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A portable broadband seismic array was deployed from the northeast Tibetan Plateau to the southwest Ordos block, China. The seismic structure of the crust and uppermost mantle of the Liupanshan area is obtained using receiver function analysis of teleseismic body waves. The crustal thickness and Poisson's ratios are estimated by stacking the weighted amplitudes of receiver functions. Our results reveal complex seismic phases in the Liupanshan area, implying intense deformation at the boundary between the Tibetan Plateau and the Ordos block. The average crustal thickness is 51.5 km in the northeast Tibetan Plateau, 53.5 km in the Liupan Mountain and 50 km in the southwest Ordos block, resulting in a concave Moho beneath the Liupan Mountain. The Poisson's ratio of the Liupanshan area varies between 0.27-0.29, higher than the value of 0.25-0.26 to the east and west of the Liupan Mountain, suggesting partial melting in the lower crust. The variance in Poisson's ratio across the Liupan Mountain indicates notable changes in the crustal composition and mechanical properties, which may be formed by the northeastward flow of the Tibetan lower crust during the India-Eurasia collision.  相似文献   

根据安徽台网25个台站记录到的远震波形资料,运用频率域反褶积的方法提取接收函数,并采用H-Kappa扫描法反演得到安徽地区各个台站下方的地壳厚度与纵横波速度比。结果显示,安徽地区台站下方地壳厚度大致可分为3个区域:皖西南大别山地区、皖南山区和淮河以北的皖北平原地区,其中大别山地区台站下方的地壳厚度位于35—39 km范围内,相对较厚;皖南地区位于33—36 km范围内;皖北以平原为主,地壳厚度位于30—33 km范围内。这一研究结果与安徽地区的地质构造背景具有较好的相关性。同时,H-K扫描结果显示,安徽地区台站下方波速比基本处于1.70—1.80范围内,变化不大。在界面倾斜角度不大的前提下,利用横向均匀分层模型的波形反演实现接收函数的波形拟合,得到台站下方地壳上地幔S波速度结构,计算结果显示,安徽地震监测台站下莫霍面上表面S波速度一般为3.6—3.9 km/s,而界面底部大约为4.3—4.6 km/s,莫霍面处的速度起伏变化并不十分明显。  相似文献   

The Wudalianchi volcano is a modern volcano erupted since the Holocene.Its frequent occurrence of the small earthquake is considered to be indicator of active dormancy volcano.The S wave velocity structure is inferred from the receiver function for the crust and upper mantle of the Wudalianchi volcano area.The results show that the low velocity structure of Swave is widely distributed undemeath the volcano area and part of the low-velocity-zone located at shallow depth in the Wudalianchi volcano area.The low velocity structure is related to the seismicity.The Moho interface is not clear undemeath the volcano area,which may be regard to be an nec-essary condition for the lava upwelling.Therefore,we infer that the Wudalianchi volcano has the deep structural condition for the volcano activity and may be alive again.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic high-K granitic intrusions from the eastern Dabie Mountains, Central China, can be divided into three superunits namely the Yaohe, Penghe and Huangbai superunits. The Yaohe superunit is compositionally dominated by quartz monzonite extending as a band in NW direction which is differently foliated, contains numerous dioritic enclaves and has been dated as 174 Ma. The Penghe superunit, widely distributed in the field, varies in composition but is dominated by quartz monzonitic and granitic rocks, which is massive in structure, has well developed with dioritic enclaves and is aged in 125-127 Ma. The Huangbai superunit is mainly composed of granitic composition which is massive in structure, rarely contains dioritic enclaves and is aged in 120-111 Ma. These three superunits of granitic intrusions can also be clearly distinguished in geochemistry. They have recorded an orogenic process of the Dabie Mountains from the end of regional metamorphism to the overprinting of the circum-Pacific tectonic regime.  相似文献   


云南地区地处青藏高原东南缘, 一直是地球科学研究的热点地区.目前, 一些热点问题, 如云南地区是否存在中下地壳低速流及其空间分布, 仍有一定的争议.通过建立云南地区精细的地壳上地幔速度与各向异性结构, 可为深入认识上述问题提供重要信息.本文利用天然地震波形记录, 采用双台法提取了12~60 s周期的Rayleigh和Love波相速度频散, 并进一步反演获得了云南地区10~100 km的三维地壳上地幔SV和SH波速度及径向各向异性结构.结果表明:S波速度与径向各向异性结构在横向和垂向均存在显著变化.在20~30 km深度, 存在两个低速条带, 且条带内呈现出正径向各向异性(VSH>VSV)特征, 暗示了中下地壳低速物质的水平向运动.在80~100 km深度, 云南西南和东南部显示为低速异常和正径向各向异性特征, 暗示了软流圈物质的水平流动.在云南北部的丽江、攀枝花和昭通地区, 岩石圈地幔中则存在明显的负径向各向异性(VSH<VSV), 可能反映了地幔物质的上涌痕迹.历史强震多发生在地壳低速区域或高低速过渡带, 且地震附近的径向各向异性为负或者较弱.一些地震震源下方存在低速层, 地壳低速层可能会促进强震发生.


华北地区地壳上地幔S波三维速度结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用华北地区大型流动地震台阵的记录资料,采用近震和远震联合成像方法,得到了水平分辨率0.5°×0.5°、深至600km的S波速度结构.研究结果表明,上地壳S波速度结构与地表地质构造基本一致,燕山—太行山山脉均呈现高速异常,延庆—怀来盆地、大同盆地表现为低速异常,华北盆地内部的拗陷和隆起分别呈现低速和高速.唐山地区中地壳、山西裂陷盆地中下地壳存在明显的低速异常,可能分别与流体和热物质作用有关,有利于形成孕育强震的地质构造环境.90km的速度结构图像依然与地表的构造特征有较大的相关性,可能说明深部结构对地表构造有一定的控制作用.燕山隆起区岩石圈的厚度可达120~150km左右,华北盆地的岩石圈厚度可能在80km左右,太行山地区的岩石圈厚度介于两者之间.山西裂陷盆地上地幔低速层较厚,反映了该区不稳定的构造环境造成了地幔热物质的上涌.华北盆地下方220~320km出现的高速异常体,可能揭示了华北盆地上地幔仍然存在拆沉后残留的难熔、高密度的古老岩石圈地幔.研究区东部地幔转换带呈低速异常,推测可能与太平洋板块俯冲至该区下方地幔转换带前缘120°E左右的俯冲板块相变脱水有关.  相似文献   

Investigations on the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions from the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP)-metamorphosed Shuanghe marbles, that occur as a member of a UHP slab, show that the δ18 O values range from +11.1% to+20.5% SMOW, and δ13 C from+1.0% to+5.7% PDB, respectively. The variations in isotope compositions show a centimeter scale of homogeneity and a heterogeneity of regional scale larger than 1 meter. In contrast to the eclogite marbles from Norway, the Shuanghe marbles have inherited the carbon isotope compositions from their sedimentary precursor. The δ13C shows positive correlation to the content of dolomite. The depletion in18O, compared with the pmtolithic carbonate strata, might result from three possible geological processes: 1) exchanging oxygen isotope with meteoric water before the UHP metamorphism, 2) decarbonation during the UHP metamorphism, and 3) exchanging oxygen isotope with country gneiss at local scale during retrograde metamorphism. It seems that the advection of fluid in the orogenic belt was very limited during subduction and exhumation of UHP rocks. Project supported by a U. S. -China cooperative project led by Prof. Cong Bolin of the Institute of Geology. Chinese Acade-my of Sciences, and Prof. J. G. Liou of the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University and by the National Natural Science Foundation of china (Grant No. 49794042). Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZ951-A1-401r, and National Science Foundation (Grant No. EAR-95-26700).  相似文献   

天山造山带一直以来是研究盆山耦合作用的理想场所, 深入理解这一地区的壳幔结构对认识天山造山带深部动力学过程具有重要意义.本研究基于2009—2020年新疆区域数字地震台网固定台站、震后架设应急流动台站以及部分宽频带流动地震台站记录到的MS≥1.5地震到时资料, 采用双差地震层析成像方法反演获得了新疆天山中段精细的地壳和上地幔顶部三维P波速度结构和地震震源参数.结果显示: 新疆天山中段具有复杂的深浅构造关系, 地壳浅部及上地壳P波速度结构与地表地质构造密切相关, 高速异常区对应于天山造山带, 低速异常区对应于沉积盆地.研究区中东段中地壳和下地壳存在较大范围低速区, 与两侧准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地上地壳和中地壳低速区相连, 且准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地下地壳及上地幔顶部双向均向新疆天山中段下方倾斜.结合前人诸多研究成果推测, 在南北向构造挤压作用下, 塔里木盆地与准噶尔盆地双向向天山造山带壳幔岩石圈发生"层间插入与俯冲削减".重定位后地震分布显示, 地震震源深度优势范围为0~25 km, 主要沿断裂带、盆山结合部以及不同块体接触部位分布, 且与壳内低速体有较好的相关性.这些结果可能为研究新疆天山中段地壳和上地幔顶部速度结构和动力学过程提供参考依据.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ultrahigh pressure (UHP) minerals, such as coesite and diamond in crustal rocks in orogenic belts suggests that a huge amount of continental crust can be subducted to man-tle depth during the continental-continental collision[1—6]. This…  相似文献   

呼包盆地周缘壳、幔结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对呼包盆地周边七个台站的远震接收函数研究表明:研究区地壳厚度为43~46 km,地壳速度比和S波速度结构均无异常;阴山造山带岩石圈埋深为65~85 km,且上地幔S波平均速度偏低,是典型的异常地幔区.根据S波速度结构和地壳厚度随地形高程反比的变化关系,以及地表广泛出露的幔源玄武岩分布,推测该区地幔深部热物质上涌是阴山造山带隆升的原因之一.上升的软流层物质与地幔发生交代、侵蚀作用导致岩石圈减薄,S波速度降低.呼包盆地的形成可能与深部物质上涌造成的拉张效应有关.  相似文献   

A model involving buoyancy, wedging and thermal doming is postulated to explain the differential exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Mountains, China, with an emphasis on the exhumation of the UHP rocks from the base of the crust to the upper crust by opposite wedging of the North China Block (NCB). The Yangtze Block was subducted northward under the NCB and Northern Dabie microblock, forming UHP metamorphic rocks in the Triassic (240–220 Ma). After delamination of the subduction wedge, the UHP rocks were exhumed rapidly to the base of the crust by buoyancy (220–200 Ma). Subsequently, when the left-lateral Tan–Lu transform fault began to be activated, continuous north–south compression and uplifting of the orogen forced the NCB to be subducted southward under the Dabie Orogen (`opposite subduction'). Opposite subduction and wedging of the North China continental crust is responsible for the rapid exhumation of the UHP and South Dabie Block units during the Early Jurassic, at ca 200–180 Ma at a rate of ∼ 3.0 mm/year. The UHP eclogite suffered retrograde metamorphism to greenschist facies. Rapid exhumation of the North Dabie Block (NDB) occurred during 135–120 Ma because of thermal doming and granitoid formation during extension of continental margin of the Eurasia. Amphibolite facies rocks from NDB suffered retrograde metamorphism to greenschist facies. Different unit(s) and terrane(s) were welded together by granites and the wedging ceased. Since 120–110 Ma, slow uplift of the entire Dabie terrane is caused by gravitational equilibrium.  相似文献   

A set of two hundred shear-wave velocity models of the crust and uppermost mantle in southeast Europe is determined by application of a sequence of methods for surface-waves analysis. Group velocities for about 350 paths have been obtained after analysis of more than 600 broadband waveform records. Two-dimensional surface-wave tomography is applied to the group-velocity measurements at selected periods and after regionalisation, two sets of local dispersion curves (for Rayleigh and Love waves) are constructed in the period range 8–40 s. The shear-wave velocity models are derived by applying non-linear iterative inversion of local dispersion curves for grid cells predetermined by the resolving power of data. The period range of observations limits the velocity models to depths of 70 km in accordance to the penetration of the surface waves with a maximum period of 40 s. Maps of the Moho boundary depth, velocity distribution above and below Moho boundary, as well as velocity distribution at different depths are constructed. Well-known geomorphologic units (e.g. the Pannonian basin, southeastern Carpathians, Dinarides, Hellenides, Rodophean massif, Aegean Sea, western Turkey) are delineated in the obtained models. Specific patterns in the velocity models characterise the southeast Carpathians and adjacent areas, coast of Albania, Adriatic coast of southern Italy and the southern coast of the Black Sea. The models obtained in this study for the western Black Sea basin shows the presence of layers with shear-wave velocities of 3.5 km/s–3.7 km/s in the crust and thus do not support the hypothesis of existence of oceanic structure in this region.  相似文献   

Foliated garnet-bearing granite, usually associated with high pressure and ultrahigh -pressure (UHP) metamophic rocks, is a particular rock-type extensively exposed in the Mesozoic Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt of China. This study focuses on deformation features and SHRIMP zircon dating of foliated garnet granite in a high-pressure metamorphic unit from Huwan, western Dabie Mountains in order to resolve discrepancies in current versions of its petrogenesis and structural evolution. SHRIMP dating reveals a zircon age of 762 ± 15 Ma (MSWD=1.7) for Huwan granites, representing the Middle to Late Neoproterozoic age of intrusion and crystallization. Field and microstructural studies show that the Huwan granite body underwent multiple-stage deformation. The deformation was manifested by an early stage of rootless folding and imposition of relict foliation (S1); an Indosinian main stage marked by imposition of north-dipping penetrative gneissosity (S2) and development of ductile shear zones under NNE-SSW directed compression; and a final Indosinian stage of southward thrusting of the Huwan high-pressure unit. Shallow level extension prevailed after the Late Triassic, giving rise to south-dipping thrust faults and north-dipping normal faults. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40802046 and 40334037) and the Project of Science & Technology Research and Development from Sinopec (Grant No. P02009)  相似文献   

From April,2003 to September,2004,a passive broadband seismic array consisting of 60 stations was deployed over the Tianshan orogenic belt by State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics,Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration.Among them,51 stations make up an about 500-km-long profile across the Tianshan Mountains from Kuytun to Kuqa.The receiver function profile and S-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle down to 100 km deep are obtained by using the receiver function method (Liu et al.1996,2000).The main results can be summarized as follows:(1) A clear mountain root does not exist beneath the Tianshan Mountains,and the crust-mantle boundaries underneath the stations mostly have transitional structures.This implies that the material differentiation between the crust and mantle is not yet accomplished and the orogenic process is still going on.(2)The crust beneath the Tianshan Mountains has laterally blocked structures in direction perpendicular to the mountain strike,and the crust-mantle boundary has a clear dislocation structure.Both of them correspond to each other.(3)The offsets of the Moho discontinuity are highly correlated to the tectonic borders on the surface and that corresponding to the frontal southern Tianshan fault reaches to 14 km.This manifests that large vertical divergent movement took place between different blocks.This supports the discontinuous model of the Tianshan orogeny,and the Tarim block subduction is restricted only to the southern side of the South Tianshan.(4)Inside the upper and middle crust of the Tianshan Mountains exist several low-velocity bodies correlated with high seismicity located on the mountain-basin jointures on both sides of the mountain and between different blocks,and the low-velocity bodies on the mountain-basin jointures are inclined obviously to the mountain.This implies that the low-velocity bodies may be correlated closely to the thrust and subduction of the basins on both sides of the mountain,the splicing of adjacent blocks and the fast uplift of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

S-wave velocity structure beneath the Ailaoshan-Red River fault was obtained from receiver functions by using teleseismic body wave records of broadband digital seismic stations. The average crustal thickness, Vp/Vs ratio and Poisson’s ratio were also estimated. The results indicate that the interface of crust and mantle beneath the Ailaoshan-Red River fault is not a sharp velocity discontinuity but a characteristic transition zone. The velocity increases relatively fast at the depth of Moho and then increases slowly in the uppermost mantle. The average crustal thickness across the fault is 36―37 km on the southwest side and 40―42 km on the northeast side, indicating that the fault cuts the crust. The relatively high Poisson’s ratio (0.26―0.28) of the crust implies a high content of mafic materials in the lower crust. Moreover, the lower crust with low velocity could be an ideal position for decoupling between the crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

Distribution of hydrous components in jadeite of the Dabie Mountains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two kinds of jadeite occur in the jadeite-quartzite from the Dabie Mountains, Eastern China: associated either with weak or strong deformation. The former shows a uniform composition while the latter shows both uniform and zoning composition. These jadeites were examined with infrared (IR) spectroscopy. All jadeite displays hydroxyl (OH) stretching bands, implying that hydrous components commonly exist in jadeite. The concentration of the hydrous components in the jadeite with weak deformation is homogenous, whereas the concentration of the hydrous components in strongly deformed samples is variable. The correlation between the intensity of OH-band absorbance and compositional zoning of jadeite with strong deformation indicates that Na-rich jadeite can accommodate more OH than Na-poor jadeite. Its interpretation is that there is more Na associated with greater OH availability in the initial crystallization environment. Our data of the comparatively high OH concentrations recorded in the core of the jadeite which contains relative high vacancies in M2 site imply that both OH content and the vacancies in M2 site could decrease during exhumation of the jadeite-quartzite. The decrease of OH solubility in jadeite would result in the formation of H2O fluid during the early exhumation of UHP metamorphic rocks. The H2O fluid transformed from OH during exhumation could trigger and enhance the early retrograde metamorphism of the host rocks and facilitate plastic deformation of jadeite grain by dislocation creep and diffusion creep.  相似文献   

From April, 2003 to September, 2004, a passive broadband seismic array consisting of 60 stations was deployed over the Tianshan orogenic belt by State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration. Among them, 51 stations make up an about 500-km-long profile across the Tianshan Mountains from Kuytun to Kuqa. The receiver function profile and S-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle down to 100 km deep are obtained by using the re-ceiver function method (Liu et al. 1996, 2000). The main results can be summarized as follows: (1) A clear mountain root does not exist beneath the Tianshan Mountains, and the crust-mantle boundaries underneath the stations mostly have transitional structures. This implies that the material differentia-tion between the crust and mantle is not yet accomplished and the orogenic process is still going on. (2) The crust beneath the Tianshan Mountains has laterally blocked structures in direction perpendicular to the mountain strike, and the crust-mantle boundary has a clear dislocation structure. Both of them correspond to each other. (3) The offsets of the Moho discontinuity are highly correlated to the tectonic borders on the surface and that corresponding to the frontal southern Tianshan fault reaches to 14 km. This manifests that large vertical divergent movement took place between different blocks. This sup-ports the discontinuous model of the Tianshan orogeny, and the Tarim block subduction is restricted only to the southern side of the South Tianshan. (4) Inside the upper and middle crust of the Tianshan Mountains exist several low-velocity bodies correlated with high seismicity located on the moun-tain-basin jointures on both sides of the mountain and between different blocks, and the low-velocity bodies on the mountain-basin jointures are inclined obviously to the mountain. This implies that the low-velocity bodies may be correlated closely to the thrust and subduction of the basins on both sides of the mountain, the splicing of adjacent blocks and the fast uplift of the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

A research on the Mesozoic fill-sequences of Hefei basin, located at the north foot of Dabie Mountains, shows two-phase evolution. The first phase, early- to mid-/late-Jurassic, is characterized by terrestrial clastic deposits, with four times of reverse-grading units at least, and forms greatly thick molass reconstruction in the mid-/late-phase, which reflects gradually strong thrusting-orogenesis in the north Dabie and flexural depression in the north foreland of Dabie Mountains. The second phase, late-Jurassic to Cretaceous, includes two-episode rifting processes. The first episode (J3) shows calc-alkalic and alkali volcanic rocks interstratified pyroclastic rocks, which may reflect upwelling igneous magma from mantle-source due to the Yangtze continent slab breakoff induced by deep subduction process. A suite of lacustrine, fluvial and piemount facies, about 3000 –3500 m in thickness, develops in the second episode (J3-K1), which reflects regional extensional setting and intense elevator diversity of mountain-basin in the study area. This research renews and deepens cognition for the Mesozoic Dabie orogenesis  相似文献   

Tong  WeiWei  Wang  LiangShu  Mi  Ning  Xu  MingJie  Li  Hua  Yu  DaYong  Li  Cheng  Liu  ShaoWen  Liu  Mian  SanDvol  Eric 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2007,50(2):227-233

A portable broadband seismic array was deployed from the northeast Tibetan Plateau to the southwest Ordos block, China. The seismic structure of the crust and uppermost mantle of the Liupanshan area is obtained using receiver function analysis of teleseismic body waves. The crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratios are estimated by stacking the weighted amplitudes of receiver functions. Our results reveal complex seismic phases in the Liupanshan area, implying intense deformation at the boundary between the Tibetan Plateau and the Ordos block. The average crustal thickness is 51.5 km in the northeast Tibetan Plateau, 53.5 km in the Liupan Mountain and 50 km in the southwest Ordos block, resulting in a concave Moho beneath the Liupan Mountain. The Poisson’s ratio of the Liupanshan area varies between 0.27–0.29, higher than the value of 0.25–0.26 to the east and west of the Liupan Mountain, suggesting partial melting in the lower crust. The variance in Poisson’s ratio across the Liupan Mountain indicates notable changes in the crustal composition and mechanical properties, which may be formed by the northeastward flow of the Tibetan lower crust during the India-Eurasia collision.


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