrophic waters ranged from 20 to 40 mg Chl m−2. The estimated concentration of surface phytoplankton carbon (C) biomass was 5–15 mg C m−2 in the oligotrophic regions and increased over 40 mg C m−2 in richer areas. The deep chlorophyll maximum did not seem to constitute a biomass or productivity maximum, but resulted mainly from an increase in the Chl a to C ratio and represented a relatively small contribution to total integrated productivity. Primary production rates varied from 50 mg C m−2 d−1 at the central gyres to 500–1000 mg C m−2 d−1 in upwelling and higher latitude regions, where faster growth rates (μ) of phytoplankton (>0.5 d−1) were also measured. In oligotrophic waters, microalgal growth was consistently slow [surface μ averaged 0.21±0.02 d−1 (mean±SE)], representing <20% of maximum expected growth. These results argue against the view that the subtropical gyres are characterized by high phytoplankton turnover rates. The latitudinal variations in μ were inversely correlated to the changes in the depth of the nitracline and positively correlated to those of the integrated nitrate concentration, supporting the case for the role of nutrients in controlling the large-scale distribution of phytoplankton growth rates. We observed a large degree of temporal variability in the phytoplankton dynamics in the oligotrophic regions: productivity and growth rates varied in excess of 8-fold, whereas microalgal biomass remained relatively constant. The observed spatial and temporal variability in the biomass specific rate of photosynthesis is at least three times larger than currently assumed in most satellite-based models of global productivity.  相似文献   

南海北部浮游植物生物量的研究特点及影响因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了浮游植物生物量变化的研究方法。综述了南海北部浮游植物生物量在营养盐、光照、季风等理化因子影响下出现的变化特点。该海域生态环境复杂,由富营养的珠江口、沿岸带、北部湾和广阔的陆架及贫营养的开阔海区等不同生态区组成,因此浮游植物群落和生物量有其自身复杂的空间和时间变化特点。  相似文献   

黄海冷水团水域浮游植物群落粒级结构的季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2006—2007年度4个季节航次的实测资料,分析了黄海冷水团水域浮游植物叶绿素及其粒级结构的时空分布特征及季节变化规律,结果表明,在研究海域30 m以浅叶绿素总量的平均含量从高到低的顺序为:春季的(1.01 mg/m3)、夏季的(0.81 mg/m3)、秋季(0.72 mg/m3)、冬季(0.68 mg/m3);在叶绿素浓度大于1 mg/m3和小于1 mg/m3的区域浮游植物粒级结构差异较大,在整个研究海域,粒径较小的微型和微微型浮游植物对总生物量的贡献始终占主导(65%),粒径较大的小型浮游植物在冬季和春季贡献率相对较高;从季节尺度看,浮游植物的平均粒级指数从大到小的顺序为:春季的(15.47μm),冬季的(11.08μm),秋季的(8.61μm),夏季的(6.52μm);尽管不同季节水文和化学环境差异显著,但是不同粒径浮游植物的贡献率随总生物量的变化表现出一致性的规律。对环境因子与叶绿素分布的相关分析表明,浮游植物的生长在夏季主要受到营养盐来源的限制,冬季主要受到水体混合引起的光照限制,秋季可能受到磷酸盐和水体混合的共同限制。浮游植物粒级结构的分布格局主要是由各组分在不同环境中的资源竞争优势决定的。  相似文献   

During two cruises to the Greenland Sea, we studied the abundance and biomass of the sea ice biota in summer and late autumn. The mean calculated biomass of the sympagic community was 0.2 g C m−2 ice. Algae contributed on average 43% to total biomass, followed by bacteria (31%), heterotrophic flagellates (20%), and meiofauna (4%). Diatoms were the main primary producers (60% of total algal biomass), but flagellated cells contributed significantly to the algal biomass. Among the meiofauna, ciliates, nematodes, acoel turbellarians and crustaceans were dominant. Calculated potential ingestion rates of meiofauna (0.6 g C m−2 (120 d)−1) are on the same order of magnitude as annual primary production estimates for Arctic multi-year sea ice. We therefore assume that grazing can control biomass accumulation of primary producers inside the sea ice.  相似文献   

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